
Dating Dynamics Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Abundance allows you to escape that nice guy mentality, chase women, and become the guy that women chase."
"Indeed, why do I have to date my ex-fiancée and her sister? It's so awkward."
"The dating game has changed because ladies have changed."
"It's like the rules of the Jungle when it comes to dating; women are hypergamous, they will pursue the best option available to them."
"When you offer to pay your half, that means wow, you want to be here, you ain't just come for no free meal."
"Most blue pill guys rely on touchy-feely emotional crap they've been sold. But when she starts imprinting on more dominant guys, changes happen."
"The red pill is realizing that no there is sexual market value women value things like Fame, physical attraction, resources... That's the red pill."
"I like it when a girl makes the first move... I don't mind that kind of stuff at all."
"Women are maybe think they're in a relationship and they're sharing higher quality guys."
"He's attracted to you and he can talk to you and be himself."
"She has to be chasing you bro when a g is into you she she is annoying bro"
"Effortless women in the dating world adopt victimhood mentalities to express their anger and angst."
"Men love dating older women. What lifetime is this?"
"Men who have a lot of options don't commit to women generally speaking."
"If he doesn't chase you, your ass is not getting this."
"Women do not approach dating and relationships the same way men do. Most men have been incorrectly taught to make a mad dash to the relationship finish line by proving themselves and getting women to commit as quickly as possible."
"Men are not going to date you because a lot of the girls out here are not worth dating."
"Dudes are on dates spewing everything about their personal lives, talking a lot."
"It kind of feels like a fake dating scenario... she's being incentivized to date him."
"One of the most ignored and misunderstood phenomena in our modern age is the imbalance in the sensual dating market between men and women."
"Connectivity is the final nail in the coffin for men's sensual market value today."
"When a woman starts pulling away and you start chasing after her she's gone right."
"Younger women are dating older guys because they're established, mature, and confident."
"You're getting premium dating from a premium guy."
"If a girl really likes you that's when less game is needed."
"Men have to do all the work and all women have to do is sit there and wait for everything to fall on their lap."
"When a woman is dating, we're supposed to be paying attention to the man, paying attention to where can I get in, where can I be valuable, how can I help, how can I support."
"Dating preferences inherently come with a certain amount of selfishness and that is something all people should accept."
"High value men are rare. Beautiful women are common."
"Guys who are confident are not going to date you; they're gonna tell you exactly what they think."
"So let's call this what it really is: feminists outraged that regular guys don't want to date somebody who holds fringe ideological beliefs."
"You are dating her past, you're dating his past."
"Stop thinking that when a woman loses interest, she must've never been interested."
"The way that the western culture has set up dating makes you damn stupid."
"It's almost like women go on dates that they have no interest in the man at all. Crazy how that works, right?"
"Women will chase you if you act like a fucking man."
"You're hot and a normal person's trying to [ __ ] you."
"95 percent of women pass on guys that means that they find 95 percent of men somebody they don't want to match with on a dating app."
"These girls, even the ones that are like 5s and 6s, their social value is chilled up here because you get a lot of guys even good-looking guys just trying to take them home, it's desperate."
"This is the ideal situation... dating two people."
"Allow the man you’re interested to pursue you."
"Men love that romantic, and that's a spread opener."
"Nice guys get punished for being nice guys so how guys have to approach dating in today's day and age in the modern age is you be a gentleman to the girls that deserve it."
"Doesn't their dating pool of men to choose from shrink because most women want to date a man on their level or higher?"
"Your sexuality is about you, not about the person you're dating right now or not dating."
"If she's willing to come all the way to my place, park her car and come up the elevator and get it on in the first date before anything happens, that is genuine burning desire."
"Thank you my love aka he's taking me on a date that I'm gonna pay for but the thought counts."
"Men with options are going to find another option, which means women who are actually in shape."
"If you want a faithful guy, it's pretty easy to find when one in three men are either virgins or haven't had sex in the past year."
"The harder that we try, the greater that our output and our experiences when it comes to love and dating."
"Women really have all their leverage when it comes to dating and relationships nowadays."
"Some moments are particularly direct and obvious."
"That's masculine energy for her to ask you out, but it's feminine energy for a woman to want to keep the communication in between dates."
"It's like when you're going on dates, you're holding it in, you finally get alone, that's how I felt."
"He selected her as just one of many options and that's why he bounced when he saw that hm she wanted something serious and he just wanted to have fun."
"Guys tend to find out this when dudes are out there dating and they put effort into modern women, modern women withdraw from men."
"...I've got bad news for her those top 10% men that she claims she's going after because she's now financially secure doesn't want her because they can get younger women with less entitlement."
"The more you stand on your square, the more attractive you are, and then the more you start to see more women cooperating."