
Climax Quotes

There are 2371 quotes

"If the crisis is where the hero is faced with a choice, then the climax is where we see the consequences of that choice on the story."
"Spectacular ending where multiple plot threads come together at once – this is what I'm in it for, this is why I love it."
"Lots of stories draw their audience in by asking one fundamental question: how is this going to end?"
"I just love the fact that we end day 1 of group stages with such an epic game."
"Every adventure hits a climactic peak, a crystallized moment that envelops the arduous journey to reach it."
"Carrie is a movie that's carried by the payoff. It has, I mean, it's got like the payoff scene on the poster here. Everyone knows how Carrie ends. It can only end one way, and when it hits, it hits hard."
"After eight weeks of fighting for power, struggling for survival, and making friends and enemies, it all comes down to this."
"Overcoming obstacles against all odds, we're officially in the endgame now."
"Finally, we reach the peak; the Chrono Trigger activates and then shatters. Do we do it? Have we failed?"
"This was it. One way or another, this would be my final battle in parkour civilization."
"We're officially approaching endgame territory here, and it absolutely feels like it."
"It's great, it's amazing, it's ridiculous towards the end of the game."
"Once all of the players are in place and those waterworks start flowing, they do not stop."
"Just kind of all that buildup just for Vegeta to be right there."
"The final confrontation takes place at the second battle of Hoover Dam."
"After the writers are done cleaning up Cora finally enters the Avatar state and rips herself free and starts chasing Zaire across the mountainside for about a minute before falling over again."
"WrestleMania 30 was WWE’s ultimate happy ending."
"The last act of 2007 promises to be the biggest, most action-packed."
"All these things that seemed innocuous and irrelevant at the beginning of the story become important at the end."
"The climax of the game is appropriately a long, hard climb to the top of a tower."
"Rey kills Palpatine with the power of all the Jedi who've ever lived in her."
"The theme playing in the background elevates the hype moments so much because we realize our entire journey with this series is coming to some massive culmination."
"Pretty much everything leads up to this final moment, and I won't spoil how he chooses to save the day from his evil doppelganger because it's a really great moment."
"Fortunately Elden Ring ends with a bang in Radagon."
"It's all tied up and we come down to the most important element: the story."
"Silas fights his ghosts at the end of the game not because he's gotten too drunk, but because he's finally gotten to the point of all his stories, to his own personal climax as a man."
"The metalhead wasteland: the big finale of Jak 2, what this entire game has been leading up to."
"Witch Queen is very much the culmination of the last six to seven years."
"This arc does a great job, especially with its finale, of completely differentiating itself."
"The last 30 minutes of this movie are probably worth the price of admission alone."
"It's a masterpiece of thrilling and suspenseful storytelling that strings viewers along before the final climactic scene."
"Sasuke retrieval: the best payoff to Sasuke's setup from part one."
"But yeah, ultimately that part doesn't really matter. The ending. It's the final confrontation that matters most."
"It's a well put together heist film that the main set pieces could come at the end."
"I love how they end the movie. I think to me it's the most prescient part."
"Not only would the Granola arc come to an end in Dragon Ball Super manga chapter 87, but that it would come to an end the way that it did."
"This battle feels like the culmination of not only MCU up to this point, but also superhero filmmaking in general."
"A climax is earned when the rising action builds to a certain point in a well structured story."
"This is the final trial, the long-awaited last stage. Always exciting, the final boss battle."
"We're in within the end game now to quote Doctor Strange. Yeah, we're at the final boss right."
"There's something mind-blowing about seeing a game's story come full circle until your two heroes are trying to kill one another."
"The presentation of the shooting scene at the end was pretty crazy."
"Let's go TG, but we are into those final 30 seconds where things do intensify with those pings."
"The action is intense and it all leads up to arguably the best finale ever pulled off."
"Absolute carnage was supposed to be like the definitive carnage story right like the greatest carnage story ever told."
"Aaron's last moment of humanity is he brings all of them, like all the titans basically, and just does his best to basically say, 'Now take this world, go where I cannot.'"
"I think he does shine in this battle in a way he never has before."
"It does feel to me like Kubo got to the point where he was like I don't know how to realistically get rid of this bad guy so he invents this ceremonial blade with the ability to reflect god's holy light."
"That's the end of that chapter, just as the gun goes off, I'm on top of Benson, holding my hands to his heart, blood pouring out of him."
"You couldn't ask for a better performance to close out this elimination than what red Gerard just did."
"This is definitely act three, and this is just a question of how is it going to end."
"Infinity war was the main event... it's the ultimate test for the Avengers initiative."
"I feel like everything went zero to a hundred, going out with a bang."
"Everything builds up over the course of the four lengthy discs to create some of the most engaging."
"The conclusion of Azula's arc is the most ballsy of the show."
"Epic Square offs, touching reunions, payoffs that were the entire show in the making."
"This is like pure demons, dude. I'm glad we saved this for last."
"This has been an extremely exciting finish, absolutely."
"Tony Stark's character has gone throughout all of this. Tony Stark versus his enemy, Thanos, is the culmination of his character arc."
"Every single scene in this movie is pretty much a climax. In every single scene, something epic happens."
"This fight is easily my favorite in the game purely due to how climactic it is."
"A moment that makes the whole build-up worth it."
"Each death outweighing the last. It was the perfect end to a doomed resistance story."
"A climactic fight between characters can be more emotionally impactful than a grand spectacle."
"The victories generally only come at the very end. If they come anywhere other than the very end, they're usually very short-lived and often overshadowed by the bigger problem that still demands resolution."
"The build toward the ending is really well done."
"The last third just felt like it really was flowing and moving and building and it's probably why I like the movie more than I did because I thought it ended on a really quick strong just fun note."
"Red's choice at the end is essentially the ultimate manifestation of the Camerata's motto."
"You'll know when the last song is being played when everybody's panicking."
"Whether or not Luffy beats Kaido at this point, he is so weak and so close to being taken down."
"It all comes down to this, finally. Two first seeds in the final and that shining Summoner's Cup in the middle of it all."
"A third installment is supposed to be the final test, the final conclusion of all the accumulated power and story. You don't get to cheat and just have something save your entire trilogy in the very last installment. It doesn't work that way."
"What an incredible ending to the character and the show really."
"The climax in this one is much more satisfying."
"Our heroes reach the destination they've long been chasing but it's not hope or relief they feel in this moment; it's exhaustion and despair."
"To say I saved the best for last is an understatement."
"The show's creator wants it to end with the sound of World War II air raid sirens."
"An epic series finale with so much packed into it is I think the best way to end this series."
"Naruto vs. Pain was a massive climax in the Naruto story."
"The defenders are holding on for dear life, but this is it, it's all gonna be settled right here."
"Winning us the battle against the final member of the Elite Four."
"Heisenberg's story naturally ends in blood and mayhem, yet it also ends with redemption, reconciliation, and sweet sweet revenge."
"Felina knew precisely how to stick the landing."
"Pidge's entire story has been building up to this moment."
"The plot is really freaking good. This is the final mission of the Phantom Thieves."
"There has to come a time when faith comes to a climax and produces."
"The epic conclusion to the story that has captivated audiences."
"Guys, we've done it. We've reached the climax."
"The name 'Platinum' for Pokémon Platinum is likely symbolic as the climactic finale of the original Pokémon saga."
"The end of season 2 is a jaw-dropping cliffhanger."
"The roaring intensity he brings to such sequences as the climax at the gates of hell."
"An explosion of catharsis when the simultaneous final blows are struck."
"The true battle begins with Count Bleck. Oh man, this is it."
"If someone advocated that should have happened at the end, people would love that so much."
"The climax of an arc is usually something crazy, something big that happens."
"Ultimately, I liked endgame. There's a lot to like about it, especially the last hour."
"The whole ending scene was fantastic, super satisfying."
"Good cover, so he's one strike away from bowling for the title for the very first time in his career."
"That's all coming down to this. The crowd is screaming, pressure's building."
"It makes for a very powerful emotional finale."
"One of the coolest ideas and moments in this entire show has to be Aaron as a human defeating the biggest Titan in the entire universe."
"The climax of the arc puts Luffy in a situation where he has to prove that he is a man worth betting on."
"Gohan gets the old kai training and unlocks a power never seen before... it all came full circle at last."
"This is an amazing finale for his entire character development."
"Sanji was actually being launched straight off the island of Onigashima, which is, you know, a pretty powerful climactic finishing move."
"It's storytelling and it's kind of best really, you have to have the finale featuring like the main character."
"Great swing by us to finish there and back to the final goal."
"I mean, isn't that what you want in these movies? Like, you want to go off with a bang."
"It feels like everything's built up to this."
"What makes a good climax for me it's the culmination of all the conflicts drama and development all rolled into one."
"It feels like we're going out with guns blazing."
"Rex is in trouble on a remote planet, this sort of starts the final arc of the series."
"This movie's energy and heart are found towards the end."
"The grand epic final battle... who doesn't like a grand epic well-earned final battle..."
"The final showdown... it is epic it is awesome it feels great..."
"Attack on Titan's finale was so epic! So many secrets finally revealed."
"It's a proper test of dodging DPS momentum management and the culmination of the story which is exactly what a final fight should be."
"This is the ace match, the king of the hill!" - Commentator
"No one does a finale like 'When Calls the Heart' does a finale."
"We're at the point now of no return, we have finally reached it."
"All of this builds up to an exciting final battle that isn't actually the final battle."
"The incredible time-bending tear-jerking mind blowing finale to an amazing season."
"It feels like the culmination of a hard-fought and well-worn journey that Rukia has carved out for herself throughout the story."
"After everything, finally, with a thud that was heard across the totality of space, the king fell to the ground and the welks were no more."
"The combat was the best it had ever been and narratively all the dominoes that had been set up over the course of six years were finally starting to fall."
"Here we go is all coming down for the third course with the score tied the deciding vote will be cast by ladies and gentlemen please welcome back Larry Mullen."
"That's gotta be it, that's gonna be going wild."
"It all culminated in 2011's 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2,' as the eighth and final film in the series saw our heroes take on Voldemort's army in the Battle of Hogwarts."
"Can they finish it? It's so so so close and there it is, they're able to get it."
"The climactic run to grab the core and bring it to the dropship was always such an intense final moment."
"The final confrontation with him was a moment of cathartic purifying vigilantism."
"The battle is intense, the stakes are sky high, and it's the culmination of a beloved saga."
"We're down to the final four, luchasaurus, Jimmy havoc, MJF, and hangman Adam Page."
"This movie is so sluggishly paced until the point where all this [ __ ] has to be shoved in immediately."
"It's just bad. Doctor Strange's climax, on the other hand, it feels like a true culmination of Steven's arc."
"The Norman Osborn Goblin reveal felt very much like the end of Spider-Man 1."
"It's almost like the moment where in a sci-fi movie you kill the monster and then the heroes look up and they're like oh no the monster's in the air."
"Great setting, awesome fight, and I thought the twist at the end was amazing."
"The finale of Ash vs Leon was the culmination of the entire Pokémon anime."
"The climax of this movie is one of the greatest, I think, in movie history."
"The most insane rebuild we have done yet comes to a conclusion."
"We are indeed now coming very close to the end game."
"That boring ascent up the castle chandeliers anyway, but the final scenes with Ganondorf and the ending is such a powerful sequence that there's no way it doesn't deserve a spot that's high."
"From the day you were born, your entire life has been leading to this moment. Now it's finally here."
"There's nothing more unsatisfying to me than when characters are having like this huge battle with another villain or whatever and then someone comes in straight away and just like kills them."
"It all comes to a close in the grand finale collision."
"I think I can speak for everybody when I say that my personal favorite part was the final page of seeing Luffy looking like a thunder god or something like that in the sky grabbing a bolt of lightning seemingly ready to hurl it down at Kaido."
"The wild crazy action is the signature ending finale of it all."
"One of the most amazing endings ever... stick around for that."
"Redemption in the movie adaptation takes many different forms, but the finale is when Cherry robs his last bank, takes off his mask and puts his gun away. He apologizes and asks the bank teller to push the alarm."
"Wrath of the Lich King felt like everything built up to that Lich King fight."
"The Wakanda battle, while epic, lacked buildup and emotional stakes."
"I loved the whole climactic ending they're in this you know it's this super epic Classic Hollywood Blockbuster style ending uh with all this liquid magma flying around everywhere."
"This season was a bit slow in places but, as always, the finale was epic."
"I literally just had enough... It was now time to enter the end."
"This is gonna be one hell of a final battle."
"Going out with a bang requires brutal, horrific final bosses."
"Ending the boss fight with you using all the wisp powers combined for one final attack."
"One of the best third acts of the movies that I've watched up to this point."
"They are looking to win the Super Bowl in the final seconds."
"By the 58-minute mark, the final engagement to determine the winner of this best of three series occurred. A half-hour of stalling finally culminated into the conclusion of this game."
"When the hero's about to fall off a cliff, his friend who disappeared at the beginning of the movie."
"Six all final game world championship final."
"This drama version of building up those two people to this point."
"The way they earn her taking him down at the end felt very well assembled."
"This is just the big final climactic showcasing of the potential of One Piece."
"But it was all worth it for the epic finale: the ceremonial cliff jump."
"One of those songs where half the song the beat hasn't even dropped, all of a sudden it does." - Karina
"The silver bullet that pushes this season ahead of season four is, of course, the finale."
"This is the finale... this is definitely the guy to get."
"Symbolically and narratively fitting to happen at the end of Wano."
"Don't spend all your time trying to keep up with what your dream once was. Spend some time making sure that your dream is keeping up with who you are becoming."
"The culmination of every tease and instance of foreshadowing: the return of Zanza."
"Make sure the last worst thing is insurmountable."
"The crux of the philosophy of the film is all in that last 30 minutes."
"And after an epic collision within the giant fireball, once the dust clears, Incineroar takes the fall."
"Hands-down the best moment in the entire league: an epic climactic Z move clash."
"Embrace change, it's leading to a big ending."
"Argentina with a big run on their final throw, they earn the title."
"This was an exhilarating one, especially towards the end."
"I love when a book gets me like my favorite Thrillers are ones that really get me at the end."
"Big finish there, he goes, there he goes. Nate throwing a flurry, coming forward here. Nate Diaz walking forward, trying to make a statement in this last little bit here."
"After Breen blasts the pod with the super gravity gun... we just beat the game."
"This is such a brilliant climax to the level after the shootout with Rook earlier on it would have felt repetitive to do the same thing with Kiko here."
"What saved it in the end was how excited I was once all of those previous elements finally started coming together and doing so in rapid succession leading to a very creepy and informative climax."
"That finale fight with choo choo Charles was epic."
"It all comes down to this, we had our fun, we got one one ring but not the one ring."
"I'm gonna end it on the biggest note ever because God dang it, oh we got pistols!"
"Bayonetta drives, shoots, and dances her way through 15 hours of non-stop mayhem culminating in a fight with God."
"Every set piece builds upon the last until it reaches a crescendo."
"She is directly responsible for pretty much everything that goes down in the finale."
"Giving up is not my style. It's time to finish this battle beautifully."
"Expectations to see Dave finally end the reign of terror were at a fever pitch."
"The fun of a climactic moment of story is not just that it is well written, interesting, powerful scene, it's that we were able to sense it building for a long time."
"The boy and the heron sees the anime mro return from retirement to deliver yet another grand finale."
"Just when things can't get any crazier, you'll get to see the final battle between ladybug and hawkmoth."
"This is it guys, Champions League final with rexim."
"This is the most intense ending before I've ever had."
"Months of build-up led to this moment, their chance at freedom."
"For Heath Ledger's performance alone, it's all been leading up to this."