
God's Plan Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
"It is a part of God's plan that you make mistakes because then when you do win, you've got a path to examine and you've got a grateful heart."
"And we know with great confidence that God, who is deeply concerned about us, causes all things to work together as a plan for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose."
"Resurrection is a manifestation of my faith, hope, and the ongoing plan of God."
"God's plan is the best in the overall picture and in the tiny little details."
"Embracing God's plan for our lives is a journey of faith."
"Not even sin can keep you from everlasting life, because God has a wonderful plan for you."
"God is so strategic and knows exactly what he's doing."
"To miss God's plan either way is to miss God's highest - to get married when you should be single or to stay single when you should be married."
"God's Eternal Plan of Redemption is always going off without a hitch."
"Money is part of God's plan for human interaction."
"When you're focused on God's best for you, it's a lot easier not to be distracted."
"God has a plan, but you will never discover it until you first meet Him."
"If God has got a plan for us, it's gonna happen, and we just have to trust him."
"You don't know if that's what God's got for them. We need to begin to get back to celebrating singleness and the possibilities of glory that come along with it."
"God, you have a plan, so do exceedingly and abundantly above what I could dream or imagine."
"Suffering is a big part of God's plan."
"God's plans for me are greater than my own."
"God's plan includes you, but does your plan include God?"
"Yes, it's a clear, stark truth that God hasn't just left things up to chance in the universe, but God has a plan and he's guiding Humanity, he's guiding all things towards the Glorious completion of that plan."
"God is making all work good for us. Everything he's doing behind the scenes, it's working for our good because only he can and only he does."
"God's plans know no haste and no delay. He is sovereign and His plan will be fulfilled with us or without us."
"The critical question is, will we allow Him to use us or will He have to use someone else?"
"God's purpose is fully discovered when you belong to His greatest plan, which is the church."
"God created us, knows what is best for us, and wants what is best for us."
"You want to make God laugh, make a plan."
"We live and we build our house there; we'll absolutely Miss what God is trying to do here and now."
"You don't have to be perfect to be used of God in a significant way."
"God wants to reveal his heart, his plan, and his secrets to empower your life."
"God's plan for each and every one of us is truly remarkable and inspiring."
"God has a plan of restoration not only for individuals but for the whole creation."
"God has plans for you. Don't you think that is important that we seek God's will, God's plan every day?"
"It is time for God's people to get on board with God's plan and to diligently pray and work to see the fulfillment of God's plan for his church."
"They meant it for evil, but God meant it for good."
"You're just going to be who God made you to be."
"We want to be in the plan but we're going to need your power."
"God's plan is not usurped by an enemy's scheme."
"The most important thing in the world isn't what happens to me, it's that the plan of God is fulfilled in your life."
"God's got an amazing plan for your life."
"God has essentially two goals to accomplish in all of history: the first goal was to execute the plan of Salvation through vicarious atonement in real time, which would be the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"Ultimately it's God's plan and you know he wins in the end so we don't really have to try to Build a Better World."
"God is going to work his unalterable plan somehow in delivering the Jews. Esther, do you want to be part of that plan? Because God doesn't need you and I."
"We might not always understand God's plan or His timing, but we have to trust that He has our best interest in mind."
"The spiritual life as a consent to God's plan might go something like this."
"It's not just marriage; it's good marriage. Good marriage is ordained of God. It's God's plan for us."
"Live for the big story that God wants to do."
"This is about a church that God is birthing who have a willingness to be different."
"God's plan is better than mine. It's better than mine."
"Yeah, God always has his ways and this is all just part of his plan."
"God does not mistake the moment for the man."
"God's plan for your life is abundant life, joyful life, fulfilled life. But that doesn't mean every day is wonderful. There's going to be pain and suffering and difficulty along the way."
"We are blessed by God's blessings and we're blessed by God's battles, both are a part of God's plan."
"God's plan or other people's opinion?"
"Don't be afraid to step up into what God has prepared for you."
"God is going to get in the end what he wanted in the beginning."
"Nothing about this connection is actually planned or conventional; it's God's plan."
"You are the next move of God. Don't wait for the next move, you are the next move."
"It's not God's plan, it's your own, even when Clancy Brown is playing a good guy, he comes off like a religion-spouting serial killer."
"God is doing something profound on the earth through his Son Jesus Christ."
"It was God's work. He allowed me to have something to do with the beginning of it, and it was such a privilege to get to work with Elizabeth."
"God works in mysterious ways. He blessed us with a boy and a girl, just like that."
"You won't see everything that God is trying to do."
"Wow, I'm inspired by what God can do with my life."
"The church, the new humanity, is central in the plan of God."
"God is not finished with Cheryl Brady yet. God is not finished with you. He's not finished with me."
"...I just want you to see how powerful this is when they were sitting at the beginning before creation in Genesis he said he said um they were already in community this is how you know this is God's plan for us..."
"God has a plan for your life, and His plan is perfect."
"You don't know what God has in store, what he has planned for you."
"Prayer is an act of cooperation... we cooperate with God's plan through prayer."
"Where you are right now is God's place for you."
"Central to God's plan for your life is prayer."
"Before God created us, God conceived us."
"We encounter God's plan of pure goodness for us revealed in scripture and passed down through the tradition of the Catholic faith."
"God loves us so much that when Lucifer acted up, He had a plan already for salvation for us."
"God has pre-written something for us to do while we're here on Earth."
"God's plan will always override, God's plan will always prevail."
"God had written not so much a poem, but rather a play, a play He had planned as perfect."
"The purpose of God’s Holy Days is that they reflect and explain the entirety of God’s Plan for mankind!"