
Economic Empowerment Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"Economic empowerment is the way we change the game and change the narrative."
"Affirmation Tower says the American promise to us all of equal access to economic empowerment is real."
"This will be a world message on economic empowerment, stock market investing, entrepreneurship, the whole gambit."
"I will put forward the policies that I believe in, but after that, it's about giving people back their responsibility and increasing their purchasing power."
"The best way to help the poor is not to become one of them."
"I do not believe it is with race-based quotas. I believe it is economically empowering all Americans."
"I firmly believe that the way to move forward is not with race-based quotas but by economically empowering all Americans."
"The best way to reduce poverty is to actually give people agency. This means giving people money."
"In order for there to be a great America, there must be a great Black America; and in order for there to be a great Black America, there must be great Black businesses."
"Tell your listeners, start treating yourself with greater respect and respect your own people and buy from them, and service them, and care for them, and protect them before you divide and service anybody else."
"Everybody has monetized black culture except black people. This is about saying, we're already banking, we're spending money, why not do it with something that's black-owned?"
"Giving small rural communities the ability to economically empower themselves I think usually leans towards people being more progressive."
"We're the ones who gotta delegate, get that money and the power, never be fake, stick to cosign for three" - Farrakhan
"The energy of unity, yeah, the energy of black dollars, the energy of buying land has been spread everywhere, everywhere."
"When I look out and I see my people, I see us doing something that I don't feel like it's been done here. Like the black dollar is strong in Vegas, man, more than it's ever been."
"Empower me to thrive economically despite how Dreadful everything looks right now."
"We must educate our own children, support black businesses whenever possible, and learn to create our own jobs. If we do those three things, then we will make progress."
"Our number one goal is to share the gospel of black economic empowerment."
"For black people to control our dollars, for black people to invest our money."
"The economic side is what transforms our lives and gives us black sovereignty and black upward mobility." - Vicky
"That's why the development of black business is the most important thing we can do in this generation."
"Supporting a black business, one swipe at a time."
"If I could get black people to support our businesses the way y'all support Popeyes Chicken, then I could build a whole damn black public school system by myself."
"I don't want black people getting charity from my Nike or Air Jordan, I want black people doing business with Air Jordan."
"Never be fake. Stick to the code for three. What did he say? Create jobs, support our own, educate the same, and buy back your home."
"We're going to build our own businesses, we're going to practice group economics and group politics."
"Enabling every member of LinkedIn to control their economic destiny."
"Black people need to own the bus, not just ride it."
"We're not here for games... this is that moment we've been waiting a lifetime for... we're here for ownership."
"Economic empowerment is our only hope, it's our only hope for true freedom."
"If we commit ourselves to a generation of economic strength, we can win this battle."
"Get your act together start focusing more on economic empowering."
"I started making a list of black businesses and will try to utilize my dollar to support them."
"Cash payments should go into Regional Development Banks from which black Americans could draw down Equity capital for business Investments."
"Recognize inherent ability to attract and manage money."
"Black people invented every form of music that's out there. If we have our money, if we have restitution, we would never need these other people who are canceling Nike contracts and all this stuff."
"I believe black people need to own more businesses so we don't have to work for white people anymore."
"How about helping the little man get rich? That's the best."
"Black economic power is the key to the future."
"To see that these people are going to be able to keep more of their money, this is going to be an eye-opener."
"My definition of success is not overcoming these people. My definition of success is economic identity to those who don't have it."
"This is about power, if we build economic power, the paradigm changes."
"The liberation for black people is going to require economic independence on each other."
"Assertiveness training...often tripled their wages."
"You've got to stop saying 'I am poor, I can't afford that.'"
"Worker co-ops are real businesses run by people who have been exploited in the mainstream economy."
"Find trustworthy black businesses and projects and get down with that and invest in that and spend with that."
"You will never see black... really move as masses as long as they continue to try to get the white man's dollar."
"If we can get our kids on that pathway early, these kids are going to become economic super soldiers."
"Every wealth problem that we have in our community is solved when we educate our own children, create our own jobs, and support Black-owned businesses."
"Support our own film, support our own supermarket, support our own brand, support our own products."
"Blacks must have resources and money, and the only three ways they can get it: by practicing group economics, creating money, or getting reparations."
"Putting economic resource in the hands of every American will end up amping up investment on solving problems."
"Black women need to demand our return on our investments."
"It's a common-sense step towards our financial independence."
"Your support and dollars help these growing small, women-owned, black-owned businesses to be better."
"We gotta hold on to our equity, we gotta hold on to our black economics."
"This economy belongs to people. We don't work for the economy. The economy should be working for us."
"I would vote for a black party that's why in the power nomics book... delivers the most to black people in america."
"Black lives matter more than ever right now. Black businesses matter more than ever. And the black pound matters more than anything."
"Black people need to commit to buying from their own people first."
"Black love is necessary to build black economics."
"Invest in Black own media we're investing in Black companies those people have employees and families that's how it works."
"Charity is how you help a community play struggle, not mix. Charity does not lead to power, not mix. There is almost no example of any group of people that has become powerful economically by relying on somebody's charity."
"We have to become the lenders not the borrowers."
"Move towards silver rights. If you get those silver rights straight, civil rights will follow."
"It's very empowering to participate in the economy as opposed to sitting on the sideline."
"Here's one simple fact: if our stock market investment participation rate was the same as our voter participation rate, a big chunk of the wealth gap would disappear in one generation."
"Control your money, black people, get your money right."
"The poor say 'I can't afford it,' the rich mindset is asking the question 'how do I afford it?'"
"Support black owned businesses support black owned restaurants support black creators"
"You cannot be pro-black and be anti-black economics."
"We're not just talking, we're teaching you how to make money."
"Supporters of this asset sharing model argued that platforms like Airbnb, Uber, and TaskRabbit empower individuals to monetize their underutilized assets, time, and skills."
"This is economics. Like so, we control economics and it's time for us to take more control of our own destiny and really understand our value and start asserting it."
"Understanding money is key to financial freedom."
"Elevate the financial well-being of humanity."
"We got to stop this white racist plantation Network the word network let's stop giving him black dollars let's pour the black dollars into our own communities into black hole networks."
"If poverty is first abolished, the poor transformed into purchasers will do a great deal on their own to alter housing decay."
"Once you know how to use your money...then you can fuel the system by adding more money into the system by earning more money."
"You enrich other people, black people need to enrich themselves."
"Financial intelligence is important for our community. It's one of the most important things we can have."
"Support black businesses, don't just support black businesses, actually buy from them."
"We believe in the power of the black dollar, the importance of investing in ourselves, and circulating our dollars among ourselves."
"Any one of you can have financial freedom you can stop worrying about money but you're gonna have to work for it."
"We got to get out of poverty and we get out of poverty by making money and reinvesting money in our own communities."
"By the Year 2070 black people can actually take the lead on economic empowerment."
"Let's take control, let's stop being victims of the economy."
"Black folks must not simply chase college degrees and student loans, but property, business ownership, and other assets."
"You put buying power into our hands and it will make us stronger, healthier, less stressed-out, improve our relationships, and improve Main Street economies."
"Allowing people access to capital is one of the most important things you can do."
"Black investors and black business owners are reducing the wealth gap."
"Bash down the barriers and build Black Wall Street."
"You can't be woken broke. There's this real bad stigma in this community where people think like we're not supposed to have nice things or are you supposed to be like humble and meek? Just like no, we gotta kill that."
"I believe in building a whole generation of black economic super soldiers."
"I'm a big believer in black people understanding wealth in us having economic conversations together that allow us to grow and figure out how this power thing works."
"Cryptocurrencies are the best tools we've ever had to disempower people from controlling people buy and sell a trade and do with other people."
"It's the story of idolizing the end result and not respecting the process."
"We've got our own money now. We don't need cap. We don't need their capital. Like now is the time. This is the very small window that creatives have to change the [__] world."
"Now we have the opportunity to put power back in the hands of working people all across this country, and that is a good thing for our economy and for our country."
"Black wealth is black power; there's no substitute for that."
"Financial freedom, maybe for the first time in your life, you are experiencing what financial freedom is."
"Bitcoin is not controlled by the rich and powerful."
"Buying from black owned businesses is a great way to vote with your dollar to support and celebrate black communities directly."
"Black wealth is one of the answers for black people."
"For me, the most exciting thing about what we do is empowering organizations to transform the way they see currencies."
"Black men just started making money that benefits themselves that goes into their pockets rather than the pockets of another man."
"Make sure you know what healthy money looks like, okay? So we've got to embrace financial education that must be something every child gets at every young age, especially black boys."
"Access to capital is the number one thing that will move black people forward."
"Financial literacy is crucial in our communities."
"Reparations start with us, reclaiming our spending power and building wealth."
"Women are getting rich. All right, that's the headline we're going to roll with."
"Financial inclusion is the name of the game."
"Wealth building is about learning to use the 1% financial tactics against them."
"Black power is pretty much the same as economic power because black disempowerment, black oppression is directly linked to economic oppression."
"Black power means owning the job and you given a white man a job you got the white man working for you trying to get a job working for you you are in charge you're the one making the decisions."
"I cannot wait till we rise up and build up a generation of more Kingdom millionaires in the name of Jesus."
"A dollar in our hands is a dollar with a mission."
"We are in Relentless pursuit of liberation of our people, freedom is Liberation for black bodies and black communities to make economic change through political power."
"Everybody can benefit. You can have some people become wealthy not at the expense of other people, but by enabling other people to become wealthy."
"I hope you stop underestimating the power of a black dollar."
"Supporting black businesses is how we grow ourselves out of poverty."
"Money needs to circulate within Muslim hands. Support Muslim businesses."
"The Grange worked hard to reduce railroad rates, the shipping costs for Farmers as they ship their wheat to places like Minneapolis are actually reduced."
"The more we spend our money among our own, the stronger we get economically."
"I want Black Wall Street. I want a hospital. I want a bank. I want a supermarket."
"Start practicing group economics and group politics. Build your own black independent parties. Move away from the Republican party, pull out of the Democratic party, because neither have your interests at heart."
"We want economic empowerment. And so we have... That starts through education."
"Is it Western influence? Is it that women are now becoming more aware and they are now getting money and they can fend for themselves?"
"Succession, hand me down, generational. We need to create that wealth. It needs to start somewhere. And if we don't do it next year, then for the next 50, 100 years, we're going to be sitting and having these very same conversations."
"It will be the event that renders Black people economically powerless once and for all or it can be the catalyst that positively and fundamentally alters the economic position of Black people in America forever."
"We are the richest nation on earth outs outside of united states as black folk in the world."
"Black money is supposed to bounce 8 to 12 times before it leaves your community."
"The struggle for African-Americans today is economic. It is the new civil rights in every location, in every geography, and it affects all aspects of our lives."
"Black Pound Day is the biggest black-led economic movement in UK history."
"...she has long been a champion of microcredit as a means of economic empowerment."
"I choose to disproportionately spend my money with people who look like me and I urge people who look like me to do the same."
"Stop spending your damn money with people who don't want you there."
"Square credits its success to a mission of economic empowerment, giving business owners an ecosystem of tools to seamlessly accept payments and finance growth."
"Imagine if we did only keep the black dollar within the black community, how rich and wealthy and more structured we would be as a people."
"Give people economic opportunities."
"Individuals, how many years out of slavery, are now owning oil wells that are producing 2,000 barrels a day. Is that not the ultimate American dream? Is that not the ultimate American story?"
"Broader access to the financial system can boost job creation, increase investment in education, and help people manage risk better."
"Let's get a hold of our finances this year, ladies and gentlemen."
"Housing is a right, and if we start treating our dollar as it's powerful and start making sure like we are active in our community, nobody can stop us."
"At the economic level, it is about empowering people with means, resources, and choices; it is about ending poverty, inequality, and backwardness."
"Financial inclusion is considered a key factor in poverty reduction."
"Economically empowering people to free them up to go do the thing in life that they've always really wanted to do."
"I am so hungry for the average person to get educated on this stuff."
"The best way to solve for domination is to give people out of poverty."
"African-American dollars invested in their own communities also produce self-pride, self-sufficiency, and self-determination."
"We call ourselves a poor people; we've been in America for 450 years, but right now, if black people win, we pull our resources, we got up more money going through our hands than maybe the ninth richest nation in the world."
"There's a tremendous amount of freedom that exists when you have your own money."
"The single biggest thing we could do is economically empower individuals."
"Women's economic empowerment can support financial stability, social support, and force."
"We make 32 billion dollars a year as a people... but we have no institutions with which to systematize that wealth and see it used to benefit our own people."
"Whatever it is that you have... see that as a powerful instrument to create jobs, to boost the economy, to empower the consumer, to effect social change, and to expand the kingdom of God."
"I love supporting black-owned businesses and keeping the black dollar in the community."
"As black people and as black women, we should be very intentional about how we live our life and where we spend our money."
"I never doubted that it would work; I am not surprised that poor people are very industrious given the opportunity."
"We have to support the black businesses."
"I became incredibly frustrated by what I see as a very paternalistic aid and charity model that keeps low-income people poor."
"Keep the black dollar in the black community."
"Let's support small businesses, black businesses."
"To achieve social equality, we must achieve economic empowerment first."
"Side-by-side, our two nations are advancing polices to empower women and harness the full potential of our great economies."
"Women driving the world economy, I couldn't agree more."
"The real way to close this economic gap is entrepreneurship, owning our own businesses."
"Entrepreneurship is to me a social justice imperative because it's an opportunity for us as black people to close the wealth gap."