
Defining Moments Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Past doesn't define you; what you do from here is what defines you."
"There are moments that shape us, moments of triumph, moments of defeat, moments that move us, and moments that change us. But this moment, this moment defines us."
"I believe in Man United, totally. This is a moment for us to really set a marker down."
"Your moment defines you, often in chaos, conflict, and discomfort."
"They have to start defining the contrast, the narrative. He did that tonight."
"He met the moment, not only met the moment but exceeded it."
"Either you define the moment or the moment defines you."
"I think to win the lot but say and leave the Champions League, that just defines this era of Manchester City."
"A crisis is not coming. It is already here, and it will be as defining a moment in the history of the US as the Great Depression, World War Two, or the American Civil War."
"Ned's death may just be the defining moment of Game of Thrones."
"You define the moment or the moment defines you."
"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... You want to talk about defining gaming moments... Walking out into Hyrule Field for the first time."
"This moment may define me but it will not define me in tragedy."
"You just have to Pivot from it and not be defined by it." - Advice on leveraging viral moments
"The big moments that define us are the ones in between."
"It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do with your life that defines you."
"It's incredible life works out... it's just amazing how moments in life can define us."
"Don't have to define us for the rest of our lives."
"Everybody falls in love just you know we do just [mess] dummy things that could define who you are for the rest of your life."
"We all get to choose our life stories, and it's the choices that define us, not our gifts."
"Moments like that can define you, they can inspire you, and they can keep you humbled at the same time."
"This season for Arsenal could Define them for the next decade were they just a flash in a pan last year or was that just the beginning of something special."
"It baffled me because this incident was what solidified my inherent interest in crime."
"The choices you are about to make will define you for the rest of your life."
"I declare breakthroughs in my life, I declare that this moment is my defining moment marking the ending of a sad history."
"This is going to be the month that defines the future of how these issues are seen in America."
"The crushing feeling I had after that set the tone for the rest of my life."
"Every hero has a storyline that defines them, sometimes it's a fateful event."
"It just feels like the game tonight actually defines a season whereas if they don't win it I think it would've been seen as having a magnificent season."
"Without this moment there would be no me who you are right here today sitting here."
"One second on the court can define the player's legacy."
"That moment defined me, made me stronger, and it made me who I am today."
"That's just a tone-setting moment right there."
"Extraordinary experiences define the key moments of our lives."
"People aren't defined by their worst moment."
"You could define your legacy day one in that final."
"We see this accelerating, we see this really defining the industry in so many ways."
"There are a select few stories, experiences, and moments that will define you forever."
"Once you cross them, it redefines you. It sets you apart."
"Heroes are generally made in moments, and not born as them."
"You will have moments in your life... it's what you do next that will always define you."
"We all have different experiences. I call them defining moments, those moments that we come to our sense and sensibility."
"These are the moments that define you as a rider."
"That was my moment, that was my moment to be a man, to be cool as hell out there."
"Life's defined by moments, your acts define you."
"This moment is made possible by Ricky Henderson doing Ricky Henderson things."
"But those moments are very often the moments that define us and shape us and propel us into so much more than we already are."
"It's games like this in which heroes are made."
"Tragedy does define and impact a generation."
"I am ecstatic that you're here as I said and I wanted to ask, we all have moments that define us."
"We all knew that whatever you do in these next couple of years, it's gonna define how the rest is gonna be."
"For in the end, it is not the miracles that define us, but the simple, profound beauty of love's wavering presence in our lives."
"There are moments in our lives that seem to define us, moments we keep going back to."
"When a defining moment comes along, you either define the moment or the moment defines you."
"We live most of our lives during these relatively calm periods and then our lives get redefined by these epochal events."
"These are the moments, the championship moments, that define the great players."
"People are defined by their worst moment."
"The two most defining moments in your life that drive you."
"Our lives are really defined by our moments of greatest adversity."
"These are moments that define careers."
"Your life will be characterized by a series of defining moments."
"There are moments in your life that'll define you, that'll change everything."
"As a team we will be defined by the moments we seize."
"Most people have one or two life-defining moments that change their trajectory."
"The Dark Tournament Arc contains the moments that define the entire series."
"Decide when the moment will define you, when you get back up."
"...those characteristic defining things about people... just little and... character traits and... just little turning moments like that."
"In life, you have these defining decisions, defining moments that we make. Sometimes you don't know how defining they are."
"... it's moments like these that define the spirit of competition."
"I couldn't ask for a better race car to drive. So those three were big defining moments, but I value everyone I met and learned from along the way in racing."
"Sometimes a singular play like that defines a team."
"Each was uniquely defined by their absolutely insane shoot."
"It's about what you do with those experiences that defines it."
"Sometimes a great moment like that can define somebody."
"It's that one play that defines the game sometimes."
"Those are the moments that define you, I think. Well, not necessarily define you, but definitely they're memories that you're like, 'This is why I wanted to get into acting.'"
"It's a cruel [ __ ] sport, Rich. But it's what makes it what it is. It really does. Would football be football without moments like this? It wouldn't."
"he's basically built his entire career to be the monster that he is in these moments"
"There are a few times in my life that have defined me as a man."
"This moment... it's telling you who you are."
"For every team, there's an iconic moment that defines their history."
"I think it's how we learn from them that actually defines us."
"You talk about moments, big moments, that's one right there."
"This is normal. And this is where your defining moment happens."
"There are certain moments that define you, there are certain moments that speak of your integrity and your character."
"You either define the moment, or you let the moment define you."
"These games do that, they define your career."
"These are the games where you define your career, your legacy is created in these games."
"You either define the moment or the moment defines you."
"The greatest are people who have changed the game, had defining moments or hit records."
"Kairos moments... are these moments of truth that happen in employees' tenure with an organization at unpredictable times but reveal the underlying values of the organization."
"Trouble and trials are defining moments."
"Each and every one of us have our defining moments, and those defining moments shape us to be who we are today."
"We all remember the great wrestlers of any given era; they're usually about as defining of a period in our lives as the great movies are, or even our own memories."
"You work your entire career for moments like this."
"Please do not let this one moment define what you think about me and the work that I'm doing."
"In sports, sometimes it's not just the skill, it's the moment that defines you."
"God can redeem our lives and our lives don't have to be characterized or defined by our weakest moments."
"There's moments in your life that make you, that set the course of who you're gonna be."
"Our lives are defined by just a few important choices."
"Everyone will make mistakes, but have a good reaction; your reaction is what will define this football match."
"They were some very defining moments in my career and they shaped me to what I am today."
"Everyone has moments from their childhood that defined them."
"There's moments in your life that make you."
"It's moments like this that define us."
"Kairos has to do with defining moments... it's when heaven's time invades earth and interrupts your sequence of events."
"Are you gonna let this one thing define the entirety of your relationship?"
"These are the moments that define characters."
"These are the moments that define us."
"It's for moments like these that keep surfers motivated, also how to define your career."
"One room, one picture, one incident can define you."
"One bad day can define a character or for that matter, one moment can define any of us."
"It's during our most difficult times that our lives are defined."
"...there was one particular moment that was wrought with so much tragedy that it truly defined him moving forward as a person."
"Here's the thing: there's moments in your life that make you, that set the course of who you're gonna be."
"People have defining moments, I suppose, especially when they're children."
"It's how you rise from adversity that's what defines you as a driver."
"Those moments that define us, I wouldn't go back in time."
"It's moments like this that define who you are."
"Those are the experiences that define a life."
"These are the moments that define your quality of life."
"Defining moments are decided by who defines the moment."
"Those big moments are when you become something bigger than yourself if you can excel."
"We will either define the moment or the moment will define us."
"By far one of the most pivotal defining months of your year, one way or another you have a lot of power."