
Weakness Quotes

There are 1316 quotes

"My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness."
"The weakest man on the planet is a man that cannot control his emotions."
"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
"Our country and our society are weaker because we do not have a tradition of critical thinking."
"Defenders are beginning to desert; they're weaker than before."
"God's response is, 'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.'"
"Anyone can acknowledge their strength, but it takes humility to acknowledge your weakness."
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
"You feel hollow. A great evil has been banished from this world, but what does that matter if you were too weak to save someone?"
"Violence is a sign of weakness and insecurity."
"Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times, easy times create weak men, weak men create hard times."
"The most dangerous man in the world is a weak man."
"The most dangerous men on Earth are the weak men."
"Our greatest weaknesses can become our greatest strengths."
"Your weakness is a magnet for God's strength."
"The Hidden Sand Village is by far and away the weakest village, always has been, both in manpower and tailed beasts."
"Sometimes a chain is no stronger than its weakest link."
"Authoritarians are oftentimes the weakest and most terrified individuals out there in the political world."
"Germany's military was found to be one of the weakest on the continent"
"You need a little nasty to you yeah you know even though Ned Stark he was a more of a fighter even he was weak so it's tough man when you're."
"This is kind of a new thing I'm trying out, discussing the natural weaknesses and what you could do to fight against them."
"Poison and water: a phenomenal defensive pairing whose only weakness is a lack of offensive coverage."
"If this is all the strength that you possess, this is not gonna end well for you."
"Men are weak when it comes to women. If we don't understand this weakness and don't work to get stronger against it, they can bring us into sin."
"His strength is made perfect in our weakness."
"There is this unmistakable stench of weakness about him."
"Nothing more dangerous than a weak man. We're encouraging men to be weak because we have this pathological idea that strength and tyranny are the same thing."
"He is swirling the drain... dripping desperation... weak."
"The cries of protest and fury grew airy and weak, eventually dying into faint hisses as the thing started to wither and dry."
"Having feelings doesn't make you weak, it makes you human. But when you allow your feelings to override fact and truth, that's when you become weak."
"Donald Trump and the Maga movement is weak they're losers they're bullies but they're losers and that facade of strength the propaganda spewed by the media is starting to show some serious cracks."
"His arrogance is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness."
"He's intimidating and preying on the weaknesses of others isn't strength."
"We have become weak, we're not making the impact upon our nation upon the world that God has called us to make."
"They know that this is a weakness for Democrats."
"Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness."
"But at their biggest weakness way I see it as a is there curiosity and that's the chink in their armor and that's how someone's gonna end up taking one down."
"Your weakness is God's Way of keeping you strong."
"This just shows weakness. If you're trying to raise capital by diluting your shares, it's typically when you double the overall shares outstanding."
"Black Bolt's biggest power is also his biggest weakness; he can't turn off his destructive vocal cords."
"That bleak scenario would result in a weak and hollow president and would thus be ruinous for the American political system."
"Jealousy is something only weak and incapable people feel."
"Only through observation will you perceive weakness."
"A lot of times, people are defending their own mental weakness."
"Good times make weak men, weak men make hard times, hard times make strong men."
"Kazuma catches her before she gets caught by the lava floor and taunts her about being weak."
"Meditating on overcoming weakness: 2 Corinthians 12:9 - 'And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.'"
"God's power always shows up best through weakness."
"If war is inevitable, our greatest weakness is our internal conflict."
"Strength tends to go to strength but weakness tends to go to weakness."
"By understanding an enemy's various weaknesses, strengths, and vulnerable areas, players can make short work of even the most intimidating foes."
"What kind of weak-ass person ends up being possessed by something they summon, right?"
"Apologizing early and often... it's weak people they can't apologize."
"When weak people get into positions of power, that's a weak man."
"Craven now knows the weakness of the Symbiote. Craven now knows oh I just need loud sound and I got you my boy you're not a threat to me anymore"
"It only takes away from us when we insist on making it a weakness."
"Weakness is your friend because that's when the power of God is revealed."
"Your weakness allows God to show His strength."
"A weakness is not an inherent deal-breaker; it's really whether or not you're willing to deal with it."
"It's actually a really interesting wider topic too because if you look at the individuals who have lost that passion or don't think that it's important, that's gonna be very difficult for your team, that is gonna make you and your team weaker."
"God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong."
"Hank, you just don't have a leg to stand on here."
"His isolation made him weaker, he was in a fortress and he lost contact with all of his sources of power."
"Blaming progressives weak Democrats search scapegoats shows your cowardice."
"My grace is sufficient for you, my strength is made perfect in weakness."
"I turned weakness into one of my greatest strengths."
"It's in our moments of weakness that we turn to God."
"A man who could not save himself is weak and the weak do not deserve to be saved for such a man only death is fitting."
"God's power is made perfect in that weakness. It makes you weak but you rely on him even more."
"The word of God is the Prophet Daniel once encountered the angel of God while he was so weak to stand."
"The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. He prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words."
"The weakest thing a man could ever do is change."
"These things make us weaker, these things create the pathologies of modernity."
"My grace is all you need. My grace is sufficient for you. My power works best in weakness."
"If you over-specialize, you breed in weakness."
"Father, we ask that your strength be made perfect in our weakness."
"Violence is only an argument for the weakest one anyway..."
"Centurion's biggest strength is also his biggest weakness."
"Finding strength in God's presence during weakness."
"Griffith's greatest weakness was brought upon by his petty human nature."
"Ash's main weakness is the objective category with his complete and persistent lack of focus."
"Weakness is denying the reality that should be undeniable."
"Good times make weak men, and here we are now."
"Your greatest weakness is also your greatest strength."
"God uses the people who are weak but that surrender their lives to him."
"What you see now is an arm of flesh with no true power, only deception and fear."
"The left is weak, suffering from a lack of imagination."
"Your overconfidence is your weakness, your faith in your friends is yours."
"Accountability is like kryptonite to superman."
"What are the signs and symptoms that a patient has too much calcium in their blood? Well, this patient is going to be extremely weak."
"It is ironic that the weakest of us may be the ultimate Victor."
"Mentally they're weak, physically they're weak."
"Fasting makes you weak, and the weaker you are, the more you have to depend on God."
"I think it's weak to go online and badger people, right? I mean, that's a sign of weakness. Weak people treat other people with disrespect, that's just my opinion."
"You got so lucky, this is like my cryptonite."
"This was Chinese leadership on the world stage acting weak."
"The strength of the whole web is only as strong as the weakest link."
"Another word for soft is weak, and David becomes weaker whenever he gets wet."
"Once you pinpoint this in your life, you're going to see how truly pathetic and how weak these energies are that have been doing this to you."
"If you can't leave the house unless you have the jewel in your pocket or the vape in your pocket, then that obviously shows how weak you can be in the rest of your life."
"We glory in our weaknesses because when I'm weak then he is strong."
"Feeling surrounded, their willpower will weaken."
"Making a show of one's weakness is actually a very effective strategy, subtle and deceptive in the game of power."
"You still fight for the weak. That's why you lose."
"Think in terms of relative strength and relative weakness."
"The devil is called a lion and the lion does not have great stamina."
"Hold their hands, God, where they are weak."
"Think of your greatest weakness. Now think of your greatest strength."
"God's strength manifest in your weakness."
"He's always been weak, but Raditz reminds him who's been ahead this whole time."
"She's a sucker for complete honesty."
"Our weaknesses can become our strengths if we choose to account for them rather than overcompensate their presence."
"In place of my weakness, give me your strength and keep me ready for your soon return."
"When I'm weak, that's when I'm strong."
"The three primary causes that I see the most often are going to be poor posture, muscle weakness, and lack of activity."
"We do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses."
"Everyone has weaknesses, and getting up after a fall is important."
"Bobby Fischer does... anytime he smells blood or weakness he's going to attack that."
"These creatures are durable and heal very fast, but they do have two weaknesses."
"Oatmeal cookies, it's my weakness."
"The fear of losing power is a weakness of both the Jedi and the Sith."
"Your pupils are fully dilated, and it's our biggest weakness; they can't go back now, so excessive light is going to bother you."
"God is Almighty; yes, we are weak."
"You've already felt how weak that feels, right?"
"I seem to find myself in this predicament over and over and over again I just can't resist that freaking waffle cone."
"When I was at my weakest, God was the strongest."
"The power of Christ rests on you when you're weak."
"He always gave it his all despite being weak."
"Lloyd sighed heavily and said that he was also kicked out because he was weak."
"I'm not very good at letters and numbers"
"God chose to defeat Satan through the weakness of man and that is a very different lesson."
"Your greatest weakness could be procrastination, but explain how you've overcome it."
"My grace is sufficient for you; my power is made perfect in weakness."
"Fear isn't a weakness, it's a normal response."
"Strength is never a weakness and weakness is never strength."
"A weak man in a corner is more dangerous than a strong man."
"Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of."
"It's impressive that these massive ships can even fly in atmosphere but there in lies the weakness."
"They have to have a weakness, they always have a weakness."
"Showing your vulnerability is a strength not a weakness."
"It's actually the cure. Saturn can strengthen a weakness at a south node or it reveals it."
"They're all too weak to fight, the next best option is to retreat."
"Weakness is a reminder of your need for God. It forces you to depend on God."
"The best remedy for dealing with judicial intervention is to have already thought about what are the weaknesses in your position or in your submissions in advance and try and predict what the questions are going to be."
"In no society is the majority of human beings virtuous; by and large, most men are morally weak fiber."
"The French are made to look even weaker when Napoleon withdrew them from the prats and Heights."
"The physical body is weak, a carnal mind is enmity with God. So why do you want to serve God from a place of disadvantage?"
"What is good? Whatever augments the feeling of power... What is evil? Whatever springs from weakness..."
"Even your weaknesses aren't a liability. They are actually a unique fitting by God because your weaknesses just become a platform for the strength of God to be displayed through your life."
"Burger King they did some James fries so many things at Burger King which is a sign of weakness"
"God works with our weakness in fact from our weakness and many times the story of God goes out it is not limited because of our mistakes those mistakes are what display his glory."
"Every man likes to think of himself as a hero, but every Hero has his Kryptonite or his Goofy Uncle Si."
"Strength is my weakness. Somebody explain that to me."
"Power was my weakness and Temptation. I was safer at Hogwarts."
"The surprising and fierce Doolittle Raid, as well as the carrier battle at the Coral Sea, had shown the weaknesses of the Japanese."
"Grace does not manifest where you are strong Grace manifests where you are weak."
"I am content with weaknesses, insults, distress, persecutions. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
"...this version of Hulk has an unfortunate weakness however as although he gains strength of this rage it can also force him back into Bruce Banner..."
"Their combined strength numbering less than 30 percent of the starting strength of the front line Antonian Fleet."
"It is Boromir's weakness that saves Middle-earth."
"My grace is sufficient, my strength is made perfect in weakness."
"Devil fruit users have been shown bathing and losing their powers in regular water, plus Oda has also come out and confirmed that any type of water affects them."
"Refusing to show her love in any way, shape, or form is the fifth way that you'll naturally show a woman weakness."
"ENFPs' weakness of TI trickster leads to subjective perspectives, but they can overcome it with objective research."
"There is strength in certain types of weakness."
"If your enemy is driving an SUV down the highway at 70 miles an hour, this devil fruit is the ultimate Achilles heel."
"A moment of weakness can lead to a lifetime of regret."
"God is not surprised by your weaknesses."
"Duraludon’s carapace is sturdy and lightweight, with the only thing it can’t stand being water, which causes it to rust."
"Every bad guy's weakness: a pile of cardboard boxes."
"Engage in humility recognize that you have these weaknesses and so also do other people and just because their weakness is not as common as yours does not give you the right to label them weaker than you."
"any architect will tell you that no matter how impressive a structure is it's only as strong as its weakest link"
"Ted can be loved and valued despite and even because of his supposed weakness."
"This is not a weakness, actually a strength."
"We've just identified a weakness and that's a really big deal because it means we can try using it to our advantage."
"His compassion for Vader will be his undoing."
"We've just identified a weakness and that's a really big deal."
"Being alone is a weakness for me."
"Australian chocolate is my weakness, I just love it so much."
"Strength is never weakness weakness never Strike."
"Crawling doesn't necessarily save you on the weakest link."
"The weakness is the person who can't admit they're wrong because they cannot tolerate it."
"What's my kryptonite? What is the one thing that I can't do?"
"Her love for Hook actually made Emma a weaker character."
"He reflects on his weakness and how frustrating it is to sit on the sidelines."
"Puppeteer's weakness is her need to have access to the dolls of the characters."
"...personally, I think this is a buying opportunity on any weakness. I'm looking for about 17 on the move."
"He's weak. Speak. This is not an optimal place to be right now, not at all."
"Each type employs their skills and strengths to go after their core desires while also hiding from their fears and trying to cover up their weaknesses."
"Weakness is keeping it to yourself."
"They took one of Indy's very big weaknesses, pretty women."
"I think being strong against those who are weak while being weak against those who are strong is not that good."
"They feel weak and held back, they feel like they can't move on from you."
"Rivalry will rob us of our strength."
"Your system is only as good as its weakest link, and your job is to identify what that is."
"Every villain has the weakness, every villain doesn't like that thing that's said about them, which is why they don't succeed."
"Weaknesses don't come from the devil, they come from God. They are a reminder of needing God."
"Weakness is simply a call and a reminder for your need for God."
"Gray questions Toru again about how she found out about the Manor's weakness."
"That's not weakness to apologize, that's strength."