
Accusation Quotes

There are 1644 quotes

"You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. Take her away."
"You've been pranking me this whole time. Die, you killed Melanie, you killed Melan!"
"One of you guys is the killer, and I am ready to make my first accusation."
"You killed them, David. Their blood is on your hands."
"I think his superpower is how he's the 'I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say about me bounces off of me and sticks to you.' He embraces it and then accuses you of it."
"Accusing your adversaries of doing what you're doing so as to create confusion."
"Somebody sent me something on my phone and said that I hog-tied her. I don't know how to hog-tie people."
"Johnny Depp is being blackmailed by Amber Heard. Here's how I know."
"Hodson was alleging that Paul Dale was seeking opportunity and work to murder somebody. The work is as a hitman."
"I can accept that the life I've chosen means I must live completely open and transparent with my fans who I love and the public 100% of the time. What I cannot accept is being told I'm lying to cover up a crime I haven't committed."
"I think too many people are being accused of something that in this day and age, you're guilty until proven innocent rather than innocent until proven guilty."
"As men, we take the brunt of it because now we're being accused for it and also our business is going to suffer."
"One of the worst things for a narcissist is being accused of something they actually did."
"Joel Benky is one of those men accused of violence or intimidation by more than 20 women all over the country."
"The best offense is to claim you're doing what your enemy is actually doing."
"If someone accuses you of something, you should have the right to defend yourself."
"If somebody calls somebody else lazy, I just believe that's projecting, that's just projection."
"The left always projects when they talk about normalizing things. That's what they've been doing all along."
"You framed me and killed my girl!" - Harley Quinn
"No puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet! I'm rubber, you're glue."
"Whatever they're accusing the enemy of is exactly what they are trying to do."
"After he said the last things I heard them say was, 'You lied to us.'"
"Donald Trump has committed crimes against the country."
"If I'm guilty of anything, it's guilty of exposing you."
"I can't even fathom being accused of murder if you really didn't murder somebody like that's my biggest fear."
"Forget the defense, there's no need to look at the tape... It sounds like murder."
"What will those closest to you think if they find out that you brutally murdered two little girls? Two children. Only a coward would do such a thing."
"I'm sorry, that's corruption. This is a targeted attack on the president of the United States. When he calls it a coup attempt, he's absolutely right."
"Basing such a serious case on accusations alone was a recipe for disaster."
"The evidence overwhelmingly shows that Miss Heard is an abuser and that she is a liar."
"More women who are raped come forward and get justice. More men who are falsely accused come forward and prove that it's false."
"It has harmed my reputation, I mean people perceive me as a murderer."
"America is one bad election away from being a memory that's their closing pitch also if Republicans win is probably because they cheated."
"The left lies, they cheat, and they steal, they are ruthless."
"If you're saying someone is a rapist, you better be able to prove it."
"Every accusation is projection and confession."
"They lied, they cheated, they leaked, they got caught, they spied on my campaign."
"He's basically said that Trump is a victim of extortion... thereby accusing the prospective client of extorting his current client."
"If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I'm proud of it."
"I am telling you he killed mike and he did it for you because he wanted you and I know that's hard and I know it hurts but by god I'm telling that's what happened."
"I told him point blank that I knew he'd killed Valerie and I knew that he probably buried her."
"You're a fucking charlatan, you're a fucking liar, and you know you're a fucking liar because you have no evidence for this."
"She killed me. She killed me. Five bodies buried here. You should dig here."
"It goes without saying that an innocent person accused of such a crime would not sit quietly and listen to the accusations."
"When you're accused of horrific acts and things that you have not done, you have a tendency as humans to get very, very irate and angry."
"I would be in the 90 to 95 certainty that she is guilty."
"Give us our brand back, you stole it in the first place."
"So the only real inference anyone could draw from that is that she was saying that the royal family were being racist."
"I believe if you are proven to falsely accuse someone of rape you should automatically be charged with a mirror image punishment."
"The enemy of the state is him and the group that control him."
"If you're so hard dug into a position that nothing can convince you otherwise, accusing someone of rape without proof is rough."
"Every accusation with these people is always a confession." - Ben Micellis
"Mr. Trump is a racist, he is a con man, and he is a cheat."
"So all nine guns they said were yours every single one."
"I'm literally just standing in this guy's way of course this guy with the shades on of course he's running it all right you're all loaded bro."
"Many of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle actually perpetrated a witch-hunt."
"Somebody's lying, and it's definitely not my grandfather."
"Do you think that this was Shayna's plan all along?"
"The president is trying to discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won't be counted."
"It's literally just you lying over and over and over and over again."
"You sold this country out long before I ever did."
"Your son forged and he looks to you know the person that he's talking to who did you murder to do it even i didn't stoop that low now i'm."
"This is a president who has been credibly accused of committing multiple crimes."
"Knowing him as you do, Christie, do you believe that he killed his wife? Yes, I do."
"Joe Biden is a criminal and he's been a criminal for a long time."
"It's murder. You can protest all you want but it's murder."
"There's no doubt in my mind, no doubt whatsoever, that he killed her. He killed her in an extremely vicious, sick manner. He's extremely dangerous."
"We are ruining people's lives Moses's work is getting things that he's a [ __ ] rapist it's a [ __ ] crazy no is it there was shows that doesn't mean it's just like I can't."
"Biden deserted you, he's not from Pennsylvania. He left you for another state."
"Confession through projection: accuse your adversaries of doing what you are doing."
"Label your opponent as a Nazi or racist if you can't defeat their argument with real truth and logic."
"If you are labeling people like that, you are the racist. You are the one that's the definition of racism."
"The idea that they're taking this family and trying to turn him into the Biden crime family... it's creative but it's just not true."
"There is strength in unity. We the people are now the news."
"Always accuse your opponent of what it is you're doing."
"He says their name all the time, he accuses the dealers of not shuffling right."
"They called him evil, compared him to Bill Cosby."
"Do what you need to do, but what in the world did I do to you that you really legitimately want to put Me In Harm's Way?"
"Accuse others of what you do. It's gotten into politics where they do the hateful thing and they accuse you of being hateful."
"Honey, I did not kill Billy Logan. I did a lot of bad things in my life but this I am NOT GUILTY of."
"Projected inversion: You accuse them of doing to you the thing that you want to do to them."
"The only crime that I have committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy it."
"This exonerates Megan from the accusation that she stirred up all this trouble."
"Johnny never struck Amber. He never struck a woman in his entire life."
"The people who shout the absurd accusation 'you're a racist against white people' are really just attempting to shut down the conversation."
"Never defend yourself against something you're not guilty of."
"Donald Trump incited an insurrection against the United States."
"They accuse the Republicans and the right of doing exactly what they do."
"If you didn't do it, you wouldn't be sitting here."
"This is a cover-up and Fulton County is corrupt." - Comment from an X user
"The people who were telling you that you got to vote for them to save democracy are actual fascists."
"You want to delegitimize somebody, call them racist because the power lies in the accusation and then you can disregard them."
"Just one person in a crowd whose guilt is assured the moment they pull the trigger."
"The author of the letter says that Steve is innocent and that he knows who actually killed Jessica."
"If you aren't the culprit, then you gotta prove that you aren't."
"This is 2020 presidential election fraud. This is the crime of the century."
"Nothing will happen to you and you can bring any kind of accusation against anyone at zero cost to yourself."
"There is unrest brewing among our people, lord, and we know you have something to do with it."
"If we live in a world where we're believing that Michael Peterson killed her on those stairs it's because he was grabbing her head by her hair and slamming her head into the stairs."
"They were just straight up like, you know you're telling us that you're excited and happy that your brother is dead, right?"
"If you oppose canceling Dr. Seuss, you're a racist and you agree with racism."
"This was a coup orchestrated by the president against the vice president and against the congress."
"How can a man, a woman lie on the Most High right in your face?"
"You couldn't have aided Ruth Neve in abusing her children more if you'd actually physically helped or abused them."
"We have to be careful and demand evidence in these scenarios because you are actually damaging somebody's life if you're not correct."
"They're trying to show that maybe Alec lured them there, right, that he had this planned."
"If I'm such a predator, why are the kids traveling around with me? You guys have seen in the videos."
"You're inferring that she is guilty and adding additional reasons as to why she might be guilty."
"It's much more damaging, of course, when it's against somebody who is simply not a racist."
"There's something very important missing from that statement... I didn't do it."
"Democrats embody everything they accuse President Trump of doing."
"He was all over the place accusing of running Alphabet by proxy."
"The fight has proven that if he is the accuser, then he has beared false witness."
"To accuse somebody of something without any real strong evidence, I think is kind of unfair."
"How can you not see that? I see what you are, murderer, monster, butcher."
"You say Colleen is Iconic yeah iconically a pedophile it seems."
"I don't handle being accused of something that I did not do well at all and it then becomes personal and emotional."
"That's beyond anybody's imagination cruelty to do that."
"You're an [__] for making me think something that was wrong."
"If you always believe the victim, you're turning your back on the accused."
"Even if you have no intention of being that kind of person... the accusation alone is a weapon."
"Mad that I can't change anything. Can't bring it. I know in my mind Tracy killed David."
"You monster, you diabolical fiends, I can't believe you've done this to me."
"We're going to call fascists fascists, we're going to call traitors traitors, we're going to call idiots idiots."
"And when you point it out, they call you a liar and say you're making it up."
"Lying would do you a lot of good if you're the culprit."
"Everything she's wearing here all this bling is stolen as [ __ ] the only reason she ever had the position she did was because her ancestors were a bunch of thieving and murdering Warlords."
"Amber was wrongfully accused for an incident."
"Not everyone believed him, not everyone believed that he wasn't really behind it because everyone else also thought to themselves well there's actually a good reason like there's a good case for Ben being the guy who's been turning him in."
"There can be no evidence like you said unless someone was there someone was there with a Nikon going 'oh oh they're backdating it.'"
"I think we're beyond the idea of fringe or civil disagreement. Falsely accusing someone of rape with no evidence whatsoever is flat out evil."
"Men are not disposable, and if you take gender out of this... you do not accuse somebody of false things and then double down several times and then not take it back."
"This is all your fault, Janelle. Now, two of our friends are missing."
"It's sick to think that a 14 year old girl, her friends, and her mother would all just go out there and say all these things just for the purpose of destroying someone's credibility."
"Zelensky accused Putin of war crimes and said Ukrainians will not be broken."
"He gassed me up, and there's even a part in there where I accuse Jeff of stealing like $2 million."
"To be accused of being a perpetrator of IPV is horrific and completely ruinous to one's reputation."
"You're so eager to tell me I'm wrong, I wasn't even wrong that time!"
"You let Tony die, you son of a [__]! I can't even believe you!"
"Erica, today you deserve the same compassion that you gave none. You are a vicious, cold-hearted, cold-blooded killer."
"The accusation of heresy is often used as a weapon by those wishing to gain power over others."
"Thank you very much, Alex Murdock hasn't been convicted of the financial crimes yet."
"That old man Sammy the Bull broke your [__] ass."
"Well, you're the one who said you walked on the moon when you didn't. So why don't you just put an end to the record?"
"Mackenzie Shirella murdered my son Dominic as well as Davion."
"The left calls everything racist, everything's sexist; the right calls everything anti-semitic."
"When President Trump says start using the word treason at the FBI..."
"I believe Brian Colberg committed this crime a life of Darkness deep unhappiness and of being mentally unwell."
"China might not have started the Opium epidemic in the United States, but they've clearly not let a good crisis go to waste."
"Can you tell me why you're a bench owed scammer?"
"Just because Gonta was at the mansion doesn't mean he isn't the culprit. All the culprit needed was a way to get from the roof to outside the mansion."
"This seems like a pretty old, 'So do I pin it on him, the actual person who's the snitch? Where do I put it on Damon?'"
"Literally doing what Elon is accusing us of doing."
"Usually the person that's shouting the loudest is the one who is guilty of the sin they're shouting about accusing you of."
"You're a killer, a killer! Give me a lucky fist bump."
"They tried to set you up with a murder plot, but you didn't fall for it."
"That's like saying from one side who's more likely to [__] animal, you."
"Show me the men and I'll show you the crime."
"You changed, man. You f***ing changed, Craig."
"Before we accuse people of worshiping Satan on purpose... as Christians we need to be careful of who we accuse."
"I believe respondent AKA Terry is involved in The Disappearance of my son Chiron who's been missing since June 4th 2010." - Kane Horman
"So when they tell the public we don't have any evidence for this, that is a bullface lie."
"Nope, I saw you kill my friend. Shouldn't be a dick bag then."
"The Jackson family believes Don Bohana murdered Dee Dee Jackson because she wouldn't bail him out of bankruptcy."
"Elizabeth, I know you're listening. This is genocide. Do you understand?"
"They're trying to steal these two important Senate seats from Georgia."
"You're supposed to be my teacher, not my kidnapper."
"Currently got a strike on YouTube for promoting gambling when I've never gambled in my life."
"I'm the best ever. I mean, can't you just get the actual shooter to confess? I mean, just want to Sketchy old goons then he worked for Sketchy."
"You're being so selfish. Oh my, she buries you in a second."
"If you're watching this and I'm dead, and if there's any question about how I died, know this: my father killed me."
"Oh wait, did I say 'accused?' I meant 'proven to be. Many times.'"
"Sid believed that his whereabouts had nothing to do with anyone else because he knew he did not take the life of his own child."
"Trump before that deposition he made sure this morning to call A.G James a racist because that appears to be his main line of defense here."
"I'm a human trafficker. We could save the world from an asteroid and they would still say, 'Well, between his eighth and ninth taco, I think he ran a sex ring.'"
"I'm a firm believer that John Hill killed her for her money, plain and simple."
"Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty."
"Don Bennett, a financial counselor, has been accused of conducting a 20 million dollar Ponzi scam."
"But we still not taking into consideration how much money he lost just based off of the court of public opinion when he first got accused."
"When you start accusing people of things, you need to back that kind of stuff up."
"You are going to be tried for second degree homicide."
"She's either in on it, she knows who did it, or she's the one who did it."
"I'm really big on online privacy but I just got called a cheater who was trying to cover her tracks, no one believed me at all."
"If you're regularly getting called a Nazi, maybe actually look at what the Nazis believed."
"There's nothing more powerful than being accused falsely of a crime by the guilty party because they get to project all of their fear and anger and hatred into you. It's very powerful."
"This is now the Democrat party which is protecting normalizing pedophiles and sex trafficking."
"I couldn't care less what they're going to accuse me of."
"Prosecutors eventually arrested her husband Barry Morphe, charged him with murder."
"You totally shocked me with that. It's a lie. And it is shaming and it is grotesque."
"Your hopes dreams and prayers will not be answered just because you don't like me doesn't mean I'm guilty."
"Damn that [__] out here, the VBC trying to sabotage."
"But these things are true the lady cannot make up the names of all the right people and the people who are still alive today and she cannot lie about these things."
"It's very easy to get polarized into if you don't approve this then you must be a sexist."
"I crowd-surfed to my $300 Loro Piana hat got stolen by a girl. By the way, I [ __ ] know you stole it. We saw you steal it."
"Damn near blackmailed in my opinion by Alex Edson based on the track record that I see."
"It's my view that he's maliciously weaponizing false claims to threaten the decision... middle fingers."
"All it takes is one accusation to destroy a man's life."
"The iron law of modern-day politics is that they will accuse you of the sins and the crimes of which they are guilty."
"You blackguard! You have destroyed it, you've dishonored me forever!"
"Because you're a [ __ ] murderer that's why."