
Community Health Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"It's not just an individual mental illness; it's actually a social illness."
"The health of your community is more important than your goddamn feelings."
"The true scam is when we make it so that there are people who are dying for treatable things because the person who goes in to get their flu shot protects you and me too."
"We're tracking every single county and community."
"The most important single thing that every Melburnian can do: if you've got any reason to be concerned, any symptoms, get tested."
"Healthcare doesn't treat communities, it treats the individual."
"We must remember to keep doing the things that are helping to slow down and then to stop the transmission in our communities. This includes washing our hands frequently, physical distancing from one another, and staying home as much as possible."
"The United States is headed into the G7 in a position of strength, with 64 percent of our adult population vaccinated."
"The way we solve this problem is by everyone coming together, stopping the spread by limiting large gatherings, by staying at home."
"We need people vaccinated in the communities now."
"We need to recognize that there's no one immune to it, no one, regardless of the size of your community."
"Vaccination policy really doesn't work unless everybody joins in together... a substantial majority of the population must participate in order to achieve what is referred to as herd immunity."
"It's so urgent and a matter of life and death that we tear down that wall of mistrust."
"Getting vaccinated does so much more than just protect yourself; it is beneficial and just absolutely necessary to keep your community safe and healthy."
"This amendment specifically speaks to the collection of data of health and safety on Frontline and vulnerable communities that would be nearby these sites."
"Vaccination is not just an individual decision but one that affects the health of others."
"If we can start doing some of these simple things, we can return this kind of joy, health, and happiness back to people's lives."
"Every one of us has a role to play to protect the most vulnerable among us and to save lives by putting the guidelines into practice."
"In public health we just want to stop the virus from spreading to the next person."
"Keeping the health and safety of employees is a top priority as well as our communities."
"We've created a system of over policing over incarceration, over surveillance and disinvestment in the things that we actually need as communities and families to be healthy and well and safe."
"We still have a voluntary contact tracing system in place. To date, we've had no outbreaks linked to the facility."
"The American people have demonstrated over the last eight months that when given the facts, they're willing to put the health of their families and neighbors first."
"We're setting up community vaccination sites, developing mobile units to reach hard-to-reach communities. Today, 90% of Americans now live within five miles of a vaccination site."
"Our children are dying... invest in our kids and their wellness."
"We are absolutely determined at the president's direction to make sure that you have the resources and the support as you see to the health and well-being of your communities."
"The community is in the best shape it's ever been because more people are speaking out, being genuine, and doing the things that they want to do."
"Clean and healthy drinking water and safe and effective stormwater and wastewater infrastructure is necessary for every thriving community."
"We're partnering with Northwell Health to set up 22 additional testing sites at churches in predominantly minority communities."
"Tell them yes they need to keep get vaccinated so we protect ourselves protect our communities and protect our kids who can't yet get vaccinated."
"But the American people I believe deserve credit for the sacrifices that they have made putting the health of their family and their neighbors first."
"Who are you staying home for? It's not about just you, it's about all of us."
"The objective should be protect as many lives as possible."
"I think at one point Colorado City had the most deaths per capita of kids in the nation because these little kids are [dying] on projects and [stuff]."
"Community health is a very cost-effective way to practice healthcare."
"We have to aggressively vaccinate. There's no real option here."
"It's important that people really understand that this is important for everyone but it's important for the individual who has the vaccine themselves and those around them."
"In New York City, what happened was there was a man I think a 27-year-old man in Rockland County who was part of an ultra-orthodox community that was under vaccinated, who got polio from the polio vaccine caused by this type-2 revertant virus."
"I hope you guys are keeping safe, I hope you guys are getting vaccinated, try to get vaccinated as quickly as possible."
"Without fairness, our society struggles. Without fairness, we cannot have vibrant communities and opportunity for all." - Unnamed Speaker
"We're willing to ingest poison and defend the commodification of cultural poison in our community."
"Yankee Stadium, Javits, State Fair, they're going to go to 24/7."
"Black community has a greater prevalence of hypertension and diabetes."
"Communicating critical risk and event information to all communities and countering misinformation is crucial."
"It's to prevent you from passing coronavirus particles to others who may be more vulnerable than you."
"We need to focus on evidence-based medicine and give our community good, strong information."
"You wear the mask for other people. You wear the mask to protect your grandmother."
"Together, we can make this world a healthier and happier place."
"We're all passing this to one another vaccinated or unvaccinated."
"It's crucial that by not stockpiling, by not selfishly shopping, we ensure our health workers can access essential supplies."
"Jesus taught us to love one another but to care about each other enough to say please get vaccinated because I love you."
"The Amish do not vaccinate. There should be hundreds of autistic children in the Amish communities. There's zero."
"Crime rates go up, poverty rates go up, the general quality of living for everyone suffers."
"It is really quite devastating to see people have a conversation about what it looks like to prioritize anything other than preserving the lives and the livelihoods of the people."
"I took all these steps to like the version I am now who I'm happy with the version I am now."
"You need to think about more than just yourself in making a decision whether to get a vaccine."
"How sick our community is, how much we're at the bottom of every health metric."
"Get vaccinated and get your neighbors vaccinated."
"When you quarantine, you are protecting your community and fighting alongside all Ohioans to reduce the threat of COVID-19 to our lives and to our livelihoods."
"The sky is not falling, there are a lot of healthy and strong years left for commander."
"A faith-based society is going to be a lot more robust and healthy."
"Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune."
"Most of us have been given the booster doses so precautionary doses have been taken by most of us now."
"You have 22 million followers on Twitter. For you to use your platform to encourage our community to not protect themselves and save their lives, my god, sister, you could do better than that."
"Absolutely I think that kind of diversity of thought diversity of opinion diversity of political affiliation I think that's very healthy for a community to have."
"In the black community, access to mental health care is lacking."
"You have to root out all the bad apples for the fruit to prosper."
"Vaccinating yourself protects yourself but also those around you."
"Wellness can be as infectious as disease: the power of community transformation."
"It's undeniably true that if everybody was vaccinated we'd just be way way way better off."
"Increasing community immunity in the United States is leading to less severe illness."
"Saunas create a health bonus to the neighborhood around them and increase happiness."
"We as black people are literally being fed so much trash on a regular basis."
"Justice is served when ain't no more drugs in our communities."
"The goal is to lose as few people to the virus as possible."
"We've learned a huge amount about how to tackle the virus."
"Nursing is a very high-stakes, emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding job."
"The order aims to better protect overburdened communities from pollution."
"It's not about whether or not you get sick, it's whether or not the people who are vulnerable get sick."
"Healthcare begins at prevention, in our homes, streets, and communities."
"The revolution doesn't start and end at the institution; we need to revolutionize the conditions that produce them."
"What if you could just walk into a center in your local community at any hour of the day to access mental health care?"
"We need a lot of David's fighting this fight so that we can ultimately win and all have the good health that we all deserve."
"Loneliness is a terrible threat to our health in our community... and now with the friendship line, there'll be even more calls, even more connection."
"This is how we beat this thing: everybody wears a mask. It's not hard."
"Vaccines can do two things: they can protect you from a virus and they can protect other people from a virus."
"We need to invest in prevention rather than investing in the aftermath."
"It is the pharmaceutical company that is facilitating the aggressive behavior that is promoting addiction in our community."
"Generous bounties and frequent random in-game rewards served as a major contributor to the health of the mode."
"The bottom line to all of that if you weren't vaccinated should you be afraid to be around people who were vaccinated no I don't think you should be afraid."
"I'm genuinely sad to hear that so many people in Liverpool have been unwell and so many have died."
"Even though this virus may have originated in China it's affecting everybody everyone's gonna get affected with of it depending on you."
"You're not only affecting your health right, but you're affecting the health of everybody that lives directly with you and around you."
"Responsible disposal of hazardous waste is a basic community need."
"Societies that actually can talk about their problems tend to do better."
"If you want to make sure you're worried about the community spread of coronavirus work on the community."
"Staying healthy is the best way to have fun and keep your friends and family healthy, too."
"I really see this as part of the healthcare that we provided. We follow the immunization schedule, and I really feel like the COVID vaccine is just on par with that."
"I really trust that it’s going to be as beneficial for [children] and again, its importance to me is that we’re one community."
"The real key is that the virus doesn't spread by social community connectivity, it's by physical."
"IGA realized why everyone in the village appeared so robust."
"Public health: promoting well-being through societal efforts."
"I would ban the ability to operate a deli or a bodega in a community without having a piece of fresh fruit or a vegetable." - Dianne Morales
"If the overwhelming majority of the people in this country get vaccinated we could nail this down by just crushing it."
"If we have a healthy school, a healthy classroom, we can survive anything."
"Policies need to be put in place immediately to ensure that everyone in every community in America, especially our children, has equitable access to healthy, affordable food."
"There are people dying in the community, there are people dying in residential homes from COVID-19, and they are not being made part of the statistics."
"Health should be looked at as a community, social rights issue, civil rights issue, social justice." - Kip Anderson
"Love, acceptance, and respect are fundamental to a healthy Society."
"Our lives are just as valuable as their lives on the other side of the tracks."
"This is a time where you should be focused on your health and that of your neighbors."
"Vaccinated people protected from hospitalization, unvaccinated people not protected."
"We need to care for our communities' mental health when it comes to facing the climate crisis."
"Football has the power to unite us, to bring positive development, and to promote good physical health."
"Football contributes in making active health and healthy lifestyle accessible for all people."
"I'd rather wear the mask and go to the game to protect grandma, grandpa, mom, and dad and watch the ballgame." - Sean Hannity
"I really get excited when people get vaccinated, I do."
"If you know how to do it the right way, come show her."
"Women participation in ownership and control raises the health of the community."
"The toxic people in the GD community are pretty few and far between compared to other communities."
"I'm gonna go get a haircut today. I'm gonna leave the mask on. I'm gonna go get a haircut because a good percentage of the people in our county have gotten their vaccination now."
"The Milwaukee Bucks stepping up efforts over the weekend, offering shots to eligible fans attending Sunday's game."
"We can flatten the curve, we can squash the bubble, whatever you want to call it."
"We're closer than ever to declaring our independence from a deadly virus."
"The family unit is the fundamental unit of the community. If your family is messed up, your community is going to be messed up."
"A community thrives off of encouragement instead of building anger and hatred."
"The COVID vaccines give strong protection against the delta variant and it protects you, your family, and your community."
"We're both getting fully vaccinated now, that's amazing, very exciting stuff."
"Healthy Xbox is good for PlayStation gamers. Healthy PlayStation is good for Xbox gamers."
"Family, our Kindred family members are dying mostly from heart attack, stroke, diabetes."
"Vaccines will help decrease transmission... get vaccinated as soon as you can."
"No citizen is excused from considering their obligation to the health and well-being of their community."
"Every Jamaican bears the burden of personal responsibility."
"We just need to increase the number of venues for vaccinations... making sure that we're nimble enough to get vaccine in the places where people go."
"Blood and platelet donations are critically needed to help prevent further delays in vital medical treatments."
"How do we help people become healthier through the whole thing?"
"Decriminalization has to be accompanied by continuing concern both for the broader community and for the addicts themselves."
"The health of a community starts at home; the home is the basis of the community, and the community is the basis of the nation."
"CHWs advocate for communities lacking resources for medical treatment, urging investment in public health infrastructure."
"To become a CHW, look for job openings, join state CHW associations, and attend trainings offered by national CHW organizations."
"The measure of health in any community may well reside in our ability to stand in awe at what the poor have to carry."
"Our healthcare system should have evolved to focus on preventing people from getting sick and keeping you healthy in the community."
"They've created the perfect community immunity."
"Local honey, it helps build up your communities."
"For those of us who wish they had gone more boldly and quicker and faster and louder, I think a lot of the people that want that probably don't care about the church's overall health and well-being."
"Here's to your health and everyone in your community."
"The health community should be aligned with science and medicine."
"By keeping your distance, you're protecting your community, Scotland's essential workers, and our NHS."
"It is becoming more common for EMS agencies to take a primary role within the community at large to prevent disease development through vaccination and education programs."
"Emergency Medical Services of the future will be community-based health management that is fully integrated with the overall healthcare system."
"Be healthier not just physically, but mentally, so we can be better friends, parents, or neighbors in this world."
"Everything that we can do to sort of nudge somebody toward vaccine is probably good not only for them but for the community around them."
"If you're living at home in the community and you're healthy, please exercise."
"Here's to your health and your mental health and the health of your community and your family members near and far."
"If we had 90% of people vaccinated, you know, we would really not be having any problem at all now."
"Wearing our masks, stopping at stop signs, getting vaccinated not only reduces our own risk, it reduces everybody's."
"Vaccines work by inducing population-level immunity, herd immunity."
"Cheers, have a beer for me, hope everyone's staying healthy, catch you on the next video."
"Healthy relationships are foundational to a healthy community."
"Rather than worrying too much about your own immune response to a vaccine, it's that you're very confident that the people that you are dealing with on a day-to-day basis are vaccinated."
"We need a way to express what life and work could look like without exploitation, without racism, based on reciprocity, collective responsibility, emphasizing investment in the health of neighborhoods."
"We work in a systems context and have to be connecting and working with and building coalitions across all of the different components of the community that together collectively create those opportunities for health."
"Community nutrition focuses on how public policy at the federal, state, and community level can impact the health of its community."
"The more we can kind of link together, the healthier it's all going to be."
"This is not about trying to reform a system for the sake of reform, it's about understanding that this is actually a much smarter way to do the business of creating healthy communities."
"When you wear a mask, you protect others, and they protect you. We protect each other."
"We had some experience in technology and we decided that telemedicine might be a great way to help them serve their community better."
"The vision of US GBC is that buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation."
"I hope that this message finds everyone well."
"We talk about mental health in our communities but we don't really get down to the roots of these things."
"We need to get more AEDs into the community, make them visible, make them accessible so they can be accessed when needed, and make sure that they are actionable, make sure they're rescue ready."
"Primary health care is at its best when the community and the service delivery seamlessly integrate."
"We're very committed philosophically and in everything that we do to ensure that the health and well-being of our community is first and foremost."
"Faith and healthy foods after services or during events serve and empower an entire community."
"Capturing standardized SDOH data helps to understand factors at an individual, community, and population level."
"If 95% of the population use masks, we could get out of this."
"If we can have at-home based testing... potentially not expose healthcare workers or other members of the community at risk."
"We have to do everything we can to keep those around us safe."
"It's hugely important and we are going to have to ramp up the tests across the community."
"Don't sacrifice the long-term health of your community for a short-term gain."
"We cannot solve the climate crisis if we don't figure out how to grow healthy foods here in California using less water and creating less pollution in our communities."
"We are not only removing waste from the communities but also serving our residents with clean, accessible, and safe sanitation."
"Schools become the center of nutrition for the community."
"The real power of vaccines is that they stop the disease from spreading further."
"When we get vaccinated, we're not just protecting ourselves but also protecting our community."
"When we get a chance to own our music and own our masters and own the means of production and distribution, you see that the black community is a lot healthier."
"Building healthy communities means building healthy people."
"What happens to me affects you, so if you can control diseases so that each person is infecting only 0.8 people or 0.7 other people, that will protect everybody."
"One can stop spread of disease through a community without being 100% effective in each person who gets the vaccine."
"Stay isolated if you can, so that we can kind of get back to life around here."
"Community nutrition supports communities to address child malnutrition prevention, screening of children, and provide treatment."
"The single most important thing to protect every group was to get COVID down in the entire community."
"We believe in science. This vaccine will save lives. Seniors and high-risk communities must get vaccinated, full stop."
"If you tell me that wearing a mask is going to keep others safe and it's going to keep me safe, I'm going to take that choice."
"This bill made it across the finish line when most people thought it was impossible and has real potential to clean up our grid and build healthier communities."
"The health of our culture, the health of our community is directly related to the health of our marriages."