
Personal Alignment Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"I am following a path I love and I'm fully aligned to my sole purpose."
"You can only attract to you what vibrates in harmony with you."
"There's great potential and value in you; you're just trying to align your own life experiences to meet that value."
"The only parts of you that truly die when we ascend and evolve are the parts of yourself that were never aligned with your true self anyway."
"Be yourself, with what is in alignment with you."
"Authentic power means alignment of your personality with your soul with the highest part of yourself."
"When you’re doing the right thing, the right people show up."
"It's not a failure; it's just because there's something that is more aligned to you that will be coming in the future."
"You've got to find out what makes you tick, what makes you uncomfortable, and keep tabs on those things because you've got to devise an investment philosophy that's right for you."
"Excitement is the body's way of indicating it's the vibration in the body's translation of your true self."
"We've got in alignment... You're vibrating at a frequency that matches your soul's intention: awake, living your truth, best self."
"I feel aligned in my life. I feel like I have the right people around me. I feel a lot of love."
"It's better to find a job that matches your personality than it is to match yourself to the job."
"Everything that's for you is going to flow to you."
"Don't set intentions and goals that you know do not fit your lifestyle."
"Alignment with our Soul's purpose and maybe even alignment with the universal will of the whole."
"I now feel as though because I'm willing to speak to these things, I'm also having to work a lot less harder."
"Success for me is feeling like I'm in alignment with myself. Alignment for me is what I think is what I say is what I do."
"You have to be very in tune with who you are."
"What you want to look at is if who you are and what you say is in harmony with what you do."
"The success is the ace of cups and the lovers. It is the alignment of self with your own emotions, your own sense of fulfillment, your own happiness, and your own passion."
"Attaining goals can feel empty if not aligned with core identity."
"All you have to do today is to figure out one thing that brings you closer in alignment to whatever it is on a sort of higher level that you want."
"You don't have to stay in a relationship that isn't in alignment with who you are and what you want."
"Change is coming, and it's all about no longer putting up with things that are out of alignment with you."
"Don't force it, resonate with what feels right."
"I hope that gives you an idea of what you'll be working with here during this new moon in Pisces."
"You are going to align to people who get you, who are more in tune with who you are."
"You're manifesting something really, really nice here. Something that truly aligns with you."
"That same energy is gonna bring everything that doesn't resonate with it up."
"What is right for you will never pass you by—justice has been served."
"Trust yourself, set your compass to your true north."
"You guys are just gonna start feeling more inspired because you are in alignment with who you really are."
"You're moving into a spiritual strength and alignment for yourself."
"Ultimately this is actually going to fully align you with a brand new higher vibrational timeline that is going to set a trajectory to victory for you."
"Take time to figure out which of these four groups you're feeling most called to."
"Trust the process. If it feels right, do it. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. Really allow for things to flow through you and don't force something to happen."
"Are you ready to start making sure that your decisions match what it is that you want?"
"It is my job to make sure I am an aligned centered individual fit for service."
"It is when we are willing to uncover our unique definition of success that we begin to align with it very powerfully."
"The three of wands indicates other opportunities, aligning with your heart's desires."
"You're not working counter to the flow... it's exactly where you should be."
"One of the best things I did with my time in my life earlier on is to figure out what exactly it is that I wanted to do and to align myself."
"Non-interventionist foreign policy is where I connected with her the most."
"Now things are going to be more in alignment in all those departments that I just mentioned."
"We should be striving... to make our actions in line with our beliefs."
"OnlyFans isn't a job you decide to do for money. It's something you fall into because everything in your life aligns with it."
"Take it seriously, ask yourself if your actions align with your ambitions."
"Peace is found when my actions are in alignment with my values and my heart."
"Pay attention to what energizes you. Success follows when you align with your highest purpose."
"Embrace it as a sign that you're aligned with something much larger than yourself."
"Once you figure out what your internal path is once you figure out what tickles your fancy then you will be positioned or situated in such a way where your physical reality is really easy."
"Changes don't work unless you're living in alignment with them."
"Manifesting is a way to prepare your mind, body, and spirit to align with what you want to achieve in life."
"You could be aligned with this person for a little while and then the path just goes like this."
"You're right where you need to be with your intuition on point right now."
"You were preparing for this, your soul knows, you're very aligned with your spirit guides."
"The further you get away from what you're naturally inclined to do and designed by nature to do, the worst you're going to feel."
"Staying in the flow is only really about staying close to your feelings."
"You have found your own alignment and right now you have so much faith in the universe."
"The way you start fixing it is uh start aligning yourself with uh actual higher truths and not the ones that just make you feel comfortable."
"You can find the resonance that harmonizes with you."
"You've been shifting timelines and changing your path to bring you into alignment with who you were meant to be."
"Greatness is purely alignment. If your life matches your values and principles, you're experiencing greatness."
"Praying in the Holy Spirit is praying in sync with the Spirit."
"Align yourself with the type of trader you're likely to become."
"You're being brought exactly where you're meant to be for your highest good."
"Manifestation comes from a place of you know dreaming vague aligning yourself with the dreams and then becoming the dreams."
"Alignment is the word that's popping to mind."
"If something is truly meant for you, it will come to you. It will find you. You cannot lose it. You do not have to force it. It will happen because it is aligned with your energy and with what is meant to be a part of your future."
"To think the thought which appeals to you is to do the thing which is right for you."
"Your reality needs to align with what you actually want."
"To hold the line with Gaia as Kiara was beautifully leading us into and to hold the line with our own higher self in everything that we do in thought and word indeed."
"We start to align more of the divine to flow through us."
"Alignment means raising your own energy and vibrational frequency to match your goals and dreams."
"The universe rewards acts of bravery coming from a soul-aligned place."
"Integrity is about aligning your heart with intuition and facing fears."
"Focusing on yourself, your work, your endeavors, your soul mission, whatever that is for you, actually aligns you with the frequency of unconditional love."
"I have confidence that is true to the best of my ability to discern truth, and I am in agreement with it."
"You're healing, you're aligning... being honest with yourself, being honest with others."
"Always only take what connects with you and feels aligned with you."
"Live with integrity, in alignment with who you want to be."
"The more you learn to trust, the more aligned you're going to be."
"True alignment of what you deeply believe, say, and do."
"Our actions when they are aligned to not only our intuition and our intention we can act with integrity and that means we are united as people."
"Don't fight fate and karma. Allow synchronicity and your mystical powers to bring things into alignment."
"Playing a character that you personally believe has a lot of potential is crucially important."
"Your desires are already there; you're just allowing them to happen by aligning with the universe."
"When your head and your heart become one, you will be successful."
"I just started engaging in what I felt was more aligned with my unique blueprint."
"Focus on what brings you joy, what brings you delight, and marry that with what you're doing every day."
"Am I happy with my trajectory? Do I feel like this is right for me?"
"You're very aware of where to direct your energy now. Everything's coming back into balance."
"All I have to do is speak it into existence and align myself with people who see me."
"Always have fun...if you're not having fun, you're out of your alignment."
"It's basically anything that's going to allow you to live in alignment with your most authentic life and bring you that feeling of inner peace as you're taking this journey."
"Align your head, your heart, and your hands."
"The things that the army stands for, the values that the army holds true, are right in line with how I try and live my own life."
"You have the freedom to choose whatever you desire."
"Understanding your worth is a powerful thing. When you know what's right for you, you naturally attract the same."
"You want something new, something that's magical, something that is more in alignment with who you are."
"You're going into a new version of yourself in order to manifest. You have to genuinely align to that version of yourself."
"It's not about others becoming different, it's about you becoming a match to what you truly feel good and at your best at being."
"Find a place where your fire, your passion is what it should be."
"What qualifies someone to be a [ __ ]? Their daily habits are not aligned with their desires."
"Apply focus without contradiction, achieve alignment, and experience exhilaration."
"Do what aligns with you and do your best and try to make the world a better place."
"An anchor really is about grounding emotional security and where you feel like you belong."
"If you are going to be a great investor, you have to fit the style to who you are."
"If your spirit ain't right, nothing will fall into line."
"Do you, if you love yourself. Whoever matches that is gonna love you."
"Reviews are useless, but when you find a reviewer whose opinion aligns with yours..."
"Just find a review you like, whose views you align with."
"There's not necessarily good or bad; it's more about what is aligned with you."
"You are saying no to things that are no longer in alignment with you."
"Everything is falling into place when you don't resist the flow of the meandering pathway of life."
"The more inner work you do, the more alignment you will be with the way things actually are in the world."
"Coinciding your content with your interests, and what's happening for you in real time is really important to your happiness as a creator."
"You're stepping into a perfect situation for you."
"I think there's a growing number of people who don't know what side of the aisle they're on."
"That's what's missing here is that you're gonna have to be confident emotionally even when things are not aligned divinely for you."
"Your income streams should align with what you enjoy doing and also what your audience is going to be interested in paying for."
"It is no small thing to put your ass where your heart wants to be."
"I'm a testimony of this. You don't have to sell your soul to do it. It is truly aligned. You can be your true authentic self."
"If it doesn't feel right, just think, nope, this isn't vibing with my heart space."
"Just be still enough to be found and vibrating at the same frequency."
"Intuition and the flow: trusting inner guidance."
"You're aligning yourself with your center. Healing yourself and moving forward with hope."
"They said don't worry, that inflation was just transitory. It's gonna go away. That was a lie."
"There is a big energetic push here to start aligning with people who vibrate at the same frequency as you."
"Your character, not your pockets, because if your character is in alignment, them pockets going to be in alignment."
"Love is a function of priorities and values."
"Friday, sunny and aligning, everything starts to come together."
"Always try to pursue projects that fit more with your personality if you get the opportunity."
"To love yourself ultimately means to act in alignment with your own best interests."
"Step one, if you just can't even imagine wanting to spend one week every month learning something new in your business, probably you're in the wrong business."
"I realized my biggest protection is alignment."
"Spirit, the universe, and the way that my planets are aligned... hinting at the idea of me preparing for some really radical changes, some really radical shifts. It all felt positive, it all felt motivating, and I am so here for it."
"Your time is coming, it's what I pull the alignment time, yes time is just an illusion we are talking about alignment."
"Align your actions so that they match your values and inner knowingness of what's right for you."
"Every time you actually do the shadow work in real time, you are catapulting yourself quantumly to a higher timeline to really truly align as the version of yourself and receive the best reality that you deserve."
"We should spend our days doing what we really love to do, life is relatively short."
"Reassess the path to your goals. Change the approach to match your true desires."
"You're being given an opportunity to do something that aligns yourself with the vision that you had or have of your destiny."
"Hold out for someone who matches your energy."
"The doors are going to start opening for you now."
"Release the toxic environment because there's something new coming that is more in line with who you are and allows you to follow your heart."
"By consistently aligning yourself with the energies of the new moon... you can manifest your deepest desires."
"Things are going to be coming together for you, vision, ideas, the process, actions, everything is going to align."
"If something is meant for you, it's gonna work."
"You're in alignment with your heart, even if you're doing a job that perhaps is not your first choice."
"It's all within yourself. If you're in right alignment, there's nothing to change out there. It's all within yourself."
"Walk away when it's misaligned and go all in when you know in your soul it's right."
"Alignment: when your inner values and your external actions start to match up."
"I found your channel not too long ago and I was hooked. I believe the same things you do. I'm patriot and sick what they're doing and trying to do. Keeping the good fight."
"Once you become that magnet for love, my beautiful Scorpio, you attract the right person in the right frequency."
"You're doing exactly what it is that you're supposed to be doing."
"Do what you love and work with others that work well with you."
"By aligning with what makes you happy, you can allow joy into your life regardless of the circumstances."
"This aligns with me, this is the right thing, now I found my tribe."
"Alignment is when the person you are inside matches who you are externally."
"Self-care is truly about doing things that really align with the way that you would like to live your life and your higher self."
"Your authenticity is fine. Just always check in with yourself and make sure it is authentic and you are in alignment."
"By changing oneself does one change the world."
"Fear is a messenger knocking on your door saying, 'Hey, you have a belief that's out of alignment with your true self.'"
"Always think, what does Islam say about the topic? Always align yourself, always have the frame of reference, the Quran, and the authentic Sunnah."
"If you're in alignment... if you feel that intuitive pull to reach out then it's okay."
"You attract what you are, our beliefs, our thoughts, our perceptions of life."
"Move into alignment with your deepest purpose."
"You are finding out who you are, what makes you thrive, what you love, what you don't love. When you find out who you are and bring yourself into that, you bring yourself full circle."
"You have less tolerance for things that don't align with you, shedding aspects of self that don't align anymore."
"Trust that whatever it is that you left behind is really no comparison for what you're about to receive, it's no comparison for the alignment of what you are attracting."
"Manifest the right opportunities at the right moment."
"It's like things are clicking into place. You may have a brilliant idea."
"You are aligned with your power, manifesting your intentions by way of what you're focusing on in your consciousness."
"Abundance is in alignment for you. Everything is in alignment for you."
"I feel like when you're in any relationship it's a lifelong journey of aligning with each other and communicating with each other."
"Know that everything or anything that is leaving your life has to go because it's not in alignment with who you are and who you are becoming."
"They know that you also aren't going to accept anything less than what it is that you truly are in alignment with."
"Life Plan: align your life plan with your soul plan."
"It's about bringing yourself into alignment with your own happiness and having faith that you deserve to be happy."
"If it feels authentic to you, then this is the right move. Don't make a move without your heart being aligned to it."
"We do not receive what we want, we receive what we are."
"Finding something that is meaningful, pleasurable, and aligns with our strengths is where we find the most happiness in life."
"You're not in alignment if it doesn't feel good."
"You doing you and you putting yourself first is actually what brings everything together in a very effortless way."
"Align with the frequency of what you desire."
"Vibrate in the right direction, take control of your reality."
"When you are aligned to who you are and what you want, you become a magnetic attractor."
"I recognize that this feeling is faith and that by honoring the feeling I remain true to who I am and reality."
"Be devoted and committed to you, be devoted and committed to your energy, to what feels right for you, what's good for you, and what's aligned with what it is that you want and where it is that you're going."
"Shame tells me I am not aligned with my value system and the way that I operate in the world."
"Making the right choices... staying in alignment with your heart."
"If it's something that's in alignment with your heart, it truly is worth it. Go for it!"
"You're either with me or you're against me. If your energy works against mine, you've got to go."
"Trust you are enough, your vibration is right, you are exactly where you need to be."
"If we were to approach career creation and education... as opposed to the external Persona creation, we would do things just because we actually feel we want to be doing them and because it's aligned with our souls."
"It's time for you to embrace your creative abilities, to align with what you want and divine will."
"Focus on aligning with positive energy within yourself."
"The truth emerges as a consequence of getting yourself lined up."