
Daily Planning Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Every single day I will write three non-negotiable things I'll do that day. Like a year is literally just 365 days, and I know that's so obvious, but it's also that accumulation."
"You never want to go to sleep without knowing what your plan of action is for tomorrow. So every day when you wake up and you open your eyes, you need to know exactly what your goals are for that day."
"Don't look at what's happening two years from now. Make a plan, but micro-focus on a daily basis. Make good choices on a daily basis, build your habits."
"My Day aims to address the challenge of an overwhelming task list by clearing it daily."
"Your daily to-do list is now going to be your holy grail of the entire day."
"Do the hard stuff first, get it out of the way, that way the rest of your day is easier."
"Identify the daily activities that will take you towards your dreams."
"First thing in the morning, what I want to do."
"Focus on making clear what parts of your day are within your control."
"I just want you to get thinking about what you have, what you want to invest in, how you can make those changes to your outfit each and every day."
"Glean what you need to out of that moment in time and say what am I going to do today."
"Read the cruise compass every day to ensure you're aware of all activities."
"Planning just makes sure that you actually are consciously and intentionally working towards your goals daily."
"Establish priorities for the day in God's presence."
"Highlight before five things you need to get done on a daily basis I promise you other stuff will come to fill it up."
"Time is precious I know it seems like a really small thing but believe me in a day when hours are limited it's a massive thing."
"I feel like I am is a reasonable time to start 9:00 or 10:00 as well is totally fine it really just depends on how you structure your days."
"Life means to evolve, and if you're not evolving through small incremental changes that build up over time to create a large change, then you're probably dead. And that shouldn't really be a goal of anyone."
"Take five or ten minutes first thing in the morning to plan out your day and get your blocks set up will make all the difference in the world."
"Meal prepping...meal prepping at least one meal a day...so you will be nourished."
"Setting your day up before you start your day will make your day immeasurably smoother."
"Monday we have eight of Wands the eight of Wands is in Reverse so it may feel a little chaotic but what's great about eight of Wands is typically this allows you to accomplish a lot also there's a lot of opportunities that are coming through."
"Don't leave things for tomorrow that you can do today."
"Maybe sleeping in was for the best this morning simply because I'll be able to stay up later tonight and experience more of the magic."
"The time has come; I know what I'm going to be doing today."
"I'm a boring guy anyway, but I'm gonna write down every day what my schedule is. That's important."
"Bears always open the door, welcome you, sniff you, you smell great, and then he would tell you his plan for the day."
"Tomorrow for sure this is my outfit to go get our cars inspected for the State Woo snow boots."
"If you finish all the really important things by 11:00 a.m. if you are done with all the important tasks in your day you're gonna feel accomplished the rest of the day."
"I'm almost thinking, is the 2 p.m. becoming better than the 10 a.m.?"
"Sunny skies in the morning followed by storms in the afternoon. Don't forget your umbrella."
"It's just recognizing these high impact items, getting them done first thing in the morning, and then the rest of the day I can focus on the lower priority items."
"Live and plan every day as though it could be your last."
"I think scheduling it into your day is really, really helpful."
"Everything is about what are we going to do tomorrow and what are we going to do today, you know what I mean?"
"Reflect more often. You gotta... idealize what is my ideal day."
"Set intentions for each segment of your day to align with your desires."
"That's what we got coming planned here for the day and then as soon as we get done with that we're gonna switch the boots to a four-inch."
"Setting intentions allow you to go about your day with clear goals."
"I just like to journal every morning to keep track of what I want to do for the day set my daily intentions as well as write down things that I am grateful for."
"I'm curious, how many of you write down a to-do list every day?"
"I just got organized for the rest of the day."
"I am at a point in my life where I only think about the 24 hours in front of me."
"Alright, work took a little bit longer than I thought, it's noon now."
"Mornings are supposed to be calm. Try to keep your mornings calm because they will definitely set the tone for the rest of the day."
"Hopefully you guys have a great day I'm gonna go work out I'm gonna go lay by the pool to get tan for Coachella and then I'm going to go eat some food and make videos that's my plan."
"Preparation is key... knowing what you're going to trade on a daily basis and why you want to do it."
"Either you run the day, or the day runs you."
"I created this super cute thing... a morning menu."
"Anyway, what's the plan for the day? A bit of breaky and then, yeah, might do some exploring, see what happens, who knows?"
"If you plan on having a successful life, start by planning your day."
"I'm going to get up early, workout, have breakfast, have a nice walk, and it just be a really lovely start to the day."
"But he who bestows all of his time on his own needs, who plans out every day as if it were his last, neither longs for nor fears the morrow."
"That alone is an incredibly awesome way of organizing and structuring your daily notes."
"The mornings are really important for us especially to set good intentions."
"It's about reprioritizing, understanding what you need every day, every week, every month."
"I think it really helps me just to look at one thing, worry about that one day and those subjects."
"Decide five daily goals that you can do today that's going to push you towards a bigger goal."
"I just want a place where I can write down everything I need to do today and then check it all off."
"I am a daily planner, I prefer a daily log for my to-do list to really focus in on what I need to get done on a daily basis."
"I'm planning out my morning, and I'm gonna go get ready and get my life together."
"The idea is that something that is pretty big from the beginning of a quarter, you can then break it down and see what do I need to do every day and every week in order to move forward and get closer to accomplishing my goal at the end of the quarter."
"It's a nice added tool for the tool bag when you're going out for the day."
"Be very realistic and write ten things that you want to get done for the day, and then circle the one thing that you know will make you feel the most happy."
"Keep an eye on the daily program because each day they'll offer actual discounts at the restaurants."
"I have my life dashboard as a way to see everything that I need from day to day."
"Stand up is where you report to your team what you did yesterday, what you plan to do today, and if you have any obstacles in your work that we call blockers."
"What am I going to be purposeful about today?"
"Create small daily goals every single day."
"Flexible nutrition targets: You can actually customize each day within the week."
"This study schedule is more than just one to two classes or when to study; it incorporates every single hour of the day."
"Write down three things every day that if you accomplish, the day is successful."
"It just sets my day up perfectly."
"When I wake up in the morning, all this bit will be gone, and I'll have a fresh board only with the stuff I need to do that day."
"I actually do make a daily list of goals on my phone."
"Three things you're grateful for, three things that'll make today great."
"Let's see what's going on for the day."
"You can just basically plan your day, set reminders so that you can look at them and access them very easily."
"Every day when I wake up, I write different goals that I want to do for that day."
"I like to actually write down lists and every day I do a running to-do list of what I want to accomplish."
"Having a daily section in your planner, a place where you can jot down a whole bunch of notes even if it's just a blank sheet of paper, is super helpful and super functional within your planner."
"Microsoft To Do is more of your daily planner to kind of keep things organized."
"They're gonna take up different amounts of your energy on a day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month basis."
"I am a person that thrives on organization and I love when I can make the most of my day."
"The daily notes are a space of total organized chaos."
"I better get myself all packed up and head out. I have a lot to do today, and it's gonna be a good day. I'm just feeling really good."
"Set an intention for how you want to spend the rest of your day."
"Writing three goals for my day every single morning is super motivating and encouraging, especially when I can check them off at the end of the day."
"I hope this helps you navigate through a routine that will be easy for you to complete in the morning and easy for you to switch up for nighttime."
"The thing that I loved about the Day Designer is that they have this little segment in the upper corner that says 'Do, Dinner, Dollars, and Don't Forget'."
"Focus on the present, how do you feel today, what do you want to do today."