
Long-term Planning Quotes

There are 1813 quotes

"3 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things... 6% of your life to make the other 94% of your life incredible."
"Rich people are planning decades ahead, and the really wealthy are planning past their lifetimes."
"If you could save $15 a day, in 30 years at 10%, that's $1,017,000."
"You should be following a diet you can follow for the rest of your life."
"Every big business on Earth is always thinking 10, 20, 50 years down the line. That's how great investors need to think as well."
"China is an imperturbable foe. They are a foe with a long vision, playing a long game."
"The most important thing you can do is have a family, make money, no joke. Then in 10 or 20 years, you will have well-adjusted, intelligent, capable children who control industry."
"I wish people would go down that road but date someone that shares the same values as you and that you could actually see yourself marrying. If you couldn't see yourself marrying the person, don't give them something that you ultimately wish you would have only given to the person that you end up marrying."
"As I said, one of the most important things we need to do is build a robust long-term foundation of global health."
"Long-term mindset is key when it comes to investing."
"After 15 years of investing... you've invested $87,000 and are eventually going to see it grow to three-quarters of a million, that's $750,000."
"Long-term thinking is a giant lever. You can literally solve problems if you think long-term that are impossible to solve if you think short term."
"This is going to be a long-term build. It'll be a build that's going to require every facet and every aspect of our society."
"It's not about accomplishing everything but rather about setting up the company for long-term success."
"Understanding the longer-term trends is also essential for addressing today's policies."
"Every asset that you own, hold for 10 years. All the gains are there."
"It's going to be more impactful for whatever you want to give to...if in the long term, you actually fix your situation."
"Dollar cost averaging is not a day trading strategy; it's a long-term investment strategy."
"Invest long term first. Put 70% of your money away until you're 30."
"Only purchase a home that you intend on keeping for at least seven to ten years."
"This is all very much a long-term consistent strategy where slow and steady wins the race."
"This financial education is what will build you wealth over the long term, not just the short term."
"I want to lay the roads now so that generations after generations can use those same roads to get to the moon. Get to Mars. Go beyond."
"Don't overcomplicate it. Stick with this simple plan: don't use leverage, dollar-cost average, think about it as a five to ten year investment, and your probability of success is going to be extremely high."
"Always keeping tabs on where your money is at and where it went is really important in frugality and in saving money in the long term."
"When the going got tough, my five to ten-year goals are what really kept me going."
"To choose one's profession based solely on the availability of work is to take a short-term perspective that will likely backfire."
"This house right here is going to be where I get married, raise a family, have kids, and I'm going to live here for the rest of my life."
"It's a marathon not a sprint... plan five years out."
"Focus on how much you can keep; that's really what's going to drive success in the long term."
"I want us to double down on the story of WoW and really invest in some of the characters and have long-term planning across multiple expansions."
"Do what is meaningful, not what is expedient because meaning is a really good guide to long-term adaptation."
"This isn't an interim vehicle; this is a long-term solution."
"Only buy a home that you plan on living in for at least 7 to 10 years."
"You wanna own the super high quality, well-capitalized, dominant businesses that you know will be here 30 years from now."
"This will cost some money on the front end, but over the long term, this is the only way that not only are we going to make families healthy, but it's also how we're going to save the federal budget."
"Buying a home should really be done with the expectation of being a long-term plan."
"For the regular home buyer... Can you buy a home you like where you don't have to sell your soul to buy it, aka waive the inspection and appraisal, and where you see yourself in it for a long time, like five to ten years?"
"Tightening belts in government is not a short-term countermeasure but a guideline and policy that should be adhered to in the long run."
"Live like no one else now so you can live like no one else later."
"If you plan on keeping the vehicle for six or seven years, I really do recommend an extended warranty."
"Research has shown that demonstrating to yourself the discipline and patience needed to save money, especially in the long term, has huge psychological benefits in your overall life."
"Marriage and engagement, getting into a long-term commitment with someone."
"Japanese companies...have a much more long-term perspective in making profit and making products than American companies."
"Think strategic, think about the long term with all decisions that you make, and you will do a better job making better decisions."
"Remember, this is going to take a long time. It needs to be not something you think about how do I get from point A to B the fastest. This needs to be how do I find a sustainable approach that is truly a lifestyle change."
"As a private company, we've concentrated on the long term, and this has served us well. As a public company, we will do the same."
"If you want to build wealth, it's very long term, and you want to be smart with your money."
"If you can make decisions with a long-term intent rather than short-term, and if you could be patient and master yourself emotionally speaking, then I think we'll all do very well."
"A strategy to win a decisive battle is not a strategy to win a war."
"We are done talking about infrastructure weeks; now we're talking about an infrastructure decade."
"It's not about being afraid. It's about being prepared... These defensive assets, they're not for a rainy day. They're for a rainy decade."
"About a thousand Starships will take about 20 years to build a self-sustaining city on Mars."
"I believe in investing long-term and so investments that I make, I invest in businesses and stocks that long-term are gonna have a positive return, a positive yield."
"As we pursue self-discipline, it does mean saying no to ourselves. It means setting boundaries and choosing what is beneficial in the long term over what is pleasurable in the moment."
"Our goal is to cut cancer death rates by at least 50 percent over the next 25 years."
"Making long-term investments in your life makes you happy."
"Our population growth is at a fractional increase, never as tiny as it was last year."
"Understand that this is a long game of change."
"If this video can help you gain a sizable muscle mass over the next six months a year two years three years on body parts that were lagging boy it's gonna be worth the hour and a half."
"If properly sealed, honey will last indefinitely, making it an essential addition to your inventory."
"Remember this is a 4-year program it doesn't start and end in the next one or two months this program should and will exist for the next four years of this Administration."
"His goal has always been to get back to a quiet life in Siwa with his wife."
"It's satisfying to be at this point where we are going to finish up these batteries and putting station in a better configuration long term."
"If you can do it over a long enough time period, you will set yourself up to live the life that you've always dreamed about."
"You're going to underestimate what you can do in 10."
"The moat that a company has is more important for long-term ownership of that stock over a two to five plus year period."
"All the money is in long-term holding like the real flip is holding the property for 10 15 years."
"Every stock you wanna hold minimum five years minimum."
"Buy quality. I want you to write in chat what are the four companies that you're going to tie your portfolio to and hold on to Forever."
"Only long-term vision and long-term deals can give you that measure of predictability."
"To break a cycle you need a change that is holistic in nature, but also robust so it engages lots of different community touch points to create a communal change over 10 or 15 years."
"I will take immediate action to help people with their energy bills but also secure our long-term energy supply."
"A good question to ask for somebody who purports to really care is: What do you care about that's not currently in the news? And then, how are you changing it? And what is your plan to change it over the next decade or two?"
"Their long-term intentions involve building a beautiful home and family with you."
"What would happen if you just bought one property every single year for the rest of your life?"
"Real estate is not a get-rich-quick scheme. This is a get-rich-guaranteed system over time."
"If you increase your body weight by 60 pounds, 50 pounds, 100 pounds over the next five to ten years."
"I've been saving up for this ring for the past 4 years. Dedication, man."
"Businesses should see beyond short-term gains."
"Everything that is happening today was planned at least fifty years ago."
"I was making a bet that I would be better off not having to beg all these people to come back once they've moved on to other professions."
"They are willing to take a loss or two if it means giving them the long-term strategic gains."
"This is a long-term investment that benefits everyone."
"We have a 10-year plan. They will all feature the highest EV technology on the planet."
"Sit back and collect dividend money for future years."
"How do you not fall behind? How do you become one of those people who can stay on top of things consistently over the long term?"
"Intentional is a marathon, intensity is a sprint. It changes everything."
"Just get used to doing that in your 20s and I promise you it's gonna be way easier and these are gonna be decisions you're not going to regret later on."
"Yeah, it's pretty amazing how spreading manure now can affect you in the next couple of years."
"The stock market is just a big gambling machine in the short term. In the long run, it's the machine for compounding interest and returns."
"Just do the things that, in the long term, are gonna benefit you the most."
"Are you a long-term investor? Then these dips are your friend."
"We can solve it by making smart investments that are long-term in nature that reach families and workers in all of America."
"I believe in the sixth inning theory of baseball... I think we got to go six innings. That means we got to stay on the same team, have the message of productive engagement politically for our people."
"I know this is challenging, but recovery is a long-term thing. We want to be out of this lockdown as soon as it's safe to do so."
"Investing in the black community, long-term investments. You ain't gonna get a million dollars next month."
"What I'm showing you is something that can make money for a long time because it's hard."
"Wanting to be wealthy creates long-term legacies."
"This is something I could see myself committing to, something I could see myself going at for the long haul."
"We will only commission what we add value to and what we build with you because we want to build this for the long term."
"That's what we've realized we like to do and I think that's a really important thing that if you want to be with someone long term you have to figure out what you want to do together."
"Sometimes in business, you gotta do things that may not make business sense in the short term, but they save your ass in the long run."
"They've got this long-term goal which they're diligently working towards."
"We just keep our eye on the prize. We have a five-year time horizon. You can't stop progress."
"I always told myself the long-term goal was to have it like an El Camino build."
"Would you rather have right now a half a million dollar cash I give you... or would you rather take an income stream, guaranteed of $100,000 over 20 years?"
"The second resolution: I choose short-term pain for long-term gain."
"Staying invested for the longer term and making space for that market recovery is not just a good idea."
"Investing over a 20-year time period has never once produced a negative result."
"I plan on being here forever so this is the start of that and yeah the pressure's on."
"We don't go for the get rich quick scheme we go for the get rich for sure."
"You don't want to be a renter for the next 30 years."
"Think of it like gaining interest if you put money in the bank earlier you're gonna make gains later on."
"Choosing boring technology essentially try to pick something that is mature and established and used by a lot of people."
"They want to basically commit to you, engagement, partnership, commitment, eternity, completion, and a union."
"You have to build something that's sustainable."
"Companies like Netflix and Spotify are showing us that having a direct relationship with your customer is probably the best long-term business model."
"Don't settle for anything less than a foundation that will last the test of time."
"I've promised to find a long-term solution to social care once and for all."
"Confrontation is only good if it's working in your favor: peace or victory. Are you getting a piece for yourself for your long-term strategy, for your brand, for your relationship by doing this?"
"You will get better terms on a 15-year mortgage than a 30-year mortgage."
"This is long-term in terms of saving you coins long-term and making you coins long-term."
"This is part of a political project, this is a 40 years in the making project."
"Rebuilding brigades takes years to do, and between now and 2025, that is fantasy."
"The U.S now aims to send 50 billion cubic meters of LNG to Europe every year until at least 2030."
"Investing in Lordstown Motors: not a sprint, but a marathon."
"Sustainability is going to be the longer-term issue for the economy."
"I'm working on a 200-year plan... it's a different way to think."
"After taxes and living expenses, invest in the long term."
"Skill up and then over the next 10 or 20 years, you will make yourself a fortune."
"You've got to think long term in building your business and your funnels."
"It's going to be at least five years before we see the x-men or any of the x-men related properties in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Life is long, and when you wanna get bigger for the sake of bigger, you start taking shortcuts that lead to vulnerabilities."
"Even if you're that person in the 50s, you can still make decisions today that will have positive impacts in your 60s, in your 70s."
"What if instead there were stocks you could buy, hold on to them for the next 20 or 30 years, and then just watch the share price run higher?"
"By sacrificing good squad members now you create an infrastructure to get even better squad members later."
"We want to keep running this in-house for as long as possible."
"The long horizon for Destiny is to become an evolving world."
"We all feel a tremendous obligation to deliver in the long run to build great companies."
"This build is the slow culmination of many years of waiting for deception perks to be added to the game just so we can use them all at once to thoroughly confuse the killer."
"Thorium reserves are vast... enough to power the country for over a thousand years."
"Don't be short-term focused. Look beyond immediate gains and play the long-term game."
"Think long-term when making a decision: consider the market of the company and the future of your position."
"If you are panicking with the markets right now being volatile I do recommend like I stated finding great projects you believe in for the very long term and investing that way."
"Time in the market always beats timing the market."
"Always use people's emotion to your advantage and have a long-term view regardless of whether it's cryptocurrency, commodities, stocks, bonds, it doesn't matter."
"Taking a long-term approach is how people have lifted themselves from average income to wealthy status."
"The entire point of the strategy is to give you a statistical advantage that plays out over a long period of time."
"Financial benefits will also include a guaranteed income of ninety seven thousand dollars for at least 250 years and paying off all educational and personal debts."
"Scaling this facility up will take time but JB knows that entrepreneurship is a marathon not a sprint."
"Building a solid foundation even though both of you really want that now."
"One of the biggest advantages that you have on your side is time."
"Investing should be a line item in your budget. You should if you take a look at the stock market right now and over the last 100 years there hasn't been a 20-year time frame of investing into it that it has not risen."
"The lesson that I've been learning lately is you want to do these things that don't scale as long as possible."
"We're planning like a four-year vacation after this election is done."
"We have a responsibility to do the right things today that I think will be appreciated by our fans and by our community for the next 50 to 100 years."
"You've got to play the long game, set up the fundamentals, don't hit the snooze bar, eat clean, exercise, be in abundance mode."
"But anything you want to initiate this week, Libra, you have the green light to do it, and when you do initiate something, you're going to have the determination, the stamina, the resolve, the energy to see it through and carry it out long term."
"Kevin Feige was like go crazy... for 10 years this dude's been telling a long story in the Marvel Universe man."
"We're starting this big, you could argue it's a 10 or 20-year super cycle."
"Let's be realistic. This is a long-term project. But if we set the groundwork now, we can actually imagine what a fair, modern, normal country would look like."
"Time. You don’t need faster than light travel, because as a long lasting civilization you have the most important factor in the Fermi Paradox mastered. Time."
"Increase in value that alone / 30 years same payment every month."
"Disney at least tries to play the long game in a different way where they understand that keeping a franchise like Star Wars around and keeping the fans happy, that's how you make your trillion gajillion dollars for years to come."
"You'll end up being with this person long term, but you're not, I'm telling you, you're gonna, you're gonna, you're gonna basically."
"Our decisions will always reflect our painstaking assessment of what is best for our economy in the medium and longer term and nothing else."
"The next financial milestone in your 30s is to consider assembling a financial plan for the next 30 years of your life."
"Long-term decisions should be made, not just scrambling to hit quarterly targets."
"You can guarantee the price of power and storage costs for 20 years... and you can do it all online on your schedule."
"I think long-term you have to put the consumer first."
"EA needs to start looking at their IPs like consoles... you're building trees with seeds."
"The plan is that these first three or four seasons are going to cover this particular story."
"Make it part of your lifestyle and not just something that you study for."
"Competition is a fool's game. The real end game for any industry is to own a majority share of it."
"Invest for the long term. Do you not wish you invested more?"
"He has seemingly solved the nation's biggest issue in a way that the people are supportive of."
"It's a system of government that makes short-term sacrifices for the long-term game."
"I started making two-year decisions. I wanted to make a decision today that I look back on in two years and I'm glad that I made it."
"Ultimately, success comes from taking a decade-long view."
"Buy-and-hold really is the best strategy for long-term investing success."
"Vanguard really is for buy-and-hold investors."
"These virginia-class submarines were designed in the 1990s... it'll be 2045 or 50."
"The kind of growth we need is sustainable but builds growth for the long run." - Rishi Sunak
"Focus on long-term accumulation strategies and you generally come out way ahead of the game."
"Fully funding early intervention strategies like nurture groups is difficult politically because the full impacts can only be seen in the long term."
"It would be a big revolution to bring companies and governments to give importance to the long term. That would be a revolution."
"Making more money makes it a lot easier but if you invest diligently for the long term and generate good returns, you can end up much further ahead financially."
"Money that comes fast is no good, wealth built over time and that's honest wealth."
"You want a portfolio that you can happily put money into and not worry about what's going to happen."
"Specialize in a subject that you will get a degree in and functionally have to do for the rest of your life... you can always re-specialize, it just takes a lot of time and money."
"You've got to think about the not the next move you've got to think about the next six seven moves."
"Prioritize what you care about... focus on the problems that matter long term."
"This agreement will really help America over the long term."
"Let's think about creating generational health."
"Don't focus on coming up quick. Focus on coming up, period."
"Thinking in the short term will keep you broke forever."
"Good policy over the long term is good politics."
"Building a food storage room like this does not happen overnight... you want to make sure you're properly storing this food so that it doesn't go bad."
"Thinking of YouTube as an infinite game, I focus on decisions that contribute to long-term enjoyment and value."