
Photosynthesis Quotes

There are 492 quotes

"It was around 3 billion years ago... that cyanobacteria, Earth's most abundant phytoplankton, produced the first gaseous oxygen as part of a chemical reaction we'd later call photosynthesis."
"Light is harmonic frequencies; magnesium is the receiver. So, plants are listening to music all day long."
"Photosynthesis is a process whereby plants and bacteria take light from the Sun and turn it into usable chemical energy."
"The vegetative red edge could be an indication of photosynthesis on a planet, and that can be a biosignature."
"Our Earth would not have oxygen in the atmosphere if it were not for plant life, by photosynthesis generating the oxygen that otherwise would oxidize rocks and vanish."
"Photosynthesis persists as an undeniable evolutionary advantage, continuing to fill our atmosphere with oxygen."
"Photosynthesis. If alien microbes evolve the ability to photosynthesize, then it might be reasonable to expect to see the telltale disequilibrium of oxygen in exoplanet atmospheres."
"The most powerful carbon capture technology in the world is available everywhere, it's free. It's called photosynthesis."
"Photosynthesis! It is not some kind of abstract scientific thing. You would be dead without plants and their magical- nay, SCIENTIFIC ability to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into glucose and pure, delicious oxygen."
"And that is how plants turn sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into every living thing you've ever talked to, played with, climbed on, loved, hated, or eaten. Not bad, plants."
"Green is the color of photosynthesis, and it's become the color of the land too."
"A world without photosynthesis would be a world without technology, without industry, without green on the land and in the sea, without oxygen in the atmosphere, and almost certainly without humanity to try and understand it all."
"On our world and on others like it, finding a way to use that light might be the only way for life to survive in the long run at all."
"If you remove all of the leaves, the orchid will not be able to produce enough energy."
"Photosynthesis is responsible for all the energy circulating among the biological community in the great circle of life."
"Plants use light energy to make their own food through a process called photosynthesis."
"Trees clean our air by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen."
"Plants help convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, just like trees."
"Oxygenic photosynthesis, a chemical innovation made by tiny bacteria nearly two and a half billion years ago, is the fundamental root of most of our modern ecosystems."
"The Sea Sheep's rare ability to photosynthesize, makes it an incredibly unusual cross between plant and animal; and coupled with its appearance, it makes it the type of creature that you'd to expect to find on a whole other planet."
"Plants are essentially the ultimate way to turn air into food."
"Keeping leaves clean really helps them to produce energy."
"Algae is a name used to describe a wide range of different unrelated organisms that have the ability to generate energy through photosynthesis."
"All life on earth depends on the Sun and the way that plants take sunlight and transform it into their own food and their own energy in order to live and grow and thrive."
"These incredibly small plants not only grow but perform the astonishing feat of photosynthesis, transforming light and nutrients into intricate organic chemicals."
"Plants use quantum coherence in photosynthesis."
"The energy for photosynthesis comes from sunlight absorbed by chlorophyll in the chloroplast."
"Photosynthesis takes low-energy inputs and turns them into high-energy outputs."
"Suddenly we have vegetation, we have photosynthesis, we have a lot of oxygen being circulated on the planet."
"Photosynthesis reveals the big picture, a shimmering world where quantum waves capture the sun's energy in an instant."
"Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere."
"Regenerative agriculture is all about having more plants on the ground for as long as the year as you can to keep pulling that carbon down through photosynthesis."
"Life on Earth is sustained by photosynthesis. Plants take carbon dioxide and water and they rip electrons off the water in the process."
"Phase two of photosynthesis takes place in the stroma and is called the light-independent reaction because, unlike phase one, it doesn't directly require sunlight to occur."
"Plants and only plants use the energy of the sun to convert water from the ground and carbon dioxide from the air through a process known as photosynthesis into sugar."
"Photosynthesis equation: carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen."
"Chloroplasts: they are the generators in plant cells. They make the photosynthesis process possible."
"...the broad array of wavelengths that are needed for photosynthesis... we get increased production of the plant secondary metabolites."
"There's a limited opportunity to foster photosynthesis on a global scale."
"Somebody joined all those elements together all those atoms like how did the the glucose that was formed in photosynthesis was six carbon atoms in a chain and that's gone through the plant and and come out as as a sugar rich exudate."
"Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose."
"Leaves are the part of the plant where sunlight can hit."
"Science is patiently unlocking the secrets of photosynthesis."
"There was at least one study that came out in 2021 that said that the global annual levels of photosynthesis have increased by about 12% between 1981 and 2020."
"All of this pruning diversity and photosynthesis brings organic matter and it really does matter."
"Increasing temperature means that the enzymes involved in photosynthesis have more kinetic energy, so they catalyze reactions faster."
"Carbon dioxide reacts with water in the presence of light to give us sugar and oxygen."
"Most plants engage in photosynthesis."
"During the light reaction phase of photosynthesis, A. ATP is produced."
"...you are seeing this growth spurt typically happening which the plants seem to be doing more photosynthesis and producing more fruit."
"Manganese is so necessary and so important... if the plants don't have enough manganese, the water molecule will not be split and you will not have good photosynthesis."
"Plants need an adequate supply of water, sunlight, carbon dioxide, the trace mineral manganese, and the remaining small group of nutrients needed to synthesize chlorophyll and to facilitate the photosynthesis process."
"Plants can use lower light levels more efficiently."
"Oxygen in the atmosphere is completely and totally due to photosynthesis."
"Leaves are all about collecting sun and getting rid of moisture."
"Food for the plant is created by the plant in a process we call photosynthesis."
"Light is a huge thing for creating food for the plants."
"It's really also, it's so, so important with pretty much all of your plants but to make sure that their leaves are kept clean because if they're not then they're not going to be able to absorb all the light they need."
"Plants need sunlight in order to perform photosynthesis."
"Now we know photosynthesis involves entanglements, essentially quantum mechanical effects."
"Photosynthesis is the best tool we have right now for pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere."
"Potassium is something that plants suck up when they are doing a lot of high-color intensity photosynthesis."
"The entire source of our oxygen is green plants."
"Plants can actually eat all three of those things."
"With photosynthesis, two things happen: there's a process called transpiration where water is being drawn into the root and pumped through the plant."
"The ideal par level for corals is 100 to 200. This level has been proven to maximize the photosynthesis rate of zooxanthellae, which will also maximize coral growth."
"Chloroplasts make sugar and other nutrients, converting sunlight energy into chemical energy."
"Plants are able to produce their own energy with sugars made from the sun during photosynthesis."
"Scientists have discovered that plants without chlorophyll, such as the fungi, cannot make food for themselves; they must get their food from plants with green leaves."
"Without plants, we wouldn't have oxygen in the atmosphere."
"Plants have ways of capturing sunlight and nutrients from the soil whereas animals are specialized to have digestive systems."
"We are farmers of the Sun, photosynthesis man, that's what we grow."
"The sun is going to come out naturally, give these plants the photosynthesis that they need."
"They're surrounded by the most marvelous creatures on earth that can turn sunlight into carbohydrate."
"Plants form a crucial pillar in the carbon cycle."
"Plant cells also contain chloroplasts where photosynthesis takes place."
"The world is full of plants, flowers, and trees that help the Earth breathe."
"The light dependent reaction uses light energy and water to form ATP and a molecule called NADPH."
"Temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, and light intensity are the main limiting factors of photosynthesis."
"Bacteria developed an amazing biochemical trick... they began to manufacture their own food within their cell walls, drawing the energy needed to do so from the Sun."
"The closest thing to magic that I've ever found in science is that somehow plants can take water and CO2 and combine them with sunlight and do alchemical magic."
"Chloroplasts are full of the green pigment called chlorophyll, which is where photosynthesis takes place."
"Photosynthesis is carried out in the chloroplast of plant cells; they contain chlorophyll which absorbs sunlight."
"Photosynthesis... you use carbon dioxide and you produce oxygen."
"The atmosphere's evolution was significantly influenced by blue-green algae performing photosynthesis."
"The process of photosynthesis converts energy and sunlight into glucose."
"What is the process by which plants make their food called? Photosynthesis."
"Chlorophyll is going to absorb that energy."
"More plants means more photosynthesis, which means more carbon dioxide is going to get used up in that reaction."
"The atmosphere is exactly fit for photosynthesis and ultimately exactly fit for aerobic organisms like ourselves."
"Through photosynthesis, plants will give off oxygen and create simple sugars such as glucose."
"Photosynthesis is the process that converts solar energy into glucose."
"Oxygen, which is a waste gas, and simple sugars like glucose are created."
"Photosynthesis is also what we call an endergonic chemical reaction."
"In the light-independent reactions, glucose is actually created."
"Photosynthesis requires three basic reactants: sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water."
"Essentially what plants are doing is they're literally just storing energy in C6H12O6."
"When light strikes a leaf, it basically excites an electron."
"We got a bunch of energy from the light-dependent reaction; we got ATP and we got NADPH."
"Approximately 540 million years ago, we suddenly have vegetation, photosynthesis, a lot of oxygen being circulated on the planet, and the biosphere becomes active."
"The purpose of the chloroplast is to perform photosynthesis which will harness energy from the Sun and store it in sugars."
"Infrared light is not used in photosynthesis, so instead of plants absorbing it, they reflect it all."
"The entire food web on this planet is made by photosynthesis, a light-driven process."
"When you have good gas exchange, that means we have good carbon dioxide release from the soil surface."
"One of the limiting factors to rapid photosynthesis is carbon dioxide availability."
"Oxygen is also produced but it's given off as a waste product."
"The primary product here is sugar."
"Photosynthesis is a very, very big topic that you'll want to know for GED science."
"Light energy is converted into chemical energy that gets stored in sugars."
"Photosynthesis in plants combines carbon dioxide from the air with water and in the presence of sunlight, it's going to produce sugar."
"Plants are in the business of taking CO2 out of the air."
"We literally get the oxygen we breathe from plants splitting water molecules with photons from the sun, which in my opinion just does not get enough credit for how badass that is."
"Photosynthesis takes the energy of the Sun and converts it to chemical energy, a form all of life can use for energy and food."
"Photosynthesis is the most important chemical formula in the world."
"Tired of living at the bottom of the ocean? Using a revolutionary technique, you can convert sunlight into food."
"Plants like this take carbon dioxide, that's the stuff we breathe out, and turn it into the stuff we breathe in."
"The lush foliage of rainforests absorb solar radiation, absorb carbon dioxide, and release oxygen back into the atmosphere."
"These plants will try to get as large as possible, get as many solar panels up so that they're collecting as much photosynthesis as possible."
"This is a Haworthia, it has window leaves, so it's clear on the top and the light trickles in and finds the chloroplasts beneath."
"So the advantage is, by having these evergreen leaves, is they can photosynthesize throughout the year."
"Plants need light if you want to grow them to maturity; it's the number one factor that actually enables them to grow large leaves."
"The plants generate O2 as a byproduct... the animals of course need the sugar and the oxygen."
"The crucial first stage of photosynthesis is the capture of energy from the Sun."
"By producing leaves with holes in them, they don't have to produce a solid surface, instead they can stretch out their photosynthetic surface over a much greater area."
"The bigger the leaves get and the more they have, the more energy the plant can actually produce."
"The phloem transports glucose from the leaves to storage sites."
"The energy of sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water can be turned into sugar and then can be turned into ATP."
"Like most other bonsais, junipers get their energy from photosynthesis from the Sun."
"The more foliage we have on the tree, the more it's photosynthesizing and the more energy it's getting."
"They can't live on photosynthesis alone; that's been proven a million times."
"What a lot of plants will do is all of a sudden have a growth spurt where they stretch really fast and grow really quickly."
"The leaf will grow chlorophyll, which is what is responsible for making a plant look green."
"There's a difference when it's new growth that grows in kind of yellow and hasn't seen any light yet, there's a possibility for that yellow new growth to then become green."
"Microalgae are plants... able to use the light from the sun to convert this energy... into biomass and oxygen."
"Do you know what photosynthesis is?"
"Clean the leaves so that the plant can make its food properly."
"Plants need the energy from the sun in order to survive and live."
"Each one of those leaves are an engine that's producing sugars that will ultimately produce the most delicious, most tasty, and hopefully you're doing things all organically, organic fruit."
"All the plants are pearling, which is great; it means that they're photosynthesizing."
"We want to do what plants do: take sunlight and transform that sunlight into an energy-dense chemical fuel."
"The tea plant also produces more chlorophyll, which is the compound that gives plants their green color."
"The sun is actually their main source of food."
"Plants need light and CO2 in order to grow; we call this photosynthesis."
"When the sunlight hits the algae, it creates oxygen."
"Plants take up a net of 60 billion tons of carbon each year via photosynthesis."
"Photosynthesis is a very special process because it is able to transform solar energy from the sun into something physical: organic molecules which we are able to use to make energy."
"The light reactions convert solar energy from the sun into chemical energy."
"ATP and NADPH are produced on the side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place."
"The Calvin cycle turns carbon dioxide into sugars."
"The pattern of the leaves determines the photosynthetic efficiency and therefore the yield in a crop plant."
"Photosynthesis conversion efficiency of the entire system is dictated by the efficiency of each individual part."
"The chemical equation for aerobic cellular respiration and photosynthesis are basically the same but in reverse."
"Plants, grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts... take carbon dioxide out of the air and manufacture long carbon chains, many of which are vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids."
"The coral, much like a plant, can receive its energy from the rays of the sun."
"Chlorophyll has the power to trap the sunlight and harness its life-giving energy."
"The sun's energy caught and fixed in a gleaming sugar crystal."
"Green plants and what they do with water and air in the sunlight."
"The food which the green plants make is their direct source of energy."
"Bean seeds plus water plus sunlight make bean plants."
"The entire ecosystem is solar-powered. Plants are a solar-powered chemical reaction."
"This is the name given to millions of minuscule photosynthetic organisms that spend their whole lives floating in the atmosphere of Darwin 4."
"Clean the foliage of the Birds of Paradise regularly to help it absorb more light for photosynthesis."
"Every blade of grass is acting like a little solar panel, pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere and turning it into soil organic matter, turning sunlight into life through the magic of photosynthesis."
"We want to talk about the conversion of light energy to chemical energy."
"The chloroplast's function is to absorb light energy for photosynthesis."
"Carbohydrates in the Calvin cycle are going to carry the energy that we just converted from light energy into chemical energy."
"If they have their stomata open and have a lot of photosynthesis happening during the day, they lose too much water and then they'll wilt and die very quickly."
"Photosynthesis generates oxygen and organic molecules which are used in cellular respiration."
"Cellular respiration then generates CO2 and water, which are then used in photosynthesis."
"The xylem is responsible for the movement of water so the plant can carry out photosynthesis."
"The sun's increasing luminosity will have raised temperatures on Earth so much that photosynthesis will no longer be possible."
"This lecture is primarily gonna look at how any photosynthesizer is able to capture sunlight, which is kinetic energy, and turn it into covalent bond energy, which biologically is potential energy."
"If you're missing your plants several times a day, you could have a measurable impact on the amount of photosynthesis that the plant can carry out."
"Life on this planet is completely dependent upon one process alone, which is photosynthesis."
"Plants throughout history of the earth have got their energy from the sun."
"Photosynthesis is one way that we can generate those organic molecules."
"Photosynthesis is a two-stage reaction: the light-dependent and the light-independent reactions."
"Limiting factors are anything that reduces the rate of photosynthesis, such as light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, or temperature."
"That's why plants make oxygen for us that we breathe."
"Photosynthesis has two stages to it, the light-dependent and the light-independent reactions."
"We're learning about all the things trees can do, like turning carbon dioxide into oxygen."
"Algae are not plants... they do photosynthesis and they produce oxygen."
"Chlorophyll is what's actually going to be the pigment that captures this light."
"Chloroplasts are solar-powered chemical factories."
"As the leaves grow, they release lots of oxygen that we like to breathe."
"Plants can photosynthesize to fix carbon from the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide into carbohydrates."
"The purpose of photosynthesis is to make energy for the plant and to make sugars, make food for the plant."
"Photosynthesis is not unique to plants; there are tons of other organisms out there that can also perform photosynthesis."
"Primary production... is just a measure of how much sunlight is converted into usable chemical energy."
"Everything we eat ultimately comes down to some plant and only plants have this ability taking energy from the Sun."
"We can sequester carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis and lock that up in the soil."
"Photosynthesis is what autotrophs use to capture solar energy and convert it into chemical or usable energy for life."
"Photosynthesis can be broken down into two basic reactions: the light reactions and the light-independent reactions."
"The transfer of solar energy into chemical energy is one of the most important parts for the evolution of life."
"We all know that our plants absorb the light and they derive energy from it."
"Photosynthesis stimulates plant growth through the sun's energy."
"Photosynthesis is what plants use to manufacture food."
"What photosynthetic pigment gives plants their green color? Chlorophyll."
"Each little tiny blade of grass is a solar panel, pulling energy from the sun via photosynthesis and growing the grass."
"All plants are autotrophic, meaning they make their own food through the process of photosynthesis."