
Player Skill Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"StarCraft: a testament to the strategic prowess of its players."
"The skill of Jow's bat, the skill of Shubman Gill, Zak Crawley with the bat, or with the ball, Jimmy Anderson, 41 years of age, coming in and bowling the way he did, or Jasprit Bumrah, touched with genius."
"Simplify the game if you're the stronger player, complicate it if you're the weaker player."
"This is truly the first time we may have the best player in the world as a non-korean."
"David Silva just made the game look so easy, so simple."
"Every single good center back this game has to offer, I've packed them all."
"At the end of the day, if you do well in an encounter or poorly, you should feel like that's because of the, you know, you played well or you played poorly."
"That was amazing what a white wild and wacky weird way to win that."
"Oh shit, Thiago is unbelievable. Honestly, he is great, the guy is a genius."
"Thiago is a different class. Thiago is why we love football, man."
"Never, ever, ever underestimate players' ability to beat what you think can't be beaten."
"It's usually a wide open shot because that move is so quick and your Defender is like really never expecting it."
"DK can accidentally win a lot because his Advantage is insane."
"Skill can only get you so far. You need good weapons and equipment alongside technique."
"I thought it was an enormous difference between Niles and the rest of the league... when I look at the strengths of Solo, he's always known for being able to actually withstand jungle pressure and still contribute a lot."
"Teemo four-star skill moves, I'm telling you guys right now this guy goes here like straight into the A plus."
"Steph is most dangerous when he doesn't have the ball."
"It's still all about map control, dominance, being the best player. Wins and losses really matter."
"When you've got quality players like Mbappe, just go on a solo run."
"This game right here is gonna be one of those games where I have to lock in because I'm already knowing this dude was such a high overall so he probably knows how to play the game."
"It shouldn't matter what kind of boots, they're all technically gifted enough."
"Absolute cold-blooded killer in front of goal."
"That's real skill. That's controlling a defender by just eyeballing them and only looking at them with the full knowledge that you're not ever going to go anywhere near them."
"That was an awesome game, very well played, really exciting to see you pilot the new Tau."
"The best Devil Daggers player in the world was killed by the weakest enemy, and I think that's good design."
"I want that payout, I want that moment where my build comes together and everything works, but it's because I played well, not because the content itself is too weak to fight back."
"What a finish! I mean, you said it's going to take something special to beat Courtois. What's the accuracy on that? It's in off the post, no keeper saving that. Barella, absolutely magnificent goal!"
"Jankos in this game having an amazing performance 10 stacks of the dark seal and the patience Jankos had in that play was amazing."
"I cannot get over the fact that Faker just keeps coming back and it doesn't matter what the meta is or what the play style is."
"Stance dancing, a term used for swapping between long-duration buffs or stances, rewarded good players."
"A top team, some top players, a fantastic club."
"Pathfinder has one of the higher ceilings of play... you have the opportunity to really, really shine based on your skill."
"His quality on the ball is unmatched in my eyes, so he's so reliable in possession and excellent at dictating play." - Matt Grimes, Swansea City
"The best carry players will clear that wave as quickly as possible and just leave."
"Aquarium by far I think one of the best maps for hide-and-seek because these players have incredible wall runs where they can pretty much wall run anywhere."
"Kirby wouldn't top the experience player. Can you guess who they are? Link and Kirby."
"There is no weak side, there's only Shox heads; all sides are strong."
"This game might look easy, but it's really not."
"Could be a GM, but I felt that the understanding in this game was decent."
"There's hardly two players that do it better."
"A player that fully understands the sphere grid is a force to be reckoned with, and the flexibility is the reason why it's one of my favorite progression systems in a game."
"There is something special about McCaffrey around the end zone."
"Good players make a mistake once; they don't make it twice."
"What a fun deck Igor just played. Look at all the cool things he did."
"LMF knows what he's doing, perfect knowledge of Archer Queen range."
"Jenny, you are the luckiest player I have ever seen ever literally the luckiest player I've ever seen."
"Stacked: A stacked tournament can be a tournament filled with many players, many good players, or both."
"A professional player said if you give me a wide-open shot in the corner of three, I'm putting the ball on the ground and taking a fade."
"Even the great Stephon Gilmore had his way with them."
"Guys, I'm so excited to see what people do. People are going to be able to beat this all in like four minutes. Give them like two days."
"Privilege is mine and Katie lovely Todd oh is it the post that would have been a great goal he spun his man like a fidget spinner."
"How good is Jackie Love? Yeah, this is clean, isn't it?"
"Legion incorporates a much more involved melee combat system that requires the player to time their attacks more carefully."
"Messi is on the deck, great feet by the way."
"The footwork from Messi has been absolutely incredible, pure genius!"
"Precision input gameplay engine: prioritize skill over everything - your input means a lot more now."
"Werner is class, I would have let him take the penalty."
"Michael Vick with the beastly run, bro! Stop playing on me, bruh!"
"Monkey moon showing us that Khalid's not the only player with a nice bounce dribble."
"It's amazing that Blabber is able to get that gank off and steal the enemy jungle."
"When heroes are balanced closely enough, individual player performance and teamwork have significantly more impact."
"For Fortnite season three, Ninja is probably the best Fortnite player at season three in my opinion."
"He's like neo from the matrix it everything's just slowing down for him and it's you know it's fun to watch playing a different game almost." - Analyst
"Tens is gonna win it with a 4k weed it goes down and this is why this man is considered the best in the world."
"It's just a beautiful testament to the players."
"Barnes has excellent composure driving to the basket, drawing bigs to open his screener rolling inside."
"Yu-Gi-Oh as a game of who misplays the least."
"A good Bayonetta is one of the scariest facts anyone has to face in a bracket run."
"This gun just shreds opponents and makes winning 1v2 fights so doable."
"I'm just so impressed with Beyond... putting out some top quality play."
"Anybody watching this match right now, if they think that they see openings in Khalid's game, I'd love to know. I might challenge you to consider that you probably don't know as much about the game as you think you do."
"You gotta find a way to deal with kismet, he's too good right now."
"It takes really, really smart football players to be able to line up and do six or seven different coverages and know your rules."
"It's often about the player and not the deck."
"This is certainly two of the players in Rocket League who have some of the most entertaining playstyles to watch."
"Certainly two of the most exciting players to watch in the entire scene."
"Smart play by squishy there for the second time this game he makes the challenge without jumping just trusting the angle of approach to do the work for him."
"This is a great zoning play here from King and zeka."
"He managed to win a late game epic cbz against somebody like rogue I think that means he can do anything"
"XP you were literally a god at this game you were you were the fastest player out here."
"New York Excelsior, they have some of the best DPS players in the league."
"Vieira is such a guaranteed God in this game."
"You get a set piece, I mean look at Southampton with Ward-Prowse, you know?"
"Knowing how far you can take something is one of the most crucial pieces of information in all of League of Legends."
"Success and progression is based more on your decision-making as a player than your abilities as a character."
"One solo kill or one really good trade is all it takes to kick-start your domination over the game."
"Simple finds one, he finds two, this time he finds three."
"Derrick Rose not only put off an underrated carry job on the offensive end, he did it in one of the most aesthetically pleasing ways we'd ever seen."
"I think he is going for the three star, he is a three star machine."
"The Secondary Challenge style is great for raising the ceiling for players that already love your systems and want to aspire towards a tougher challenge."
"Kevin De Bruyne is very, very good on this game."
"It's very rewarding to be able to like put your opponent on a card even though it was randomly generated and change your game plan accordingly."
"I can't believe that was such a god-like ending."
"That's why I have to give infiltration so much credit."
"I'd love to see finally a good duelist come out of this dynasty of otherwise slain duelists."
"This starts tricky triangles, it's kind of scary if your angle like right there is like too far to the left then you'll like ball kick and probably die, that was really good."
"He was willing to take trades when he sees them applicable because snake does traits very effectively."
"Rashford and Martial became so good at creating chances themselves."
"The game's balance itself, as in how well characters perform against each other in a setting where both players are of comparable skill level."
"I'm literally the best player alive. You cannot stop me."
"You have rulings not rules, player skill not character abilities matter to your success."
"Respect, he's still choosing to wear no skin."
"Slide hopping is mechanically almost identical to bunny hopping, but we're crouching. Anytime you have any amount of speed and you hold crouch, you'll initiate a slide."
"He's just a good player in general. He understands the game."
"It's impossible to man up with Tyreek Hill. I mean, it's very, very hard problem for a defense to have to solve."
"Yeah, we're slapping the base with the one-shot headshot."
"Leo with a 563, giving Timon a taste of his own medicine."
"Leo is just so good at getting those stocks without Arsen."
"That was really good, Apologyman's neutral on this is, he's making the right decisions."
"The awareness is really good, he sees the item and immediately goes for the command throw."
"If people aren't very good at evading, then Venom can screw people over really nicely."
"She's not like anyone can play her, but I feel like she's a little bit too hard for that."
"It's a difficult but rewarding game to learn, and each god does present a new learning curve."
"Shapeshifters are some of the most skill expressive champions in the game due to their ability to switch between two distinct forms."
"At the end of the day though it is just regain the ball and run. How do you train that? Okay, run. It's the quality of the players that is most important here."
"It's a lovely reverse ball, gets a bit lucky here Mata it comes off a couple of palace players but he passes it perfectly into that far corner Hennessey just gets a big enough touch."
"Octane can certainly be higher up on a tier list if the player is a movement God."
"Reyna is an absolute nightmare to deal with if the player that's playing her is better than everyone in the lobby."
"He's a ridiculous player, man. Kevin De Bruyne is just an unbelievable player. I love him, he's one of my favorite players to watch play."
"Every game isn't winnable, even the best players in the world only have like a fifty-five percent win ratio."
"Gin is super difficult to play, insanely complicated, I would put him at the top."
"We wanted to bring back even more hero moments and do that specifically through increased skill gap." - Josh Hamrick
"If you're doing really good healing and really good damage you can often get both gold healing and both gold damage medals."
"We just beat like probably the best lava hound player in the game."
"It's not very popular due to its relatively high skill gap... but it's just one of the most unfeeling guns in the game."
"Fam, Son's gold blood, the whippage on that fam postage stamp bro you know what I mean recorded delivery fam. I keep telling you man left foot right foot as long as he scores bravo that guy is unbelievable."
"The difference between a good player and a bad player is more than just skill."
"Treyarch, if you can give us little opportunities to be skillful in Vanguard and beyond, that would be really good."
"This weapon is absolutely amazing and you could see me slay with it."
"I think Bruno is a brilliant reader of the game... he scans the game so well, he reads the game so well."
"Nisqy is fantastic, that guy is smurfing so hard."
"Playing with randoms is a mess. You're level 85 and you can't follow basic instructions. What are you doing?"
"Very solid wincon assessment, great patience and poise."
"When flandre answered it and said hey I'm going to play lucian top I'm going to answer your jayce on lucian top and I'm actually going to win that lane it completely blew up the game."
"It's just incredible isn't it how intelligent he is, how comfortable, how he understands the role."
"Finesse shots were looking pretty good, so I thought I'd try it with Sterling, it's gone straight in from just outside the box."
"It won't always be that way. He's gonna leave his wife and then we'll be together."
"Just remember that Whenever you feel like designing an encounter to be 'unsoloable', some players are very clever and incredibly skilled."
"This killer is just insanely strong, especially if you know what you're doing."
"Deebo is the best player in this game, he will take over."
"Nasus is pretty strong in general but he's exceptionally strong in lower elope where players don't know how to punish his weak early game hard enough and can't close games out of where he gets a chance to stack up and become the raid boss."
"Sonic's is so strong off stage, Sonic is a character in general so strong off stage but Sonic's as a player just pushes the boundaries."
"I got 11 victory royales this season already."
"The problem isn't the character, it's the player."
"Good play by Davis, he's so difficult to shake off the ball in the discovery."
"That's tackle Supreme, by the way, or Supreme tackler. It's unfakeable plus secure tackler combined on Rodney Harrison."
"Cooper Kupp is so savvy, man. He is such a good wide receiver."
"Saquon can catch out the back field too."
"I think ranked does make better players than what Arena did, just for all ranks, issues. It does have better players at the top, especially in solos."
"... he knows where the end zone is."
"... he knows how to play the game."
"He's really reliable, he can get up the seam."
"Jared... he's the type of player that would do well on any given Big Brother Canada season."
"This deck was consistently finding success from good players in tournaments because they understood the lines, they understood the matchups."
"The better player, the lower handicap, did the opposite; their hips would actually work towards the target much more and faster."
"The starting lineup... usually your best players."
"He knows every soft spot... That's what I love about watching Kelce play."
"He's not only an excellent player but also quite excellent in terms of theory."
"He's due for some positive regression there because the dude's so good."
"Seeing how ball-dominant perimeter players are in today's game, it is really refreshing to see how good Michael Jordan was moving off ball."
"Anything you could do to stop him, and the fact that he still gets through, just shows you how good he is."
"Great players play in the middle of the floor, bad players play on the outside."
"It's the perfect middle ground for good golfers."
"Nobody moves without the ball better than Steph Curry, draining threes from everywhere."