
Natural Disasters Quotes

There are 556 quotes

"We should prepare ourselves for much faster sea level rise, much stronger storms, much more forest fires."
"Natural disaster could have major repercussions for our financial system."
"Since rain and snow in the night themes don't affect the gameplay, we're bringing you natural disasters."
"A giant earthquake lasting around five minutes would be bad by itself, but remember, these types of quakes are a double whammy because they also generate huge tsunami waves."
"The earth shook on a February morning in 2001, it was a nerve-wracking reminder of the constant threat beneath us."
"The odds of Yellowstone exploding in any given year are 0.00014 percent, according to the USGS, which is lower than the likelihood of being struck by a civilization-destroying asteroid."
"Sam Harris actually said we would put earthquakes in prison if we could. It doesn't matter if they're an agent in that sense, what matters is that we want to prevent bad things from happening and allow for good things."
"Violent politics and vicious natural disasters are a toxic mix."
"The storm that entangles Southern Airways 242 is one of the worst to hit the United States in three years."
"We're witnessing the effects of climate change daily, whether it's storms, forest fires, floods, and other disasters occurring with increasing intensity and frequency."
"People are being mysteriously protected from natural disasters."
"Wildfires are burning the suburbs in the West; floods are wiping out suburban neighborhoods in the Midwest."
"The northern and northeastern regions of China recently experienced devastating floods."
"This situation is becoming increasingly intolerable for the wider Chinese public."
"What happened to Pompeii and its people is a stark reminder of the destructive power of volcanoes."
"The fact that flooding season and, in due course, forest fire season is coinciding with coronavirus in Canada, is posing some special challenges."
"How can you possibly say that this world was created by the one true God? This is a world that has hurricanes and tsunamis and earthquakes and famine and drought and war and oppression and injustice."
"The hurricane that we're in is a demonstration of how important the institutions of the government are."
"Did all of this happen as a result of massive geological events triggered by nothing more than nature? Or were the earthquakes, the volcanoes, and the tsunamis caused by divine intervention when God decided to free a nation from slavery and forge a new covenant with humanity?"
"The legend of the Kraken came from the Nordic seas, initially described as a gigantic animal that presented danger not from direct attack but from the giant waves and tsunamis that its movements could cause."
"The number of people that die from natural disasters has declined over 90 percent over the last 100 years."
"Natural disasters strike on a regular basis, proving just how risky living on Earth really is."
"Tsunamis... send massive surges of water over 100 feet high onto land."
"Tornadoes can clear a path as long as 50 miles and as wide as a mile."
"The Lake Nyos event continues to be one of the more frightening and mysterious natural phenomena ever documented."
"It struck the Gulf of Mexico, delivered more energy than a quadrillion tons of TNT, caused tsunamis, wildfires, huge cloud of debris that had shrouded the planet and cooled the atmosphere."
"Hurricanes are massively destructive and messy. They can rip off rooftops of houses like it's nothing and pick up an eight-wheeler right off the ground as if it were made out of feathers."
"Some saw the flood as God's tears, the massive amount of water...was the result of God's tears over man's sin."
"The cost of storm damage has gone up because more things that cost money that we then need to replace are put in the storm's path."
"The timing of the typhoons was so impeccable from a Japanese perspective that many suspected a higher power may have been involved, which is why the great typhoons of 1274 and 1281 came to be known as the divine winds, or in Japanese, the kamikaze."
"These tornadoes leave behind a dark side, a total destruction like this here in Indian Lake."
"Water or floods is the biggest danger to life, more than wind. I mean, winds bad, but water is a force to be reckoned with. There's no doubt about it."
"Hurricanes, storms, tempests... tell of the near approach of the Son of God."
"The power and intensity of these particular bushfires are causing their own weather phenomenon called pyro cumulonimbus thunderstorms."
"It doesn't matter if there's 50 tornadoes tomorrow or one... if it hits your house, you're gonna wish you acted."
"I saw her when the water was up to here to her shoulders."
"The rescue team went to Kangaroo Island to help koalas that suffered due to the wildfires."
"The hills are ablaze and I'm sitting there with my mask on looking at the fires burning the hills of Los Angeles and watching the eagles lose to the W's thinking to myself what the [ __ ] is happening in this godforsaken world."
"Sinkholes: the silent, unpredictable disasters that can swallow entire towns."
"Landslides: earth-shattering movements with no mercy."
"The devastating tsunami born from a catastrophic earthquake."
"The tragic Mount Everest avalanche: a deadly reminder of nature's wrath."
"Nature has displayed its immense power, yielding breathtaking and at times terrifying outcomes."
"The San Andreas fault May harbor the potential to unleash cataclysmic tremors bordering on apocalyptic proportions."
"Indian Ocean earthquake tsunami: Over 230,000 lives lost."
"California wildfires: 40 dead, $1 billion in losses."
"Hurricanes: the common and frustrating natural disaster."
"Tsunami: the destructive, terrifying, and unstoppable giant waves."
"Already, these wildfires in Oregon and California are causing huge losses in the insurance industry."
"The recent Tongan eruption was hundreds of times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima."
"Hurricanes are getting stronger and more powerful and more deadly."
"Searing wildfires ignite across Siberia, firefighters battling nearly 200 wildfires."
"A deadly weekend in Germany as catastrophic floods swallow entire communities."
"The deadly power of undersea landslides, earthquakes, volcanoes, and asteroids can all cause tsunamis."
"Thousands of people in the Philippines evacuating after the restive Taal Volcano spewed a plume of gas and steam more than half a mile high."
"This sinkhole served as a poignant reminder of the unpredictable forces of nature."
"These disasters bring out both the best and the worst in humanity."
"Nightmare of the wildfires... it took living through 40-degree temperatures."
"Experts have enough geological proof to maintain their start it is unlikely that the Yellowstone volcano will erupt in our lifetime or even the next."
"I believe that name was used for the City of Petra after repeated earthquakes killed many people."
"Wildfires have become more common. Hurricanes more intense and more common. Flooding more intense and more common. We are going to be presented with more and more crises like this."
"Breaking news tonight: the state of emergency as a deadly and historic storm slams the West Coast."
"It's going to be warm then natural disasters and they're coming they're coming almost hand in hand I mean disease and it seems like you know natural disasters and pandemics it's it's like which is what Jesus said."
"Anywhere you see in yellow could get up to an inch of rain and firefighters are loving this and Idaho and portions of Oregon and even Montana to still take every drop of rain they can get after this horrific start to the fire season."
"This is a storm like we've never seen before, but the sun will come out. We'll be back to normal."
"This woman may be laser focus but she is also as dangerous as a California wildfire."
"Should we be worried or afraid of the super volcanoes of Earth? And what is the most menacing volcano to you in our solar system? If they do go, it would be massively devastating and they create caldera eruptions."
"And when we talk about drought take a look at the horror show that is now taking place in the beautiful country of Australia which is on fire take a look at what happened in California over the last year."
"Well, that will be interesting, and also, I do want to mention that we are sending all of our good thoughts to the people that are out in Hawaii right now dealing with those crazy fires out there."
"We're not looking to see if these things are going to happen... the frequency and intensity of these things happening."
"Expect some major calamity to do with water floods, tsunamis, earthquakes."
"This is a meteor hitting the earth for reasons not having to do with the excesses or corrections or people's activities."
"The Yellowstone volcano is a supervolcano waiting to blow. When it blows, it will be devastating for almost the entirety of the United States and parts of Canada."
"After all that big earthquake happens, they're going to realize something."
"Plato's story of Atlantis is about human folly and the destructive power of nature."
"Coachella takes place in an environment that has been notoriously inflicted by droughts, wildfires, and pollution."
"Death toll is mounting after powerful quake struck parts of Turkey and Greece. It triggered a tsunami."
"But the way that lava flows is not the only unpredictable event accompanying volcanic eruptions."
"That night, I learned a valuable lesson: never underestimate the power of nature and always be prepared."
"We are basically the most vulnerable place to storm surge in the United States."
"Just get away from the storm, that's the easy way to put it."
"Catastrophic flooding in Belgium and Germany has claimed the lives of at least 120 people."
"What if the ground beneath you suddenly ruptured and the Earth shook with unimaginable Force?"
"The real threat here is this slow-moving but persistent lava along with that dangerous sulfuric JSO2 gas, so it is still a very dangerous situation."
"Earthquakes happen. I get so much more out of watching."
"The floods have caused concerns over further economic downturns and threats over whether the Three Gorges Dam can take the pressure."
"An 8.2 magnitude earthquake rocks the coast of Chile, driving almost a million people to evacuate their homes."
"Individual residents are reporting that entire bookshelves and kitchen cabinets were emptied by the shaking. Not my bookshelf, bro. This was not your typical Shaker that Northern California is used to."
"The Tang Shan earthquake was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history."
"The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami was one of the costliest and deadliest natural disasters in recorded history."
"That should only be temporary exigent emergency for natural disasters."
"Natural disasters bring havoc by devastating communities, interrupting supplies, and causing psychological and social implications."
"These hurricanes are really dangerous and it really does require focused, competent leadership."
"What you should do is get to the lowest and most secure point of your house preferably a room without windows and take shelter there."
"An onslaught of wildfires... broke out almost simultaneously."
"It's getting weirder and more intense. 2017 has been a crazy year for a lot of people—hurricanes, earthquakes, fires that just change the laws of physics."
"The earth has been bombarded by various cataclysms over the ages—everything from asteroid impact to solar events."
"Unprecedented response to Iceland's lava flow."
"The sunken city of Helike, described as the real-life Atlantis of ancient Greece, destroyed by an earthquake and submerged in the Gulf of Corinth."
"Locals live in constant fear that the disaster could happen again."
"The worst earthquake on record in Japan happened just off the coast in 2011."
"If the Yellowstone supervolcano were to erupt, it would have catastrophic and far-reaching effects."
"Haiyan at that time became the strongest tropical cyclone based on wind speeds in the world surpassing the record set by Hurricane Allen and super typhoon Tip."
"The Tunguska Event: The most powerful explosion in documented history occurred in remote Siberia, leaving devastation in its wake."
"The eruption of Thera is one of those epoch-making catastrophes that can change the course of human history."
"Hurricane Karen could come back for a double strike."
"Tsunami that radiated out across the sea... struck Norway then Iceland and Greenland traveling faster in the deeper water of the Atlantic."
"The tsunami was surely the most dramatic single catastrophe."
"During the blizzards, many Wyoming citizens unselfishly gave their time and resources to help those in need."
"The Blizzard of '49 broke down social barriers and leveled the playing field."
"It was a 9.0 to 9.1 earthquake one of the most severe in recorded history."
"The magnitude 9 earthquake was so astonishingly violent."
"The effects of the tsunami were felt all over the world."
"Nobody could foresee that a 15 meter high monstrosity of a wave would hit them that day."
"A tsunami is just a huge wave. It can propagate across the whole ocean for hours and hours."
"Tsunamis are caused by massive undersea earthquakes."
"To take a politician and to weaponize and politicize something like a natural disaster...is just despicable."
"You can't stop an earthquake any more than you can change the weather, but you can adapt to the changes that they bring."
"I didn't come up with this idea... Malachy Martin said, 'What all these have in common is that they describe upheavals in nature as if nature itself were rebelling against the human race.'"
"A more recent example shows the effects... Tambora volcano awakes..."
"Mecca, the spiritual heartbeat of Islam, hit by a flood - it's the kind of plot twist you'd expect in a Blockbuster movie."
"Bangladesh is blessed and cursed in so many ways yet no matter what gets thrown at them they always stay afloat when the flood comes and when it dries up they're ready to get right back up and plant those crops all over again."
"America will be judged, how will she be judged? Two ways: a flood is determined for her, it will devastate the Midwest; a fire is appointed for her, it will devastate the West."
"Waves a meter higher than usual were registered on the western coast of the United States, Japan, 8,000 kilometers away."
"Avalanches, it's just like, how do you even prepare for that? If you're out and then just all of a sudden you're caught in the same lane as an avalanche coming down, you're in the path of it. How do you, like, what are the survival skills for that?"
"When a tornado is coming, I'm not going to say hey there's a windstorm, put on your coat. No, I'm gonna sound the alarm and say hey there's a tornado coming, you may want to prepare."
"Cataclysmic events force humanity to evolve or face collapse."
"We're not learning from the floods of the past."
"Tonight, the historic deadly storms that hit the nation on Christmas Eve."
"Can these hurricanes even combine to create one world-altering hurricane?"
"Move higher inland, stay away from the water, there's going to be dangerous currents and you have to wait for the all clear."
"My actual phobia is of huge waves, like talking like tsunamis."
"I believe God loves everybody and do you also believe God created malaria and Ebola and hurricanes?"
"Those rocks are absolutely massive. They could easily wipe out the entire human race if enough of them fell on them."
"It's almost as if the people of Mexico kind of laugh at the face of destruction."
"Another kind of basic one here but still definitely an all-time fear of mine... one of the deadliest natural disasters in history."
"Millions and millions of locusts descended on many parts of southern Russia, like Dagestan, making everyday tasks incredibly challenging."
"Fortnite is being struck by earthquakes over and over again, tearing the island to pieces."
"Who is to say that we won’t encounter another hurricane, flood, or tornado that won’t dismantle yet another nuclear reactor on the same level as Fukushima?"
"I survived! Tsunamis are kinda easy, but they're fun."
"Let's all take a breath. I think the tremors have stopped. I think we're all safe on unstable ground now."
"Out of all the scenarios that we would probably face forcing us out of our home, fire would be the most likely."
"Krakatoa: the geological equivalent of a fire alarm."
"Pompeii is a place that had a big natural disaster, which was really sad for the people that lived there, but preserved the city in a way that allows us to study the history of it in a really interesting, cool way."
"The next eruption could not only be explosive, it could be devastating."
"There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places."
"The eruption in the Dutch East Indies in April might have impacted the result of the Battle of Waterloo."
"This is now the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history."
"Every time it looks this apocalyptic, is this because of climate change? Well, climate change, human-induced climate change, amplifies what is natural."
"The last massive Blast from the Yellowstone super volcano shot a fatal plume of hot ash, molten rock, and toxic gases thousands of meters into the air."
"The chance of Yellowstone erupting in any given year is actually lower than the chance that we'll get hit by a civilization-destroying asteroid."
"Volcanic eruptions almost without warning a prospect that doesn't exactly make the world seem a safer place."
"The December 2021 eruption was Semaru's largest in recent history and one that came with little warning."
"The eruption of Mount Saint Helens was one of, if not the most catastrophic eruption the United States has ever experienced."
"All hands are currently on Deck as scientists and park officials watch with wrapped attention as the Earth rages beneath Yellowstone National Park."
"Fenway Park cannot hold back the surging sea water as the never-ending cycle of apocalyptic weather strikes again."
"Jesus told us that in the last days, there would be earthquakes in diverse places."
"The whole point of being a country is to pick each other up for natural disasters."
"Events that could be considered three orders of magnitude more severe than Katrina are abundant through the history of the planet."
"On the timescale that geologists work to, a coming super eruption in Yellowstone may well be right around the corner."
"Gulf Coast in line for a one-two punch: two tropical storms heading its way."
"Time has proved its efficiency earthquakes have done remarkably little damage to the structures in Peru over the years many still in their apparently abandoned State and the saxor human is no exception."
"The dinosaurs were wiped out by a 10 kilometer size asteroid, that hit about 65 million years ago."
"Dog senses earthquake aftershocks... Sophie the Labrador appeared to feel the earthquake before it hit."
"If they prepare properly and heed the evacuation order, these are survivable events."
"Fire tornado caught on camera. As Australian wildfires rage, a fire whirl, sometimes known as a fire devil, is a whirlwind created by a fire."
"Norway landslide: Massive landslide sweeps eight homes into the sea."
"Don't panic... I've been in hurricanes... you see just what happens after the news breaks."
"Koala rescued from deadly Australian bushfires."
"Let's focus on the location that the earthquake actually hit. Was that China Lake? It's ten miles from the main gate, I mean, it's literally... I can give you the coordinates if you want."
"I'm optimistic that things are going to bounce back quicker than people would normally think from a storm like this."
"Chances are the water is going to go around you."
"We have a brand new tornado warning issued just west of Tampa."
"Imagine if they were meteors, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons... oh, it would be amazing and dangerous."
"Tornadoes don't make sense when they tear through any part of any town."
"If the government says don't worry, we'll always get your back, guess what? The government can't stop a freaking flood."
"Rural villages can't stand up to this, they'll just be wiped off the face of the earth."
"Life's too short to use a fork, but if you wait long enough you get used to anything, including regular earthquakes."
"If this thing hits Florida, it's gonna be like a sandblasting hurricane. This thing has so much dust in it."
"A magnitude 7.6 earthquake shook Mexico's Central Pacific Coast."
"But the good news for those of us living on Earth today is that these kinds of disastrous events are extremely, extremely rare."
"These things happen. You can look at the Earth and see the scars. They happen and they're going to happen again."
"Earthquakes are one of the most destructive and unpredictable forces on the planet."
"No amount of vigilance or insight could stop the deadliest tornado in US history."
"For the next 35 years, the killer winds steered clear of Pawleys Island, and the Gray Man came to be perceived by locals as something of a guardian angel."
"Another devastating flood is said to have swept countless people to their deaths."
"90 billion dollars lost this calendar year because of natural disasters. Jobs are at stake."
"If you feel an earthquake and you're near the coast or a body of water, that is your warning that a tsunami may come and you should evacuate to high ground immediately."
"Even a smaller wave is enough to destroy entire settlements."
"Flooding forced over 150,000 people from their homes."
"A dangerous new storm threat taking aim at the West Coast."
"Tornadoes are one of the most bewildering phenomena observed on our planet each year."
"But Puerto Rico was a very difficult situation. I only hope they don't get hit again, because they were hit by two, right in a row, and, really, the likes of which we have never seen before."
"Nothing makes people more scared than earthquakes."
"It only takes 2 or 3 feet to cause catastrophic damage."
"Volcanic eruptions like these are some of the most terrifying and overpowering events on our planet."
"Brunding homes have been destroyed due to the increasing number of floods in recent years."
"Extreme flash flooding, a possibility in Southern California, parts of Nevada keeping an eye on Arizona."
"This is the biggest threat other than a natural disaster that we don't know when's going to happen."