
USA Quotes

There are 796 quotes

"For the first time in over three decades, the economy of the USA is growing faster than the economy of China."
"This strong growth in what is already the largest and most diverse economy in the world is particularly remarkable."
"The USA has the third largest agricultural industry in the world, behind only China and India."
"There is a sense of optimism all around in the United States of America."
"Let's remember who we are: we are the United States of America, and there is nothing beyond our capacity when we act together."
"Fears of World War III are growing by the day, and the United States is taking them very seriously."
"American President Joe Biden promising that the U.S would come to Taiwan's aid, World War III is looking more likely, and it won't be starting in Europe."
"The facebookification of the United States has made it much easier for people to silo each other, to segregate from each other."
"We are the United States of America, and there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity that we can do together."
"The greatest story of charity in the history of the world is in the States, where we give 500 billion dollars away annually, citizen to citizen."
"USA did not get swept; they put up an incredible fight on the first three maps."
"Despite making up only six percent of the world population, the U.S. accounted for one-third of the world's total production."
"In real-world drama where global implications hang in the balance, the United States has become the stage for a series of jaw-dropping events."
"We'll explore recent happenings and astounding shifts that have swept across the United States, from economic turbulence to political maneuvering."
"The delicate nature of global superpower dynamics is at play as we discover unbelievable events happening in the world's most powerful economic nation."
"Will these events be the end of the U.S. economic power, or will they be able to bounce back on their feet?"
"The brinksmanship surrounding the debt ceiling and the failure of U.S. authorities to address medium-term fiscal challenges have raised concerns about the nation's creditworthiness."
"America's the biggest debtor nation in the world right now."
"The United States is finally catching on to the need to change transportation."
"I'm pleasantly surprised at the resilience of the U.S economy."
"All flights across the United States were grounded."
"In America, for a ground ambulance, the costs can be up to $1,200, for an air ambulance, $20,000."
"In straight-up numbers, the USA is the largest economy to have ever existed in history."
"Despite all the military's preparations, an entire fleet of flying saucers seemed to be descending upon the United States."
"Let's celebrate the stimulus being pretty much approved in the US, 1.9 trillion to help out people."
"The United States is determined to defend and strengthen democracy at home and around the world. Because I believe democracy remains humanity’s greatest instrument to address the challenges of our time."
"America has 25% of the entire incarcerated population of the planet despite making up 4% of the entire population."
"For the first time in four years, life expectancy in the United States of America has increased."
"Rent is down for the eighth consecutive month... in the United States."
"One in two Americans suffer from either pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes."
"The United States has one of the most advanced and diverse missile programs in the world."
"This nation is the greatest nation the world has ever seen."
"The big story of the day... the United States is effectively in a trade war with China."
"We have a very big mental health problem in this country."
"January 6 was just a dress rehearsal for some of these folks."
"He saw that the key to the political union of the United States was an economic one, fundamentally."
"May God bless you, God bless your families, and God bless our United States of America. Thank you."
"We have a mission, our mission is to protect the United States of America."
"We're still the United States of America. Those words meant something."
"I was scared as [expletive] when they closed down the United States."
"We will unleash the full might of the United States of America to vanquish the virus."
"The United States of America is doomed... life in America has only gotten more and more chaotic."
"America will experience a massive crisis during the 2020s and potentially the 2030s."
"I love representing the US. I love living here. I love it. I'm so happy I get to represent USA."
"New Orleans, Louisiana, my favorite city in the United States."
"It's a civilizational crisis for the United States, and people need to deeply reflect on it."
"It sort of felt like it came out of nowhere, not just for those of us observing from the outside, but even from inside the US government."
"Swiss neutrality is actually beneficial to American National Security." - Judge Napolitano
"Would you rather be China or the United States? I'd still rather be the United States."
"We have to get the coronavirus [ __ ] under control in the United States."
"We are in the battle for the soul of this nation."
"If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation."
"America will not be taken advantage of anymore."
"Mass adoption in the United States also in the high 70s here."
"There are no red States in blue states, there are United States of America."
"We see what's going on at the border. What other country in the world are people literally risking their lives to get into? None. Zero. Only the United States of America."
"Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked."
"When I'm thinking about what do I want to do as US president shut down that administrative state in its entire apparatus."
"The U.S and India have a lot to gain if they can hold the line against China and much to lose if they can't."
"I believe that America is fundamentally like the greatest country in the world."
"If we sit by and just complain, we'll see more violence and probably the dissolution of the United States."
"Setting up a base in the States to continue our work."
"The United States at the end of World War two is kind of in an extraordinary position."
"The United States controls more people outside of the States than in."
"This is the United States of America under siege."
"Democracies work, particularly in places that are a bit cacophonous like the United States."
"The very system of government of the United States... is very much at stake."
"America has not been telling itself a positive story for a very long time."
"The perfect microcosm of where we're at politically right now in the United States."
"In the US, a violent crime is committed... by the time you started this video."
"Every day feels like dying now that I'm back in the States."
"We are in a better place especially in countries like the US dealing with these issues that we have in the past."
"Thank God that Joe Biden came in and saved America from literally authoritative fascism in the United States."
"If every other major country guarantees health care, by god we can do it in the United States of America."
"Major transition of bitcoin mining to the United States using cheap renewable energy."
"It's coming from the US and it's streaming out of our country."
"He knows that the advantages that the alliance has, that the United States has over Russia, are so significant."
"Affording a home has become a major challenge for most workers in the USA."
"But here we are, may God bless you and may God bless the United States of America."
"We cannot ever be drawn back into another war behind the United States."
"A record number of 40-year-olds in the US have never been married."
"I think the United States is crumbling before our eyes."
"Former President Trump wasn't the only CPAC speaker to bring up China issues."
"These are crazy times and frankly I think it's about to get really interesting here in the United States."
"Go ahead, get sick... and you will go bankrupt. That's how it works in America."
"I'm optimistic because what we've seen in the US and hopefully elsewhere, is an incredible awakening."
"The U.S wants to be the world hegemon regardless of the ideological orientation of its leadership."
"If we don't start telling the truth, the United States in its relationship to the people of the United States will continue to crumble." - Linda Moulton Howe
"The decline of the United States as a player in the world economy is palpable and clear."
"I am thrilled by some of the enormous achievements that the left has made in the United States over the last few years."
"What the hell is going on in the United States of America? The hell is wrong with us?"
"This is going to be exciting. Yeah, I mean USA is fine though isn't it?"
"28 trillion 841 billion 673 million nine hundred seventy eight thousand six hundred fifty two dollars... the national debt of the United States."
"He's someone who's put the United States in incredible national security risk."
"We're well on the way to solving that horrible problem that happens far too often in the United States."
"The United States of America is a hotbed for tornadoes."
"The United States- currently the world's sole superpower- fits this description."
"One of the greatest strengths the United States of America brings to this effort is our unmatched network of alliances and partners."
"Socialism will never happen in the United States."
"USA, they could actually make it out of the group."
"Those voices of concern in the United States need to realize that there isn't that much time."
"In 2024, United States of America, the obvious is no longer obvious."
"That's how we've got to do things in the United States of America."
"We're headed into a solid two weeks going into the third week of a significant attack on the U.S from a cyber perspective."
"The chips Act is making huge Headway and making the United States the world leader in semiconductors."
"You have free expression in the United States."
"We're going to see more mining initiatives coming in the United States, and this is a good thing."
"The numbers are staggering, 30 million Americans have filed unemployment claims since mid-March."
"Shout out to all of those who serve in the military in the United States of America, you are what makes this country stay alive."
"The United States is the most powerful country on earth."
"It's a scary time to be an immigrant in America."
"Life expectancy has been dropping in the United States."
"Life in the United States is not perfect, but I feel safe here."
"We are living through what feels like the end of America."
"What it really does is it underscores the way our country was always meant to work."
"76 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"The United States has become the number-one country in the world in energy."
"It's essentially like a giant blockbuster movie premiere in the United States."
"Humanity would engage in battle for the planet primarily with the United States appearing to have the most luck."
"President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated. He is our new president."
"The notion that the United States is going to collapse is not the least bit outlandish."
"That's right, this really is a great day for the United States of America."
"If you want to know how the United States treats black people at home, look at how they treat them abroad."
"The world is watching the United States of America."
"The CCP is an existential threat to the United States."
"Whatever Moscow does, in almost all scenarios, the most likely winner will be the United States."
"Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA."
"The housing market is in shambles. In the US alone, 70% of people who want to buy a home can't even afford to anymore."
"American democracy's always been tested; it's always under test every single day."
"Race is still a major issue in the United States of America, there's no way of disputing that."
"The United States of America undisputedly has the mightiest military in the world."
"There's never been more of a world power than the United States of America."
"The United States is in the state of war undeclared total war against the basic principles and the foundations of this system."
"The outcome of the contest between the United States and Soviet Union is determined by the spiritual vitality of your society."
"We're all conservatives now, in essence, you want this thing to continue, congratulations, you're trying to conserve the United States of America."
"It's incredible news and of course it's great to hear that confirmed by the United States."
"Crypto ATM machines: USA leading the way with over 17,000."
"Despite not having a clear regulatory framework on cryptocurrencies, the United States has positioned itself as the most crypto-ready nation in the world."
"The reality is the problem lies with the United States."
"Yesterday was a historic day in the United States of America."
"The United States of America has emerged as the champion of the downtrodden."
"If China and the US were a stock, I'd be investing in China right now."
"Unfortunately the womb, Charlie, has become the most dangerous place for a human being to find themselves in America in 2021."
"We're the United States of America, damn it!"
"Children shouldn't be going hungry in the United States."
"Definitely add this to your USA bucket list."
"China and the United States' relationship are severely damaged."
"If you look at just the numbers, it's very difficult right now to find a place on earth that is statistically a more dangerous place to live than the United States."
"There's almost kind of a civil conflict within the United States around this."
"Let's be honest, the United States is the King of the Hill."
"Ukrainian Pilots will travel to the U.S for F-16 jet training."
"For The United States Of America The Second World war had begun."
"The first capital of our great nation was actually New York City."
"China will overtake the USA as the largest economy in the world by 2035."
"America has around 5% of the world's population but uses 60% of pharmaceutical drugs."
"No, America has crap infrastructure. This is an embarrassment."
"From isolationism to rivalry with Moscow, it seems there is a broad consensus about the United States."
"The U.S. is really the top destination for dirty money."
"Anything that builds U.S. infrastructure I agree with."
"I've never been more worried about American democracy."
"Even in those tough times, the United States of America has an amazing ability to accomplish astonishingly impressive achievements."
"The United States is on a collision course for war."
"America, the wealthiest country in the world."
"USA and um, this you, of course in a derogatory sense."
"Freedom Of Speech Is Considered Truly Sacred In The United States Of America."
"America The Country Gives More Foreign Aid Than Any Other Country In The World."
"Taiwan senses the support of the United States."
"From the most mysterious military bases hiding alien secrets to the ancient Egyptian artifacts turning up in the middle of the Californian desert, these are the 15 strangest things recently discovered in the United States."
"The Revolutionary potential in the US is so high right now."
"Your social security number is your number in the U.S."
"Nobody is above the law in the United States of America."
"In the United States of America... we are screaming... potentially ruin our economic growth forever because of a virus."
"The U.S. is once again at a crossroads of her destiny."
"The Russians seem to be putting much more diplomatic energy into all of this than they are into the somewhat muddled incoherent diplomatic initiatives that the United States has been making."
"The United States of America is not the greatest country in the world."
"We are the United States of America and there's nothing we can't do if we do it together."
"We defend, we avenge, we sacrifice, we bleed, and we are willing to die for this unique creation, the United States of America."
"In the US, the growth rate has been below replacement rate since like '71 or '72."
"There's another example: We do not have equal justice in the United States."
"There can yet be a turnaround within the United States."
"In the wake of a successful World Cup in 1994, pro soccer returned to the United States."
"The rarified atmosphere wasn't a huge issue on short-term missions, but the USA was planning to build a space station."
"More people are working today in the United States than ever before in the history of our country."
"I'm running for president of the United States."
"The United States, always accustomed to being the most powerful country, has always in the past dictated to other countries or read out lectures to them."
"Unemployment today in the United States, according to the reported data, is still near our record lows."
"I love nature and the United States has so much beautiful natural stuff."
"Three times winners of the World Cup and four times Olympic champions, the US."
"I'm officially in the United States, yay! Spent about a day in Canada."
"Congratulations. You've purchased a quality product made in the USA."
"It's about women in the US at this time, and it's about their rights and their freedoms."
"At the end of the day in the US, we have to fight for those basic freedoms."
"Motorsports in the USA, it's another planet."
"I think that's led to the US capital markets and the US Stock Market being one of the best performing markets in the world."
"US is the best country ever. It's diverse, you have freedom, you have a lot of opportunities."
"I'm interested in the human project in the United States of America and the construction of American democracy."
"...the jewel is American democracy and every night you look at it through a different facet..."
"...the second section is terrifying, it is, you strip the noise out of that second section and you realize how close we came to losing our democracy altogether..."
"These are moments that the U.S. is going to want to bottle and build on."