
FOMO Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"FOMO stems from outward perceptions, so to combat it, the research suggests turning inward to reflect on your own motivations and happiness."
"Fun of missing out: recognizing I can't do everything."
"Right now, I think my deepest fear is actually...I have this like opportunity FOMO. So, I constantly have this fear that I'm like missing opportunities."
"FOMO is obviously an insidious practice that preys off the weak-minded with a false sense of urgency."
"I think the only time I feel FOMO is like watching finals."
"It's better not to make money than to lose money. FOMO is a huge factor that drives many to invest with emotions rather than logic."
"The fear of missing out that Millennials experience on a daily basis from browsing social media has created a damaging culture of unfulfilled youth."
"Sell something that inspires FOMO or convinces them they have more time in the sexual Marketplace than they actually do."
"All these announcements, potentially another Africa deal, people are going to realize it's the real deal and they're going to FOMO in."
"Fear of missing out is a great way to make a sale."
"Markets don't act like this, but we have people starting to go into the FOMO mode, fear of missing out, so everybody wants to join this bandwagon because it seems like there's money in the street and it's easy picking."
"FOMO is everywhere now, not just a thing for retail, but large funds, hedge funds, even companies."
"You need the excitement and the fanfare. You need the FOMO."
"Fear of missing out (FOMO) can and will lead to making poor decisions."
"Could it be that the scarcity and rarity of bitcoin is creating such FOMO in the market?"
"I'm immune to FOMO now. I'm completely cured."
"FOMO is the biggest one... it's best to just find a good product you believe in, buy it, and hold it."
"It's that FOMO; so more and more money comes in until you hit a tipping point."
"FOMO is as simple as this: people want to buy a stock at any price."
"Don't get caught up in FOMO. This is not decided yet."
"They're really trying to capitalize on that FOMO thing."
"Y'all could do it, he gotta work. Yes, he has to work, and I'm shooting tomorrow. You know I'll just be the red-headed stepchild this weekend. You know, I hate it here. I hate it. I hate it. I'm having extreme FOMO right now."
"Persuade people by invoking the concept of FOMO."
"The fear of missing out factor—it's not more complicated than that."
"I feed into FOMO sometimes, right? It's hard. I think you feel like you actively have to fight against it."
"This feels like FOMO to me. This feels like people are chasing the dragon's tail."
"FOMO can be good if it gets you to actually act on something."
"Allow FOMO to become a good thing and use it to your advantage."
"Never jump in because of FOMO always do your own research."
"Stop the FOMO, guys. There's always another trade."
"Fear of missing out... There is a feeling of apprehension for individuals that feel that they have to know what other people are doing."
"I just want to see other movies that are in the theaters now and I'm gonna miss out on some of those. I just can't do it all."
"I encourage people to as I said turn within in whatever way and live our lives with our eyes open and don't live in fear and don't worry about you know what fomo is the fear of missing out don't worry about that."
"Valve fully embraced people's fear of missing out by releasing four prestige items only obtainable by leveling your Battle Pass."
"Maybe it makes it fun. And making religion fun for children is a great way to keep them religious."
"My main love to you all is to not have FOMO and miss out on the greatest things you can change in your life right now."
"The problem is that market participants have a hard time controlling FOMO."
"They're adding shorty rocket fuel... fomo is kicking in."
"If the market continues to go higher and higher and higher there will be more and more FOMO."
"FOMO, in my opinion, the most powerful force in the universe for human beings."
"Stop worrying about fear of missing out, stop comparing yourself to everybody else, and focus on your craft."
"You cannot allow FOMO to be a part of your financial plan."
"We both suffer from FOMO, fear of missing out."
"When you don't look at them, you don't get FOMO, and you just have no clue that that cool stuff's there."
"You're healing the illusion of FOMO, realizing you're not missing out on anything."
"FOMO is when you worry that you're gonna miss out on some good conversations, some good fun."
"I love that. If I ever get another dog, I'm gonna name it Fomo."
"I have FOMO, I need to be included in the joke."
"In my view, I think it's certainly seen a lot in recent years, is this FOMO, the fear of missing out?"
"FOMO is essentially where you have the fear of missing out on a trade, you have the fear of missing out on profits, you have a fear of getting left behind in a certain position in a certain trade."
"I do kind of have a little bit of fomo because I'm seeing everybody adding their cute ornaments and stuff to their tree."
"Emerging Markets will outperform, in which case you'll have a bit of FOMO."
"I think in your head you feel like you'll have fomo or you might feel like you're going to miss something or whatever it is but it's completely the opposite."
"The primary reasons why they invest is FOMO and more importantly creating FOMO."
"The fear of missing out. Otherwise known as FOMO played at play day."
"You feel a little bit of FOMO, you feel like you're missing out. You know, those fight weeks are some of the most fun experiences that I've ever had in my life."
"There's so much fomo, fear of missing out. Every young woman dying for a man to be decisive about marrying her knows exactly what I'm talking about."
"I genuinely had FOMO, I wanted to play five more songs because I was having so much fun."
"They had the most gossip-worthy FOMO moment."
"The fear of missing out traps you into making bad decisions."
"He was telling this great story where he watched 'Crazy Rich Asians' and he said, 'I watched 'Crazy Rich Asians' and I felt massive FOMO.'"
"I think I need to take over Andrea's blog this week, because JP did it last week, and I was like, 'I'm having FOMO. Total FOMO. And I need to be a bigger part of the blog, 'cause it's like my highlight every week.'"
"Put things into perspective. Try to put aside the FOMO."
"I had FOMO for sure, watching the markets make these crazy moves the first week of the year."
"Does anybody else when it gets hot outside I start feeling so much extra like FOMO?"
"Stop the FOMO, welcome to the review of what you've all been waiting for."
"If one of your friends is starting a company and you would have FOMO if it would become a billion dollar company just shut up and write him a check."
"Never give into FOMO... there will be 50 to 100 more opportunities to replace it. There's no shortage of opportunities in the crypto space."
"We're chatting about FOMO and FOMO's very real and if you're not familiar what it stands for it's the fear of missing out okay and it doesn't have to be just with comics but for us we're going to discuss it in the comic environment."
"Fear of missing out, FOMO, and the joy of missing out, JOMO."
"Don't succumb to FOMO, instead, do JOMO, which is the joy of missing out."
"That subtlety, that feeling of here everywhere, center everywhere or no center or more like everywhere here, that's the intimacy, the opposite of FOMO."
"It's a lot of fomo too because a lot of people make a lot of money in the markets so it would seem easy because you see the big gains maybe on the social media so you would think it's a little bit easier but it's really not."
"First set was probably just fine. You're just kind of experiencing FOMO, fear of missing out."
"Never do anything out of FOMO, fear of missing out. Your motive for doing anything should always be by the leading of God and not out of fear of missing something."
"So, now what you do when you have a fear of missing out is you don't have a fear of missing out. You have a new thing. It's the celebration of missing out."
"You can almost get to the state of actively taking joy in missing out."
"You don't have to have any FOMO if you just don't trade it, that's just your rule."
"If you're a manufacturer who watched this video and you don't want to miss out, you're having a little FOMO now."
"They're essentially saying if you don't get in now you'll be left behind."
"I really thought I was gonna have more FOMO than I do, but I'm kind of chilling, you know?"
"I had FOMO so bad, I was like, 'Oh, what are they doing?'"
"fear of missing out missing out it's the strongest motivation for a lot of reasons"
"Don't worry about FOMO; there's going to be opportunities galore."
"The more assured you are within yourself, the less you'll hear the voice of FOMO."
"Don't just do it because of like FOMO."
"You're missing out, there I said it."
"As the prices go higher and higher up, the FOMO actually gets bigger and bigger."
"FOMO is a powerful drug, and it'll get you in trouble. Don't settle; if it's not giving you what you want, do not take it. There will be another opportunity."
"One of the biggest fears that I struggle with is the fear of missing out."
"FOMO is the enemy of the 99% and the friend of the 1%."
"Shop smart, don't ever buy anything out of fear of missing out."
"Reject FOMO. No one can keep up with the amount of books and music, articles, films, and TV shows that are being churned out in the 21st century."
"The only thing we have to fear is FOMO itself."
"Please don't let fear of missing out get to you when it comes to stock market investing."
"Don't FOMO in to an altcoin because an influencer says to do so."
"All FOMO is, is a reflection for you to become a lot more clear about what it is that you want in life."
"Taylor Swift's 2018 AMA after-party just gave us major FOMO."
"Every day I show you guys how demand is going up, we have so much FOMO going on."
"Don't get into that FOMO headspace where you're like, 'Oh, I have to get this because I might not ever see it again.'"
"FOMO: Fear of missing out. Gosh, everybody else has this, I think I really should get it because otherwise, I'm gonna be not in the in-crowd and I'm gonna miss out on all the fun."
"I think social media has made everybody feel like they're missing out on something."
"When there's FOMO and you're furry in the markets, you need to just calm down, take a step back."
"Why do I always miss out on the exciting parts?"
"Everyone's experiencing FOMO, fear of missing out."
"It's gonna be pandemonium, people are gonna get fear of missing out like crazy."
"Fear of missing out changed consumer behavior."
"If you're not here, you're missing out."
"The more you can live it up after the breakup, the more they'll be feeling that FOMO."
"Fear of missing out sometimes drives us to purchase things that we won't necessarily enjoy to its fullest capacity."
"It's very easy to feel FOMO, fear of missing out."
"You want to create FOMO, this fear of missing out."
"FOMO is a made-up thing because guess what, the things that you miss out on, you weren't there."
"It's really easy to feel that FOMO, that fear of missing out on things, but trust me, you will be so thankful you did."
"I'm an extrovert and introvert, so I like get energy by being alone and not being surrounded by people, but I still get serious FOMO if I'm not invited out places."
"Have no FOMO, positive vibes, get rid of that always mad mindset."
"When you hear all the fun and the pictures and the videos, it's gonna be like, I wish I went."
"Whilst I'm stood here right now in rainy old miserable England, Coachella is happening."
"Fear of missing out is too strong."
"Falling for hype and FOMO is the number one deadliest mistake."
"The only thing that the fear of missing out is causing you to miss out on is the moment that's actually right in front of you."
"Every time it's nice out, I feel like major FOMO."
"If it doesn't feel completely aligned for you, let go of any concern of missing out."