
Cringe Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The moments that make us cringe are when we're yanked out of our own perspective, and we can suddenly see ourselves from somebody else's point of view."
"That's when you cringe, that feeling Dahl describes as 'The intense visceral reaction produced by an awkward moment, an unpleasant kind of self-recognition where you suddenly see yourself through someone else's eyes.'"
"It was cringe so hard that it goes all the way around back to funny."
"The Internet has a fascination with cringe whether it's in the form of subreddits entirely devoted to discussing cringe-worthy videos or the countless cringe compilations on YouTube."
"This reaction has gone down in infamy as one of the cringiest moments that the Disney Channel has ever put on our screens."
"If someone says something unbearably cringe like the DM tends to do, just calling it what it is can go surprisingly far."
"You don't cut down a tree with a butter knife. Would you put up your framed pictures before painting the wall and then you paint the wall? Oh god, the cringe, right?"
"That interview was simultaneously the most cringe-worthy and funny thing that I've seen on TV for a while."
"150,000 tweets. That's how many tweets I have. You spend your whole life just cringing at your younger self."
"It's cringe to change how you should be doing something because of outside pressures."
"God, this is cringe, the cringe levels through the roof."
"One thing about TikTok is it is an infinite ocean of cringe."
"This is the cringiest thing I've seen in my entire [ __ ] life."
"The only thing that is forever not cringe is true authenticity."
"I get cringe sweats when I think about it. Like, those things where, like, yeah, you think about and you're like, 'Oh my God, I can't believe I did that.'"
"Every time they pronounce something wrong, I kind of shiver."
"Sometimes the cringe is so overwhelming it's actually pretty good."
"...wow I don't know what I expected but my God stop it's making me cringe so much kind of a Groove though like if it's if that is Connor like damn I love his performance you can be who you to be."
"Twilight is one of those weird guilty pleasures that you look back on and you're like, 'Oh my god, I remember this,' and it's just as cringy as the first time I saw it."
"Do not kill the part of you that's cringe, kill the part that cringes."
"Pickup artist cringe... nothing will immediately send you on like fight ORF flight response quicker than watching some embarrassing pickup Artistry."
"She hadn't realized just how cringe-worthy Lin's lines were."
"I don't expect you to understand, but I Googled it and in today's era it's only 2.19% cringe."
"People can make all the fun they want of Dingchak Pooja, but if you're following her and doing all that stuff, she's weaponized your own feelings of cringe against you."
"How could her voice cause him to cringe when only days previously he was mesmerized by her every move?"
"The whole thing is hilarious but you're cringing at the same time."
"Sorry, that was really cringy, but like I'm genuinely so grateful for every single one of you."
"That was cute. I think that wasn't cringe, right? No, it was cute, one on the cringy scale."
"That's enough cringe for me today."
"...posting really cringe [ __ ] just to follow trends..."
"Let's laugh at some people posting some cringe."
"If that's what you're going for, good job. 10 out of 10. 100% nailed the horrific cringe."
"Embrace your cringe, be cringe but free."
"I love being cringe, I love it so."
"A picture is worth a thousand cringe stories."
"Sometimes it's gonna be cringe, and that's okay."
"Just start recording yourself doing everything... Like, 'I'm gonna wash dishes now. I'm washing this plate. I'm getting it clean.' Okay, now I'm going to just hear your speech pattern and then cringe and delete it."
"He is absolutely the king of cringe if you ask me."
"I don't think I've cringed so much or been more depressed and angry at a movie in a long time."
"it is Iconic I'll say that it's iconic in a way where it's just like that is probably the cringiest [ __ ] I've ever seen"
"Forget Christmas today it's all about cringe miss"
"Accept the terms of today's game: if you cringe, you lose."
"As long as it's now referred to as cringe cleave, that's really what."
"Cringe is dead, baby! Live with reckless abandon, no cringe, dance like nobody's cringing at you!"
"The absolute entitlement... just makes me cringe."
"This is humiliating and I live my life as a sentient cringe compilation."
"Adult Swim's breakthrough of cringe was monumental in stirring up the long-standing debate on what exactly constitutes as funny."
"Did that name make you cringe? Well, I hope you're ready for more of that."
"I was ready to just hand that gold medal to MGK for the cringe Olympics of 2022."
"I don't know why people assume that everybody knows the [ __ ] they are. I think that's probably the cringiest thing that I ever see people do."
"The cringe parts, like, the parts that'll make you cringe, like I think some people were like, 'Oh my god, it's so PG-13,' but just the thought of what's happening and how they're showing it, it's just like, it's so good."
"It's okay if you rap but do it like that lady did you know but don't be like H he yeah okay yeah oh God that's cringe dude."
"Why are the swipe up things so cringe on Instagram? Why can't they make like a designated normal one?"
"I find it really cringe to like do a video after the thing, go, 'Hi guys, just catching up after the 72-hour fast.'"
"It's getting weird. I wrote down cringe level 100."
"I've never said this to a mom; it was so hard to get out, kind of cringe. I was like, 'Bro, I really love your daughter, bro. I'm going to make sure she gets a job. I'm going to be able to take care of her.'"
"Regret is forever; cringe is temporary."
"The spirit of cricket is, in my opinion, so stupid and whenever the term is thrown around, I cringe."
"Live action trying to make a wise quote every second is cringe."