
Adult Behavior Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Now adults wear sneakers, but everyone knows adults are generally not playing basketball."
"Adults are more likely to do something about it if something is a scam."
"It's always fascinating to me when a grown-ass adult will make up a giant lie and commit to it hard, and then convince everyone in their life of this lie."
"At the end of the day, you should be able to tell me what's on your mind. I'm an adult, I don't speak with little hints and suggestions. You can speak your mind like an adult or shut up."
"I had never imagined sort of adults in a room having so patently self-serving a notion of how the world works."
"It's become an interest of mine in the past few months studying childhood trauma and the impact on the adult personality."
"Men in their 30s and 40s behaving like children, this flight from maturity, that's a huge cultural problem."
"Be a normal person the reasonable adult be rational and don't get overly emotional about things it never leads anywhere good."
"The kids are the ones that are the priority in this entire thing. Right now, it looks like all the adults are just running around looking stupid, idiotic, and everybody's like, 'We don't care about any of you guys.' We only care about the kids."
"Stick with empathy and expect adults to be responsible for their own."
"No is a full sentence. Mark was being pushy and an [__]. Peer pressure isn't cute when you're teenagers and it's especially ridiculous as adults." - Fanny Dog Monster
"A lot of grown men do things like this all the time, and we shouldn't give passes to it."
"How our parents did or didn't meet our needs as children and even teenagers shapes how we act in our future relationships."
"If you have a problem with a person be an adult be direct like these people are adults while they're on social media and while I get everything it's events sometimes it's you can still be an."
"It's only in the most dire of need that grown men utter expletives."
"We forgot how to deal with tantrums from adults because I guess we weren't used to adults throwing tantrums."
"Over 30 years old and acting like this—it just didn't really make sense."
"You're grown, so you have to say what you mean and mean what you say."
"Sticking up for yourself means that you are thinking like an adult."
"It's amazing what can happen when you have an adult conversation."
"That's not policy, and that's not how adults actually govern."
"I never see adults wear these kind of shirts anymore. I feel like we need to bring it back."
"I don't know how adults just can't get along with the head coach."
"You don't have to be best friends. You can be civil, be adults, be mature."
"Sometimes the adult thing to do is just ask for help."
"We are adults and part of who we are must be first to think the best before thinking of the worst and verify everything."
"Growing up is learning that adults mostly went... to Chuck E. Cheese with you so they could drink."
"Fans should not be demonized by creators, and the creators need to freaking act like adults."
"That's actually probably the most adult thing we've done."
"We have to act like adults that don't want a civil war."
"That's the best way to handle it because that's what adults do."
"Any normal functioning adult human being knows exactly where the line is."
"We need adults who can sit down, add one plus one, get to two, have differences, and are able to disagree."
"We're adults here, we can hold more than one thought in our head."
"I believe every adult who makes bad mistakes was a child who was either wounded by their parents, peers, or strangers or all three."
"It sickens me that a grown man wouldn't bring money."
"...there's this like sometimes violent outrage that comes out from adults who feel like they're being threatened and it's ended in a lot of physical violence..."
"Adults don't be weird around kids... be cool, talk with other adults and leave kids alone."
"I don't understand why two adult people can't converse and work out an awkward situation."
"I don't think Len was ever really a kid; he was more grown up than half the adults in town."
"Life is too short to put up with childish behavior in people who are your peers and fully grown adults."
"What you have done in your childhood growing up for Christmas impacts what you do as an adult for Christmas."
"The language behavior of adults when talking to children is specially adapted to support the acquisition process."
"Wow, I guess anyone can change; adults can be cool when you least expect it."
"Sometimes you have to work with people that you don't always agree with because that's what adults do."
"It doesn't matter who's done what to who, or why it's done, all that matters is we deal with this calmly and rationally like adults."
"The hardest thing for adults to do is to be conscious of their actions around children more than their words."
"I would love to see your inner child because that shows a lot of your personality as an adult."
"They have every right to engage in such behavior as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult."