
Daily Challenges Quotes

There are 242 quotes

"Greatness fights. Do the work every day. Challenge yourself to be uncomfortable, push past apathy, laziness, and fear."
"It can be the best thing that you ever did and also like 'I have to do this again tomorrow and every day for the future.'"
"Without an ID, you can't qualify for housing, be admitted to shelters, work day labor jobs, open a bank account, buy cigarettes, or receive any type of government aid."
"Black folks, we deal with the virus every damn day. The virus is called white supremacy."
"Don't let a bad five minutes ruin your whole day."
"Remember, every single day is a battle, and we fight for every single cent."
"Remember, every single day is in a battle, and we fight for every single cent."
"I'm not afraid of that, because I know Canadians face that every day."
"God's place is to make sure you shine in the midst of your day whether it's smooth or not."
"Any fool can cope with a crisis. The difficult thing is to cope with everyday life."
"My first thought every morning when I log on to the Internet is: What damage report? How bad is the damage? What else has gone wrong?"
"From February to October, we didn't have current."
"Courage to cope with what we see day-in, day-out."
"If you're constantly late, you have a loss of time, confusion. Could be a demonic spirit."
"Another One Rides the Bus illustrates the pains and grievances of riding on an overcrowded bus."
"You’re still going to have days when things go off course. It’s a guarantee."
"People feeling empowered and equipped with tools so that whatever you're experiencing in your day-to-day life, it meets you exactly where you are."
"I can't think about the rest of my life as a quadriplegic, but I can get through today."
"Every day... is a challenge... it's a test... it's like... always there's always an opportunity for growth."
"Every day I think you should be experiencing some type of pain... seeking discomfort... an uncomfortable conversation... allows us to grow."
"Literally loving yourself and feeling confident and completely who you are every single day when you have an insecurity is literally a daily battle."
"The one thing we are seeing today is these issues are on food security, health food insecurity, health insecurity, things which many people are living with on a daily basis and which we're all now kind of having to come to terms with."
"Despite all my moaning and groaning over animal remains jenkins stink."
"If I had to pick a date for the next recession, it would be sometime in 2020."
"These are the everyday cases of Dr. G, medical examiner."
"That's a great idea because I am so tired of having to go across this little river here."
"Uncertainty is something that you have to endure and deal with on a regular basis."
"The quiz is your life and the quiz is what the you make of your life so yes you're being tested every day on this Earth."
"The amount of knowledge and skill and intellectual property she has in dealing with situations on daily basis."
"The one thing that's really hard is the relentless day after day aspect of it."
"Daily challenges are still more efficient for earning gold bars over time than anything else in the game."
"We're constantly bombarded by things that require us to mitigate damage."
"I'm addicted to picking at my face honestly at this point like we gonna just take a day by day."
"Have a resilient spirit, bounce back, challenge yourself every day."
"Challenge yourself to do something different every single day."
"Every day is a struggle to come up with a new idea, but that's what separates you."
"I hate traffic every day, every time I want traffic, I hate it, and if we could free the world from traffic, we have technology we can free the world from traffic."
"This whole day has just been technical difficulties."
"I'm freaking done with this whole day. I'm out!"
"I've got to do it. But I'm struggling with being compassionate, being human, having empathy, versus continuing to climb up the ladder. Everyday struggles, am I right?"
"Keeping the lights on and providing for my kids motivates me to grind daily."
"Nobody deserves to be treated like absolute shit every day."
"Last night, I was very busy. Whoa, I don't know how I made it in this morning."
"Once you win that battle in the morning, then once you go out, now you've won something."
"Things during your day that are depleting you of energy."
"But when I'm trying to make a video and there's like nothing but Pilgrim barking in the background..."
"I guess it's just the unpredictability and the ebb and flow of how you feel every day."
"You have to have something that takes care of your life that takes care of you because when you're working under the pressures of how am I going to eat today."
"There's nothing worse than starting your day and you still haven't... it ruins the entire day."
"It took a lot of dedication, a lot of sacrifice, commitment, and just believing in yourself to do it and having confidence in yourself."
"All of us go to war every day, whether it's work, personal life, the gym, you know, it's always being ready to tackle what the world throws at you."
"I get pulled in a hundred different directions each day at the studio."
"I like the fact that Sonic seems unaware this is a battle that Sonic is not aware of but that rages every day in his life."
"Fortify and protect yourself from the negative message that you're going to be bombarded with every day."
"Nothing else to report. Just a lot of boredom and weirdness trying to do everyday tasks when you're stuck in bed."
"If indeed we suffer with Him, it means the day-to-day challenges of your Christian life."
"Everyday comes with a new raft of problems to deal with."
"Each day we take on different challenges... some days you're gonna feel like you can conquer the world and like you are the most powerful witch here."
"You gotta have a struggle every night, you gotta have a struggle."
"Every day I have to balance my extreme frustration... with the need for patience."
"Courage is that tiny voice saying, 'Okay, today didn't go as planned, but let's try again tomorrow.'"
"Success is not about one big act of heroism but 100 small battles."
"I had to top it all off, I just got a flat tire."
"Sometimes that's going to be your day and all you can do is the best you can."
"The simplest things can be pretty rough for just about anybody."
"Every single day in this country, we face systemic racism."
"This disease has completely consumed my life; I can’t brush my hair or my teeth, eat, sleep, stand in the wind, or touch my face without feeling like I’m being electrocuted across my face."
"Do not worry about tomorrow, for each day has enough trouble of its own."
"I'm just trying my best. Every day, I'm just trying my best. So hopefully I'm doing a good job at handling that."
"American democracy's always been tested; it's always under test every single day."
"When the 3 hours of sleep starts to hit you during the day."
"There's no buffer days, guys. It's day-to-day, constant."
"I can't keep you complaining. Well, let's both do our best today."
"Life's good except for the fact they've got to be slop out of the machine and try and not get murdered around the clock but other than that it's perfect."
"You weren't going to get through a meal without seeing somebody fight in the chow hall."
"I think what we've realized here today, friends, is that the scariest monster isn't some body-swapping alien in outer space, it is literally the responsibilities and chores that hang over your head each and every day."
"It's the two things that we are always scrambling for every single morning."
"There's always a new day, even if all those same tasks and those same things are overwhelming, you're gonna get through it."
"Handling 911 calls means you're helping people who are in a very desperate situation, all day, everyday."
"The Russian Armed Forces... are facing a much more severe crisis every day."
"The strength that we have is enough for today."
"Sometimes it's hard to find good lace on underwear."
"Every single day we go it could not possibly get any worse and then the next day it tops itself again."
"We are involved in spiritual or energetic warfare every single day."
"Some days suck, it happens. But at the end of the day, I do have something to be grateful for, and it's important to remind yourself of that."
"I was highly depressed due to my predicament. They wake you up at 5:30 in the morning. I stayed in my cell, stayed in my bed."
"Every day, it's a challenge. Remind people of your vision, no matter what."
"Every day ain't going to be no good day... life ain't perfect... but I live to wake up tomorrow and open my eyes and start over with a whole another 24 hours then that's what it is."
"I look at healthy eating as such a priority in my life that I find time again this is not every day, I'm not succeeding every day but I'm doing the best I can."
"I'm not even going to try... it's all in a day's work."
"Why is waking up in the morning always so hard?"
"Every day I wake up and something is wrong, something's going to go wrong. But the difference now is I don't let it overtake me."
"Well, I may be exhausted, frustrated, and played gridden, but at least I was able to end today with food in my stomach."
"Sometimes it's so hard to just bite a pretzel like this."
"There is nothing more risky, exciting, or thrilling than living daily for Jesus."
"Sometimes if you tackle what bugs you first, everything else doesn't seem so bad."
"Ladies, you know how sometimes underwear pinches in areas you just weren't pinched? Yes, Hila, you know about that all the time."
"Finding solutions to complex challenges every day."
"He's like, 'I've been trying to get to the clubhouse to use the restroom for the past 2 and 1/2 hours.'"
"It's a daily struggle, usually at least twice in the morning and once in the afternoon."
"In order to become the greatest man you can be and i fall short of this principle every day trust me but i just know that if as a man you were to follow this one principle you would achieve anything that you wanted to achieve."
"He's really good about being like 'hey it's okay you have all these things you have to do today'."
"Mental health is so important. So many people struggle with mental health on a daily basis, myself included."
"It makes me more thankful for all the things that I can do if you ever have broken leg you're like it's a pain in the ass."
"I'm not a robot, I feel... moments where it's hard to get up and show up."
"You have to stand on your toilet seat to access your shower head."
"Just do you, challenge yourself every day, wish others well."
"The ones where you get stuck in traffic on the motorway on the way home and you've just lost are painful."
"Sometimes just getting out of bed can be a huge struggle."
"I hate wearing bras, alright? I've hated it since I was in Middle School."
"Life is good, life whole of society is structured for their benefit. For everybody else, they're just getting kicked in the teeth like every single day."
"You have decisions to make, what will you choose today?"
"Anxiety is sometimes a daily battle... the freedom is in the fight."
"Everything is a race against his hunger cues. That, my friends, is mom life."
"The second you look at your phone, the second you turn the TV on, you're in a battle... I want to win the war in the morning."
"If one thing sucks, make sure it's not your whole day."
"You can't govern by shooting yourself in the head every day."
"They're fighting a battle in their head every day."
"No Rain is about not being able to get out of bed and finding excuses to not have to face the day."
"If you don't have an answer to that question you're not gonna have a great day and if that's consistent you're not gonna have a great life." - Evan Carmichael
"Autistic people are born to wake up in the morning and find things that aren't right."
"The hardest part of my day is now over at 7:30 a.m."
"We live in two different realities, and it's a struggle every day to stay in your own."
"I think I'm a big planner but when it comes to actually doing all the tasks in one day, it's hard."
"I think you have misunderstood the directions on the milk and that's okay."
"My hair was just not doing the right thing so that's been scraped back and secured into place."
"I want to make it a good day, despite the busy schedule."
"Not every day is gonna work out according to plan."
"In space, washing your hair can be a hair-raising adventure."
"My dumb ass needs to learn how to do that when it comes to setting an alarm, because I set my alarm for 6:45 p.m., and guess who the (beep) actually set an alarm for 6:45 a.m.? This dumbass."
"Choose happiness, no matter what the day brings."
"I feel fear every day, every day I'm scared of something, but you know what happens? I'll feel about 10 ounces of fear in a thousand ounces of audacity."
"I hate it when technology doesn't work properly. Intellectually I know things go wrong but it's super frustrating to deal with."
"Find a problem in your day, find an inconvenience, and find out how can I fix that."
"Life just is constantly throwing stuff at you, you have all these plans and then the daily stuff happens and plans go out the window."
"Just because you have good days and bad days doesn't mean you have an excuse now to do whatever you want to do."
"You're just not gonna like each other every day, yeah. You're just not."
"You challenge yourself every day to become the best version of yourself."
"Not every day is a get out of the park type of day."
"If I survived not getting killed in a day, it was a great day."
"You're worried about that grub, they're worried about the sloth for bread."
"Women face discrimination every single [ __ ] day of their life."
"Imagine living in a place where you need to drive through this cliff on your way to work."
"I had to fight my way from school every day, constantly getting thumped."
"Always be challenging yourself every day and growing in some kind of direction."
"Practical solutions for everyday challenges."
"Even if you can hide your traits and suppress your stems, it is actually exhausting..."
"Every day is a new fire to put out but it's problem-solving, and that to me is the fun part."
"It's a process of day-to-day working through all the ups and downs."
"Making a career out of aviation is a unique type of profession to have. Every day you fly and every flight is a new challenge."
"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."
"People have depression and anxiety, not everyone can just go to the grocery store and plan meals."
"Every single day, no matter what, these challenges make us stronger."
"That's the battle of overcoming things: is doing it every single day."
"To be the best version of ourselves each and every day, it's hard. It's a battle."
"You will fall every day, everyone does."
"The worst days are when I forget to bring my snacks and I'm starving at like three o'clock. Gotta remember snacks, people."
"Yesterday was just chaotic and exhausting. But today... I have to say today has been so much better than it was yesterday."
"Life is gonna hand you something every day. Take in what you can get out of it."
"End of the day, survived another one."
"You do not deserve what you deal with on a daily basis."
"As a contractor, my job was solving problems; that's what contractors do, they're problem solvers from the time you get started all day long."
"Every day is a challenge. It's new all the time."
"Every day was a challenge in a different way, and that's what makes life exciting."
"Rough start to a day, but it's gonna be worth it when I fix that light bulb."
"But may I rise up and face the day."
"Every day we wake up and we take care of that test, and either you gonna pass it or you gonna fail it."
"The only good thing that can come out of any of this is that you get through each day and each night then go home in one piece."
"It is a journey that practically never ends; it is challenging every single day in new and different ways."
"Day in and day out, they test every one of these skills."
"Working mothers are required to perform a balancing act between their work and home lives every day, or else everything will fall apart."
"I'm proud of Batman because we lived on the edge every day."
"One of the things that all of us love about our jobs is being able to do something different every single day and continue to challenge ourselves."
"If you are a parent who has young children... do not worry about staying on top of things, literally just get through day by day."
"Help us even in our faint-heartedness to the challenges of our day to say, 'Here am I; send me.'"
"Your life is a test every single day, so why not prepare for it?"
"Sufficient for the day is its own troubles."
"The cards are shuffled up and dealt every day, a new hand, and it's up to you on how you want to play it."
"Common human problems have simple solutions; our errors in judgment and complexity come when we treat daily human problems as complex innovation problems."
"Destigmatization of people who are going through some things mentally every single day."
"We're just gonna have to work at it and take one day at a time."
"Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will worry about itself. Every day has enough trouble of its own."
"We are very much in love; we have to be to deal with what we do every day."
"The surprisingly simple solution is to take on a simple little challenge that you're going to take on every day."
"It is not okay to give up on yourself and give up on your day."
"This is our daily task, getting through life day at a time, one day at a time."
"Each day is a different day, a different trial, a different mistake, and it's okay."
"It never gets easier, you just take it one day at a time."
"If anyone is severely impaired, unable to do their daily tasks, or anyone that's suffering so much so that they can't do the daily tasks that maybe others can, should be able to claim this."
"Each day is a new day and you tackle it as a new day."
"Being able to overcome, surpass all those other things that you have to normally go through throughout the day."
"Help us to defeat the evils we face each day."
"Every day is a new battle, and you need to try to win that battle every day."
"We have to think at least five times before we speak because we have so much built up in us that we have to overcome on a daily basis."
"Embrace each day with its unique challenges."
"Every single day is a new challenge."
"I can deal with the issues that come along day to day."
"Each day we're presented with a new puzzle."
"Don't worry about tomorrow; today has its own problems."
"It's something we struggle with and work on every single day."