
Vanity Quotes

There are 351 quotes

"Vanity is meaningless, even if we killed it, even if we had the biggest shows, the biggest hit songs, the best cars. All right, for what? It's all going to go from dust to dust."
"We're going to be talking about pride. Now, I'm a proud creature, a vain, narcissistic little thing. And you know what? It's great, actually."
"Vanity just has no place in performance or art." - Anna Kendrick
"Learn to put God first... any life or pursuit outside Him is vain."
"Humans are animals and the only reason we don't admit that is because of our vanity."
"The only problem with kissing a 10 out of 10: the mirror is cold."
"Vain men never hear anything but praise." - From "The Little Prince"
"This extreme vanity is probably masking some deep insecurities."
"Most of them just wanted to pursue some idea of vanity. Perhaps what they needed was mental therapy to improve their self-esteem and perception of the world, instead of simply having a nose job just because society tells them that small noses are better than big ones. I now understand that."
"It's cool to say I own that it's cool to drive by and say are you cool to go to this restaurant is that that doorknob it's cool to say that but I mean like how much of that is really just vanity."
"He was very vain and considered himself as a fashion icon."
"Trump is obsessed with ratings. Even bragging about the number of viewers his daily coronavirus briefings drew."
"I looked in the mirror today and what did it say? It said I was the fairest of them all."
"Vanity is definitely my favorite sin... I am the chosen one."
"Vanity, well-fed, is benevolent; vanity hungry is spiteful."
"I spent a thousand on this [ __ ] hair makeup."
"RJ put on a big show of showing off the boat to Christopher Walken, walking him around. Kind of like peacocking, measuring contest sort of thing."
"Sin is our punishment for our vanity and it will not go away until we have atoned."
"Vanity pressure, which is my new word for this, is just causing everybody to make choices to alter their faces, and at this point, it's unhealthy."
"I'm here for vanity and you never forget it. I grabbed two elytras, two dragon heads, and some other stuff. It was a good day."
"Vanity is sad, and it's like I became obsessive, and it's so normalized too, I think as a culture, looking young forever is so idolized."
"It has to be like a Monumental [ __ ] up to like because it's not just yeah it's vanity it's yeah it's everything."
"The day that you learn to abandon all vanity is the day you'll stop being a starving artist."
"I was very desperate to keep my hair, and I was willing to pay any amount of money."
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
"Look at that youth in a bottle, that's what I'm talking about!"
"Charles Hoskinson: 'I shaved, notice that? Yeah, y'all mind if I take a selfie? This is going on Twitter, alright, thank you so much, appeal to vanity.'"
"Is the desire to enhance one's appearance inherently vain?"
"I have seen everything that is done under the Sun and behold, all is vanity."
"He’s far from perfect, but Howl is too focused on his looks anyway."
"Physical appearance can be an addiction... they're never satisfied with their own physical appearance."
"Adult Pauline took special pride in her looks, her outfits, and her skill of flirting."
"How can you be so damn vain in a society that's falling apart before your eyes?"
"It's just going for the likes, internet, like, really appeals to the vanity in everyone."
"People have fought wars over these eyebrows."
"Who is the fairest in all the land?" - the Queen's fatal mistake.
"Don't let vanity get in the way of doing the right thing."
"Check out all the counter space that you get on this vanity."
"I let the fame get to my head, I let the vanity creep in, I let the narcissism creep in."
"Who is the fairest treasure hunter of them all?"
"I'm just very attractive with great hair."
"I always travel with a compact mirror as well because you'll know if you follow any of my travel vlogs or anything, I get quite upset when there's not like a mirror near natural daylight."
"Vanity is definitely my favorite sin."
"You can't stop what's coming. It ain't all waiting on you. That's vanity."
"Spider-Man 3 is a story about vanity and ego."
"I look good, I mean really good, so humble."
"He's a narcissist, isn't he? He puffs himself up he's so full of himself he writes cods wall up and um um Revels in people's um admiration even though they are probably doing it in bad faith as well it's just fashion fashion fashion."
"This is a Neil Breen level vanity project."
"I'm sure John is a really nice guy in real life, but this is a Neil Breen level vanity project."
"It's perfect for putting your makeup on in the morning which is kind of scary because you can see a lot when you get those bright light Beauty mirrors."
"An act of colossal folly and colossal vanity."
"Please follow me on TikTok and Instagram if you want to see pretty pictures of my face."
"Vanity of vanities," sayeth the preacher. "All is vanity."
"I even got to bed and put fresh makeup on the go to bed. In case I die in the night, at least I look nice when I'm dead."
"Admire my hair for a while why don't you?"
"I have a beautiful physique and I love to show it off, it's my one vanity now that my hair is all gone."
"'I ain't gonna lie, her hair is on point though.' But they are self-centered, at least from the way that y'all presented her."
"From such an appeal all those weaknesses of vanity, self-complacency, self-interest from which it is hardly possible to be free when appealing to men are absent."
"It's not enough for him to be violent and deadly, he wants to be seen to be violent and deadly."
"A major trend for bathrooms that I'm actually liking is the freestanding vanity."
"Living only for the satisfaction of the senses, such a person lives in vain."
"If you have the space and you also don't want to see your husband doing weird things get a makeup table."
"Popularity is vain, that's vanity."
"I have to look good. I have to get powder. Oh my God, I have to, okay."
"He is a man who's positively bursting with self-importance and vanity."
"I genuinely use it, like it's on my vanity over there."
"I think because of society and how we get a little too much of the vanity looks are more important than actual function."
"I recently did get a new vanity if you guys didn't know."
"So she chose death because she cared so much about how she looked. She was so vain. That is so crazy."
"I was so vain. I was like, I've lost all the weight. I don't care."
"Please after I just got my hair done I don't see nothing in the Bible about no helicopter."
"I got a hilarious achievement called a rain buddy for using a bottled rainbow which gave me a very sick vanity accessory as well."
"Perfect crimes aren't much fun if I'm the only one to know. Whom am I going to show off for?"
"The killer was a vain man, and his vanity demanded that he be praised for his brilliance."
"You know they only come second to our beautiful hair."
"If I pander to my ego, I'm just another slave, a casualty of vanity."
"How could he not pick me? I have perfect hair, Perfect Teeth plus I just love Paris."
"The strength of vanity and ego vs. the strength of wisdom."
"The peacock walks with vanity and pride and throws open its tail and wings and laughs, admiring the handsomeness of its dress."
"I've never looked in the mirror and I look all right I look good oh my God oh my God."
"The scoffer doesn't want to be wise in the first place. It's all vanity."
"A cultivated and decent man cannot be vain without setting a fearfully high standard for himself and without despising and almost hating himself at certain moments."
"In all the wisdom that y'all have given him, he said, 'When he had a chance to really sit back and analyze everything, he said, 'What, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.'"
"I want to look really good because I spent a lot of time trying to look good."
"What a burden in danger is vanity. There is nothing about which one could not be vain."
"Cuz I don't use my vanity much anymore."
"A vanity is something that I will never ever purchase."
"Destiny arrives all the same and now it's here or should I say I am. Made sure the camera was at the best angle, got the Eliante diamonds glistening."
"I'm into business, I mean, am I vain about it sometimes? But then I look at myself and I go 'who cares'?"
"I realised that Poirot's vanity was of the case-hardened variety."
"I love how you include in the book that I think got like 14 year voted Vanity Fair's like hottest teen."
"Vanity is what constitutes a sin."
"I have an oversized living room so my vanity and all of my makeup actually live in my living room."
"He's got the vanity of a bad actor and the arrogance of a great writer."
"Apparently, we've desired to see our image since earliest human history, but for most of human history, that intimate knowledge of your appearance was a rare thing, a luxury that was only available to the rich."
"Thy heart was lifted up because of thy Beauty."
"Your bags and accessories must be happier to be used by a beautiful person like me."
"I don't even have to wear mascara, my eyelashes are getting... don't want to jinx myself."
"Tick Tock has taken people by storm. People love being on it, flipping through it. People love posting themselves on it because people are very vain nowadays."
"There's more to life than looking yourself in the mirror 9 times a day."
"But I loved it I was very athletic I didn't spend any time in front of a mirror."
"I have seen all the works that are done under the Sun and indeed all is vanity."
"Thomas Kincaid was very vain, branding himself as 'Thomas Kincaid, the painter of light.'"
"Every time I be seen, I want to be the best looking."
"We have come to a point where vanity and ego and insecurity and drugs and mental illness and money have become people's gods to the point that they have forgotten about the reason this was created."
"Outward Beauty fades it is but a vapor inward beauty that we already possess we already have because we are created in the image and the likeness of God that's not fade it's unfading."
"One thing I love about this vanity, it's super easy to clean."
"You're So Vain you probably thought this phone booth was about you."
"It's a reality search, isn't vanity. It's to never search your own name."
"I'm not vain, I'm insecure." - Mariah Carey
"She looked more like a hideous wax doll than a living breathing human being she should stop and let nature take its course he thought but the Quest for youth was beyond rationale."
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me who is the fairest of them all."
"She even traveled all the way to Grimm Forest just to buy a magic mirror that would tell her how great she was."
"Think about users having three attributes: lazy, vain, and selfish."
"If I want to be a little vain, you know what, I'm OK with that."
"Mrs. Ford and President Ford had such an incredible sense of humor and a lack of vanity about themselves."
"Oh my god, do you think I've got enough blush on there?"
"Vanity of vanities," says the preacher, "all is vanity."
"It's better to look good than to feel good."
"It's a cautionary tale about becoming so swept up in vanity that you become disconnected from the other admirable qualities of your character."
"You know, just think about my hair."
"The truth is that the concern about age and hotness is so much less important when you're married because there's so many different parts of being attracted to your partner and vanity and looks are just a small subset of it."
"When I get out of the pool, I shake off like that, yeah, I turn back, let them have a nice look, and then I put the goggles up there's no way you'd keep your goggles on for the walk."
"Come now, I will make a test of pleasure; enjoy yourself. But behold, this also was vanity."
"I'm so in love with my hair that I'm annoyed at myself."
"The invitation is to experience it as this burning, turning, the bonfire, a bonfire, the bonfire of the vanities really because it is a vanity because it's for me."
"I'm too pretty to work. You know what's my life? I feel that. I feel that 100%."
"Acclaimed Beauties are not to be trusted. They are too full of themselves."
"An imagination has been created and now you work to try to recreate what you have imagined. That is called a vain imagination."
"I'm gonna keep this one aside for my vanity because I love the way that it looks."
"Good resolutions are useless attempts to interfere with scientific laws. Their origin is pure vanity."
"Nothing makes one so vain as being told that one is a sinner."
"I shall grow old, and horrible, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young."
"Life may not be perfect, but your hair can be."
"I saw myself in a city where people just enjoying themselves, vanity upon vanity upon vanity"
"I think everyone's had the same problems in lockdown, plus it hides the gray, baby. It hides the gray."
"Palm Beach sounds wonderful, but my hair is a mess and my luggage is in the attic."
"We writers have great vanity from the great Shakespeare down to me."
"A little girl becomes a lovely lady with the vanity all her own."
"I just look, I just think I look better during it. I'm trying to find a mirror. I look at myself the whole time. I'm like, 'Dang, look at that. I got a chest now.'"
"Life is meaningful with God; without Him, it's vanity."
"It is better to look good than to feel good."
"I'm really happy with the ones that I have although again I feel like I have one too many storage objects up here on the surface of my vanity."
"The vain title character of which Oscar Wilde novel sells his soul for eternal youth?"
"It takes somebody who absolutely sees through the pretensions of power in all its forms and the kind of vanities of the world to be able to pull it off."
"Wrestlers are so vain that instead of celebrating Christmas, they celebrate songs that they think are about them."
"In all these vain things that charm you most, you will gladly sacrifice them all."
"Tommy doesn't want to be on camera because he's too good-looking and he makes me look ugly."
"The vanity... I'm obsessed with this vanity."
"That's the most beautiful thing I've seen since I looked in the mirror this morning."
"Once you start getting to the health aspects because the vanity, I was like, 'I mean girl, like, I'm so cute. It's not that deep.' But once we start getting to the health aspect, I was like, 'Alright, let me listen and really consider this.'"
"It's a tanning brag. Kind of swaggy though."
"It's the fake tan filled by money man."
"Your veneers are so great because you went to one of the most expensive doctors in Beverly Hills but my second theory is because you didn't shave down your teeth they were popovers"
"This person is going to be staring in the mirror so many times throughout this date."
"Brand spanking shiny, literally shiny. Look at the gleam on that scalp. It's fantastic."
"Sometimes criminals want credit for their crimes because of vanity or for revenge."
"I still like my face to basically look perfect."
"I have a problem similar to Shawn's I too am a very good-looking male and so many other guys at school are jealous of me because all the girls want me."
"Everything is Vanity, everything is Vanity, everything is Vanity."
"They're just showing off. That's all they're just showing off."
"I'm gorgeous, why not? Soak it up. What else are they going to look at, Craig?"
"I love talking [__] about myself."
"Vanity is not really what you think it is. Vanity has really nothing to do with those things and it's all about your heart and your attitude in your mind."
"The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro by them that seek after death."
"Ravenna asks the mirror who’s the fairest of all. The mirror melts into gold that forms a humanoid body. The Mirror Man assures her that she is still the fairest."
"Best makeup, of course, has to go to Moi, honey."
"Human hair, there's nothing like it. It's expensive, it's a lot of work, and most of the time, it's not worth it. But when you actually have it, girl, that look, that luster, ugh, nothing like it."
"Nietzsche's philosophical task is to remind us that we're vain little animals, exposing our conceit."
"Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity."
"Overall, reunion part one was cute. I give it a B-minus. It was cute for what it was, but there's really nothing to talk about this season outside of the Bolo situation. It was a dry season, but I mean, I served glamour and looks, so that's all I really cared about."
"I did not take you as a vain gentleman, Mr. Cobbot. Surely you do not believe affection is only granted to those of physical beauty? If that were true, none of us would be loved after reaching two in forty years," Mr. Tuttle Kirk said.
"We all want to turn back the clock, for some it's for vanity, others just to relive those Glory Days."
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the flyest one of all?"
"I'm vain, of course I'm vain. That's why I comb my hair the way I do, I stay in shape the way I do."
"Unless the Lord builds the house, they that labor, labor in vain."
"I want letters in pure gold 1 foot high, the name of the ship is Crowder's Folly."
"This is the finished vanity for now, my lipstick section over here looks so much better."
"The James Bond of the 16th century needs to be aware of his own beauty, his own handsomeness as well as that of others."
"Passive greed and vanity will always lead to one's downfall."
"It's about vanity, it's about girls looking into the mirror and looking for a better image of themselves."
"We're building a Mona Lisa, find a muscle, who cares how much you can lift when you can't take your shirt off, you know what I'm saying?"
"Wealth gotten by vanity shall diminish, but he that gathereth by labor shall increase."
"Vanity is deceitful... it gives you an imbalanced and an unrealistic picture of who you really are."
"...recognize a point in life after which one must leave vanity behind after which one should accept the fact of age and move on."
"Girl before a mirror: the narrative seems a modern psychological inversion of the old theme of vanity."
"If you could have fame and fortune, all the wealth you could obtain, yet you have not Christ within, your living here would be in vain."
"It's chasing the wind, all of that materialistic stuff."
"He who gives himself to vanity, and does not give himself to meditation, forgetting the real aim of life and grasping at pleasure, will in time envy him who has exerted himself in meditation."
"If beauty is pain, then look upon me and weep, for I am the most beautiful creature thine eyes can be blessed to witness."
"I could never look myself in the mirror... and I love looking at myself in the mirror."
"The main decoration of my house will be the awesome mirror, hello pretty girl."
"Pride is defined as inordinate and unreasonable conceit of one's own beauty, wealth, and accomplishments."
"Such a pity to destroy a handsome young face. Stay with me, Percy. All you have to do is look up."
"As a man, if you're wealthy, successful, and you have access to anything you want, laying on the table and getting cosmetic surgery is insane."
"And the Lord gave Abram an understanding heart, and he knew all the works of that generation were vain."
"The great mirror wall... was so finely made and so reflective that the king would actually walk by it daily to admire his own reflection."
"Apollo was especially vain about his musical powers."
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in this land is the fairest of all?"
"Pride is unjustified. It stands upon the sand, or worse than that, it puts its foot upon the waves of the sea that give way beneath its step - or worse still, it stands upon bubbles that soon must burst beneath its feet."