
Divine Word Quotes

There are 443 quotes

"God's words last forever, regardless of what we do here on Earth."
"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God."
"Trust in the Bible, the unchanging word of God."
"The flower fades and the grass shall wither but the word of the Lord shall stand forever."
"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand forever."
"The only thing in this world that is unshakable is the Word of God."
"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever."
"The only thing that is unchangeable, unmovable, unwavering is the word of God."
"Do you realize how blessed you are? That, do you realize, that this book, sixty-six books that make up the Word of God and all these pages and all these promises after promise after promise after promise, and it belongs to every single one of us who's a child of God."
"The word of the Lord is the most valuable thing that is in our possession."
"At the name of Jesus Christ, demons tremble. When you call on the word of God, it is living and powerful."
"Let your faith be rooted in the unchanging word of God."
"Faith is believing what God says in his word rather than what you see or feel or experience."
"God's Word is medicine, His word brings complete victory."
"The Quran is the word of Allah to all of mankind."
"If God gives you a promise in the word, you receive it, speak it, do it, and it's yours."
"His word is established, magnified above his name."
"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Rhema of God."
"You are not rejecting Kevin, you are rejecting the word of God."
"Did their belief change the word of God? No."
"There ain't but one thing you can believe and trust in this world today and that's God's word."
"The word of God is going to stand. It is not going to return void."
"Jesus Christ is the word that God speaks in Genesis 1 and that's why he says let us create humans in our own image."
"It's not a matter of mixing man's word with God's word. Man has to line his word up to agree with God's Word."
"The Word of God always follows where the spirit is, yes."
"The word of the Lord remains forever. Heaven and earth may pass away but God's Word is not going to."
"Is not my word like as a fire, says the Lord God, and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?"
"No one on earth can change, add to, or take away from the word of God."
"Thank you, Father, that you sent your word and he is healed."
"Your word is forever settled in the heavens."
"Once you recognize that this is the word of Allah Most High, you have to submit to it."
"This is God's word it will not change it is inherent and it is infallible."
"Every time God sends His word, His word comes with power, His word comes with healing, deliverance, and hope. Praise the Lord."
"It's the spoken word of God that positions you in the right calling."
"God has said everything in his word. Jesus Christ."
"God's word haven't changed, it remained the same."
"The greatest prophecy is the word of God, established, immovable, unshakable."
"The word is a living, loving word, it's not a stagnant word."
"For Islam to be true, the Quran needs to be the word of God."
"The word is in you, that is your biggest weapon... There is a place in God where the word lives in you."
"The only thing that is eternal is the word of God Thy word is truth."
"It's the indestructible Word of the Living God."
"Every word of God is pure; man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God."
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but we do survive by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God."
"The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
"The word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone."
"The word of God comes from God and it will accomplish that where unto He has sent it."
"But nothing is greater than the word of God"
"Thus saith the Father, ye shall have eternal life."
"Because my friend, this is how faith comes. Faith comes by hearing the word that God speaks to us. It's always a channel to be able to connect with God, to hear from God."
"When God says something, it becomes a sword in your hand."
"Thank you for nourishing our soul with the sweetness of your word."
"When God speaks it can be accounted as done and when God establishes a principle it cannot be violated."
"It's also like being filled with the Word of God. To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to really also be filled with the Word of the Lord."
"Only the word of God can set you free."
"Jesus Christ becomes the most eloquent word to man. He becomes God's last word."
"Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that precedes from the mouth of God."
"The word of the Lord shall rise within men."
"God, may your word be clear, and may Jesus be glorified."
"...this isn't pie in the sky this this is the word of God brought right down to the level of every human being yes even 12 13 year-old kids can comprehend this."
"The only description of God that has any accuracy is the one contained in His word."
"A genuine awakening will always be as a result of the Word of God."
"His Word is astoundingly powerful."
"We must always proclaim God's Word because it always accomplishes God's purposes."
"We can spare everything except the Word."
"It is the Word of God that is powerful."
"We also have to think about it in our existential experiences, those moments of our lives when in practice we doubt the power of God's Word and we doubt its efficacy."
"When you speak the word of God, you are giving God's breath an avenue to blow into those dry bones that whatever we're facing and bring life into that situation."
"When the word of God gets into our minds, it will eventually get into our hearts."
"God speaks, but do we listen? Will you listen and have his word to be the meeting place where you meet him and see your life beautifully touched and transformed?"
"Our Father... thank you for your word."
"It's important to God that you love him though you have not seen, because you believe his word."
"Revival is not a dream, the word of God is not just hope, the promises of God, they are yay and they are amen."
"What matters is what God said in the Bible."
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path; it is the very words of God put down so that you might know your God."
"God who has spoken unto us by his son upholds all things by the word of his power."
"When God says what he says, he means what he says."
"So in short, God uses messengers, both human and angelic, through whom He brings His word to this physical world, but there is no indication that any worship is to be directed to these messengers."
"When you let God's Word flow on its own then clarity comes to the mind of the hearer and the reader."
"We need an army of men and women today who are willing to be obedient to the Word of God."
"He that is of God hears God's word."
"But his word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones."
"We don't know anything about You except what Your word says, and we love You."
"My word is law. I said before you life and death. My word is life. Do you choose life?"
"God say you got to learn to say not what you see but what you know which is the truth of what God has already spoken."
"Christ's word is effectual, accomplishing what he sends it forth to do."
"God's word not only saves me spiritually, God's word saves my mind."
"Everything comes from the Word of God."
"The word of the Lord doesn't change."
"The word of God is the power of God unto salvation."
"By the word of the Lord the heavens were made."
"Behold, I make all things new... Write: for these words are true and faithful."
"The more you honor God's word, the more he empowers your prayer."
"Open my eyes to see wonderful things in Your Word."
"The Word of God never lets us down."
"The Word of God's a double-edged sword."
"We must stay faithful to Him and trust the word of God."
"We understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen are not made of things which do appear."
"The grass withers and the flower thereof fades away, but the word of our God shall stand forever."
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God shall stand forever."
"The scripture cannot be broken, and the word of our God will stand forever."
"The word of God is living and true, and it is in your heart."
"Thou hast received into thine nature by the Word of God an incorruptible seed which liveth and abideth forever."
"Everything that exists was created by the spoken word of God; it can be word changed, word fixed."
"Nothing will be more important than the Word of God."
"This is not merely a bestseller, this is not merely the opinion of human thinkers, this is the word of the living God."
"My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it."
"When I read from the word of God, this is different... this is like a voice from heaven."
"Each one of you has been given a portion of faith according to the word of God."
"The word of God is like a two-edged sword; it will cut anybody."
"It's a high honor and it's a privilege to be able to speak answers into the lives of people and handle the word of God."
"God's promise comes to us as a word, it tells us what God has in mind for us."
"The word that the Father would speak would shape us in his image."
"One word from God can change a person's life."
"The Lord has sent his word, you are healed."
"We need to realize the value of the word of God and that it's really God's power in that word."
"The word of the Lord came unto Jonah... it is in mercy that the word of the Lord comes."
"We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God."
"Salvation is understood through the teaching of God's word."
"We don't look to the world as our barometer, but we look to the word of God."
"God loves to be held to his word."
"The scripture speaks to us as God's Word."
"They were in the midst of darkness, but their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word."
"To teach you that man does not live on bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."
"Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God."
"Man doesn't live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
"We come now to the Word of God and it is a privilege for us to hear the very voice of God through His Word."
"The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him and started off."
"Man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
"For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe."
"The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day."
"Authority does not spring from our position, but from the degree that we conform our lives to the word of God and we proclaim the word of God."
"What God has said is infinitely better and more profound than anything I could ever say."
"This Bible is not our truth, it's God's truth."
"We are mighty hot because the Sun is old but active, and the Word of God is old but powerful."
"The trigger for everything is the word of God."
"Man shall not live on physical bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
"But the word of the Lord remains forever. And this word is the good news that was preached to you."
"For out of Zion will come forth the law, and the word of God from Jerusalem."
"The only way that God will accomplish this miracle of regeneration... is the proclamation of the Word of God."
"The only means by which that miracle of regeneration takes place is the proclamation, not of ourselves, but of the Word of God."
"There is no tangible thing in your life more thrilling, exhilarating, or at times bewildering than the word of God."
"This is absolutely beyond comprehension; this is the word."
"Our sword is the Word of God, which is fixed in the heavens."
"You have to operate in faith, you have to get out of your sense knowledge, and you have to stand in what the word of God says."
"The church requires the word to come down from heaven, the blessed word of God."
"Is not my word like a fire? declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?"
"To know what that is, we turn to the highest authority, Jesus Christ Himself and His word."
"Whatever word you hear that come from your heart is God's word."
"The word of God holds the entire universe together."
"We can trust the word of God; history is clear."
"Jesus said that the Bible was the very word of God and he said 'Thy word is truth'."
"The word of God is a lamp shining in a dark place."
"God's word cannot come back void; it must accomplish what it was sent to do."
"Your imaginal acts are the word of God."
"By faith, we understand the worlds were framed by the word of God."
"Now faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
"The worlds are formed by the Word of God; things which are seen are not made of things which do appear."
"My works are without end, and my words never cease."
"The word of God is active, powerful, ignited, operative, effective, and alive."
"God's word is going to speak for itself, and you need to hear this in your life; God's spirit is going to move if you let it."
"Sacred tradition and sacred scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the word of God."
"What a glory it is to preach God's Word."
"I pray that you are so content even in what seems to be a silent season that the word of God is enough."
"The word of God is the only answer to the problems of mankind."
"By faith we understand the world that we see was framed by the words that God spoke."
"You can trust the word of God every letter."
"The word of God has been preserved in the sense that its meaning has been preserved."
"We can build everything upon the truth of Scripture because it is the Word of God."
"If it doesn't say it in the Bible, then it's not God's word."
"The Bible is a thoroughly human book that speaks God's words to his people."
"What it means for the Bible to be God's Word is in no way threatened by or should be scandalized by its complex history."
"It's both a human and divine word; that's the whole point."
"The Word of God is light in my darkness, hope for the hopeless, strong and true."
"Impossibles fade out when God's took at His word."
"The scriptures are the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, the most precious thing we possess on earth next to salvation."
"We receive the word not like a man's talking to us, but like it is the very word of God."
"Jesus was the Word of God personified."
"O you that have made the earth, hear me, that have fixed the expanse by your word, and have made firm the height of the heaven by the Ruach."
"Then you have really heard the Word of God when it has reached the inmost level of one’s being."
"Let us always remember the gracious word of God."
"God's Word is a revelation of Himself."
"The power of the gospel message, that's the power of God's word to people."
"The word came forth to shine light into the world and make it alive."
"The word of God... is the sword of the Spirit."
"We thank you today, God, for how you've blessed us, for your word that's touched our heart."
"Man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live."
"We understand that the worlds were framed together by the Word of God."
"Nothing like God's grace and nothing like His word proclaimed does that to us."
"When your spirit is in sync with the Holy Ghost, it becomes the word."
"When you get a word from God, you get God."
"There is a word for your situation, and things are going to change, 'cause I got a word."
"The Word of God is alive and it's active, sharper than any two-edged sword."
"God's word, his words are life, and they will keep you from death."
"When you study it with understanding, you're communicating with Him, for Christ is the Living Word."
"The word ought to be given plainly, clearly, where there is no question about the word of God."
"I believe that it is what it claims to be; I believe that it is the inerrant Word of God."
"God's Word never changes and it never weakens; it stands strong through any season."
"Thus say of the Lord, not opinions, not theology, not rhetoric, but thus say of the Lord."
"God creates just by speaking, just like the word of God makes things happen."