
Corporate Values Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"The way you build great companies is by prioritizing people before profit."
"The number one value is top talent in every seat because everything in the company comes back to people."
"Apple was famous for its security, they prided themselves on guiding their users' privacy."
"Gen Z and millennials are unique when it comes to demanding a work-life balance. They don't just want flexible work hours and environments; they want to work for companies that align with their own personal beliefs and values."
"Accountability, customer focus, and diversity are important values that align with my workplace practices because they promote a culture of excellence and respect."
"Stop giving your money to woke corporations who don't think you deserve their product."
"Our values held strongly over a great period of time had such an influence over the world of games."
"Safety is our top design priority. That's a company I want to invest in and be a part of."
"The adage of putting people before profits gets thrown around a lot."
"I do think Levi abandoned its values... inclusiveness includes all voices and this was not an inclusive approach."
"Innovation, risk-taking, striving for perfection—these values were fundamental."
"Criticism should be taken as an avenue for great ideas. It's literally right on your website as part of your tenets."
"We are a people driven company, not a profit driven company."
"For over 250 years we have always believed in quality over quantity."
"We emphasize the core values of professionalism, integrity, and respect."
"Everyone is awesome, the Lego group is committed to building a more diverse and inclusive organization."
"People knowing what we stand for is the foundation of trusting us."
"Founded on diversity, inclusivity, respect, and love."
"Independence, individuality, and creativity—values we cherish deeply at Warner." - Julie Greenwald
"Creating a feeling of value." - Joint CEO Adam Kaczynski
"If you work for a company that does not live by their core values, then you're certainly in a toxic work environment."
"Most companies that fade away fade away because they've abandoned the core values that created the company in the first place."
"His only interest was the bottom line, and to some these values felt evident in the CPC."
"Ultimately, your currency as a company is belief, it's belief-based system ultimately."
"The editorial independence of the company is not just a principle, it's the core of our mission."
"Diversity is central to our mission and our team."
"Your brand represents all of your values and has that personality."
"Safety has long been one of our fundamental values."
"What better way to improve the world than investing in companies that support good values?"
"This company was founded on the determination and a relentless passion for giving our customers and consumers what they want, and we will continue to do so."
"Brands have to step forward and say what their values are you need to be able to see the person create content around who you are as a company what you stand for all of that."
"They didn't equivocate on it and how important equality was to them."
"SnO takes risks, does things differently, and above all else, it put being good above being profitable on the priorities list."
"Think about what your company stands for... that is the basis, the foundation for the whole logo animation."
"Create a strong brand identity with clear values."
"Tesla's driven by sustainability, it's about what drives us at Tesla not just our products but our values."
"At Blue Horizons, there's nothing we value more than transparency."
"Diversity will give us the opportunity to highlight values."
"A company should be valued more on the merit of what they do, and not solely by what they have."
"Putting people first: the center of everything that we do."
"Transparency is the foundation for everything else, right?"
"People over profits as a culture and it's all in the little decisions but especially in big ones like this."
"Respect does not mean agreement, but it is fundamental to who we are as a company." - Jim Ryan
"Those are the values that the company taught fans and its own people were important."
"Their values are knowledge, quality, efficacy, and transparency."
"I speak about things that I think are bigger than the show and bigger than the law firm. We stand for some values here: accountability, transparency, and justice."
"But when you're an organization who not only says that but shows us that you mean it and shows customers that empathy really matters, I believe it comes back to you 100 fold."
"If everybody in the company represented their cultural values, that's what really matters."
"Take Two understands the importance of quality."
"Our number one core value here at this company is humility."
"We need companies who are committed to certain values."
"Just remember at Merck there two fundamental metrics that matter: how many people do you help and how much help do you give those people."
"When we put something in a publication that has our corporate stamp up on it, that's what we believe."
"Chick-fil-A has no interest in profiting from Sundays but they do have an interest in lending a helping hand."
"Lead your company with values then you create leaders and people who can think."
"The Dimari companies continue to uphold the values of hard work, integrity, and excellence established by the brothers."
"We're solely built about value and branding."
"In everything that we do, we want Pi to be honest and truthful."
"So you need to protect yourself a little bit because at the end, you're trying to live the values of the company."
"Safety is a core value at PDE, and we want to remind you to be safe around electricity."
"We need to define our core values and our mission."
"This lawsuit threatens who we are and the principles that set Apple products apart."
"It is these requirements and value systems that Procter & Gamble wants its employees to exhibit."
"Corporate culture puts a premium on things like quality and empowerment."
"Cognizant is dedicated to creating a culture of diversity and inclusion."
"Our company has very clear core values around consent, privacy, and transparency."
"Empathy is important to Duarte; everything we do is empathy first."
"Business to me is nothing more than a collection of people, and if people should have values, then by extension, a company should have values."
"We are determined that Disney remains a place where everyone is treated with dignity and respect."
"They made compassion one of their brand values."
"You're selling your brand, you're selling your company, you're selling your mission, you're selling your values."
"...dedication to every client's success, innovation that matters for ourselves and for the world, and trust and responsibility in all relationships."
"At Salesforce, it always comes back to our core values and how we're living those values each and every day in our company and in our communities."
"Our core values as a company top of the list: safety, quality, and integrity."
"Make sure you're designing your award and recognition program around your values."
"Safety is an unwavering value here at our company."
"Accountability, communication, innovation, and service."
"Most employers do value what you get out of team relationships, out of loyalty to the company, out of understanding the values and the direction of the company."
"They have five values that all their employees follow: stewardship, respect, excellence, integrity, and service."
"We follow a specific framework and set of values that keeps us focused on what matters most: human connection, constant progress, and fun."
"We just pray that we get more companies such as AMG with a very high level of integrity."
"Our organization is built on values like honesty, integrity, and trust."
"Trust, professionalism, and innovation."
"If there's one thing I really admire about DS, it's that they have absolutely stayed true to their values."
"We believe in values lived not phrases memorized. If you want to find out how strong a company's ethics are, don't listen to what its people say, watch what they do."
"An effective corporate culture requires values, norms, and formal aspects like compensation policy to be aligned."
"Here at the SPC Group it's our mission to help you know the most so that you can do your best."
"Transparency, Integrity, ambition, engagement, and care are the high values that we really find important."
"We respect what it represents: our spirit and our core values of integrity, hard work, and respect for others."
"Transparency is of utmost importance to us."
"We strongly believe that trust needs to be gained through transparency."
"Caring for people is why America believes in Liberty."
"We're a company that pursues excellence and simplicity."
"They value honesty and transparency."
"It's a great company, safety is the cornerstone of our values."
"Conduct a strategic analysis, understand the company's mission and values."
"We pride ourselves in being transparent."
"Organizational culture refers to the values and norms that are shared among employees of an organization."
"Be familiar with the Delta core values: honesty, integrity, respect, perseverance, and servant leadership."
"Value for customers, value for employees, value for the society, and most importantly, value for shareholders."