
Environmental Science Quotes

There are 475 quotes

"January 2024 was the hottest January ever recorded."
"Understanding how our planet and its climate are changing is the foundation for a more resilient and sustainable future."
"An interconnected community or in English, the first true ecosystem developed. Essentially, it was these cyanobacteria, these phytoplankton, that jump-started all other life on Earth."
"The citric acid cycle is self-amplifying; it works from the environmental sources of carbon, it works from the Earth's sources of electrons, and everything in the biosphere is made from it."
"The evidence for climate change has kind of become incontrovertible."
"The oceans are the kidneys of the earth; they recycle material and filter it out."
"The law of tolerance states that the abundance and/or distribution of an organism can be controlled by certain factors where levels of these exceed the maximum or minimum limits of tolerance of that organism."
"The reason global warming is happening, I strongly believe, has very little to do with the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and has everything to do with denuded soil systems around the world."
"We're going to figure out how big of a deal the emission of rocket launches actually are."
"The lessons learned from Iceland's dynamic geology will undoubtedly contribute to our global efforts to understand and protect our planet."
"Our super plant is going to bury that CO2 in the ground in a stable polymer."
"With new satellite data, we might finally get a more complete picture of just how much methane is leaking into the atmosphere."
"I'm an archaeologist, I'm an environmental scientist, I'm an author, but my big thing is I'm a science communicator."
"The satellite will survey nearly all the water on Earth's surface in unprecedented detail."
"One often overlooked part of the planet which happens to have hundreds of lakes is Antarctica."
"These 450-foot long ice drill samples can tell researchers a lot about the conditions on our planet many years ago."
"Our knowledge of climate change is still imperfect, but it's a field scientists have been building on for decades."
"All wind is the rising and falling of hot air in the environment. Once you understand that, a lot makes sense about weather patterns."
"Our Earth would not have oxygen in the atmosphere if it were not for plant life, by photosynthesis generating the oxygen that otherwise would oxidize rocks and vanish."
"We have to start somewhere, so we start with the environment we know."
"Climate change changes the areas that are hotter get hotter, the areas that are drier get drier, and the areas that get wetter get much more wet."
"The earth is almost entirely solar-powered today... The amount of energy that reaches us from the Sun is tremendous."
"The more we can understand the oceans, the more we understand climate."
"Cloud seeding...they spray chemicals from a plane to create rain and storms. Are you serious? Dead serious."
"Bacteria can do more than just make us sick; metal-absorbing species could help clean up metal pollution or recover valuable metals from electronic waste."
"The idea that we can't definitively know what will happen with climate change, but we can take educated guesses based on current trends."
"A healthy hectare of functioning perennial pasture can contain more carbon than a hectare of tropical rainforest."
"Their poop is very important for fertilizing their environment. It's the basis for a lot of the food chains."
"The crucial thing is the wet bulb temperature... as soon as you can no longer cool your body temperature... you die."
"We know sea level rise is happening, we know it's accelerating."
"Life does not pause at all during the polar night. We now know that the polar night is a flurry of ecological activity."
"Thanks to properly regulated hunting practices, wildlife biologists and environmental scientists can not only conserve populations of animals but help them thrive in a world being overrun by cities, livestock, and farming."
"The depths of the ocean are fundamental to our future."
"Sea mounts due to their geological formations serve as hotpots for biodiversity."
"Understanding the past can help us deal with the present Anthropogenic Extinction."
"Ocean currents and tides are an enormous amount of renewable energy just waiting to be harvested."
"The air we breathe comes from trees, algae, those other things. Without them, we die."
"Understanding this is something that we should all care about."
"Earth is the only planet we know of so far to have large bodies of liquid water on its surface covering more than 70 percent of the planet."
"The plants, fungal life-forms, and creatures all had a deeply symbiotic relationship, creating a perfectly balanced ecosystem."
"Tesla believed in the power of harnessing energy from the natural environment."
"It is unequivocal that human activities are responsible for climate change."
"Scientists believe that within a decade, the wreckage of the Titanic will be gone entirely, disappeared all because of bacteria in the ocean."
"The sobering new climate report: What you need to know."
"Green carbon is the carbon of living things, it's the carbon of the carbon cycle, it's the carbon of our climate."
"Green carbon does not cause climate change because it can't cause climate change. It already is our climate."
"You can't negotiate with physics, there's a carbon budget, it doesn't budge."
"What will that study do? To reduce greenhouse gases."
"Climate change is real and if you don't think that, you need to look into it."
"Global warming is real, climate change is real, these are happening."
"Cloud seeding has always been something for people who have more money than sense," remarked Gavin Schmidt, a senior climate advisor at NASA.
"Methane degrades in the atmosphere a little faster than carbon dioxide does, but over a 20-year time Horizon, methane is like even more potent than CO2."
"Eliminating CO2 from the air we breathe is the key to our survival."
"Wherever you find water on Earth, you find life."
"Finland's landmass is rising due to post-glacial rebound."
"The links between soil health and gut health are just so obvious."
"One of the crazy things about mushrooms is that they produce 50 million tons of spores every year and can help to trigger the formation of rain and snow."
"Life emanates from soil on the land, not in the ocean." - Patrick Moore
"Scientists are hoping the discovery will bring more widespread attention to the plague of plastic pollution across our world."
"We have to rethink everything we know about climate change."
"There is such a thing as too much CO2 and we want to keep the elements in balance."
"Scientists have taught spinach to send emails."
"The Philippines has the largest level of marine biodiversity in the world."
"Is climate change causing the wildfires? Climate change is definitely playing a role in the wildfires."
"Because science is telling us that we don't have a moment to lose to fight against all four of these crises."
"The ocean is the planet's lungs not the forests macron you idiot and the widespread death of plankton is actually a serious problem that needs solving within our lifetimes."
"Understanding how it used to behave and how it might behave in the future is important for understanding the changes that are happening right now."
"Global warming, constantly caused by human activities, is indeed making the overall temperature of the Earth rise, leading to the melting of ice caps and glaciers."
"With 98% of its surface being covered in a mile-deep sheet of ice, Antarctica is an unforgiving environment. Life is a rare occurrence in this severe climate, which is considered the driest, coldest, and windiest desert on planet Earth."
"Cars emit exhaust because this combustion reaction is not perfect."
"Trees eat carbon, there's just any others have to ignore all of these fake metrics."
"Recreating the original ecosystem might be a necessity for survival."
"Without green light, life as we know it would cease to exist."
"The tide is directly tied to regulating the temperature on this planet. Otherwise, we'd end up in another Ice Age."
"Our oceans cover More than 70% of the Earth's surface but did you know that over 80% of them remain unexplored being too deep too cold or too dangerous these places are home to Secrets most people have never seen until now"
"The idea that we can have this species that can tell us so much about how to survive, well, that's a whole another subject right there."
"Do you happen to know what things plants need to grow? They need light and water and dirt or soil packed nutrients and you need the right temperature."
"For the rainforest and the river are interdependent."
"Satellite supplied data has been critical to confirm the true extent of the climate crisis we're facing."
"The diversity of plants and animals in the world's rainforests is staggering."
"Wood is carbon neutral, wood is stronger than steel compared to its weight."
"The reason that climate change has become a lot more important recently is because scientists have worked out that we have about 12 years."
"We don't have ten years. We are locked into going over two degrees if you include cooling aerosols and the last 40 years in the next ten years of warming and positive feedback loops that aren't even included in the actual models."
"Global temperature records: no downward trend."
"The Dead Sea is regarded as one of the saltiest water bodies in the world, almost 9.6 times as salty as the ocean."
"In nature, there is nothing resembling equal opportunity."
"Now we see the global temperature from 1880 all the way to 2018."
"Biochar is like you're basically taking leftover like a dead tree instead of letting a dead tree kind of rot and slowly kind of release all of its stored carbon."
"We know that 99.8% of the carbon that is in our atmosphere is caused through natural causes..."
"Our earth is a giant container of water in which all forms of life arose."
"Without CO2, which is a non-toxic natural gas in the atmosphere, life would come to an end."
"Corals can't grow back overnight... with more corals disappearing each day, this state of emergency has forced scientists and marine biologists to work on a faster way to repopulate the reef."
"Venice is on track to be submerged in water by 2100."
"In environmental modeling, RNNs aid in predicting future environmental markers for climate impact analysis."
"Capturing the CO2 though from these emissions and then burying the CO2 has been the dream of many scientists."
"Geoengineering won't hurt a bit, at least compared with climate change, and it deserves serious investigation."
"50 to 80% of Earth's oxygen comes from the ocean."
"An important factor leading to frequent geological hazards in the Three Gorges reservoir area is the deterioration of the reservoir banks."
"Certain bacteria have developed the ability to break down and consume PET, the most common plastic found in the environment."
"Nights have warmed nearly three times as fast as days during fire season, lowering nighttime humidity and supporting unprecedented nocturnal fire behavior."
"Nature is very used to dealing with these materials for millions of years."
"CO2 is not a pollutant. You know what's a pollutant? Lead, sulfur dioxide."
"Even the grandest of grand solar minimums comes nowhere close to compensating for the warming that humans CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions will cause."
"The Arctic is warming. That is not an assumption, a belief, a theory, or a political stance."
"The sun is separating us from all other life on the planet right now."
"The total environmental impact follows a similar trend if production and disposal phases are responsible for most the environmental impact."
"Ice circles are extremely rare natural phenomena which occur only in slow-moving water at a particular speed and at a right temperature."
"Dr. Nicholas thovany's research illuminates the path ahead, enabling us to understand the causes and potential repercussions of our planet's weakening magnetic field."
"Methane is the second biggest cause of global Heating... around 50 times more powerful than CO2."
"Salmon are a keystone species for the survival of this ecosystem that we are a part of."
"Climate change is occurring at faster rates at the poles than anywhere else on Earth."
"The wax grows on the trees to protect the leaf from the intense Sun."
"We will continue to elaborate on migration and its effects in novel contexts."
"More than 11,000 scientists declare a climate emergency."
"Truly, it's a golden age, and not only are cat pictures better, but so are climate models."
"The models are very clear that the planet is warming."
"No matter how you look at it, the models are very clear that the planet is warming."
"As our ability to model the climate has improved over time, we've learned a lot about how our planet works and what we're doing to it."
"The meltdown is changing long-held beliefs about the Arctic and its weather patterns."
"Perhaps the greatest benefit of CRISPR could be in tackling the planet’s biggest challenge, climate change."
"Every gram of CO2 that we add to the atmosphere enhances the possibility that this extremely high impact catastrophe will occur."
"Solar energy is often underestimated but the earth would be just a cold, dark ice ball at three degrees above absolute zero if it was not for the sun."
"Bees with a strong immune system are less likely to catch diseases."
"A discovery like this could do wonders in the fight against climate change!"
"As CO2 accumulates, contrails today have a larger impact on Earth's climate than all of the carbon dioxide emitted by aircraft since the first powered airplane flight."
"The DC-8 is NASA's flying laboratory, measuring particles, gases, contrails, and cloud particles."
"Welcome to the New World, welcome to what is scientifically termed Canfield ocean."
"The Greenland ice sheet is close to a melting point of no return."
"Scientists hope that studying the dust will reveal new secrets about the cosmic environment surrounding our solar system."
"Green is the color of photosynthesis, and it's become the color of the land too."
"Unfortunately, many Bishops who restricted traditional Latin Mass are on the losing side of history."
"There's evidence that the Sun was playing a role."
"My name's Sam and I'm studying environmental science and engineering."
"Climate scientists agree that the permafrost melt will amplify the effects of greenhouse gases released by human activities."
"But volcanoes do give warning signs called precursors."
"Wolves are essential to the ecosystem. They help keep populations healthy, fact." - Pitchforks Dragon
"Hydrogen is not just hope anymore, it's reality."
"We are very clear the science is categorical that the emissions we put in the atmosphere from burning of our fossil fuels are changing the climate."
"More than 90% of the mass of trees comes directly out of the air."
"Keystone species regulate community diversity."
"Lightning is one of the most powerful forces of nature around the earth."
"The oceans surface absorbs solar radiation all day and that warms the surface to around 22 degrees Celsius."
"Mycorrhizal fungi are incredibly important; it's the most studied symbiotic relationship in the world."
"So monitoring ground temperature using satellite data could become a new predictive tool and help get more people out of harm’s way."
"Because the sand is white, it retains far less heat than the sand that's a darker color. This has resulted in the White Desert becoming a refuge for a number of endangered species."
"You go where you look, but every time and so I think people mess up everybody that I know that's obsessed with getting sick they're always sick."
"I think it's useful to understand how the environment works."
"These face masks are the most important powerful public health tool we have."
"You have to stop adding to the natural carbon cycle, you know. It is relatively in balance without our contribution."
"Science does have the solutions for the climate crisis."
"Water is literally liquid life. This underground water supply rests 400 miles beneath our feet."
"Sea level rise comes from the melting of the ice on land."
"It's a fascinating reminder of how much our planet can change over time."
"As soon as he was revived, Hisoka began planning their next move."
"Scientists have found that microorganisms like bacteria fungi and actinomycetes can help get rid of waste plastic on Earth."
"More than 11,000 scientists have endorsed a letter declaring a climate crisis."
"Unexplained mass extinction in Russia: 'That's a troubling sign.'"
"Climate change is real and it's costing billions."
"Forests help us mitigate climate change by storing carbon, pulling in carbon. Trees have been doing this for centuries."
"Ravel had realized that it was a false alarm and that the science was flawed before he died."
"Explosion was once a cow patty fertilizing a very small area."
"Knowing more about the abundance of phytoplankton will certainly tell us about what they are consuming and what they are producing, and in this case, what they produce is very helpful to us. It's the air we breathe."
"Pace is a global Mission, we'll see all of the Earth's oceans and through the ocean color measurements, we'll see what's growing where."
"Siberian beach snowballs: a strange phenomenon baffling experts."
"Nuclear power may be our most sure path to reducing carbon emissions and halting climate change."
"It's important to research these ecosystems now not solely out of interest but also in the sense of preservation."
"Nature usually operates with a certain harmony."
"The earth is warming, the actual data shows the earth is warming."
"Global warming is caused by the presence of radio transmitters in an urban environment."
"Scientists plan to repopulate the Siberian tundra with woolly mammoths to slow the rate of global warming."
"Carbon's not evil. Carbon is an element on the periodic chart. It's like phosphorus. It's like nitrogen. It's like iron."
"Imagine a gigantic continental glacier ice sheet like the Laurentide ice sheet in North America. It makes it grow over time in northern far northern Canada..."
"Look, these glacial periods on Earth, they happen at these intervals with these great catastrophes that seem to end them over and over again. It's a cycle and the cycle seems to be the reason why..."
"There's enough methane in the Arctic alone to create a Permian style mass extinction on planet Earth a hundred times over."
"70% of Earth's permafrost could be thawed by 2100, potentially releasing 120 gigatonnes of carbon into the atmosphere."
"What we're seeing on the last few decades of course is that projections of climate change are increasingly becoming observations of climate change."
"Climate change is definitely occurring, and there's very little argument over that at this point."
"Understand, there's no magic thermostat that keeps the planet at a certain limit. It just keeps going once you trigger positive feedback loops."
"Butterflies and moths are regarded as indicators of the health of our environment, like canaries in the coal mines." - Dr. Zoe Randall
"Researchers discovered that stressed plants emit more sounds than their healthy counterparts."
"Trees clean our air by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen."
"Climate change is science and we can't treat it as something that is just happening within the borders that we've created in our society."
"Nature's feedback loop: How predators shape fish brains."
"Mount Roraima is home to unique wildlife, including numerous species found nowhere else on Earth."
"Life is more than capable of thriving in extreme environments."
"The Sun is in fact the primary driver for climate change."
"Antarctica holds Clues to Humanity's past present and future that have yet to be fully explored and understood."
"Increased CO2 is fertilizing plants, this is a very important part of our existence here on Earth." - Dr. Stanley Goldenberg
"The Sun decreasing its activity, global cooling right here right now."
"There's an amazingly linear correlation between premature risk of premature death and exposure to particulate matter."
"Climate doesn't just get up and change on its own; there are causes for climate change."
"Life as a whole will probably survive in one form or another, but it is generally agreed that we are either at the beginning of or in the middle of the sixth mass extinction event that Earth has experienced."
"Swales are just temporary events really over the long period of time they're replaced by trees, trees take over the function."
"Nature has provided the ultimate glue there."
"Global warming, global climate change is definitely real, it's happening."
"They have done the math on it, they know the science is real."
"Scientists predict if we were to change 25 of the current surface area around the world that's used for industrial agriculture to regenerative agriculture you could reverse climate change."
"Our Sun is considered by most people to be a pretty good thing and provides warmth and light for our planet."
"Climate change is happening, scientists are documenting the evidence."
"Carbon isn't static, it constantly moves through various processes."