
Positive Actions Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Just love. Anytime you're spreading love, you're giving love, she really enjoys that. So start doing it some more."
"Happy birthday, yes, boom, four acts of kindness."
"Power is not something other people give you; it's something that rises up within yourself through consistent positive actions."
"If we want to get ahead of this thing, there's one thing everybody can do that's real simple: just be a nice person, inject good into this world, and I promise, eventually, it's gonna come back to you."
"Do something nice for somebody, pay it forward. It's not all bad stuff out there. They're just trying to focus us in on that stuff; there's a lot of good stuff happening too."
"Go tell someone you love them, be nice, eat some cheese and pasta - elite combination."
"I've always believed that the kindness you put out into the world always will come back to you."
"It's those small acts, those little things and then find the things that you can repeat often."
"I honestly think that the best way to get involved in the war of ideas and change hearts and minds is to act well."
"Meaningful actions make negativity unimportant."
"Try and be positive, say something nice today, do something nice today."
"Great thing that families are doing right now, absolutely great to see everyone pitching in."
"It's actions, positive, good-hearted actions that speak so much louder than words."
"When you do something nice, nice things happen."
"Quiet leads to Loving Thoughts, Loving Thoughts leads to loving action, loving action leads to peace."
"Hell yeah, it feels good to take care of your mother."
"Having alternatives to addictive behaviors is essential. You've got to have things that you say yes to."
"So cute, and we make a little difference every day."
"I think the meaning is to do a little bit more of the good things."
"Your good actions always come back to you in a positive way."
"It feels good to support things you like and believe in."
"You will be planting seeds throughout this day like there is no tomorrow."
"But running away isn't enough, we can't just run away from the bad, we also need to run towards the good."
"I'm doing this to make someone's day... because when I make someone's day, that makes my day."
"I'm realizing the power of habits and repeating actions, positive actions in your daily life every day."
"Everybody's happy just to see that you made somebody's day. It's just an awesome thing."
"Perpetuating ways to help the community and bring a little more light into the world."
"Do something nice for somebody when you're out in the public today."
"Doesn't doing good things like that make you feel great? Yeah, it does. I like doing good things, man. I like doing good things."
"If somebody does something good and it helps another party, both sides can benefit."
"We figured out that if we did good things for other people and each other, it fills up with presents."
"Find a way to make somebody around you smile today, you never know it might just change the world."
"Spread the love because that's what's gonna help our world."
"When you treat yourself with respect, you do respectable things."
"When you love yourself, you inevitably do things you love."
"Eat marmalade and be good to people and you'll make the world a better place."
"Spread love, spread kindness, do something nice for somebody today."
"Instead of bringing someone down go congratulate someone go help someone."
"Let your thoughts become actions but make sure they're positive, move towards your manifestation."
"Bless them. Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse them. Pray that God will bless them. Let your blessing that you give to people be very specific so that you will recognize it when it arrives."
"I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, it will start a chain reaction of the same."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is be kind to a stranger."
"Your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has."
"I'm trying to do something positive, I have a voice."
"People are gonna start to realize that's good to do good."
"It's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."
"Do something nice today. Put a smile on somebody's face. Yeah, make someone do this, just like that."
"I know that I can still use my voice for a lot of good things."
"Go out, do something nice for people today. Anyone, somewhere, just like the letter said, go do something for someone, somewhere. Cheer up their day. There's a lot of people out there that need cheering up."
"A boy does a small act of kindness and gets a gift in return."
"Just make somebody's day at least one time a week, okay?"
"Kindness is free, so sprinkle it everywhere." - Bambolino
"Your actions will have positive consequences on your daily lifestyle."
"Just do it. I think people would be like they would get they would get cheered in the crowd in the streets going yes finally finally."
"Hey, that was nice of him. That was super nice of him, actually."
"Every good deed generates another good deed... never let you down."
"It's like the reverse version of pledge rides that run around and they just fix things instead of the other way around."
"Every gesture of love, every moment of understanding, and every act of healing contribute significantly to the collective elevation of human consciousness."
"There's nothing we can do that can't be done with love."
"Be loving to other people, be kind and compassionate... just do it in small ways every day and I guarantee you're going to feel better."
"Put some beauty back in the world, be nice to somebody, put your shopping cart away."
"Actions come from a good place. It's about wanting good things for others, not just for yourself."
"Smile, be friendly, open a door, help someone in your community today."
"You planted good seeds... the seeds that you have planted are going to grow into something beautiful."
"If you feel peaceful, relaxed, awesome, successful, confident, and abundant, you typically will take action that is consistent with someone who is deserving of success and who expects to succeed."
"Remember the source of love, a loving action is all you need to begin."
"Be kind to people, do nice things, call your grandparents, and have a great day."
"Do random acts of kindness every once in a while."
"People are going to trust him because he does good things."
"If we have good energy and we're putting good energy out to the world then we're going to get good responses back."
"Kindness begins like ripples in water, one act of kindness ripples outwards and spreads."
"Remember to be good to each other... Give people the good things, good things happen."
"When you're armed with knowledge, you can go out there and you can make your own decisions and do something good."
"Spread happiness, spread a little bit of joy in the world."
"Do good, and good returns to you; do good, and good comes back to you."
"Leave something nice and positive today because sometimes that's all the difference."
"It's good that the thing that we see help someone out, right? It's good that that occurs."
"You have the power to create the life you want."
"I think the only way to break the cycle of like bad happening is to do something good."
"Please do good to others, spread kindness, inshallah our world will be peace now and future, inshallah."
"If I do something positive, it will pay itself back to me."
"I've been defending Gen Z for the last couple of months because Gen Z has done some things that I really have appreciated."
"Practice kindness right. Say every opportunity you have, say something kind, every opportunity you have, do an act of kindness."
"Just keep planting good seeds and it really it's an infinite Garden."
"Just keep doing good, and entrust yourself, your soul, to a faithful creator."
"When you start doing good things, your body feels it, your mind knows it, and you start to do good things that follow good things."
"People must above all do good things, hear good things, and see good things."
"Continue showing that compassion to the world."
"What you do has a ripple effect; people observe you doing the good thing and you become a positive social model."
"Do good things, good things come to you."
"We continue to try to do something good and something positive."
"Keep on doing those lovely things you're doing in the communities."
"When you do good, your positive Karma account goes up."
"You plant good seed and you will reap a good harvest."
"When you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."
"That's such a nice thing for somebody to say and do."
"Your friend telling a friend something nice could change their life."
"Once you start doing the right things, you can really start to break the negative cycle and perpetuate a much more positive one."
"All he was trying to do was just try to change his neighborhood and bring some great things back."
"I'm just going around doing some good."
"We're going to give flowers, to give love, positivity."
"I never want to be a taker... be a giver, pay it forward, and good things will happen."
"We're gonna have good karma after this."
"Stick to your morals, spread love."
"Keep focusing on you, keep doing the right things, and the right things will come to you."
"Do something good for yourself and for others as well."
"Let's all have fun, do something nice today for someone."
"When you do something good for someone... it has a habit of becoming a trend."
"I wanted to upload this video to show there are still some nice people in this world that care for others and think of them."
"Look inside your heart and take positive actions in those things that bring you closer to achieving your desired goals."
"Be sweet of thought, of word, and of action."
"A good man out of the good deposit of his heart bringeth forth good things."
"If you want good in your life, you have to do good."
"You're offering love, care, kindness, and you're gonna win."
"Caressing is much better than beating, and kissing is better than yelling and swearing."
"When you do that one thing in the morning for yourself, it then leads to another good decision, and another, and another."
"Practice random acts of kindness. Sending a supportive and positive email to someone every time you open your inbox is a random act of kindness that you can do that might make you feel better."
"Good works always creates good will, and Good Will opens the heart for good news."
"Kindness is like you doing basically happy things that make other people happy."
"Everyone matters, and even small actions have big ripple effects."
"There is something that I'd like to be modeled because there are good actions and bad actions; I want to do good actions."
"You must sow seeds of kindness, and that kindness will locate you and find you."
"Y'all have a heart, do something kind, what you do is going to come back to you."
"The ripple effect of gratitude reminds us that our actions, no matter how small, can have a profound impact on the world around us."
"It's not about the way you look, it's about the things you do that make you beautiful."
"Be kind to people, love on people, compliment people, let them know that you care."
"Not for revenge, but to boost goodness."
"I hope you're able to do something kind for somebody else today."
"Take care of your energy... do things that actually give you more energy."
"Your kindness to others inspires others to do the same."
"I wanted to show you that people can be good and forgive each other."
"Anything that you do right now is going to have a positive impact on your life."
"Sing a favorite song and along we can brighten every day with the things we do and say."
"See the love within you and know that if you cast it upon the waters, it will return to you tenfold."
"And when you feel good, you do good, and when you do good, you are good, and when you are good, everything is good."