
Success Strategies Quotes

There are 403 quotes

"One cannot actualize his goals until he visualizes them clearly in the mind's eye."
"You're headed towards success but you need to get rid of these people and these commitments that are stealing from you."
"Once you understand the rules of the game and you understand what most people that are wealthy know that you don't know, you can play the same game and you can win."
"What will help you get further in life is trying to figure out what they did differently that allowed them to achieve that level of success and how you can duplicate that in your life."
"The greatest superpowers to their success was understanding what an affirmation was, how you can use one, how they work, and who else uses them."
"The quickest way to get rich is either serving your way to success or paying your way to success."
"The fastest way to reach success is just to have someone else who kind of teaches you and maybe even gives you a bit of their success and guidance."
"It's not about accomplishing everything but rather about setting up the company for long-term success."
"The morning routine is something that will set anybody up for success."
"If you want exceptional results, you have to operate and think differently than normal people think."
"Success leaves clues. Study successful people and recognize patterns that lead to greatness."
"What am I good at? What am I not good at? How am I going to put myself in a position to be successful?"
"You cannot look at failure as failure. Even though you didn't get what you wanted, all you're doing is examining ways to become successful at this particular thing you're trying to master."
"How to un your mind and what mindsets you need to adopt in order to succeed in this game."
"Make sure you're doing the same thing that other people are doing that are making money."
"What I did was I took a look at what I currently knew, what I currently did, and I started moving my feet in the direction of where I wanted to go. That is probably the biggest secret of success in anything."
"Adjustments that we need to make to get to our desired outcome."
"The idea is you can watch the videos and learn from them and learn from other people's mistakes, including my own mistakes, and go apply these things in your own life so you can speed up your success and get to a place where you're really happy and you really enjoy your life."
"A lot of success is just learning to decline [ __ ]."
"If it helps you to believe you're Batman and that makes you work harder, fucking whatever. It's dressing for success."
"If you can make the things that you should be doing easier than the things that you shouldn't be doing, that's where you can get the easy shortcut to success."
"In my opinion, every goal or any success you're pursuing should be analyzed using the SMART acronym or something similar: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound."
"I'm not here to tell you what to do or how to live your life. I'm here to teach you success strategies that will work to help you achieve your outcomes, to help you achieve your goals."
"If you want to be the best at anything, including the best version of yourself, you have to have systems in place for success."
"Have a solid process and reach out to those in your industry that are doing really well."
"Africa cannot develop when millions of women and young girls continue to suffer violent treatment."
"People come out of imagining these scenarios fired up, super empowered."
"I preach to young men to become as financially successful as possible."
"Master any two of these three things, you will have incredible success."
"There isn't a formula to success. There's just your formula to success."
"In order to change your mind, to achieve success, you've got to have a healthy nerve supply, that full vital force."
"You've got to combine whatever programming that we're doing with taking the steps and if you do that you're gonna find out you're gonna be more successful more rapidly."
"Successful people just start, whether it's lowering the threshold for what good is or just expecting to suck."
"Companies, teams, they're all run by humans, humans who have their own self-interest, who have their own insecurities. So the sooner you understand this, the sooner you achieve success."
"Manifesting and working hard really do go hand in hand."
"It's all about being patient, being consistent, trusting the process."
"To become a successful content creator in 2022... some form of monetization strategy going on here."
"Those are just a few examples... hopefully inspire you a bit when it comes to how you can actually become a successful content creator in 2022."
"If you want to be iTunes number one this is the way to do it you go write a song and you go work for a major label you ain't going nowhere dude you go independent you call out the BS you cheer for the American people."
"If you want to be successful, you buy their product. It's called success by association."
"If you want to win, emulate those who are winning."
"Staffing is not easy but that's what we do every day all day, the key to our success is storytelling asking the right questions to find the right people."
"The most successful people use unethical strategies and spin them in an ethical way. That is how you start to integrate Your Shadow."
"Organize yourself for success in order to receive it."
"You gotta be low to go high. You have to start from the bottom to be a hero."
"Remember, the faker you are, the more successful you can be."
"You're gonna have much more success against teams that are afraid of you."
"When you try to do it alone, you're never gonna be anywhere near as successful as you need to be."
"You reach out to somebody successful in your space. You got to find them. And if you don't know how they are, you ask successful people who's successful in my space."
"Success will take care of itself when everyone is moving forward together."
"Doubling down on failure is not the road map to success."
"Highly successful people recognize when fear is holding them back and then they learn how to put the gas on to move forward."
"Sometimes the route to success is not always the most obvious one."
"You're making a new blueprint. You are making a wealth blueprint, a success blueprint, a confidence blueprint, an abundance blueprint."
"Success has to do most importantly with how you handle what you don't know rather than what you do know."
"Successful people make decisions based on their commitments; amateurs make decisions based on how they feel."
"The more abilities you have up your sleeve the better your chances are at coming out on top."
"Successful men find loopholes even when they're at a disadvantage."
"The best way to get rich: do what rich people do."
"Focus, commit, take action, and follow that course until success."
"Is there something that we can all learn about how to best schedule our days to increase the chances that we'll become happy and successful? Let's find out."
"Ultimately, success comes from taking a decade-long view."
"Don't be a one-and-done err. It takes time, energy, and a lot of testing before you realize what is actually going to work."
"Successful people will plan for what's going to happen not the moment that they're in."
"If you want to go quickly you do it alone but if you want to go far you'll do it together."
"Longevity is better than overnight success. Consistent views trump viral videos."
"Don't focus on coming up quick. Focus on coming up, period."
"Make sure you have a mentor double down on what works and a mentor doesn't have to be somebody physically there but learning from somebody like me"
"There is no shortcut to success, what you need to do is to learn how to make really high-quality engaging content that people care about."
"There's only three ways you can be successful in this world: you can do things better than anyone else can do it, you can do something no one else can do, or you can do things that no one else wants to do."
"Focus on the positive, these things set you up for success."
"I feel like you recognize you followed your heart and you won... major transformation here for you."
"When you visualize your success, you'll start to accelerate."
"There's no rules, like no one says you have to buy this equipment to become super successful."
"Experiment until you find something and then just double down on it."
"Be patient, be prepared, and do it right. Give yourself every reason to succeed, not every reason to fail."
"Starting before you're ready will save you every time."
"I just know that if I do the things that I need here and bring them into my life when I leave, I have a very good chance of succeeding."
"Keep going, that's all you gotta keep doing...if you keep going, you're gonna strike a really, really successful life."
"If you're gonna change your results, you've got to change the paradigm, it's absolutely essential."
"The point of success is to do the things that make you successful."
"I've got a blueprint for success, and this is what it looks like."
"They would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy."
"If you can shed the need for external validation... that's a huge step toward your success."
"If you just build great games everything would turn around."
"Success is about punching through the wall, not punching at the wall."
"The key takeaway here is that to really succeed with this you have to be quite adaptable."
"Set smart goals for the best chances of success."
"Network with successful people, they love to learn other ways to make money."
"The secret to success gets finished. Execution is worship."
"Success is a process of eliminating what does not work, learning what does work, and improving what is already working to work even better."
"Those who get focused first... and stay focused longest win most."
"The most important trait of any successful person is to just do less."
"If one wants to succeed, actively recruit the best talent."
"Keep being classy, keep being you, keep doing what got you to the level of success."
"Goals to results: the essential journey for any successful venture."
"Results value lifestyle motivation education transformation."
"Act when it's time to act in order to bring success into your life."
"There's more than one way to get what you want; it's only a failure if you decide to be a failure."
"It's the only strategy that works I don't care what anybody says people all give you these little tricks and tips and whatnot."
"Business is for the ambitious, for the committed, for the people who do whatever it takes to succeed."
"Most people focus on the results and build a plan, but if you start with the identity and build the habits to reinforce that, then the results just come on their own."
"Success can't escape you when you do the right things every single day."
"Success is possible only if you go all-in on your strengths."
"Fake it till you make it: a slogan that actually and at this point unsurprisingly works."
"Success comes from systems. Don't leave it up to chance."
"Compound choices are the eighth wonder of the success world."
"Behavior repeated becomes habits, and this is ultimately the crux of the issue because you ultimately want to create success habits."
"Flexing is not necessarily the key to success, but the biggest and greatest teams have flexed every single one of them."
"In order to succeed, you have to look at everything with your own unique perspective."
"Is it better to go with the Jay Z model, the Will Smith model, or the Spike Lee model?"
"Instead, ask yourself the question that that 1% who have success ask themselves: Am I willing to invest the time and money that I need to overcome the learning curve of marketing and sales, learn from my mistakes, and ultimately be successful?"
"You need to kind of be brave... stepping outside of comfort zone will lead to the most success for you."
"Understanding and exploiting complex systems is the key to success."
"Avoid short-term solutions for long-term success."
"To become successful, we need only find ways of doing it better."
"Accountability is the key to long-term success."
"If you want to make it in life, you've got to become a risk-taker."
"Anybody who tells you there are three steps to success, please run the other way. It takes forever, but be specific and it's okay if it takes forever."
"You'll need to find more ways to improve your chances of success... let's get into how you do that."
"Failure ain't nothing but lessons that teach you how to succeed."
"People who win start doing things early in the process and they don't wait until they're perfect."
"Fusing two seemingly opposing aspects of yourself into one thing is a unique way to succeed."
"A pattern I've noticed in successful people is that they disappear from the world for months at a time to force pure focus on themselves and their vision."
"Positivity is practical advice to building an empire."
"My father told me the best way to not be denied in this world is to be undeniable."
"Patience, presence, and a little bit of detachment are key to success."
"Success involves taking action, using the ideas and thoughts in your mind to move forward."
"Patience and aggression: the key to success."
"The incantation: 'I hear the warning and will comply before it does intensify, if I do this with lightning speed I most certainly will succeed.'"
"As you become more successful, I feel like you need to become more specific with your time."
"It's all about patience. Patience rewards you."
"Winning always involves a clear path and a process."
"Developing good habits and sticking to what has worked in the past is the easiest path upwards."
"Write down your goal in detail; then you're like the ship, on course to success."
"You're finding what works, leading to abundance."
"Versatility is how you win big in life. Focused is how you win big in life."
"I know more about failure than anyone, and there's as much to learn from failures as there is from success."
"One of the fastest ways to achieve success is being taught by somebody who has already achieved that success."
"Work hard and smart. Combine the two and man, you are in for a ride."
"Life won't just give you your terms; you have to figure out what it takes to win."
"Once you have success at this level, there are just so many ways that you can refine and build on this process."
"For sure, if you implement all these steps as well as you can, it's only a matter of time before you get hired."
"Learning from other people's experience is the key to success."
"If you can figure out... what the smartest guys in the room are doing for themselves and then ask yourself how can I emulate that."
"Mutual aid and working together and collaborating is the formula for success."
"If we want to get to a mode of success you have to do certain things to identify within yourself remove the negative energy put yourself on a path and a purpose to increase your chances of living a successful and joyous life."
"Winning is an intentional act. If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time."
"You don't have to be the overbearing tyrant to be successful, but you have to be able to battle the overbearing tyrant and be successful."
"You have like 9/10 of the equation to do better than I did and hit success faster."
"If you simply avoid these things, you have like 9/10 of the equation to do better than I do and hit success faster."
"Sometimes things work, and you stumble across something that works, and you stick with it."
"I think the way that you start your day is one of the most important things for guaranteeing that you're going to be successful."
"I think a good defense is always the way to victory."
"90% of it is grinding, getting through the proper grind of everything, right?"
"Listen to your intuition, your gut will steer you in a way that will set you up for success."
"Ultimately, there are many different ways to be successful, many different ways to play this beautiful game of ours."
"Successful people recognize their weaknesses and actually reach for tools." - Dalton Caldwell
"Those three principles form a really strong Foundation to ensure success."
"I was just gonna hit my goals however the heck I could."
"If you want to be successful in football now, as manager Eric ten Hogg has said, you need major investment."
"The key to making it really successful would be finding women that already have businesses."
"The key to success in any journey is preparation."
"Start something early to stand a better chance of success."
"Personal success will prove far more convincing than all the books that could be written on the subject."
"Success becomes inevitable by adopting a daily habit for each pillar of your life."
"There's a clear process to success, but part of that is including your family in the process."
"Drop the awareness and move on with your day, building good beliefs, to see success."
"Winners don't do things differently, they do different things."
"Success is not comfortable, so you have to do some things that you don't think might work sometimes. If you're honestly taking the swings at coming in on the top of the list, right?"
"People who end up on the top are the ones who are experts at never ever ever getting in trouble."
"Discipline is more efficient than motivation when it comes to success."
"Once you truly believe in your success and yourself, it is a lot easier to make the sacrifices."
"Surround yourself with friends and colleagues who are smarter and more successful than you."
"It was the perfect recipe for Success beloved company a genre that wasn't oversaturated multiple ways to play."
"You can be really successful by stepping outside of the meta."
"Structure your life so that you succeed where others fail."
"Teamwork, okay? Slow and steady wins the race."
"Success is often simply hanging on when others are letting go."
"Grab success by the throat. That's how you're going to fly close to the sun."
"Don't let randomness dictate your results. Plan and prioritize to achieve your goals."
"There are lots of different styles that you can adopt for success in charisma and in dating."
"You should always have a why, a strategy, a plan. Name any successful anything, anybody that never had a plan and they just walked into success - you got a lot of winners that didn't have a plan."
"Having a design goal doesn't guarantee success, but not having one almost guarantees failure."
"People who get ahead, they write things down."
"That's how you have to succeed as a smaller team."
"Success is putting everything else down and just focusing on the present and connecting with yourself."
"I've failed enough things to figure out how to be successful."
"Visualization is still one of the most underrated aspects of attaining success."
"Success can be coached. We can coach and transfer success into people."
"If you do all of those things then you are going to be getting enough wins."
"Make yourself successful by adding your own little personal twist to it."
"The influencers, the people on YouTube, the entrepreneurs that are crushing it the most are not just having one or two streams of income, but they have multiple streams of income."
"Success leaves Clues. Where you've already been successful is a clue to where you may be successful in the future."
"Life changes, our needs change, our priorities change, everything will change and you have to be able to adapt appropriately in order to maintain long-term success."
"How do you succeed as a black woman in 2021... by betting on yourself."
"The keys to becoming successful consciously: clarity, suspend disbelief, and reward successes while allowing failures."
"If you really want to make yourself lucky, you've got to go beyond the world of maths."
"Every good thing in life benefits from compounding."
"Understanding which metrics and which projects are most exciting to the community is the way to build repeatable success."