
Government Accountability Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"Inspectors general play a critical role in keeping the public informed about how their government operates and in ensuring taxpayer money is used effectively and efficiently."
"It's important that we know what our governments do, and if they don't tell us, then somebody has to."
"We need to first establish a middle class that is able to hold the government accountable."
"The press... occupies in a free and open societies to contest the government's monopoly on information."
"I think hackers... bring balance to... governments... they are able to hold them accountable."
"The government violates America's constitutional rights every day, and there is no current legal mechanism to actually ameliorate that or to punish the people who do it."
"The American taxpayers and all of Americans deserve a government that represents them."
"Scientists should be aware of the possibility but ultimately it's the responsibility of governments and citizens to think about it and to prevent it from happening."
"The Chinese people are a good people but their government is not and it must be made to pay dearly."
"Don't just go along and be afraid. Don't be scared of the government. The government should be scared of the people."
"We hold a strong responsibility to make sure that our elections are run properly."
"The reality is that there are serious reforms that have to be done at the FDA, and this administration is not going to do it."
"It's not enough to give speeches; we must embrace fiscal responsibility."
"Perhaps the people who vote for me and pay for the government that I'm in charge of should be the ones I'd be concerned about as opposed to everything and everyone else."
"Without a free press, you have a government that can act with impunity."
"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts."
"A free press would hold all government officials equally accountable."
"We have created a very dangerous revolving door between our most critical institutions and the largest industrial companies in the United States."
"Wouldn't it be nice to be able to get your tax dollars back every time government workers screw you over, these cops do a horrible job and still get paid no matter what."
"Parliament is two things: holding the government to account and the central means of government."
"You have to be able to hold government to account."
"Freedom of Information Act: promoting transparency."
"We have to hold our government to a higher standard."
"We need to know how it started and why China covered up the early news of the virus."
"We've lost so much time on the investigations and allowed the Chinese so much more time to hide anything they want to."
"How we restore a government that fundamentally cares about the consent of the governed."
"Filming the police Falls squarely within the first amendment's core purposes to protect free and robust discussion of public affairs, hold government officials accountable and check abuse of power."
"If the government is mad about leaked information, it should blame itself and punish the leakers."
"Our government is not our nanny. We shouldn't allow them to do certain things that we allow them to do and get away with. They're responsible to us in many ways; we're not responsible to them."
"They're not allowed to lie to you. It's your government and you should demand better."
"You're being lied to and that you deserve better. Your government's not allowed to lie to you."
"Canadians expect opposition to hold the feet of a minority or majority government to the fire, not to work together for the benefit of government just for the sake of it."
"If citizens must follow the law which government always is reminding us citizens are obligated to follow the law then government officials must follow the Constitution and if they don't they have to be held accountable for it."
"The Chinese government has never allowed an independent investigation into the origins of Covid."
"These are fundamentally American ideals that we fought a revolution for in 1776 where we said we the people create a government that is accountable to us not the other way around."
"The American people need to know, in clear terms, how did this happen? Because that will impact holiday travel."
"When justice is not upheld equally and instead used by a political system to only target enemies of that political system while giving grace to themselves, that is not a representative government, that is a tyranny." - Joshua
"No American citizen should ever be treated like this by his or her own government."
"We're not here to give you guys a hard time, we're here for public accountability."
"Trump changed the culture of the United States by bringing back the idea that government serves the people, not the people serving the government."
"21 trillion missing from the budget sparks media attention and attempts at distraction."
"Members of Congress shouldn't be padding their own pockets and lining their own wallets. They ought to be focused on doing what the people sent them there to do." - Senator Josh Hawley
"Government uprisings are now a daily occurrence in our world. People in just about every nation are protesting, rioting, and demanding their governments do a better job taking care of the people."
"It's the duty of the people to monitor government to ensure it is being conducted in the public interest."
"The government is responsible for what's happening in the country today."
"All Americans have a right to know... Therefore, I expect an explanation." - Marco Rubio
"There's no reason why we shouldn't investigate the entire Biden Administration, his family, all of his business associations."
"Californians have a right to recall their governor when they have failed."
"Government should fear their people. People should not fear their government."
"If your government isn't looking out for you when we're facing an eviction crisis and societal collapse, do you ever expect them to look out for you?"
"I take full responsibility for everything done in this government and throughout the pandemic."
"The Magna Carta established a written covenant between the people and their rulers, that served as a model for the democratic governments we treasure today."
"The government serves at the pleasure of the people."
"Blaming members of the public... is a distraction from government failings." - Michael Walker
"If Congress isn't going to do their [ __ ], it's nice that somebody will."
"I think a lot of media attention all over the world, put pressure on the Honduran state to act responsibly and to do a genuine investigation."
"The uncovering of real conspiracies or cover-ups involving illegal, harmful, or unconstitutional activities by government officials or leading political figures."
"Freedom of speech has been the tool of the marginalized and of the oppressed to demand change."
"The government works for us yet it treats us as if we work for the government."
"Major victory for the states and the people who want to know what the federal government was doing, who they were colluding with to suppress information."
"We demand, on behalf of the ordinary people of Nigeria, that the federal government provides answers."
"We're coming to Washington DC to finish the work that the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. started when he said we're coming to get our checks from the government for breaking his promise of 40 acres and a mule."
"The government is not supposed to be weaponized against American voices. It's supposed to protect our constitutional rights and the Constitution is to protect us from the government and that's exactly what's at stake here."
"The emphasis needs to be on the accountability of government, not surveillance of the citizen."
"This is the biggest financial scandal in the history of capital markets anywhere and the government of day of the day is lacking the will."
"If this investigation isn't done the American people will lose faith in their government."
"Recognize that the government has had a role in playing a part in these problems."
"The money wasn't even important to them; they wanted the state to admit that they were wrong."
"Chairman Nadler says tonight that he has already obtained tens of thousands of pages of documents for his committee’s multiple investigations of the president and his campaign and his administration."
"Yesterday this Pinhead Matt Hancock testified before the UK's covid inquiry to figure out what went wrong and what went right, and news flash, nothing went right."
"As long as we hold the government accountable, we're going to come out on the right side."
"Don't be afraid to raise your hand and ask a question, don't be afraid to question your government."
"Do you guys think Congress should stop getting paid checks until they approve stimulus checks?"
"This is our moment to prove to the American people that the government works for them and not just big corporations and those at the very top."
"This is not asking for a handout it's asking for our taxpayer money to actually go back to the American people and help us."
"The crises that this White House faces are almost entirely self-created."
"As Americans, we all have a civic duty to hold our government accountable."
"So, along those lines, it's not just me talking. We do specific litigation to push these issues, to educate the American people, hold the government accountable, and protect the rule of law."
"Show up to hearings, even if it's complicated. We are their employers."
"He seems like a different person, and him, look at his worried face, he knows something's up, doubt come back."
"Strong defense keeps everybody, especially the government, honest." - Sharon Quinney
"When the government fears the people, you have democracy."
"It really is the question not of partisanship but of the people versus the state."
"The American public deserve to hear the story but let's start with this San Luis Vet President James Bullard."
"We need an economy and a government that work for all the people, not just wealthy campaign contributors."
"Panic in DC: Comey and communication with McCabe regarding testimonies." - Q
"If you make those routes unviable, if you crack down on roots of entry, the only thing you do is push people directly into the hands of people smugglers."
"British and European governments have to be held to account."
"Voting is about using the power we have and pulling it together to get a government that is more concerned, more responsive, more focused on you."
"A citizen's job isn't to sit back and let the government do anything they want to the citizen's job is to empower themselves with knowledge and information and hold their government to account."
"The government has got to get serious, we need sustained engagement and focus."
"The mere existence of a police investigation into Downing Street should pour shame on the Prime Minister."
"What's dangerous is suggesting that American citizens don't have a right to criticize powerful government officials."
"They've forgotten who puts them there, who pays their salaries."
"The Defense of Classified Secrets Act would require Federal officials to certify there are no classified documents in their possession within 30 days of vacating their position."
"No one's doing more in the way of uncovering and challenging government corruption than Judicial Watch."
"Your paycheck is derived from the people that you're supposed to be protecting and serving."
"If you embarrass the liars in our government and expose their lies, jail for you for a very, very long time."
"A lot of talk, no action. Somebody needs to take a hold of this because our elected officials are not."
"We need to make corporations and the government work for the needs of people, even if it requires drastic changes."
"This is fundamental to the nature of government when you take away the accountability, when you allow them to wield all the force in society and to have that monopoly and to write their own checks and to steal from us in taxation."
"Imagine your family member being made a promise that they relied on by the government. That promise is supposed to stand."
"What if we're actually seeing some FBI agents being brave and saying we're going to go after Biden?"
"No one, not even the President, is above the law."
"It's not a failure of the public; it's a failure of the government."
"No one is above the law, not even government agencies like the SEC."
"I believe in freedom for the individuals. I believe the government must justify their positions every single time."
"The fact that there are hearings on January 6 and none on May 29th tells you everything you need to know."
"You basically have corporations running roughshod over the people with government not doing its job of protecting the average person."
"Governments don’t always follow through on their words with deeds and noble ideas like buen vivir are not immune to being compromised."
"It's not just about Adani and his company, it's for the future because if the government wants to do a five trillion dollar economy, you can't do it if you have these kind of bogus things happening."
"On day one, we're going to make government work for us and stop telling us what to do."
"The Republicans fear most is sunlight and the truth."
"This is absolutely a crisis of the administration's own making."
"It is important when the government does the right thing for us to give them feedback."
"I love this because this is people speaking out these governments have to pay attention when enough of us rise up and I don't mean you have to go tear them apart just you just have to make yourself hurt so they understand what's at stake."
"How can it be unethical to pay for treatment when it is necessary and the government has promised you that care but won't deliver it?"
"When we chalk everything up to, 'that's their culture,' we have removed any and all responsibility of our government and 20 years of context we, as the media, are also responsible for."
"This man wants the government to just simply abide by its agreements."
"No government has the right to destroy the lives of the people which it is supposed to serve."
"We need a government who is afraid of its citizens."
"Those who initiate unjust force or violence on you when you have done no wrong are committing a crime even if the aggressor is an agent of government."
"It's a very disrespectful sign... to fight for our rights... and make sure the government is respecting our rights."
"You don't want to live in a country where it's possible to murder people in federal lock-up cover up the killings and then get away with them."
"Why can't we hold our government officials accountable?"
"The Department of State claimed that they had it in hand which meant that they were supposedly taking actions which they were not."
"The House needs to consider every power it has at this point."
"We need a special counsel because the Attorney General is not above the law and neither is Joe Biden."
"We need a free press to scrutinize, we need elections, we need the checks and balances."
"It's our job as people to hold the government accountable."
"Let us pledge, whoever is in power, that we never weaponize impeachment."
"Volunteerism creates a meaningful framework for your life. You don't have a Jesus or a God or a Lala Shiva to create that meaning, you have to create your own meaning, and volunteerism is one of the best ways of creating that meaning."
"If this was a dead soldier in France, they'd be doing everything they could to find the names and repatriate. This is someone who was killed by our own government."
"Questioning the government isn't that what we're supposed to do? Don't we have a constitutional obligation as citizens to question our government?"
"At some point, they're going to learn the people run the government, they work for us."
"Government is the only institution that can get away with giving themselves a raise when they fail."
"As corrupt as it is or as frustrated as people get with you know Trudeau not being able to answer questions these public inquiries are live."
"You have a government that cannot be held accountable because they are unwilling to do so."
"Government officials will vote against your interests unless you care one hundred percent of the time."
"It's our responsibility to make sure government delivers what it's supposed to."
"We're putting pressure on the government on behalf of you the American people so they follow the laws that the rest of us are expected to follow."
"There is no accountability within the Nassau County Police Department."
"It's deep to me fam and I still believe that when you learn about situations how the government set up people."
"This is an absolute failure of the most basic standards of government which is to look after people."
"These are former feds themselves saying, 'Hey, there's a problem, and we even see it.' And why is nobody doing anything about it?"
"People have an absolute right to demonstrate and protest the actions of government officials, including police officers."
"Pain is coming, and as pain starts to wake people up, the government is going to be in deep and serious trouble."
"Populism is the radical notion that if you are paying for a government, you should get something out of it."
"For the first time in at least four years, you now have a federal government that's willing to hold stakeholders accountable."
"I'm not naive, I realize it's the government versus us, but at least the government's got to answer to us."
"I just want them to actually make people's lives better."
"The only thing to do is to carry on criticizing them until they're driven from office."
"The President wants to make this all about the whistle-blower and suggest people that come forward with evidence of his wrongdoing are somehow treasonist and should be treated as traitors and spies."
"There's a very sharp disconnect between public policy and public preferences."
"We refuse to accept that congress could leave for vacation while 11 million people faced eviction for five days."
"The burden of proof has shifted to the government and the military to prove that they're not real."
"It will go down in history as one of the biggest scandals in US federal government history."
"Ultimately ministers could stop all of this stuff if they had the willpower and if they had the competency to do so."
"The level of Corruption of the Tory government... that is unforgivable."
"Marjorie Taylor Greene details out why Christopher Wray from the FBI must be impeached."
"The article titled 'Court document revealed Canada's travel ban had no scientific basis'... this is pretty damning for the government as it stands."
"Qualified immunity shields government officials from liability unless it's proven they violated a clearly established right."
"We feel helpless and we want our government to work for us."
"The purpose of the freedom of the press is to hold corrupt government accountable."
"It is outrageous that the Department of Justice refuses to investigate the deadly, must-admit orders issued by the governors in New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan."
"If you're a taxpaying American citizen, they work for you."
"For too long a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost."
"Do your job. It's not enough to do investigations and reports; we need to stop government corruption and abuse."
"Our governments are not taking the action required. They're talking the talk, but they're not walking the walk."
"The US government is prosecuting someone for a publication that exposes government crimes."
"A legitimate protest would be when the people refuse to let these politicians go home until they step down."
"It is so incredibly destructive of the President of the United States to withhold this assistance as part of a scheme to pressure Ukraine."
"If people's tax money is paying the [ __ ] government, those documents should be released to us."
"There's only one person who's responsible for fixing that problem and that is the elected representative of the people of that district."
"The only thing that you can come up with for them doing this is the fact that obviously they're bought off, obviously they're responding to corporations. They're addressing corporate interests, and that's really who they work for."
"I hope the new Congress looks into this... and hold these agencies to account."
"If the government's in violation of its own laws, there ought to be some sort of consequence."
"It's not acceptable for any government to suggest it might just ignore a Court ruling."
"They just sued the government recently and I believe that there are still some questions about how they'll be compensated but mainly they just want some sort of recognition."
"If ignorance is not an excuse for the accused, then it's not for the government; they should be held to a higher standard because they have a duty to protect constitutional rights."
"I do believe we need a political revolution where millions of people stand up and say loudly and clearly that our government belongs to all of us and not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors."
"The newspaper played a pivotal role in exposing government corruption, including the Watergate Scandal."
"The priority is to hold the government to account first and foremost."
"I encourage everybody to record when they do business with the government."
"The appetite again for stability, for government accountability, for economic opportunities is still dominant in their thinking."
"The government has to be held accountable for its actions."
"We need to have our federal government be held to account for trying to stop black people from exercising their First Amendment rights."
"There was a freedom of expression within certain limits, but no freedom of speech as an institution that the people, the society at large, could rely on to hold the government to account."
"What really happened in Niger? Why was the Pentagon accused of lying about the incident? Was there a CIA cover-up?"
"The American people deserve to know what their tax dollars are funding and what the government knows."
"He believes that the government was doing the wrong thing, and this was his means by which to blow the whistle and shine a light on it."
"The government generally did not take adequate steps to prosecute or punish officials who committed abuse resulting in a climate of impunity."
"I would love to live in a country where the government fears its citizens."
"I'm just a journalist, peaceful journalist asking questions of my government."
"If the government fails to protect these rights, citizens should overthrow that government."
"It's extremely important for government to remember that they are our servants, they are not our overlords."
"It's symptomatic of a corporate state that is either unable or unwilling to respond to the most basic demands of its citizenry, which is not to be murdered in the streets of its cities."
"The cycle of villainizing or canonizing government employees who report what they believe is wrongdoing has to stop."