
Moon Quotes

There are 980 quotes

"Astronauts are set to return to the moon before the decade is out, and scientists and visionaries say humans will soon set foot on a foreign planet for the first time: Mars."
"The Moon will be our proving ground, our research laboratory, perhaps even our gas station and springboard to Mars."
"Whatever happens, our Moon will always be there for us to use as a proving ground."
"With this never before seen streamlined access to the moon, we'll be able to make novel measurements scientists have long wanted to make on the lunar surface."
"The moon remains as it's always been, a mysterious glowing orb in the night sky."
"The moon has left its normal orbital path and is now spiraling toward the planet."
"Knowing how much water is on the moon and how we might be able to use it in the future supports NASA's long-term human exploration goals into deep space."
"For centuries, the moon has fascinated and inspired us, a place of mystery, wonder, and endless speculation."
"Embark on a mind-bending journey with Kaku about why the Moon is not what you think it is, unraveling hidden lunar wonders and astonishing discoveries that defy all expectations."
"Researchers confirm water exists in tiny glass beads scattered on the moon's surface, a groundbreaking find."
"Michio Kaku believes this newfound understanding holds remarkable significance for future explorations of the lunar surface."
"The discovery of a new helium-3 deposit on the moon could accelerate the global competition to exploit the moon's mineral resources."
"For an annular eclipse, the Moon is further away from Earth, leaving us with this ring of fire that we see in the sky."
"It's really good, you'd be surprised at how much the moon affects you when you start paying attention to it."
"12 humans have been to the moon, only three have been to the bottom of the Challenger Deep."
"Ultimately, the goal is this: We're going to Mars, and in order to go to Mars, we have to use the moon as a proving ground."
"Imagine, if you will, that you have a very powerful laser pointer. On a clear night, you point it to the moon. In a little over a second, you'll see the dot made by your laser on the surface of the moon, presuming the light is powerful enough and tight enough to make a dot."
"So they dance by the light of the moon, the moon, the moon; they dance by the light of the moon."
"Footprints or similar marks can last for a million years on the moon because there's no atmosphere."
"In a world where the mysteries of space have always captivated our imagination, a recent event has once again ignited our curiosity about the moon."
"The moon is geographically desirable; it's close, it's a couple of light seconds away, 240,000 miles away, and it's rich in silicon for solar cells and oxygen for fuel and nickel and iron for construction, and there's water on the poles of the moon for producing fuel."
"It does seem like the Moon is either alive or is housing something that's alive."
"The Moon has been inspiring humanity for thousands of generations. It's only recently we discovered that it's got some practical value up there. Let's just hope we don't forget the inspirational value as well."
"Who knows, you may be one of the last generations to see the Moon in its pristine condition, so get outside and enjoy it while you can."
"China has revealed an unexpected discovery on the moon that nobody was meant to see."
"It's been almost half a century since humans were last on the moon. That's too long. We must get back there and have a permanent base on the moon and then build a city on Mars to become a space-faring civilization, a multi-planet species."
"As a kid, I have loved the moon. It's always there and has continued to inspire humanity. That is why I could not pass up this opportunity to see the moon up close."
"The moon has filled our imaginations and with our most love and respect for the moon, our planet's constant partner, I named this project 'dearMoon'."
"The connection between the moon and the ocean is pretty special."
"It means three things will be happening in this decade... We're going back to the moon... moon tourism... and we will be landing humans on Mars."
"The discovery of water on the moon has raised the excitement to a completely different level."
"The moon is no more than an interim step on the way to our long-term goal, which is Mars."
"What would happen if our moon suddenly disappeared?"
"There's multiple bases on Mars and the moon."
"Given we can't see this part of the moon, it's where aliens have built their civilization."
"Scientists have confirmed the presence of water on the lunar terrain."
"There's a lot of interest in going back to the moon."
"Astronomers hunt for asteroids, from the vastness of space to the surface of the moon."
"There is no astronomical reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences."
"Our Moon remains one of the closest, yet most mysterious objects in the night sky."
"Why is the moon so hungry? Because it's only full once a month."
"The moon reverberating like a bell for more than an hour."
"These babies are huge, sir. Enormous! Oh my god, you wouldn't believe it. I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there lined up on the far side of the crater edge. They're on the moon watching us."
"Since then, he has sold more than six hundred and eleven million acres of land on the moon."
"The moon has long been considered a potential site for terraforming."
"There definitely appears to be an agenda to keep hidden from the general public what's actually on the moon."
"Everything that we mine on Earth... is available on the Moon."
"Moon Express has a plan to start delivering cargo... to the surface of the Moon with robots."
"The best name for the moon is 'big ball of cheese in the sky.'"
"The Harvest Moon is a full moon that is closest to the autumn or equinox."
"Humanity's first step in going back to the moon."
"We're terraforming the moon out here, straight up!"
"Starship is going to be the next human landing system for landing on the moon."
"A recent study claims that the moon has a tail and every month it wraps around our planet like a scarf."
"That's why when you look at the moon when it's full moon you look at the Shadows it looks like a woman sitting there that's her the moon lady."
"The moon as a planet or a satellite is probably the body of mass that has the most impact on us."
"The moon doesn't make any light of its own; it reflects light from the sun back to Earth."
"Ancient cultures have stories of a time before the moon existed."
"Hope this moon treats you like the precious being you are."
"NASA declared the Moon alive after discovering water on its surface."
"The moon has always fascinated us. Civilizations have looked upon it for thousands of years wondering what it could be and what power it might hold."
"That is precisely the plan proposed by NASA scientists. A radio telescope on the far side of the moon, using one of the many craters pock marking its surface."
"The moon would be a perfect location to safely observe the earth and humanity."
"The moon rang like a bell for about fourteen hours, indicating it is probably hollow."
"The entirety of human life evolved with the moon in place, so removing it would have catastrophic knock-on effects."
"The Moon is apparently slowly sadly moving away from Earth."
"The sky simulation perpetuates the illusion that we're in a real reality, but it's not."
"We're looking at a hologram; the Moon is hiding something else."
"Ridges, valleys, faults, and scarps evidenced by its age, it may also be an indication of the moon's geologic activity in the past."
"The moon, when it's up and when it's bright, makes us dream and wonder." - Rob Roy Britt
"We are always tied to this mysterious orb we call the moon, but what would have happened to Earth if there were no moon?" - Narrator
"Has the moon had a major impact on our existence? I think absolutely."
"Throughout history, the moon has delighted, surprised, and sometimes terrified us."
"There's a lot of people on the moon... They were like, 'listen guys, after we dropped that dog on bomb on the moon... you can't do this to this, we live in here.'"
"The outer surface of the Moon has only a few meteorite craters."
"The moon is entirely covered with structures. There's no ground now, I know that sounds unbelievable, it completely does." - Tom
"For me I have a I'm my personal list of that all right I think going to the moon and getting direct measurements of its mineral content and soil content from the coolest thing was discovering that the moon is the product of a collision."
"The next big thing in space exploration is the Moon."
"The moon bathed in myth and Legend This Celestial companion has captivated the human imagination for Millennia."
"Eventually, we'll go to the moon to stay and live just like everywhere else."
"Was the Moon ever in danger of falling through? According to one theory, it could have been hollow."
"The moon has dramatically reshaped our planet, aiding the creation of life on Earth."
"Tourists might visit the moon, exploring its surface and experiencing the unique lunar environment."
"Looking at the moon, just because it's like something that we can see every day."
"Just as we see the moon raise the tide, so too can it raise our emotional and intuitive abilities."
"The moon lights our way in the darkest night and gently guides the weather across our world."
"The moon does rotate, it does in fact rotate."
"This is some of the best proof we have of these crafts on the moon."
"We may well doubt whether that body which we call the moon is the only satellite of the earth."
"Welcome to the moon everyone, today we're going to be talking about this little satellite of Earth that we sometimes take for granted."
"...the Moon is soft. She is gentle. She's not rough. The Sun–it scorches, it burns...but the Moon is far more receptive, far more gentle, far more soft."
"It's pretty amazing that we're going to be able to go back to the Moon soon."
"We will return to the moon robotically beginning next year, send astronauts to the surface within four years, and build a long-term presence on the moon by the end of the decade."
"The full moon was just breathtaking."
"Get in loser, we're going to the Moon."
"When you think about how the moon can literally control the oceans, it's obviously got amazing powers."
"The moon affects the tides, the moon calls."
"Since the dawn of time, man's most cherished dream was to fly to the moon."
"Lunar-tic bonuses? Do they not know that the basis of the word lunatic is about the Moon?"
"We are leaving Earth and approaching the Moon."
"Humanity has made leaps forward in our exploration, our passion, and our renewed interest in the moon."
"The full moon rose silently in the late night sky as a cool breeze blew through the grounds of Gotham City."
"The moon represents our emotional states, what's hidden, our fears, but also our deepest intuition."
"The moon's gravity is only about one-sixth of Earth's."
"Footprints on the moon can stay there for millions of years."
"Space is hard, but the Moon is harder."
"People's moods may sync with the moon."
"So that's one indicator. Also, is your moon in the fourth, eighth, or twelfth house?"
"The Moon being a proving ground, a waypoint for us to learn how to live in deep space."
"Our fascination with the moon dates back to time immemorial."
"And the wolf cries out to the moon because his love for her, the bond, it's just so palpable."
"All the songs in the movie feature the word 'moon.'"
"The moon becomes not just a stepping stone; it becomes a refueling and resupply station."
"The solitary glow of the Crescent Moon, brimming with discontent."
"An electromagnetic shield to deal with moon dust."
"Everybody needs the moon, it's so important, as humans, the moon is so important to the earth and nourishes and gives us the energy that we need to survive, so understand that we need Cancer Mars people, we need people like this."
"It's just crazy to think about you know the last time we went to the moon was 1972."
"While Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin explored the surface of the Moon astronaut Michael Collins stayed behind in orbit flying The Command Module and took one of the most famous photographs in human history."
"Theories as to how the moon came into existence but the prevailing one is the fission Theory."
"The Moon always looks at us with one side. It's gravitationally locked to the Earth, so whenever you look at the Moon, you only see one side."
"When you look up and see the moon in the sky do you wonder why it's always the same side we're looking at?"
"The story goes Bruce and Walter are astronauts doing boring and lastra not stuff but a fateful encounter with a mysterious spaceship leads them to believe that there is something strange and potentially dangerous waiting on the moon."
"Smooth Moon, smoother than your Moon."
"The moon is slowly drifting away from Earth."
"That's heavy, man. The first music on the moon is so heavy."
"The moon could also become an object for space tourism. Imagine a spaceship launches from Earth, three days on the road, and you're orbiting the moon."
"The moon has earthquakes, or rather moonquakes, just like our planet. Moonquakes are not as strong as earthquakes but can last way longer."
"The energy of the Moon is still present even if clouds are covering it."
"Still in that stars, watching the moon, hoping that one day they'll lead me to you."
"Space mining is a compelling emerging field with the current focus primarily on the moon."
"'The moon is tepid tonight, having little power,' Bravo explained."
"It's an incredibly miraculous coincidence that the moon would fit so perfectly to block out the sun given there's no physical reason for this to be the case."
"Moon still up there, bright as can be."
"It appears that it's merely a happy coincidence. The sun and the moon are the same angular size in the sky because..."
"NASA has made claims that we could return to the Moon within the next 5 years for only $10 billion."
"Galileo's first job is to image the moon in greater detail. The question is: how active is Europa's surface? Are the processes that erase impact craters fast or glacially slow?"
"More people have been to the moon than people who won in the final showdown of the original Japanese version."
"There are actually Hasselblad 500 CMs sitting on the moon."
"It would be amazing to see. Like people always ask me, 'Oh, would you like to go to the moon?' Like, yeah, it'd be great to go to the moon. There's a lot of stuff I'd like to do, but I would love to go during a lunar eclipse and see it from the perspective of being on the moon."
"Let's go to the moon. What do you say?"
"It always feels so stark how silence grows under the moon."
"My guest today is Professor Alex Allery, working on building a self-replicating robotic factory on the moon."
"We want to establish long-term scientific bases on the moon and really learn what's there, explore for resources, and ultimately make the Moon part of the Earth's economy."
"Nights like this with full moons have deep magical significance."
"There will never be a time from that point forward unless something disastrous happens when you don't get to look up at the moon and say there's people there."
"The moon controls the tides and is of a watery composition, and Deeon is never seen to walk except beneath the lunar rays."
"The splitting of the Moon: recent discoveries have unveiled fault lines on the moon's surface, intriguingly paralleling The Narrative of the Moon splitting."
"And I think the reason that this is a particularly good time to talk about this is that NASA is about to go back to the moon."
"Big Moon out right now go tap in on that Big Moon."
"If Luffy were to ever find out that going to the moon was a possibility, he would 100% drop everything to take that journey."
"All that talk of the moon has gotten me hungry so let's talk food."
"The moon is there to trigger something so on the day of that new moon we might be able to understand something to unveil you know to discover and then to assess whatever we can derive what we can get from what we discover."
"Every compulsive addictive 'I gotta have this Pluto' feeling we might have, it's towards the moon actually."
"And anybody who's been pent up waiting for us to really get into this moon stuff, what better way than to do it with the moon guide himself?"
"I witnessed a most amazing sight that filled me with unfathomable power you should all climb to the top of this mountain to worship the moon as it rises on the most auspicious day a threefold moon will appear."
"The moon stabilizes the Earth on its axis, gives us moderate temperatures year-round, and it gives us the climate that selects for the kind of animal life that eventually became primates and people."
"A crescent moon was floating in a dark sky half obscured by Mist like an eye appearing through a veil of silk."
"...large gaps like this indicates that the moon is not really in that gap, it's elsewhere."
"If you go to the moon, you can be in broad daylight but there is no atmosphere. You look away from the Sun, have your eyes adapt, there's the full nighttime sky."
"It was incredible, did you know they found glass on the moon?"
"Mars is a lot more interesting place than the moon."
"The Moon represents our emotions and how we deal with our emotions."
"When you have the moon on your Midheaven or just the moon in general your moon line going through a location it feels like a hug like it just feels like you're at home."
"It would be easier to walk on the moon's surface but it would be more dangerous too."
"It could be a good shelter for astronauts that land on the moon or even be a harbor for a lunar Colony."
"The moon is a general significant of the body in traditional astrology."
"Never forget to look at that Moon because it shows you that if you have the vision you can see it through."
"Moon rock. It's actually from the moon."
"The moon represents our emotional life, the way we feel at an emotional level."
"The moon has so much to tell us, it's a very, very rich planet with a great deal of diversity."
"Moon's plan for revenge had already begun."
"the Moon is just a cold empty rock with nothing of interest but a 50 year old American Flag stuck in the ground right"
"The Moon is likely to be heavily mined and home to a lot of manufacturing."
"moonfall is a disaster film about the moon mysteriously falling out of orbit and crashing towards the Earth"
"The moon has broken, and in my entire life, I’ve never witnessed an evening so still."
"I'm gonna stare at the Moon might howl at it."
"A normal-sized piece of paper cannot be folded in half more than seven times. However, if you could fold it 42 times, it would reach the moon."
"The Moon is responsible for the ebb and flow of the ocean. It regulates the life of bees, fish, birds, and amphibians. Even you feel the influence of the Moon every day, changing the brightness of the disc in the night sky."
"Kvothe will lure each to the inn possibly by using the piece of the moon that's sealed away in the Lockless box at the inn."
"There's no Dark Side of the Moon, just a Far Side that gets sunlight."
"We could have stayed on the moon, but science and research was not the goal."
"I never look at the Moon without thinking that we have been there."
"The moon was a crescent thin and sharp as the blade of a knife, snowflakes drifted down soundlessly to cloak the soldier pines and sentinels in white."
"It's kind of amazing when you think about it. You know, if somebody was at the moon now, as opposed to when they landed on the moon in the late '60s, you know, it would be really interesting for them to see all these satellites going overhead."
"Let this upcoming pink moon be a reminder of the beautiful interconnectivity between us and the natural world."
"Did the moon also grow from planetesimal collisions as the four inner planets did?"
"For this is harvest time in the garden of the moon."
"The purpose of my talk and the purpose of Jan's talk is to install a bit more mystery and wonder as to why that moon is so important to us. It's not just a rock hanging in space; it guides so much of who and what we are and who we can be."
"That's right from our creation story, that when she went up into the sky world, she became Grandmother Moon. And to this day, we still call her Grandmother Moon."
"No moon, no us. No moon, no children. No moon, no trees. The moon is what has given this planet, I guess, the criteria for life to be formed on this planet."
"We thank and we offer gratitude for that moon, for our Grandmother Moon, who still looks after us since the beginning of time, still doing her duty for us as human beings."
"You don't have to pay tax on the moon."
"When the Sun sets, the Moon rises to keep the night illuminated."
"Do you think exposure to the moon's affect the power level at all?"
"Bouncing on the moon is fun and the bounces are really big because there's less gravity on the moon than there is on Earth."
"Most of them are around Moon level."
"The moon will accompany her tonight in her loneliness."
"Jim Lovell visited the moon twice but never set foot in it."
"The moon controls the weather and our thoughts."
"Definitely without a doubt we'll not get into that situation with the moon."