
Leadership Development Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"Be the leader you wish you had. Become a student of leadership. Study it, read about it, watch things about it, practice it every day."
"Are leaders born or made? Where does ambition come from? How does adversity affect the growth of leadership?"
"Leadership and turbulent times... offers an illuminating exploration of the early development, growth, and exercise of leadership."
"Where does ambition come from? How does adversity affect the growth of leadership?"
"People ask me often whether leadership is something that's born with or whether it's taught. I think you can teach it, the biggest thing is people just have to make a decision to be a leader."
"There's nothing more important than us developing stronger leaders."
"We're not trying to create jiu-jitsu followers we're trying to create jiu-jitsu leaders."
"This arc seems set to bring out Zoro's leadership in some way."
"We thank God for anointing this ministry with resources to raise up Christ-like leaders like yourself who will make an impact within your sphere of influence for the betterment of humanity."
"The path to leadership should not be through MBA business school situation; it should be work your way up, do useful things." - Elon Musk
"That's the idea of the ancient king, you know? It's the evolution of the young prince into the old king."
"We want to produce leaders, we want to produce people who dare to think and learn to lead."
"Leadership is a learned skill. Anybody that tells you that there's just only natural leaders in my opinion is off the mark."
"Balance and leadership. We need balance and leadership and we need the zeal from beneath, which is your zeal and mine, in order to make the leaders happen."
"Quite simply, I want to study international education policy at Harvard so I can sit at the table with other future leaders, turn my passions into solutions, and become an agent of change for current and future generations across the globe."
"Their command structure has improved over the course of the war."
"You become the teacher now, you become the leader now."
"I'm so committed to raising up leaders and entrepreneurs and strengthening ministers."
"We've got amazing leaders in our societies, but we need many more opportunities, much more encouragement, and much more conversation about leadership qualities."
"The best leaders are restless learners, perpetual rookies."
"Common sense leadership is learned and every common sense leader has a duty to pass it on."
"I actually want someone else to be on the top because I want someone else to see what that feels like and be really happy."
"I wanted so badly for her to... grow as a person and become a leader... I wanted... her to ethically grow as a person."
"No new leaders being developed... If you don't constantly replenish an organization with new leaders, the future of the company is a little bit concerning."
"It's so important that these guys that are going to lead our industry be the best that they can be."
"You're going to raise her up as a general in your army and when she becomes a general she's going to go to war with everything that went to war with her."
"Developing future leaders is crucial, even if it means subduing your ego."
"Leadership happens over time. It doesn't happen with a certificate. You don't just, here's a certificate, now everyone respect me."
"You gotta invest in yourself if you want to grow in leadership."
"Some of you are about to change your step slowly but surely. You're going to be a boss."
"You need to try your best to invest in resources to help you become a better leader."
"Learning how to lead maybe with a softer heart and in different ways to approach people I think has been critical."
"Make no mistake about it... not every single one of us are born as factory installed leaders... we have to develop our leadership muscles."
"Playing with authority is something that just comes with time and maturity, but you'll know when you get there with it."
"In order to be a boss, you gotta learn how to be a worker first."
"Your membership has not yet come, the people you are raising are leaders."
"If you're lately the CEO, you're training the people under you to become a CEO."
"Arteta still learning to be a manager, he has gone gonna be one of the greats."
"Our goal is to create as many black table builders as we possibly can."
"Their soul lessons throughout life are slowly shaping them into a leadership role, a position of power. When they put their heart and soul into something, they go all the way."
"Our mission: to develop three million ethical and entrepreneurial leaders."
"May it please the Lord to raise the next generation of leaders."
"We need to be training our military and civilian leaders to understand these systems and biases and recognize their own blind spots."
"I think Tabatha wants to make me be a better boss and that's exactly what I'm gonna do."
"He is a captain in the making and he will become one of the most important players for Barcelona in the near future."
"Most organizers have this cycle going on in our heads all the time but if we don't do this with our whole group right if it's not like involving the rank-and-file membership of an organization you're not actually building leadership."
"You are ready; it's time to become a great leader."
"Most great CEOs don't come out of nowhere. They had some sort of learnings or experience along the way."
"Becoming a leader, you become angry and fed up with your circumstances."
"Leadership, it's something you have to develop."
"A lot of these brothers have to learn how to be leaders."
"Kobe finally trusted, never gave away the keys, but started putting the puzzle pieces together."
"Leadership development and having people who come authentically to their teams is as important as recruiting."
"Leadership takes time, like wisdom Judo. You can't just read a book and flawlessly perform a judo throw."
"But I think everybody would agree that to be an effective manager, it takes an evolution, and it's a difficult process."
"Your leadership skills will also start to shine."
"Stepping into your leadership abilities, stepping into that Pioneer that you are."
"Dietrich Eckhart had set his protege on a steep course towards political leadership and success."
"Was it hard for you to learn to be a boss as your business grew? What was some of the, 'cause man, even you just saying this in front of us, man, it's important for us to hear because I, I, I need to do a better job of it, you know?"
"This is new and I want to make sure I'm growing as a leader."
"Shuri takes her final step to being a true leader, putting her people first."
"The moral mission of this school is about developing leaders for a country."
"It's time to take your decisions to a higher level. It's time to aim for greater leadership."
"It takes both genetics and environment to shape our leaders."
"My aim is to forge leaders, leaders like you who can navigate this nation through its stormiest Weathers."
"Leaders empower and coach. Potential leaders must be empowered through exposure to the needs of sustainable development."
"If you teach a man principles, he can create his own methods. I want to create an army of experts, not followers."
"It's about getting the right people around you that makes you grow."
"You're not here to just trigger people, you're here to be very successful. You're here to really like decide that you know you're supposed to learn these lessons and you're here to like carry this wisdom and build your own throne."
"Leaders are born, but winners are created through intentional actions."
"I want to be able to foster people that will be that light someday because quite frankly I'm not smart enough to be able to do that."
"You feel driven to do something and I feel like you're just stepping into that higher level leader position."
"It warmed my heart because you see a young guy developing into the leader of the organization."
"You put people in leadership positions and let them brush up against failure."
"We're developing world-class leaders in providing challenging work with global brands. Do something that matters."
"Becoming a leader by working through lower frequencies."
"What you need to know is you're going to take a leadership role, you're going to be able to beat all these fights, overcome all these challenges."
"I want to build a new identity for this Arsenal team."
"Leaders don't create followers, leaders create leaders."
"You must strike your own path, lay the past to rest and raise new champions."
"Leadership is being able to bring others into that leadership."
"One practice that people who are in leadership or coaching positions can do is to start by asking 'Who do they want to be? What's their ideal self?'"
"We have to teach human skills and we have to teach leadership."
"Leadership development that's paired with great coaching and mentoring sees an 85-86% higher performance rate than just leadership training alone."
"Leaders are not born, leaders are made, and they are made by solid effort and hard work."
"It's the same thing when you're training up your people in your organization, like your goal as a leader, as we all know, is to replace yourself."
"Whether you are a follower who is just beginning to discover the impact of leadership or you're a natural leader who already has followers, you could become a better leader."
"If it's helpful to you, please rate it, write a review, wherever you consume the content, and I appreciate your investment in improving leadership because we know that everyone wins when the leader gets better."
"Lead your company with values then you create leaders and people who can think."
"Real leadership is acquired only through constant practice."
"They brought in a class, brought in speakers, had seminars, leadership 101."
"Your job should be to train up the next level of leaders."
"I often speak on raising up leaders."
"The functional approach to leadership takes the view that leadership can be learned and developed."
"You're going to eventually be managing folks regardless of what you do, so thinking about developing leadership skills and management skills is important."
"There's a lot of hope and what you're starting to see is that the work that's been done to create a pipeline of CEOs is starting to happen as there's generational change."
"By the end of the training, participants will be able to identify their personal leadership style and its impact on team dynamics and productivity."
"Every leader is a reader, and every committed reader is a potential leader."
"Most great leaders begin in the capacity of followers."
"Can you teach a person to be a leader? Yes, if that person has the primary attributes to be a leader."
"When our foremen understand their role is to think before anything else, you're on your way to building a stronger business that can handle growth."
"I would like to eventually work my way out of the company so that I can offer other people opportunities to have a leadership position."
"We want leaders who are empathetic, who can put themselves in the shoes of other people, but how do we develop that in the schools?"
"We want to educate the next generation of leaders in our country who can reason, who can debate, who can build."
"Leadership is teaching people how to think the way they need to think so they do what they need to do when they need to do it."
"You were born to lead but you must become through a process a leader."
"If you're going to be able to influence people on a mass scale, you need to build your own leadership movement."
"...you don't find great leaders, you build great leaders."
"We're giving leaders a shorter program to be more coach-like."
"The leader reaction course is one ingenious aspect of this unending effort to uncover and cultivate the qualities of leadership."
"Here are our successful successes; here's the people who've jumped through hoops to become the future leaders of our organization."
"At the pinnacle, leaders develop their followers into level 4 leaders."
"8200 becomes a factory for creating startup founders and executives."
"Developing your leadership skills early on is very important because it can only grow, it will get stronger."
"That's the power of developing those leadership skills, those management skills."
"What is needed is the development of people who are interested in not being leaders as much as in developing leadership among other people."
"Leadership doesn't start when you become a CEO; leadership starts from the day you take on your first responsibility."
"These kind of skills don't only give you the ability to embrace change and actually welcome disruption, but they also make you a better leader, they also make you a better person."
"Succession planning is the systematic approach to building a leadership pipeline to develop potential successes that fits them and fits the organization."
"Raise the performance bar, recognize talent, and develop leaders."
"We want to build girls of courage, confidence, and character who not only make the world a better place but who are now shattering through that glass ceiling."
"Give people, everyone you work with, a leadership opportunity."
"As I grew in my belief and I grew my leadership status, my income grew."
"It's the great followers of today who are going to become the great leaders of tomorrow."
"We are creating 1 million leaders."
"I've always focused on reading leadership books and developing my leadership skills."
"Leadership can be inherited but can primarily be acquired through learning and life experience."
"The most dangerous myth is that leaders are born—that's nonsense. In fact, the opposite is true: leaders are made rather than born."
"We create leaders, we don't create slaves."
"How can I be a better leader or inspiring leader?"