
Adult Responsibilities Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"What us adults do is, when we know what we need to do for a better life, we go through the hard period, the sacrifice, to get that better life."
"We have children who have become responsible for the emotional regulation of the adults in their world, and they cannot carry that weight."
"I think if we move one more time, we're ready to go outside, aren't we? After this, it's like adult time, paying taxes and living life."
"Politics in the adult world is all about compromise."
"The process of filing taxes is undoubtedly one of the most frustrating aspects of adulthood."
"You ain't got time to babysit; you're a grown-ass woman or a grown-ass man."
"You're an adult. You're responsible. You're a conscious sentient being. Act like it."
"When you become an adult, you take on adult responsibility towards your parents."
"Be an adult, go get yourself some life insurance right now."
"Your credit score is like your passport into everything that you need to do as an adult."
"Adults complaining about having to do normal adult things."
"Adults do not seek validation from children. They seek to guide and civilize children."
"Once you have responsibilities, you start to prioritize better."
"Give up the idea that you are some sort of an inept adult who is perpetually failing to live up to the standards of other adults."
"You need to be an adult later in life than earlier in previous generations."
"Let's adult together and feel cozy once you know your credit score."
"Imagine being a minor and an adult you looked up to comes to you and dumps all their emotional baggage out on you."
"We should all as adults be trying to create environments for kids where they are safe to explore."
"When children feel bad about their body, sad that life is hard and scared by the confusing world, adults need to speak the truth."
"That's adulting, right? Have I for am I adulting at this point? I think you're doing it when the way that you express the freedom in your life is, I got to unload the dishwasher slightly earlier and that's like a victory."
"As a woman, sustaining yourself as an adult is again, you know, making sure your finances are right, you know, making sure your credit is okay, but you cannot expect that to give you a direct result with men."
"It felt good to find routines and cross items off a short to-do list rather than the neverending set of thankless tasks that adulting requires."
"Adults need to look after themselves, and you're not being a bad person by having standards, setting boundaries, and putting your needs first."
"It's about teaching someone to be an adult, to be the best version of themselves."
"It's going to require an extreme level of discipline not just through your working years but for your entire adult life."
"If your own mother did not protect you, what did you expect the adults around you to do?"
"I'm not 16 anymore like I've had mortgages and car payments and like a dog to [ __ ] feed."
"Everyone needs to feel heard, everyone needs to know that their pain is being acknowledged, everyone needs to feel like the adults in their lives are listening."
"We are called upon to be real grown-ups right now and to have a far more mature conversation than just how we feel at any given moment."
"Hands off the kids. They'll figure it out as adults."
"Adulting is tough enough, are you rushing them? Be a kid as long as you possibly can."
"This isn't the time of jokes about cherries and cakes. This is really grown-up politics."
"I'm a 33 year old man, I filed and paid my taxes this week, I got bigger problems than like, oh you know, you took six seconds too long on combat against a little green rat in the second dungeon."
"Something else that adults know how to do is their own laundry and so we're gonna learn how to sort laundry properly."
"Health insurance in your 30s is vital, bro. It's hard work, huh? Somebody's gotta do it, man."
"That's what moms do you get to make the decision because that's what you do when you're an adult but I love this thought of him saying the reason why I'm gathering you is to prepare you against what's about to come."
"Marriage is fundamentally about the responsibilities of adulthood."
"Independence means freedom. Freedom means you can do whatever you want. If you don't have Independence, that means you're dependent on somebody else as a grown ass man you should not be dependent on no one else on any vertical of your life to me."
"This notion of bringing children into that which is properly adult it chaps my ass."
"If you can sign up for the military at 18, if you can get your driver's license, if you can start paying taxes, I think you have a right to change."
"No child should have a secret with another kid with a teacher with an adult."
"Adulting is not as great as it is cracked up to be."
"Part of adulting is making sure that you are protected and prepared for any case of emergencies."
"You expect to take $600 from me when I'm buying you a gift and then just have no consequences? The consequence is you need to understand how the adult world works because clearly you don't."
"It's kind of a big grown-up adult thing that's going on and I need to make sure that it happens."
"We're teaching them advanced things but we're not teaching the basics around what a mortgage is when interest rates man so I think we could use just a basic last on adulting junior or senior year."
"I'm getting better at this whole adulting thing by the day."
"What about when you grow up and the world doesn't cater? You can't say 'but I don't wanna' at the DMV."
"I'm always going to be there for my friends, but to me, to depend on friends to show up for you financially when all of us are living adult lives with adult responsibilities, I would never expect my friends financially to show up for me in that way."
"What does stress me out? Probably like normal adult things, you know, like paying bills and taxes."
"Children are not obliged to serve as emotional props for the adults in their lives."
"Especially as you get older, we're grown men, especially when you got kids and grandkids."
"I was not informed; nobody told me adulting would come with bills."
"I'll always look fondly at that time in Korea for allowing me another year of basically having no real adult responsibilities."
"It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn't much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband, and father of three school-aged children."
"It's always very important that parents be parents and not involve children in adult matters."
"I really need to clean my apartment, and I really don't want my mom to revoke my being an adult card."