
Color Symbolism Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"Color can show off a character's eccentricity, it can reflect someone's mood, or it can show that a character doesn't quite fit in."
"What does it mean when a character starts a movie alone wearing one color and ends it in love wearing something else?"
"When I think of right, I think of fiery passion."
"When I think of orange, I think of like for some reason ice cream and like sugar."
"When you're wearing pink, it means a statement."
"Color is often read in our society as revealing something about your inner nature, so dying one's hair a color that's obviously unnatural is a willful act of self-creation."
"Red is like my inner child color; it's like the color of passion and the color of love."
"The horseshoe centrist doesn't see a difference between red and yellow."
"The color theory: each color displayed in text in the game has significance."
"It's worth noting the difference in color—the color of the flames surrounding Breath of the Wild spirits..."
"There's a reason why this is white. It's because that's the color what the universe looked like."
"You gotta watch my yellow music video... I'm like, yellow did that!"
"Despite their Misfortune yellow and blue do manage to make it to the end."
"I will prove that blue, not even red, not even green, but blue is stronger than yellow."
"I'm going with red. I think it's a little panic."
"May's full name, Mei Lin, translates as 'beautiful gem' or 'beautiful rose,' reinforcing the red color motif."
"God wants you to have all these vibrant colors to express yourself."
"Black is just very powerful. It's very powerful. Depending on how you're wanting to work with it."
"Shiny, shiny, shiny, alright ready three two one, why be purple."
"I am a coloring spirit I paint my world with color you couldn't break me you couldn't take color away from me um."
"That's what's amazing. That orange. It's like with Castro whenever we go up against Castro."
"This is perfect because you know what's red? Hmm, you know what's right."
"Together with Rocket and Plasma, these three make up a second set of team colors."
"Color is a manifestation of God's glory and beauty."
"Say hello to the very first official purple Ranger."
"It's like the color itself has been restricted."
"I want yellow black red white and blue, and that's how it should be."
"I'm really loving this color, it's really starting to describe me."
"It makes everything feel very dry, dark, and hopeless, and yet oddly satisfying when you get splashes of color."
"Red for bad? That's red, the color of Crimson deep, valuable, precious dies rubies because of wealth. It's not a bad thing, it's certainly not a bad thing."
"Let's give them one color they can rely on, so let's give them orange."
"The way that Kawabata explores color in 'Snow Country' is amazing."
"Pink, associated with sensuality and flirtation."
"Blue is the color, not the blue of Chesterfield but the blue of Chelsea."
"The classic black and yellow, I think it's nice."
"Pink is commonly used to portray prettiness but black pink actually means to say that pretty isn't everything."
"September green or red? I gotta go green Baby Gotta Go Green."
"It's like totally weird because you're always in red and I'm always in pink."
"Pink is absolutely hot fire. It would be a crime, okay, lock me up and send me to prison if I didn't include a beautiful flu."
"Yellow is the brightest color, it's so happy."
"We've survived the blue era. And now we are in the white era."
"Red makes it fast, somebody says. I like that a lot too."
"That's just kind of what death is, I think. It's all blue."
"She couldn't believe it. She really is too pure to be pink, ain't she? Too pure to be pink."
"The color pink doesn't determine if you're a girl or a boy."
"Black tells you how you look but it don't tell you who you are."
"Each generation is themed after a different color."
"But notice Spider-Man Noir who still only glitches in black and white."
"Beginning tonight, King's Landing will learn to fear the color gold."
"Pink represents the social aspect of the Self."
"My world was black and white before and now I see color."
"Her eyes were closed. And this was my answer. Brown. Yellow. Well, your eyes are red right now."
"Black is the future and the future is uncompromised."
"Possibly the most iconic boss with his black and purple colorings."
"Blue has this way of bringing us all into our hearts and making us remember who we are."
"Orange is going to win I have orange hair we all know I never lost anything ever so orange is going to win."
"Alec by default is always team orange orange is looking nice and strong I'm team orange."
"Pink is the manliest color there is. Ernest Hemmingway and Teddy Roosevelt both wore pink dresses as a kid."
"Purple power launched by me last year as viewers were asking why do I wear purple so much."
"Blue is the warmest color. I'm trying to wear a bit of the royal color palette of the day which is royal blue and Easter pink to put this in the Cherry mood."
"Can we all agree that the color blue and math have the same vibe?"
"The primary color used throughout the game is red, often used to represent passion and the fire in the Phantom Thieves' hearts."
"Colors are of course a useful tool in game design."
"Every color in the show has a symbolic meaning. Every character is associated with a color..."
"Yellow was just the perfect color because it's the color of optimism and the sun."
"By the time he was challenging other universes, Goku had pretty much covered the whole Super Saiyan rainbow."
"Late Disney archivist Dave Smith would once write, 'The brightest hue of the three is red - Huey, the color of water is blue - Dewey, and that leaves Louie, and leaves are green.'"
"Whenever there is purple in play, it's an either-or situation. It could go this way, it could go that way."
"This is the jester, he's green and purple for whatever reason he's cut in half like that."
"Orange is a happy color people wanted to be happy in the Great Depression."
"The moment we stop focusing on those colors that divide us, then we can really begin to start focusing on the colors that unite us."
"That blue and yellow scheme, supposedly the sole is supposed to mimic his hair so it's not Super Saiyan Vegeta."
"Brandenburg having a very, very purple campaign almost the entire game."
"What splendid fantastical virtue! I had heard stories of the color green, a color too fresh and genial for the corrupted land I hailed from."
"Blue doesn't give you hope, it gives you no."
"This set is just obviously my number one... red equals one."
"What people are paying attention to is what the future looks like, and we believe the future looks blue."
"One of the best parts about magic: these colors are values that people can relate to."
"Purple has been associated with royalty since the ancient Phoenicians."
"There's just something special about the color red."
"The film makes clever use of the color yellow during our introduction to protagonist Cole Young."
"And for me just even tinting at marigold was symbolically important to me because it was like the idea of you don't even experience the white like right away."
"The color... I can't... how do I explain how obsessed I am with this movie dusty rose?"
"The rationale behind the karaoke is that black is the side that holds more of an ability to attack."
"He's not afraid to wear the color pink... there are still people who are threatened by a color."
"It's like how black is the absence of color and America is the absence of culture"
"There's something very regal and alluring about that green mixed with the yellow gold."
"Black magic is not using no colors so you're not using the ways of the world you're not filling a moat you're not using feelings and emotions."
"Thank you for listening to this story about Athena Strand and I hope that you put on some pink today or tomorrow or any day that she pops into your head and I think that that would be just a beautiful little remembrance of her."
"The green color being the chosen color of Islam it originated from the green one called al-qaeda the immortal prophet of islam."
"I feel very pink today, but yeah, here's what it looks like."
"CM Punk in 2012. CM Punk wore colors that were the same as the New York Yankees."
"When your name was spoken, it was yellow and people started to believe that you were the human of the yellow soul."
"Wow, red, white, and blue. I like it, you're goddamn right."
"They could make an evil Jake Sully, he's gonna be red."
"I like yellow even though I don't wear a lot of yellow or anything like that it just makes me think of sunshine and ooh light and life."
"The peerless purity of its colour bears witness to his utter unselfishness."
"Blue is royalty. Say what now? You didn't know that? Well, I kind of feel sorry for the blue Mark people."
"The color of a dragon's scales matches the colour of their fire."
"The Bridgerton are known for their pale colors which come in blue, green, silver, and light tone pink dresses."
"The Featherington adorn themselves in bright colors like pink, yellow, and green which exposes their struggles as outsiders in upper-class society."
"White is associated with things like law, order, peace, fairness, and equality."
"I like the black and the yellow has a nice like urgent kind of warning feel which goes really nicely with the theme of the story as well."
"I wanted it to kind of be spooky kind of and I associate green with scary things."
"The color red is used to great effect by Scorsese."
"Purple is a cool color used to signify royalty."
"Purple is mainly connected with psychic energy and intuition."
"Pink is mainly connected with relationships, compassion, and self-love."
"The blue being the seawater and the greenish yellow for the citruses."
"The color of love is pink apparently."
"Red is such a dangerous color. It can be fiery, seductive, it can show anger or love."
"Green is such a down-to-earth color. It can represent growth, new beginnings, bringing life into things, abundance."
"Pink is gold to me right now, pink is gold to me."
"Heaven is blue. Beyond the blue is Jesus."
"There's a certain melancholy not only to the empty bed but to the blueness of the room around it."
"How many more things should we be allowed to make red? Well, 30 for this grace, and it is a public scandal."
"Black is one of the most powerful colors designers adore."
"Helmet colors change for every race, your helmet color indicates your starting position."
"That's an important point about the limited color palette because that's one of the aspects of reading with the Marseille Tarot is following the colors and the forms created by the various colors."
"He was not aiming to make a naturalistic rendition of the colors that he actually saw but he felt that the color expressed something in itself and that you should be led by the colors on your palette."
"After all black comes all red, it's only natural, right?"
"The first similarity between the Amanita muscaria and Santa that immediately stands out is the coloration of the mushroom itself which sports a bright red cap with white dots, and these colors are of course the same as Santa suit."
"Lottie is always in more of a sun color than the heliotrope purple that her followers are in."
"I find it kind of progressive that Bluey is a female because blue is a color naturally associated with boys."
"Pink is a feeling of joy and love."
"Red is connected to spells around power."
"I love sunflowers; I love yellow. Yellow is my favorite color, in case you haven't noticed."
"I love the fact that they chose white; I think that's a super cool color."
"When it comes to black and white, it all turns gray."
"Green is good, red is bad; that's a schema."
"It's Kit unboxing day, and I have one word for you: purple."
"Mother... mother... his mother. Her hair was red, it was that crimson color, dangerous color."
"People love buying red because it means something, you know it's a reliable rig."
"I love a good wedding: something old, something new, something black, something blue."
"You are enough and it's purple because you deserve to be happy."
"I want to be dyed with your colors."
"Wearing white is kind of empowering."
"I'm in love with it, red is such a powerful color."
"Black is a powerful color; black is for banishing, black is for getting rid of, black can be used for hexing, black can also be used for commanding."
"Share the love, the color is the love."
"Good, bad, and gray, but your hue is white to me."
"Red is the color of love, we all need love."
"Green represents new life, new beginnings, luck, wealth, everything."
"The Imperial color in China was yellow, so you have the perfect combination of blue and white ware with the Imperial yellow ground."
"If you have a red wallet, it attracts money."
"I asked it if it meant any harm, give me red for no and green for yes. I got a red for no."
"I respect you, which is like a beautiful kind of peachy nude."
"The frequency of blue is what is hidden will be revealed; it dissolves all illusions, it illuminates truth."
"I wish I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood in the window frame."
"My love for you guys is deeper than the deep blue sea 'cause we're both in blue."
"Red is rage, violet is love, blue is hope, green is willpower, yellow is fear, orange is avarice, and indigo is compassion."
"Blue represents intelligence, green is associated with nature, and yellow signifies happiness."
"What's red and green and will bring you joy this holiday season?"
"It was always purple, the royal color. She's royalty."
"The wonderful detail of the veil over the head of the Virgin, which is that same blue mantle but reversed, showing this darker blue-blackish color with gold polka dots."
"Blue is the color of the sky and the color of diamonds."
"I know your eyes are green, and when the rain clears, I know the sky will be blue."
"Sonics color was chosen to match Sega's cobalt blue logo."
"It's quite interesting that in America, black is live and white is neutral."
"The lines within the ceiling are blue because in this direction you're heading in the direction of Sydney Harbor."
"The exterior of the cursed house in Ju-On Origins is painted yellow, just like the real-life Yellow House that inspired it."
"Red is a lucky color, that is true in Chinese culture."
"Most of us have faucets in our bathrooms that have a red or a blue knob of some sort, and that is because we all agree that blue is a colder color and red is a warmer color."
"Blue refers to stability, order, and security."
"Blue represents its meaning of truth and confidence."
"My favorite color is white, red, and black."
"Red is the color of an apple, yellow is the color of the sun, green is the color of a four-leaf clover, and blue is the color of the sky above."
"What that I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood of the window frame."
"The one color that matters more than anything is green."
"...fundamentally this is a love story, one presented in full and daring color."
"Never underestimate the power of yellow."
"Each color had its own meaning and representation."
"Green is associated with the heart, the heart. So it's something full of love."
"Green because nature is so beautiful and I love plants and trees."
"The colors for the earth element are brown in most shades, black and gray, and also green in almost all shades."
"I'm dressed up in pink because I love my wife, and she loves pink."
"They're pink because his color is pink for all his stuff, because like, he doesn't care about old masculine tropes."
"The Rose is more classy, and the yellow is a little bit more flashy."
"Uncharted Mariner, a seaworthy turquoise embarking on a voyage to destinations unknown."
"Pink can be not only pretty but also punk, powerful, cool, androgynous, and global."
"Pink isn't just a color; it's an attitude."
"Red as the rose, black as ebony, and white as the snow."
"Blue is actually the color for autism awareness month."
"Roses are white, green onions are green, you make me smile when I am seen by you."
"All visible color represents something heavenly or spiritual; colors that partake of fire represent aspects of love and of a desire for what is good."
"That's the only true color you should be looking for is real."
"Red is an extremely powerful color; it's been used in film for love, passion, violence, danger, anger, power."
"We have color now, guys, and color can tell lots of things."
"You can use the color red to say something's really bad, you can use the color yellow to kind of warn somebody."
"You can use the color green to say things are good."
"Red truly is the color of heroes."
"Green is a good color, money green can't go wrong with it."
"Star Ruby, the queen of stars, the color of love."
"Life's green and orange to you, and you got both."
"Purple also represents strength, wisdom, and peace."
"Emerald can represent growth, peace, and balance."
"Aqua is a color that can be associated with calm, inspiration, balance of mind and emotions."
"Dark blue is a color that can represent integrity, knowledge, power, seriousness."
"El Greco's rich use of color was symbolic, and it's something that I really admire in his work."
"The saffron represents courage and sacrifice."