
Class Quotes

There are 955 quotes

"Feminism isn't just about being girly and being a woman; it's about class, it's about gender expression, it's about race and ethnicity."
"This is the relaxation class. It's all about leaving stress behind."
"The true struggle right now is mainly economic."
"Polarization is a totally elite phenomenon. Working-class Americans are so much more united than they are divided."
"The white working-class boys now are seriously the lowest group when it comes to education."
"We are living in a moment where tens and tens of millions of working class and middle class people are hurting."
"Not only does class keep some people from fully embracing femininity through material possessions, but race can also play a role in excluding entire racial groups from the category in the first place."
"Habitus is like a cultural framework by which each class will possess and use and access in order to allocate what class they're from."
"Working-class people are constantly getting crushed in a system that isn't designed to help them."
"It's in times like this that we have to show the caliber of the Purple Power... we need to show that we're classy and that we're not trashy."
"Creating a climate where class, and economic realities, and financial realities are never something that people have to feel shameful or in the dark about."
"Night nobles are duty bound to protect those of the toiling worker class under their care and do so with considerable success and enthusiasm."
"A woman of class treats her body well; she knows how to take care of herself and consistently maintains a good personal hygiene regimen."
"If there's one thing money can't buy, it's class."
"You cannot compete. You should not get your advice from people in the middle class about finances."
"They are inflating racial tensions as a way of obfuscating class tensions so they can maintain their Elite status."
"I insulated myself from that world... I missed what was going on in the middle class."
"He will be sorely missed, he was a classy guy."
"He fights for the middle class, real America."
"A snob is a poser who uses high-class signifiers not because they like them, but because saying they do affords them social currency."
"People are divided more by class than nationality."
"No is this the relaxation class? Yes, we're all here to find inner happiness and calm."
"What's considered trashy if you're poor, but classy if you're rich?"
"The voice of the working class is always going to be coarse, and it's worth bearing in mind that these people are suffering."
"Just getting rid of that class distinction because to me, the latter makes more sense. I would much, much rather just get rid of the class antagonism to begin with."
"Class privilege is arguably one of the most defining privileges in American life."
"In a government of and by and for the people, there should be no permanent ruling class."
"Unionization made America a middle-class country."
"Every economic system is like a building... some people that take a helicopter and land on the roof."
"Republicans are racist and they only care about the rich."
"Race and class are inextricably intertwined in this country."
"They carry themselves on social media with class and dignity."
"There's no general conspiracy against men but there is a conspiracy against certain classes of men."
"When White America working class and Black America working class decides to work together, there's no demographic that can stop us."
"As long as it's tasteful, classy, it's all good."
"I actually would not refer to them as classy. Let's put it that way."
"If you're asking me do I care about a segment of a class of people in another country... it is below my line."
"We are in the highest appreciating asset class in the world."
"Old money doesn't care about new money. They don't."
"I'm far too classy for that in terms of color theory purple and gold usually is meant to indicate royalty."
"By far head and shoulders above the rest custom game components I'm rocking."
"Class is a virtue, something that not everyone has."
"A gay person from a wealthy family is seen as more marginalized than a straight white out-of-work coal miner."
"Class should be prioritized over race in determining disadvantage."
"A multi-racial working-class coalition is the path forward."
"Poor white person and a poor black person have more in common with the possibility space of their life than either of them have in common with a billionaire."
"The difference between the haves and the have-nots is already so massive."
"It is about class. The drug war is about class. Who we're punishing is about class."
"Barbarian is probably the strongest class in D4."
"Not a true do-it-all watch, but it will complement a collection and it is pure class in its own way."
"This really is a story about class and how it doesn't matter where you fall in that spectrum—you still make stupid mistakes."
"Classy people and their homes they typically are very very tidy and they're very manicured."
"Barcelona just showed some class at the end."
"This is one of the most styled and classed advertisements ever done and exactly where Johnny should be. Bravo Dior!"
"She was class. There's never been a classier person."
"The Colorado's interior feels first rate for the class."
"To almost everybody's surprise, dude handled it with a level of class and grace that was really unheard of."
"The girls have more class than any of the adults in this situation."
"There's a total neglect of the working class in America."
"Having money and having class are two separate things."
"The media is broadly out of touch with the core concerns of working class Americans."
"The middle class in America is probably permanently... people... know it."
"The media demonized working-class communities."
"If you're looking for a class that can do it all, if you pick hunter you will not be choosing wrong."
"Rosie deserves our full support and protection against that."
"A person is not obligated to live according to the class given to them; trying to do so through sheer willpower is impossible."
"There's so many ways that Jessica could have responded to this. I think she handled it with great class."
"It's definitely a story that's going to deal with race and class at the heart of it."
"Taylor does it with class. She's polite. She's cordial. She's thoughtful while she rebels."
"Absolute pure class, I'm really impressed with this."
"A gentleman always maintains his class and dignity."
"This car is frankly speaking in another league."
"The forehead kiss, very classy, very comforting."
"It's like Working Class Heroes that are making millions of dollars in a sporting world that is sort of notoriously driven by money and greed."
"It doesn't take a lot of money to be classy."
"Namaste. I hope you enjoyed this class."
"The more you pay in interest and amortization to the creditor class, the less you have to pay on goods and services."
"Loaves baked in ovens without trays had undersides caked in ash; when served to the upper classes, this was cut off, hence the term 'upper crust'."
"Her class, the way she treat her body, the way she lived her life, her heart... those are the things that made me choose my wife."
"She had class, did not curse, did not drink... she had responsibilities, her bills were paid, her grades were A's."
"If United share the same class and desire as they have this season, they'll take some stopping."
"A total disregard for the working class of this country, and it's all for just so billionaires can make more billions."
"The true elegance in class is making others feel that they are first class."
"I'd rather put my best foot forward, go out there, face all my respect, carry myself with class."
"He was always very classy like whether he won or lost, he was coming over to shake your hand."
"Anyone who acts like they're better than you is a snob; someone who might be further along than you but treats you as an equal is high class."
"...it is amazing the class thematically is easily describable and most players can step right into it..."
"It's not about class, mate. European heritage, and you haven't got it."
"Okay, I like her. This is very much simple and classy but relaxed."
"That's class in defeat from David Round, class in victory from Danny Christie."
"The poor saw the state as a predator to be avoided at all cost; the rich saw it as a petty annoyance to be ignored at all cost."
"If today's class was even a little fun, that would be great"
"We all know Donald Trump is a man of class and luxury."
"Thank you so much everyone. I hope you enjoyed today's abs and booty class."
"the hat that was designed for utility for the working class became associated with the banking class"
"Good morning you guys it is 7:54 I have class at 8:30."
"Capitalism doesn't work unless there's a working class."
"Shouldn't we have our policies be based around class and socioeconomic status instead of race?"
"Class is probably... the more important... classification."
"This is a high-class carnival prostitute, not some kind of back-alley hooker."
"And so by the time they'd finished with them, they pretty much resembled... pretty much what the Sims class had become."
"There's always a dude posted up in the back of the class who's visually fried as [ __ ]."
"I would much rather be around someone who is classy and who acts quiet luxury and dresses a little bit more trendy than someone who looks luxurious and will certainly tell you in more ways than one how much money they have."
"Style and class have nothing to do with trend and fashion."
"Nobody likes it. Good policy that addresses class subjugation will also address racial marginalization, yes, 100%."
"You have to bring people on board through the lens of class because it hits the largest group of people possible."
"The emerging cohort who is not among people judge but is not people judge might genuinely feel more solidarity with somebody who is a service worker than somebody who is an upwardly mobile young insurance VP."
"What if we embed that right there in the main spell casting feature of the class where you decide as a Bard player, is my Bard an Arcane Bard, a Primal Bard, or a Divine Bard?"
"This is very much a business-run society and the business classes are highly class conscious constantly fighting a class war."
"...this is a remarkably expensive vehicle for the class that it's in."
"Thank you so much everyone. I hope you enjoyed today's pilates class."
"This kind of a monster is of disaster class."
"We've created a class of professional politicians... and so nothing gets done."
"For members of the senatorial class, it must have seemed like a brood of peasants and actresses were taking the reins of their government."
"I assure you there will be no strikes in this match for I have class."
"The C8 assured that the Corvette remained the best-selling model in its class."
"An upper class puts the emphasis on refinement, the middle class on respectability, the lower class on survival."
"Every generation, there's this tool to change the lives of those at the bottom class and at the top."
"A royal should never share a pet with a filthy Bohemian fair of a street vendor."
"It's the same every year, isn't it? It's a smallish class but always, I tend to find the most competitive."
"Confidence is great if you have the confidence to wear a certain thing, that's fine, but remember, we're trying to stay classy."
"Druids are in my opinion the most broken, overpowered, and fun class in D&D fifth edition."
"The wizard is by far the strongest class in dagger heart... it fulfills every niche, it has an ability for every situation, it is a monster."
"Chemistry is going to be my favorite class this year."
"The great graded sword class was a moto, the great great."
"It was just class from start to finish."
"Classy and expensive sounding is how I would classify this box."
"The amount of dignity and class that Queen Elizabeth held herself with is very peaceful."
"The hotel still has as much class as ever."
"What power does class have to produce agency in the present, and how might this depend on historical understandings of class as well as on the continuities carrying these forward to a later time?"
"The poor and working class are almost the foundation of society."
"Class is much deeper than simply wealth."
"He was honest, the most classiest way you can say that."
"If the penalty for a crime is a fine, that law only exists for the lower classes."
"2024: Take a photography class to capture life's beautiful moments."
"I do it with style. I do it with class and I do it to the fullest or if not I don't do it at all."
"That's it, you are united with everyone else under one struggle. That is class struggle."
"Exactly what you'd call well classy."
"Poor people love reactionary politicians who feed them the gospel of change and prosperity, people don't recognize their class interests at all."
"...even within a ruling class there are conflicting interests."
"This movie is about upper middle class neuroses and how money is a kind of toxic or dissolving agent for love and trust and affection between two people."
"He did it with class and he did it with patience."
"I just feel like this is a little more elegant looking, classy looking."
"So here's an example: my class is a type. This is similar to what we saw before. It has two member variables: name is a string, defaults to 'Henry'; address is a string, defaults to '1234 Drive'."
"Sorry I'm late, I would have skipped class but..."
"This is class, yeah this is, this is pimp. No, it's not pimp, it's class."
"The framework of class in Britain therefore extends Beyond mere accent or financial status."
"It's just class, luxury, elegance in a bottle."
"Class is exactly what we get with this Mercedes E-Class."
"The best villains are the ones with class and respect."
"It's amazing, class! It's so awesome that we did this!"
"There's no getting around the difference in class."
"There's much to be said for an extra touch of quality and class; seek those as your priorities and you'll find this little super mini more than happy to oblige."
"This v60 claims to offer the largest load volume in the premium midsize class."
"Let them talk [ __ ] man don't be no tight asses talking about class listeners shut the [ __ ] up saying people talking about class listeners voted for Trump that is a classless dude."
"The last class was supposed to be all about punches but we learned a kick."
"We can disagree and still keep it classy."
"Go monochromatic but with either white or off-white I find it to be such a level of Elegance and class and style and it's just it's beautiful."
"Time to Say Goodbye to a Meets World class dismissed."
"Choosing to keep it simple, Kidman's fashion choice spoke volumes and proved that she has always been and always will be a class act."
"Tomorrow is the swordsmanship class of Professor Robert. Although I don't need to learn swordsmanship now, I should at least inform him I will not come to his class anymore."
"It's a great class that reminds me that we all have this inner creativity."
"Usher has class and he's giving him Grace."
"The relationship between Pip and Estella is very complicated. Pip is very attracted to Estella partly because she seems to belong to a remote and glamorous class. He's also very attracted to that class partly because Estella belongs to it."
"Actual equality clearly implies the abolition of classes."
"This is a person who really says sophisticated, that really is very very classy."
"You cannot succeed in this class if you refuse to learn."
"You know what's horrifying? Having my ex in my class."
"I love class, I like learning, I like being there."
"You can't buy class and you can't buy sway."
"I think being classy is draining. This is why you pick and choose who you give your energy to."
"Sometimes the way rich people talk to not rich people is just insane."
"You can never derive a person's identity or their all-things-considered interests simply from knowing their class position."
"People in households pool their income and their interests as a household then tends to be tightly connected to the most exploiting and dominating aspect of the class relations within that household."
"Neoliberalism is the period where class war is only being waged by the capitalists."
"...the rejection of identitarianism can only be achieved by the reassertion of class. A left that does not have class at its core can only be a liberal pressure group."
"Class is not just about individual attributes; it's about the nature of the positions in which people are located. It's about the positions people occupy in a social structure."
"True Elegance is tied to wealth or social class is simply untrue. Elegance looks good on everyone."
"Education as having to do with class."
"Classes certainly still do haunt us. We cannot get the idea of class out of our hair."
"He continues to be classy, family first, caring about his teammates."
"Dallas is too too much of a class organization and a class team to stay down."
"We've got centurions, we've got slaves, and we've got rich people and we've got poor people."
"He understands that yes, modern society does create class conflicts."
"Old Montreal, you're classy. That's all I'm gonna say. You guys are classy here."
"I really like that it deals of course with the conversation surrounding who gets to leave the planet in a future where we do get to explore space really talking about class and privilege and those sorts of ideas."
"The MGB GT had a sort of new identity in the GT a kind of stately professional car that anybody regardless of class would be proud to drive."
"The rural class carries the extra onus of feeling like it's our fault if we're not wealthy."
"He admitted that some things he learned in class helped him when it came to being questioned by the police."
"If you want to make a way to her heart, you need to be very classy."
"When you're ordering food, find out what she wants and then order for the both of you. It's an absolute classy move."
"The free peasantry largely eliminated by the end of the Empire, most people in the countryside who weren't outright slaves had become effectively dead pians to some rich landlord."
"Mr. Burberry Indigo - it's got a bunch of versatility that smells nice, smells classy."
"He wanted them to be gentlemen, and here we mean 'gentlemen' in its historic sense - entitled, wealthy men of privilege."
"Aspiration stands prominently for this class."
"It shows maturity, it shows restraint, it shows class, it shows refinement."
"Absolutely brilliant. In the heat of battle to slow down like that and just be so selective with your pass, that's pure class."
"Whether you're rich, poor, middle class has less to do with how much money you make than it does what you do with money when you make it."
"Separating makeup by class aids in content creation."
"The English really are obsessed with class. Spending a lot of time in London would give you the idea that class was the key to history."