
Political Violence Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"For the first time since the War of 1812, our nation's capital came under violent assault...by a sitting president of the United States."
"Imagine what it says to other crazies who want to commit political violence that it's okay to go commit violence as long as you're on team Trump."
"Political violence has absolutely no place in America."
"Political violence is never, ever acceptable in the United States political system. Never, never, never."
"Political violence has no place in our constitutional republic."
"Political violence is never the answer, regardless of which side of the political spectrum it occurs."
"There are a lot of people who believe passionately in some political things right now and shouldn't justify violence to try to achieve those ends."
"This kind of political violence is not normal, it is Un-American."
"Violent politics and vicious natural disasters are a toxic mix."
"We're likely to see more [stochastic terrorism] before things start to cool down."
"A rising number of Americans say political violence is justified. Survey shows a small but significant share of Americans believe in the use of force to attain political goals."
"This is just the tip of the iceberg, the latest instances in a growing trend in US politics that is undermining the fabric of our democracy and leading the country down a dangerous path we might not be able to escape."
"January 6th, 2021, was not the culmination of political violence in this country; it was just the beginning."
"The normalization of political violence is a slippery slope with dangerous consequences."
"The best predictor for surges in right-wing violent activity is the aftermath of warfare."
"I have gotten more death threats in America from the far-right than I have ever got from any other group."
"There is no place for political violence in America. Period. None ever."
"I have a video, let's talk about buying a gun out of fear of political violence or something like that."
"For as bad as January 6th is, I believe that the former president would not have qualms about going further."
"If this were violence against Biden supporters by Trump supporters, it would be front-page news."
"Acceptance of violence for political ends in America is approaching the level seen in Northern Ireland at the height of their troubles."
"Political violence rots republics. Therefore January 6 must not become a precedent for further violence."
"Violence from right-wing extremist groups are the most significant."
"There's no place for political violence in this country."
"Delores confirmed the check rumor to be true, asserting that 'I just cannot accept children being slaughtered at the hands of political violence.'"
"He lit the fuse that led to the horrific violence of January 6."
"The killings have already begun. Democrats are out there killing Republicans."
"Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?"
"No place for political violence in America, period."
"The violence hurt their cause bolstered Donald Trump and they are still riding now you know why the Democrats are so desperate to be like peaceful protesters."
"One person was killed at the Capitol on January 6, and that is one too many."
"I am in no common cause with people who engage in political violence."
"This cannot be our future. We cannot have presidents inciting and mobilizing mob violence against our government and our institutions."
"Experts say the country cannot accept violence as a method of mediating its political disagreements."
"Political violence never appropriate however this riot or whatever you want to call it mob was never going to take control of the federal government."
"People who claim to love America would ever brutalize police officers and beat them up with American flags."
"The use of illegal violence in order to enact a political end is basically the textbook definition of terrorism."
"Political violence is an attack on everything we cherish as Americans; it can never be tolerated."
"A grim reminder that shadowy societies willing to commit violence for the highest bidder remain prominent."
"When Triad members emerged from the woodwork to silence pro-Democracy protestors in 2019, it served as a grim reminder that shadowy societies willing to commit violence for the highest bidder remain prominent."
"January 6 was an act of domestic terrorism incited by Donald Trump. His supporters who attacked the Capitol are terrorists."
"These people are already many of them committed to the concept of overthrowing American democracy and inciting civil war."
"Antifa is an extremist left-wing group and it is very real and it is violent and they very much do want people who don't agree with their way of thinking to be punished with violence."
"Right-wing political violence is rising, right-wing political extremism is rising, we've already had a series of mass shootings that were based in right wing hate and misinformation and bigotry there will probably be more."
"Meanwhile, evidence shows Trump premeditated the assault on the Capitol."
"Trump cautioned against the normalization of violence in political discourse."
"He’s inciting, whipping up a frothy chant of violent impulses among his followers towards a United States citizen, an elected member of Congress."
"When you start to enforce your political or social opinions through violence, that's when there's a problem."
"He lit the fuse of a box of dynamite that contained white supremacists far-right militias proud boys boogaloos neo-confederates and many other insurrectionists."
"The Republican Party has normalized violence as a legitimate political solution."
"It wasn't a guided tour through the capital. It was a violent act of complete absurdity."
"This is some like this is the back the blue crowd beating him to death with an american flag and still it's like okay well if you ban trump this is what you want."
"If Trump led a deadly attack to overthrow the government..."
"There is no such thing about violence on both sides; this rally was violence, and any violence that's done in retaliation or against these people is, in my opinion, completely justified."
"This was a violent attempt to overthrow the government of the United States."
"These insurrectionists, these anarchists, these thugs, these criminals... They do not represent America."
"Assassination will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing."
"Moral convictions were associated with in-group preference and tolerance for political violence."
"There have been reports of high-profile acts of political violence against Republicans and conservatives since President Biden's heated speech in Philadelphia last month."
"These depictions of political violence should never be glorified."
"Violence has been the other answer for white right-wingers not all white people white right-wing."
"Someone who would attempt to decapitate the government of one of two nations in the world led by a Jewish head of state whose family perished in the Holocaust... tells you the kind of person we're dealing with."
"The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly."
"So this is an attempt to kill a sitting member of Congress for political reasons."
"Larry Elder, a black candidate for governor, by whipping eggs at him and then assaulted his security guards who were non-violently protecting him all on camera."
"It's something that we have to take very seriously and it's very sad to see that we are once again at a point in history where people believe that it's okay to express their political sentiments through violence."
"The assassination of a judge... that is the kind of thing that happens in a society where the rule of law is under threat."
"This movement is deeper and more insidious than any 'normal violence' or 'normal politics'... because the use of violence as a tool of force in the political sphere towards the ends of undoing self-governance is a unique threat."
"One-third of Republicans say that violence may be the answer."
"The violence of January 6 was an extension of Trump's Reckless lies."
"He's hoping that there are enough people who will commit violent acts against the government."
"Overwhelmingly right-wing violence is the cause of death in politically violent acts."
"Tyrannicide, the moral obligation to kill the tyrant, to prevent him from killing a lot of people... If you have a tyrant, kill the bastard."
"January 6 was one of the worst assaults on the U.S. Capitol in American history."
"By many accounts, members of antifa and related far-left groups engaged in worse conduct and, in fact, instigated much of the violence."
"For the first time in our history, a president had not just lost an election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob breached the Capitol."
"They didn't come here out of patriotism or principle, they came here in rage, not in service of America, but rather in service of one man."
"It was the most violent attack ever perpetrated on a high US official on foreign soil."
"Our compatriot was the victim of a blatant Islamist terrorist attack."
"Violence is a part of every political system violence is whether you like to admit it or not regardless of how [ __ ] humanitarian you are just a fundamental role plays a fundamental role in politics."
"They knew they were sending them to kill the vice president... they radicalize people to do the thing radicalized people do, which is political violence."
"It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power."
"Historically, historically that has not done very well for companies when a leader against the group people disagrees with in a country uses violence to suppress them as a very slippery slope."
"How is it that individuals who attacked the Capitol attacked the constitutional process?"
"Political violence like slow violence done in order to sustain particular political systems is an ongoing fact of the way that our world is organized."
"If a guy sends a mob to your house and it kills people, that has to be over whatever line you draw."
"The violence at the capitol that day was wrong."
"January 6 happened on the Capitol is wrong. Those that broke in the Capitol were wrong and should be dealt with."
"They are going to use these militias to cause mayhem in this country. These folks do not want to share power, they do not want black people to use their power."
"No decent, rational, credible individual should claim that the violent insurrectionists who attacked and brutally beat police officers are hostages."
"The dude said he wants to kill thirty thousand of his political opponents that's what bolson ro said."
"Very bad thing, but we did just have a whole year of political violence from the left, didn't we?"
"He was involved as a branch of the fascist group Right Sector that killed all these people in Odessa."
"If you're pushing for ideas that would cause my family to be forcibly removed from this country, I think you can make very strong arguments for violence against this person."
"The violence that happened here is inexcusable, was emboldened by the president, and has not been denounced by the president."
"I disavow the use of violence to go in pursuit of political aims."
"Violence to achieve your political goals is okay. We have to be honest with ourselves."
"There was an attack carried out on January 6, and a hitman sent them. I want you to get to the bottom of that."
"Acts or threats of political violence have no place in the United States of America."
"They are perfectly comfortable exerting political violence against people who are claiming the things that they are afraid of claiming out loud."
"The disruption of a peaceful transition of power... violence was wrong then and the violence is wrong last week."
"How did we get here to the point where you've got a large swath of people in America who are revolutionizing in the name of communism in a way that is violent?" - Questioning the rise of violent leftist ideologies.
"The CCP uses violence to implement its killing."
"A number of them wanted to murder Mike Pence. They wanted to find and execute Mike Pence. They apparently believed that Mike Pence had betrayed the president by not stopping the certification of the votes."
"Any acts or threats of political violence are an attack on our democracy itself."
"These are people that are supposedly fighting for democracy but they're burning down the political offices of their opponent, they stabbed a pro-establishment politician, they set a man on fire."
"What happened to Brian Sicknick was very obviously not the result of violence he suffered at the entrance to the Capitol."
"So we keep having political violence over and over again and you know look uh the right wing doesn't want you to say reality."
"Eugene Goodman saved U.S. senators from either being kidnapped, harmed, or murdered by these white domestic terrorists."
"Political murders happen from the right... political violence in the United States right now, don't do it."
"Fascism is using violence to make government change."
"This was not a riot. This was not a protest. This was a terrorist attack by white supremacist Donald Trump supporters."
"Terrorism is defined as violence or the threat of violence carried out against civilians as a means of coercion, often for political reasons."
"An attack on an elected official is an attack on democracy."
"Terrorism is trying to change a political or social structure with violence."
"There is absolutely no place for any violence of any sort in this political system."
"There's so many threats we're worried about including political violence generated right here in the United States that has nothing to do with our foreign adversaries."
"How do we prevent political violence from happening? We do it by exercising our rights as American citizens and making the change from the inside."
"The real political task is to criticize the workings of institutions and attack them in such a way that political violence will finally be unmasked."
"The violence of this kind, political violence, is completely and utterly beyond the pale. We can't have it. You can't live in a free and Democratic country and permit political violence of this kind."
"No one, not one person, was ever punished... for their role in 60 murders and a violent coup."
"The reign of terror had traumatized French society, leaving a death toll and legacy of political violence which seemed unprecedented in modern memory."