
Social Structures Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"It's amazing how when a pandemic happens, women start to understand hierarchy, structure."
"The Bonobos are female dominated, and this collective dominance is facilitated by their ability to travel together and form powerful sisterhoods, unlike in chimpanzee societies."
"All of these things, like marriage, community, relationships, family, all of these things can and have existed in liberal societies."
"Everyone has prejudices and discriminates, but structures of oppression go well beyond individuals."
"Any societal structure that results in a racial inequality is itself racist."
"If you believe that a hierarchy is unjust... then your issue is with the hierarchy, not a bad person in the hierarchy."
"The opposite of patriarchy is not matriarchy, but fraternity."
"If you don't have social structures that are designed to create responsibility in the community for those who are damaged, then people will fall through the cracks and then they'll go on to hurt other human beings."
"We have to recognize that our individual choices are mediated by social structures."
"I think everyone should get a representation in every higher-order social structure they are a part of. That's my goal."
"None of us can truly be free as long as we live within entrenched systems that benefit elites."
"Religion is relies at least you know Western and Abrahamic religions they rely on the subjugation of the woman in order to maintain the system."
"It's the societies, the links that hold us all together that is what is going to be destroyed in this."
"The thing about the patriarchy is it makes men powerful, not happy."
"Humans have hierarchies no matter where we are, we have hierarchies."
"Even if you eradicate the traditional trappings of the mythological worldview, you don’t eradicate the tendency for people to formulate groups, belief systems, around conceptions of ways that you should behave."
"It's a crumbling patriarchy but - yeah, exactly."
"Ants are the closest to humans on earth in terms of social structure."
"Hierarchy, domination, control are not self-justifying. They require a justification."
"In an ideal world, people wouldn't use slurs. In a practical world, people use them to say [__] you to oppressive structures."
"There's just lots of possibility for lots of little niche factions: hunters, bards, alchemists, blacksmiths, merchants, cults, enchanters, pirates, necromancers, you name it."
"The social structure has been constructed to stop you from imagining it."
"The class structure channels conflict into manageable directions for Capital."
"We are entirely ready to deconstruct previous ways of knowing as they have been developed through the lens of white supremacy."
"Most of the groundwork for anything done by the ruling class is actually laid by the tens of thousands of people beneath them."
"Hierarchies are fundamentally based on competence."
"This ability to share and communicate is further proof that the wolf pack is much friendlier and less hierarchical than we previously thought."
"Does the concept of the individual break down in ant colonies?"
"The hierarchy that we've created is an illusion."
"Historically, this is a patriarchal society."
"A system that encourages monogamy is going to end up with an even more evenly distributed sexual distribution partners."
"The foundation of every social order is mating."
"Like-minded people can be torn apart by social structures just as much as those who've got nothing in common."
"We're the macro version of the micro. We need community. It's foundational to our existence."
"No civilization in recorded history has existed without hierarchy when there's a surplus introduced."
"When you're not in that circle, it's hard to get the social capital yourself."
"When talking about history, we sometimes put too much emphasis on the role of battles and wars over the underlying political and social structures."
"Racism is not spread by individuals, but by institutions and systems bigger than ourselves."
"Decentralization is genuinely needed in society."
"For a moment, the Admiral's lineage teetered on the brink of destitution at a time when few social structures protected the innocence left behind after death stole the family provider."
"Hierarchy isn't just an aspect of human nature, it's an aspect of nature."
"Racism, systemic racism, the structures that were built, were not built for black people."
"Women rely on midwives and you know the whole it-takes-a-village thing."
"Political power exists everywhere that we're being human it exists to at least some extent."
"Those extractive institutions were designed to extract from the many for the benefit of the few."
"We need to build structures that show people the value of cooperating with each other."
"Moynihan argued that the black community was locked in a matriarchal structure that imposed a crushing burden on black men."
"Corvids: high intelligence with a vast social aspect, top-tier build."
"You can't understand any of these hierarchies of power and repression without understanding the interrelationship among these different structures and hierarchies."
"But the thing is, they don’t need recursion or numbers to be great hunters and fishermen, have encyclopedic knowledge of the flora and fauna of the jungle, or maintain a social community."
"We can only get so far without actually dismantling these broader power structures."
"Humans are highly social and tend to live in complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups."
"The more you pile up on top of each other to create a larger power imbalance, the more it is associated with male dominance."
"Family is like a gang affiliation. Gangs, collectives, groups, animals running packs. Groups have strength."
"There's no such thing as an alpha wolf, just like in human families."
"The lone wolf mentality doesn't work. People throughout history have coalesced together in groups for strength."
"Money is a social structure and these blockchain systems, these networks are social structures that technology enables."
"Trying to mitigate climate change within existing social and economic structures is like arguing with a forest fire."
"...every American has a secret desire to live in an aristocracy."
"Systems not people, because it's the systems that are put in place that ultimately make the people suffer."
"I know that I'm racist because I, every single day, uphold the systems and the structures of racism."
"One should decipher in power a network of relations constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess."
"This is why Nature's nature, and it's so important to know the depths of how animals interact in their own communities and their social hierarchies."
"It's extremely easy for a human to have empathy for another human. We are remarkably similar, and most of our differences are created by the social structures that we live in and not by our innate being."
"Cooperation is everywhere in the animal kingdom."
"...we insist that families take different forms, that there are forms of association that are not linked by family or marriage."
"We evolve these structures because they're the best structures we can have."
"Patriarchy can exist and people can still take accountability; two things exist at the same time."
"So today I learned that prehistoric hunter-gatherer tribes had an average group limit of 50 people."
"We are missing institutions where people hang around with each other long enough to become familiar."
"Apes have politics, they grieve for their dead, they laugh when they're tickled, they form deep-seated bonds and alliances and betrayals and coalitions."
"Whales have emotions and personality. They have complex families, and they do all kinds of things from babysitting to singing competitions."
"Power and influence are fundamental properties of social structures."