
Strategic Gaming Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"StarCraft: a testament to the strategic prowess of its players."
"They are the judge that pushes combat into strategic on the fly decision making."
"I need to kill more than one big beastie each turn, then they will smash into my lines."
"Welcome to Warhammer 40k eighth edition - it's 6,000 points of adaptive smoking cursor versus Asuryani Eldar!"
"It's all well and good trying to just do damage to enemy tank destroyers, but to complete this mission you also have to survive and win the battle."
"A grand strategy game is an incredibly complex strategy game that is played in real time and has an incredible scope."
"That means even though they rounded movement points previously they now basically get to skirt out of this territory."
"If you have a Cranko deck and someone goes boardwipe, you don't care what they flip off the top of their library because once it gets to your turn you're winning no matter what."
"If you have good awareness of where people are and know the state of your lanes, you should be able to respond to backdooring."
"Be sure to watch all the way through, so you don't miss what might be your favorite new strategy game."
"I think it's a very tricky situation here for for xqc already and he needs to kind of not use too much time really importantly he's not let's trade I have a good game I'm confident my late game is a solid."
"The AI is keeping you in check and making you play the game thinking a little bit more about the decisions you make."
"It's the thinking man's action game in speed chess."
"We have to play smart at every stage of the game."
"The purpose of winning a fight is for you to push objectives so you can win the game."
"Ladies and gentlemen, don't try and readjust your screens, you are seeing that correctly, we do have positive manpower. It is a truly, truly momentous day for us."
"The M10 is a pretty important vehicle to pick up here once you can find some spots to make it work, you'll definitely get some good results."
"The damage amp effect of mercy and the reliable healing she can give is so potent."
"At the end of the day, that's the Ultimate Gamer move."
"It's really nice to see us spend such a huge chunk of time kind of investing into the later parts of the run and then see it instantly pay off with just a 5 turn fight for 5 Pokemon."
"Link summoning... it does give you more to think about when you're playing the game."
"I like the idea of sieging the castle and then killing the lord monster inside."
"Karma always making the right play, the right ICR."
"The culmination of these various factors... led to dynamic gameplay, in other words, gameplay that made you rethink your strategies as new information came up."
"I'm a value player; I like to have a lot of options at my command."
"You want to understand the system and you want to understand the game that way you can win in the game because so many people are not financially educated and they're playing in the game where they don't even understand the rules."
"The game is far from solved. There's a lot of elements that are solved and there's a lot of ideas that you can apply but there's an element of chaos that always happens in games. It's hard to stay away from it."
"The first pick on blue side ideally is a flex or something that is very versatile and strong."
"Every blink, every recall, every bullet in your gun needs to be used with intent to have impact."
"France is one of the most powerful nations in the world, whether in the hands of a player or in the hands of the AI."
"Bestowing your state an unparalleled amount of statistical advantages."
"England is one of the most popular and one of the most powerful nations in EU4."
"This card is one of the best control killers I think we've seen in a long time."
"That was a very strategic maneuver with our strategic Bonk."
"Great play by karma that's exactly who you want in that 1 versus 1."
"There's definite strategy; this is not running around like Monopoly."
"Resistances in Diablo 2 are important to stack."
"Apparently we can 'door to nothingness' one of the scariest, fastest stacks in the historic format."
"Building up that value is one of the best ways to really get ahead in Magic."
"I want cards that win the game or are going to be super valuable in the long run."
"Focus attack your point of armor rev a blow."
"Freezing the lane close to your tower is very oppressive. You do not need to just shit on your laner through kills, as long as you know how to manage them."
"I love this animation. You know that's how you get the king, the king of the Dragon Emperor is out of your face, you give him one of these."
"Each nation has their own specific features, strengths, and weaknesses that offer a multitude of opportunities to devise your own tactics."
"Eradicators...perhaps the most efficient anti-tank Squad in the entire Space Marine codex."
"If you play smart and you use everything that's at your disposal in the sandbox, it's pretty easy actually. But it's about having that creativity, that awareness of what the sandbox is capable."
"That means we have at least one Pokemon that we can use at the end of today's video."
"I think getting into Steve's deployment zone, taking the fight to him, putting on some massive aggression here is going to be better than scoring the points I can by hanging out in the midfield."
"Everyone's favorite Dragon Ogre just got even better with Immortal Empires."
"Once again, it's proven that workers are the strongest unit in the game."
"Experience is a huge difficulty and then understanding maps beyond just a basic map sense and reading tile pieces is super important."
"Building efficiently with walls, ramps, floors to outmaneuver three guys and win a situation that was otherwise unwinnable takes more skill than that."
"French are a civilization that can do anything and they are very good at anything and everything."
"Do we just earthquake this? Amy, I don't know, zombie minions you have left here let's see."
"Be honest with yourself about your deck's strengths and weaknesses."
"The first early attack is very important; it's not like with other decks where you can try to be like, 'I ding you for two and it doesn't matter that much.'"
"Civilizations in AOE4 have significant bonuses, creating diverse interactions."
"Cobras are one of those towers that they're really freakin good."
"You should not be struggling in greater rifts until you're powerful, until you've augmented your character and you're ready to push."
"The deck feels like it can do almost anything and your decisions really matter."
"Advantage players will always have an advantage because still at the end of the day, casinos sleep."
"Breaking barriers, bending rules, glitching through to victory."
"The game focuses on collecting realm cards which will help you reshape the landscape of your next destination. Each realm has its own dangers, discoveries, and surprises and you'll have the power to influence its design."
"Portugal, the secret in a sauce of white, Portugal is Iberia's best subject nation is readily apparent."
"Novgorod makes for one of the best and most underrated vassals in the game."
"For cloning him. He gets a passing grade as well. You just have to be very very careful to not 1: feed the enemy team 2: to get in a position to actually get value from the whole hog."
"What a performance by him unstoppable but that coach was saying sophia's crazy on that dawnbreaker and he showed it right here."
"This could be really good for stalling, for keeping your hero healthy, and in certain control decks maybe. Like, it prevents a lot."
"Worms W.M.D. introduces new elements to your strategy like a weapons crafting system, vehicles, turrets and buildings. So you can power through 30 campaign levels."
"But Alfred's prioritization of speed control and KO and Connor's Pokemon early to try and force in dendozo made this set so close."
"Blastoise, I mean it's basically an infinite supply of water, also just think, just blast away whole hordes at a time, it can split concrete and steel with those, so like, ooh, horde of zombies? Now it's a horde of half zombies. That easy." - Loxton
"Chansey seems to be a solid pick since it's the Pokémon most associated with medicine. You could also go with its evolution Blissey, assuming you can make it happy enough to evolve during a zombie apocalypse." - Madrid
"Don't ignore the towers, don't ignore any area."
"Every map has points of the environment that act as natural cover."
"Generous people just save you a lot of time if you only fight the battles that would otherwise have been a devastating loss."
"Congratulations to Mado for winning six wars in a row, and they're gonna go on a victory lap now for two more attacks to get even more stars."
"The ban and pick phase is just as important."
"I think cooler is going to be able to cook. I think that overall I'm going into this in my mind I have cooler as I think the third best unit in the game."
"Wave management: crucial for setting up ideal situations."
"Adaptability is one of the most valuable skills any total war player can have."
"Fetch lands are very, very good when you know the top of your library."
"You want players who have very little risk but also have massive upside because we're trying to get first place."
"You're going against people that win 90% of the time so it's more of a 50/50 if you're going to win the gulag."
"Strategy is essential to take Shadowverse by storm, great for competitive or casual players."
"It just makes his stasis field huge... you can pretty much divide the map."
"We gotta make it to the river, and that means that we won the game!"
"Every little ounce of damage on the opponent's base is very important."
"We're planning a campaign system in which you're fighting actual military campaigns."
"Sequence breaking in Zero Mission was an intentional design choice that rewards players with alternate routing opportunities."
"Overall I'd rate the hell blasters as being a fun potentially really quite destructive unit."
"When you tell people you will be punished for saying what I don't want to hear, you basically get silenced."
"We needed more manganese coming out from magic."
"There is no enemy siege that is going to push through that."
"Don't focus elites until your run has its engine that starts to, you know, like for example you have corruption barricade and true grits or something."
"Can you build a civilization that stands the test of time?" - Sid Meier's Civilization
"In conclusion, Perseus has a lot to offer through her massive healing capabilities. She's a great fit for any fleet and I would suggest getting her since she can basically be used in absolutely everything."
"A law is in that kind of top tier group of champions for me."
"If it was easy, like if we would have gone into Firebase or D Machine, we would have got it right off the bat with little effort, which isn't fun."
"The fact that G2 didn't want this game to be about their ability to play Kiana but instead was actually 'No, you take the Kiana because we are putting a higher priority on getting Gragas Yasuo for ourselves.'"
"At the end the payoff is huge when you can play a seven mana to for six taunts or a huge game finisher C'thun."
"Bestiary: Pushing it to the limit and seeing how much we can earn from it."
"This effectively lets them act as a barrier healer for the duration."
"We got it in the bag, we just have to look out for the enemies."
"So picking a type that counters your opponent's is super important!"
"It's really refreshing to see that there is somebody playing World of Warships who understands the critical importance of doing absolutely nothing at the right time."
"Having these very cost-effective durable troops in the frontline that are immune to psychology, have incredible armor, great leadership, and really, really high defense with decent offensive output is certainly a key to success."
"Printflop here... could be really solid for us."
"Red is contained inside their base while blue beats on the core."
"I do end up getting the heimerdinger now I guess maybe it paid off maybe the greed play paid up but just because something paid off doesn't mean it's actually the correct play it is definitely correct just to put the jeweled gauntlet on the karma."
"The depth of gameplay in Distant Worlds is very impressive."
"On this carousel do we want the loaded dice or a random item component I think the loaded dice is pretty interesting because getting a random item component it's not really that strong loaded dice could give us a potential of a very strong 2 star."
"An anti-large build: great if you're facing factions with powerful monsters."
"Snap, destroy decks pack an absolute punch with early turn domination."
"Always be safe with Mercy, put yourself in a bad position because the great thing with Mercy is you can jump out if you need to."
"Now we're on to 'Into the Abyss,' and this level is where all good runs go to die. This is the first mission that's split into three chapters and there are a few tricks in particular that save a lot of time but are also very risky."
"The aggressive wards that were placed are really well done by our supports this game."
"Little incidental life gain is not something that you're just like, 'Oh, I'm gonna build a life gain deck, so I care about it.' But little bits here and there help out a lot. It can change the game in ways that you wouldn't think."
"If a team ever uses a champion that no other team is using so effectively that they start to draw bans on that, I'm like that is the best feeling."
"I play war games for the war, you play war games for the game."
"That was honestly the riskiest maneuver I had in this whole map."
"Reinforcements are all about wasting utility."
"Prioritize outside facing walls, hatches, and objective walls."
"Read the enemy team's positioning to make informed decisions."
"Just gotta have that resilience mentality never give up because you know this deck can carry you super hard"
"Venice is one of the most fleshed out Nations there is."
"I like the slow grind I'm about forty turns into here and I've only really conquered three new settlements and only have two armies so I like the slow pace of the game."
"Tunis is my personal favorite MacGravy nation and it is one of the best nations for forming Andalusia with and dominating the Mediterranean."
"Definitely, definitely restore Andalusia - an excellent nation with excellent national ideas."
"I'm really enjoying the character development and strategic battles; they're amazing."
"Success is earned on the heist not beforehand in the menus"
"Knowing how far you can take something is one of the most crucial pieces of information in all of League of Legends."
"Playing the factions against each other for the bloodiest outcome is the recommended strategy."
"To get the achievement, all we have to do is restore Byzantium itself."
"Let's go ahead and grab the war economy which should greatly improve my production and my military factory construction speed."
"Sometimes the threat of omni slash is actually stronger than the omni slash itself."
"One of the most powerful things with districts are their adjacency bonuses."
"Playing Rumble helps you develop an understanding of how to use power advantages to create leads."
"It's a buff late game if you build Zhonya's third, fourth, fifth, or sixth. It's a Nerf if you build Zhonya's first or second."
"Player comprehension: understand what you're engaging, prioritize targets."
"With this set you will be extremely well prepared to take on the remaining bosses of the game."
"P.E.K.K.A requires the most elixir to upgrade her to the maximum level."
"Exploit the base design weaknesses, use your advantages."
"This might be the help we need, let's go make a random first team player 99 rated."
"I might have to sacrifice my wins for the first several cage matches and let you get some wins just so I can have a good team and start countering you later."
"Unlock special buffs in events by borrowing high-level units and strategizing team compositions."
"Welcome back to the start to get those the moons and here you can actually see the binoculars I was talking about before."
"This cleanup was very well executed and Payne rain lightning another two three star."
"I need to get more powerful upgrades. It's the only way I can defeat him."
"Build a massive Army, equip your soldiers or minions with hundreds of items, upgrades and skills."
"Sucrose is probably the only character in the game where every single constellation matters so much."
"Turning off the sword of Ruin is just so effective, like it makes such a big deal."
"It's already gearing up for just a standard macro game from both sides, which is exactly what I want to see."
"Consider shifting the way you play the game at the high platinum breakpoint."
"Access code's so good, I wouldn't regret it either."
"Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord offers historically authentic defensive structures that offer the ultimate medieval warfare experience."
"It's all about understanding the best times to roam."
"This may be the best game of World so far and nearly 50 kills across these two teams what an insane nailbiter."
"If you can do this to at least the intermediate AI, get to feudal age pressure with an army while building up your base and finish them off with Rams, guess what, you're actually good enough to play against human opponents."
"Remember that only the talents from the primary Commander matter when you're fighting in the open field."
"It's great to give people tools to beat something they're losing to."
"This card is amazing because in any five color deck, gods or not, you probably want this card."
"Once you acquire the [dragon] buff, your team is simply stronger."
"Amoonguss can deal with the Fable, any variant, either unaware or calm mind."
"I think this deck is actually quite strong if you build it fully optimized."
"Right now is a great time for Blizzard to really consider pushing for a Warcraft 4 RTS game."
"It's the fourth Drake that you fight RNG on. If they get that, the fight's pretty much game over."
"Solar's got the map control, the economy, and the lava. It's just about how many units he has."
"Sometimes you go for the big plays, man. Go for the big plays to get those massive W's."
"Each player starts the game with a private objective. In this case, your private objective will award you points by adding the values of your yellow dice."
"So for a scale like this you can kind of give a little bit more space and leave a little bit more empty room and it's still gonna feel okay."
"Kills will scale on placement so closer to endgame kills will be worth more so now players are going to have to decipher is it worth taking a fight early game or should we wait till the middle of the game."
"This is where we drop dark arm dragon on you. Ah, 'cause we have three darks. And then I'm going to sync my excel synchron with my jet warrior and we're going to bring out stardust warrior. Oh!"
"When you have really high stats on your monarch, stay above at least one stability."
"Cthulhu Wars... is much smarter than I thought it was going to be going in."
"Your job is to get full value from your opponents in these games..."
"Our fight against the rebels in the Black Sun continues as we lead the Empire to Glorious Victory."
"RPGs sell pretty well on the Switch, Octopath Traveler alone sold over a million units in less than a week."
"Your win condition in the early game: get pressure, get plating, start rotating."
"I like waking up knowing what aggro deck I have to beat."
"Flash plays very deliberate, safe, and conservative, but trying to cut corners where he can."
"Nobles actually have some really strong abilities like knowledge of health affairs for trade. Our troop replenishment is really the big winner though."
"Middle lanes in maps like Crown Raceway are perfect for sniper and AR long shots."
"Bennett's first constellation is one of the best if not the best first constellation in the game."
"Great change if you're running a Palpatine lead."
"It's almost like they have all the right answers to any play that the Cambodians can throw at them."
"I'm in his head, guys, I'm gonna try a max level plan here."
"The armor in this game actually gives you different mechanical advantages. It's not just the way it looks; it helps accent your chosen play style."
"Lesson one from battle number one: if you're playing against a graveyard player and you have poison, make sure you are saving that poison for the right moment."
"Cloud9 made it so if we get to a decider, we can steal one of these first two maps."
"Open fording is a very effective way to get a lot of gold in order to find a comp later."
"It's good to force defense, you want to get them to spend more money on defense and less money on farms because farms give money."
"I think my best bet for this turn is to just recast Mishra."
"Verus Pro have been able to just slice them apart on this particular site it's all down a bolo there's two for good measure to make it a one versus three but he's low on Health in a difficult position rotates away trying to see if."
"If your opponent overreaches and oversteps, as long as you don't get checkmated, you'll probably win."
"You know, it's like optimizing your time, it's a pretty good little stream, how are you gonna play them, where you get a little strap there?"
"If they go even in the early game, it's 100 percent in their favor."
"I think your build is weak to great bows' build, doesn't it?" "No, I think I'd be able to dodge it."
"In conclusion, if you've not tried any of the Pandemic Legacy games, I would absolutely buy one. And I would absolutely make it Season Zero."
"Every piece of equipment has specific parameters of weight and protection, making for strategic gameplay choices."
"It's quite nice to have some of the most exciting and fun units playable and not just leave some armies with one single cookie cutter competitive build."