
Religious Engagement Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The greatest challenge of the church today is not the conversion of sinners to be Christians, but Christians to become believers."
"Our goal with these...is not to say here's six religious groups we want to beat up on, it's rather here are six communities who we want to see go deeper into the knowledge of God."
"If you're becoming a new member today, we welcome you, we thank God for you, and we're excited about your relationship with our church."
"I have a vision for a church that when the service is over, you stay in the room."
"I think people need to start spending more time in churches."
"There's no room for Jesus in the heart of a lukewarm church. He stands at the door and knocks, seeking entrance."
"We'll continue to pray for you and partner with you."
"If you haven't been in one of these services, get to one of these services."
"Take the book, open your mouth, open your mind, open your heart, and digest the truth of God."
"So I did, and I went every Friday evening, just listened, and then I was introduced to the Quran."
"As you get involved in the work... it changes you and brings salvation and life to your own soul."
"I want you to read to the world how often should we serve Jehovah."
"My boyfriend who is not confident in reading and has a lower reading level has felt empowered to read God's word."
"Christianity is boring if you don't have the Holy Spirit."
"Connect yourself with the Quran and take it seriously."
"Revelation is the only book of the Bible that promises a blessing for those who read it."
"A tenth of the Salah, a quarter of the reward - what is the defining Factor? The presence of heart."
"It's about growing in grace, growing in knowledge of the word of God, being in church, having fellowship."
"My mind is getting better, more and more. I want to be in church more. I want God with my mind."
"For the Christian, our battle is now, our boxing is now, the war is now."
"People will be curious when you understand the Bible."
"This religion does not let you follow Allah's book without using your mind."
"God is always calling you and I to partner with Him."
"We are facing that final confrontation where the church is going to have the opportunity to really become the church."
"Speaking to Krishna and his deities, we connect to that person, Krishna."
"I feel like now that I'm like actively contributing to God's kingdom."
"If we're serious about engaging to do what our Blessed Mother said in Fatima, avert war and bring peace to the world, then we need to deepen our relationship with God now."
"We've got to be engaging in the battle by choosing to get engaged with our Lord in this relationship."
"So if I get a chance to maybe hear them out and say some awesome questions or maybe even hear Doha, I'll hear it."
"We're losing all young people... if we don't move forward with the truth."
"Dialogue about the Quran encourages deeper engagement and understanding."
"It is our responsibility to make sure that we can be the hands and feet of God."
"I'm actually trying to immerse myself in knowledge of God."
"You have an opportunity here to grow closer to God."
"The more you study this book, the less fear you'll have."
"When was the last time that you entered into the spirit and encountered the presence of God?"
"I give you permission to use me, make me hallelujah distributor of Kingdom wealth in the name of Jesus."
"We truly believe that it's important for the Christian Church to have an engagement in the public square with the Word of God."
"People love the church community; they don't love Jesus."
"You preach to the choir because it's the choir who goes out and has relationships one-on-one which is actually where most people change their mind."
"At the beginning of each time of prayer, remember who it is you're talking to."
"You have a game plan starting today the game plan is you're talking to Jesus every day in the Bible reading the Bible you are communing with Jesus and living in the gospel every day through the Rosary"
"I hope you're falling in love with God's Word and starting to understand things about the word that you never understood before."
"Worship the Lord wherever you are, be ready to engage and worship."
"That's why those those early stages of trying to determine exactly why the person in front of me has drifted from the church is so important."
"Your interaction with one of the attendees today could be the reason why they ever stop coming to an Islamic event or it kicks start their journey to attending these programs."
"God's up to something. You're not part of just the church, you're part of a move of God."
"May your study of the King James Bible be a transformative experience leading to a closer relationship with God."
"We really desired a church that was like encouraging the congregation on a regular basis, 'Get in this word, like don't just take what I say for a fact, go study yourself, please.'"
"Praise is the only thing that you can do to bring God's presence into your situation. When you pray, you are going boldly before his throne."
"If you prayed that prayer, I would love especially for the first time I would love for you to share that with us in our question box."
"Every time we read the Bible, the word of God comes to us and meets us where we're at, as a father speaks to his children."
"Let us turn to the Church, the bride preparing for the bridegroom."
"This year's report shows clearly that scripture engaged people make better neighbors."
"Engagement with the Bible contributes to human flourishing."
"People who engage with the Bible tend to be better neighbors."
"We're in a spiritual war, we gotta spiritually begin to fight."
"It is a blessing to see black men stand up for the Lord. It is beautiful for families. All praising."
"The tragedy is that so many young people are lost to the cause of Christ... aggressive engagement, not just filling a pew."
"God does not want us to be unthinking; He wants us to love Him with our heart, soul, mind, and strength."
"If we want the church to be strong and we want to build the church to keep making a huge difference in the world then we've got to care for the weak who are amongst us and on the fringes."
"We believe everyone can have access to God's word whether it's reading the verse of the day or finding a Bible reading plan or simply diving into the word."
"Why aren't churches across this nation having prayer conference calls or zoom meetings with their people so we can pray and repent as a nation why is the church silent?"
"The youth, especially the millennials, especially what is it generation y or generation z, they are desperately wanting, they want to be challenged in their faith, they want to be given the true doctrine."
"I just became obsessed obsessed with it I started watching sermons I started going to church I started praying I used to sit in that church for hours and just talk to God."
"What I love about this program... is that it doubles as a kind of ministry. It does the work of God with people."
"I want to know You. I want my own experience with You."
"Touch the screen as a point of contact," he urged. "Receive the anointing."
"When you see something that brings you closer to Allah, like an act of worship or an opportunity, you smile and you see it as a good opportunity."
"If you guys were blessed by this Bible study video, please like and share to your friends, your family, your relatives, your co-workers, whoever might also be blessed with this Bible study."
"We're fighting back, we're not sitting back complaining and whining, oh the devil's out making more movies well hey we're going to make movies."
"He's going to church to avoid substantive black policy."
"I want you to feel presbyterianism. I want you to feel what it's like to be in the room, I want you to feel what these theological persuasions and convictions produce in a man, in a woman."
"Don't be afraid to even open quote and even read one surah if you read one surah you read two surahs you're going to want to read more."
"It's not just if you're doing God's work, it's how you do God's work."
"Welcome to the Friday Q&A. I want to have that attitude because I am like you, an observer of Christ."
"The Holy Spirit is giving a glorious invitation not only to follow him with all your heart mind and strength by his wonderful grace but he's also inviting you to be his voice his prophetic voice."
"You could call in from your church, you could get your pastor to call in from your church."
"Challenging the biblical text does not make you guilty of betrayal or disloyal to the truth of God; on the contrary, it shows that you are eagerly and sincerely trying to find out more about God and the truth."
"The world as told in the Bible would you like to hear a verse?"
"Pray about securely giving at the website signs of the lastdays.org on the giving page."
"Prayer is an acknowledgment of dependence on God. The church must be engaged on its knees."
"We are constantly engaging in our religious texts... and it will probably continue forever as long as we are human beings."
"We began to talk about the Lord... and we just spent hours talking about Jesus."
"There are 168 hours in every single week; if your church service is roughly one hour, how is your Church's Mission being fulfilled in the other 167 hours?"
"We're going to a Bible study tonight. Alec is teaching, so really stoked for him."
"When I hear something, even if it's the thousandth time, my ears enjoy it so much that my entire body envies my ears and wishes it was my ear so they can enjoy like that as well."