
Societal Observations Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"Cooking, he's at least like a billionaire and knows all loads of other billionaires. He was like, rich people are the dumbest people because they continue to work for this tool."
"The platform has food, an immense amount, but closer inspection, you can see it's half-eaten."
"Let me just say that the dating scene seems horrific right now. If you're in it, I'm sorry, because it seems like it's just a constant game of who can care less."
"Men use lethal force and women don't. Now that's a big difference."
"We were all outsiders to begin with, every one of us."
"Truth is often Stranger Than Fiction this saying has become almost cliche yet it continues to be proven time and time again."
"People are smarter than we thought, thank God for that."
"Starbucks is known for messing up people's names, and the rumor is true."
"We can't do that, I gotta be honest. You can learn more about someone based on their shoes than their skin color. And that's, that's, that's a fact."
"Everyone wants you to do well, just not better than them."
"Men and women are still different despite equality efforts."
"One of my favorite things about our Elite Class is again they're so damned weird but we're supposed to pretend that they are not in fact weird."
"On average, more beautiful people are going to make $230,000 more in their lifetime than people with average looks."
"Women today are more likely to be addicted or obsessed with their dogs, their kids, their friends, but they can take or leave you."
"You allow these people to just show you who they really are... then you're not celebrating and cheering it on."
"History may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes at times."
"Silent majority basically refers to the well-educated thinking middle class who do not take to the streets to voice their opinion."
"Regardless of whether or not you agree with Kanye, much like whether or not you like Trump, he has continued to be right about a lot of his predictions and observations about society."
"The silence of many people does speak volumes."
"There's something tragic about the idea that you walk around and can see this in each person that you pass."
"Now knowing that was a humiliation ritual, right?"
"Common sense isn't so common, and that's true."
"It all kind of starts to paint honestly like an uncomfortable picture."
"We live in a paradoxical world of integrated multiple truths."
"People are starting to realize...the ability to reason, common sense."
"Most beautiful women are superficial, at least I'm being upfront about it."
"The contrasting fates of black men and women highlight the importance of cultural compatibility."
"That is the difference between courting attention and just getting on with life."
"People ain't the best but that nature and [__] that's about it man, you go see anything like probably within like four hours."
"There's 80% of people who are not gonna do it, you know that's a reality."
"People say chivalry is dead, but I don't believe it, 'cause every time I'm walking down the street and there's a couple comin' towards me, the man will move his lady to the safe side."
"Things are getting weird and they're getting weird fast."
"Drug dealers Anonymous, y'all think it's the future."
"Jonathan Edwards: those you idolize, eventually you demonize."
"You'll be famous before you be rich, and that's a powerful statement."
"I feel like 50% of white people talk [__] about black people and have their thoughts about them."
"It's time for a new slogan for anyone 25 or older: 'Young people, they're good to look at and they're fun, but there's nothing going on upstairs.'"
"The majority of people are good; they just want food, water, money, and to enjoy life."
"Being thirsty is a sign of depression, tea. Big facts."
"I am betting you Elon will say it had nothing to do with being women."
"They want free stuff. They want to hand out free stuff."
"The appearance of a price switched people from a moral frame of reference to a commercial frame."
"I just feel like we always talk about every generation not having morals and ethics."
"We are witnessing extremes on the one hand of injustice and iniquity, but we also see very promising signs of radically new ideas about humankind."
"The less loved a woman is the more masculine she becomes and the less respected a man is the more feminine he becomes thoughts."
"Men always take a W when it comes to divorce not women."
"She opened something up that people were already speculating about anyway."
"Black people have been described as lazy ever since we stopped working for free. Ain't that something?"
"We live in very interesting times where there is an overabundance of information."
"Things are not getting rosier, things are not getting better."
"Women tend to fare better because women again this is based on stereotypes but stereotypes exist because they're true."
"The natural world is stratified, the weak, slow, and stupid tend to be worse for where the smart, quick, and strong tend to have a better time of it."
"Don't nobody want to get my broke ass opinion still shut the [__] up. I ain't never seen billionaires before but let me tell you why it concerned me."
"It's easier for men to replace women than it is for women to replace men."
"They think that just announcing your pronouns to one another is not political Behavior," young people being political nowadays from a very young age.
"I wish we didn't have them [guns], but at a certain point, when you look at the people who felt the most empowered over the last four years..."
"For a non-believer, y'all sure know more about the scripture than most Christians I know."
"It's pretty based, really, isn't it? Because frankly, most of that seems to have happened."
"When does it end? People be so... what the... you know what I'm saying?"
"Men make more money, doors open; women make more money, doors close."
"The entitlement of some people is seriously astounding."
"Moving on to our Urban Decay section. This is a great Urban Decay. We're going to start off with this woman, this black woman who's very upset and she's very upset with how white people walk on the sidewalk and their sidewalk actions."
"I just want the confidence of a mediocre man."
"Women was snapping, they like, how the hell is the liquor store open but the hair salon closed?"
"I mean, come on, who the [ __ ]? Why are people so dumb?"
"Girls fall in love with what they hear, and men fall in love with what they see. That's why women wear makeup and it's why men lie."
"Being a rich kid in South Korea sounds pretty sweet, don't you think?"
"The only thing that ever brings America together is a major crisis."
"It really does feel like everything is falling apart."
"There clearly is that average difference between men and women even if there are lots of outliers on an individual level."
"At the end of the day, the fewer people you're competing with, the easier things are for you."
"Life in Moscow and most of Russia seems to be going on pretty much as normal."
"People want to live, you know. I was actually surprised to find out that people are fond of living."
"Not everybody has equal connections and networks, not everyone has an equal level of Education, not everyone has equal level of income, but we all have 24 hours in a day."
"so why do ethnic groups with comparable historical traumas insist on perpetuating the crabs in the bucket mentality"
"It's like what people think inside, but no one says it."
"A universal truth throughout the ages is that people hate change, no matter if clearly superior."
"It's easy for the good to go unnoticed when the bad and the ugly are just so prevalent."
"It's like, they appreciate a lot of [expletive] that maybe the East and West Coast folks don't."
"I think for the most part, as we've often seen, the left has been particularly irrational."
"Now we're serious is everyone in Monaco just so rich that they don't care if like they'll just give you stuff because they're like well yeah I'll just buy another one is it really like that."
"No relationship is perfect; every person that I met that said that has been a [__] liar."
"I mean women are smarter than men, am I missing something?"
"Everybody doesn't always have good intentions for you and sometimes you know the most peaceful people the sweetest people end up getting the rot end of the of the of the deal it's messed up but that's just how it is sometimes in life."
"Comedians say what everyone is thinking but won't say, and that's why people laugh."
"I feel like pretty much everyone's looking to find a little peace these days."
"People aren't stupid, even kids, man, you kids, kids know when something sucks."
"Black men show the world that they love white women."
"It's always easier to break things than to build them. You know, think about how long it takes to build a building and then you just throw a wrecking ball or some dynamite at it and the thing is destroyed in 15 minutes."
"It's always the first comment, is the height."
"I feel it in the Midwest. The Midwest for the mid-terms."
"Everybody, to a certain degree, is slighted in some way, but no, you are not a massive oppressed class. Women in America are some of the most privileged people on the planet."
"It's the battle of the entitled versus the innocent, the rude versus the adorable."
"You hear that a lot now and I think that is the truth of a lot of it I think there's over culture in there."
"Even when you're famous and you're hanging out with famous people, they do not care."
"The truth often lies unclaimed in the middle."
"Because it's like I mean in Sweden like and and do you just do you um I mean not only they probably have better leadership."
"Fools despise wisdom and instruction. Wisdom cries out in the marketplace above everybody."
"Everything after high school is just high school."
"It's amazing to me how easily manipulated the masses are."
"Stories are calling out the way so many of us are swayed by appearances."
"I feel like sometimes it only pertains to celebrity black women, not necessarily regular women who are going through situations like this."
"It's almost like women go on dates that they have no interest in the man at all. Crazy how that works, right?"
"I know how small towns work. I know they all have dark secrets buried just below the surface."
"It's nice to see good things happen to good people."
"Nothing necessarily wrong with that but I just don't like it when people don't admit it."
"95 percent of women pass on guys that means that they find 95 percent of men somebody they don't want to match with on a dating app."
"Everybody wants to make a little bit of money so that they can hopefully better their own personal lives."
"I always tell people, they're saying how straight twins are straight."
"Most people are good people and they're trying to do the best they can in the moment."
"It seems like everybody's just kind of like waiting around to see then what happens, but it feels like as the days continue to creep forward that the theory of the vibe session seems to be coming more true."
"I said that if Western Civilization survives it will be because enough people have seen and understood the Avatar movies."
"I think anyone honest with themselves can see very painfully exactly what's happening."
"People love pandering even when it's obvious."
"Virgins are less likely to divorce or cheat and the higher the partner count the greater the risk for both amazing isn't it?"
"Some people can get away with breaking a lot of rules and nothing happens to them. Other people cannot."
"No matter how talented you are, you will never keep successfully."
"They live among us. They walk beside us. They're hidden in plain sight."
"The optimism keeps on rolling, it's very nice to see."
"I like to see the small person win... time and time again you'll see greed and kind of brazenness is what takes people down."
"Something is great again see a lot of that being shown in the November 8th election."
"Black men simply just don't care most of them don't."
"Black folks... scared to offend white people... just say what needs to be said."
"People have this obsession with wanting to park as close to the entrance as possible yet there's spaces right here."
"In order to build civilization, you have to start lying."
"We're beginning to see a little bit of a change in the upward Direction what do you think the reasoning behind that change is because I think your Generation The Young Generation gets it."
"Local culture affects each jurisdiction—that's so true."
"What is it about our intellectual class where they get so much stuff so desperately wrong?"
"It's always people ending up in these situations that like, you know, shouldn't be fighting."
"It's weird to me that the right has sort of become like, 'yeah, what are you gonna do? It's a protest.'"
"When everything is bizarre nothing is bizarre right."
"People are not just picking up on bs, they are picking up on something very deep and true."
"Nobody's willing to laugh, just sit back and laugh at how ridiculous things have gone."
"Sometimes as black folks we get in our own way."
"The most outrageous rumors are usually the ones that end up being true."
"It's women that don't even do work at all just because they got Gucci, that's powerful."
"Women are miles ahead of us when it comes to maturity."
"You know, to buy certain cold medicines you needed an ID but not to vote and people understand that."
"But now there have been some updates to the situation some which are downright hilarious if anything because one thing I love to do is look at big big companies and laugh at their downfall LOL LOL"
"Girls do not give a single [] about your watch at all. No one gives a [] about your watch except another dude."
"Women want to be with a powerful man. When it's all said and done, women do not stand in line ready to be with the nice guy. They don't. They stand in line ready to be with the guy that's going to be bad for them."
"Privacy is really an illusion... we're all very much connected as one."
"Money Talks y'all this is a fact if y'all ain't learned nothing from this channel one thing for sure you should have learned is man money really does talk."
"Life is a long game... we peak about 12 years later than women."
"People do not change fundamentally, especially amongst women their age."
"Men don't leave relationships, women do. Always have."
"Stranger things are happening around us, man."
"It sounds like some Illuminati type stuff like kind of like hiding in plain sight."
"The world is filled with Jonah Hills men in their mid and late 30s going out with younger women in their 20s."
"If wealth is the secret of Happiness then the rich should be dancing on the streets but only poor kids do that."
"They have eyes about four inches wide, and maybe a little shorter."
"It's like Nish Kumar is saying we can't make fun of ridiculous people, and it's true. It's like the whole thing is like a disease in comedy."
"Because in the first golden age attack what you had was certain people..."
"Girls are people too and this and and what and that was that was a pure example of that out in the real world."
"Over time you see a pattern of good men being fired or ignored or sidelined and evil men being permitted, promoted, and protected."
"A lot of people just want attention; they think attention is the fastest way to get a come up."
"Cancel culture as a whole is stupid as hell but it definitely does have its dues."
"Most people are not emotionally mature. They don't have the capacity in them to just see something they don't agree with and just move about their day."
"Yo, do you realize 2020 is a year where everyone is literally cooped up in their houses playing video games all the time? Literally cooped up in their houses playing video games all the freaking time. Where were all the shootings, huh?"
"If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman."
"Women love to talk about themselves."
"Everybody's naming their kids after Bible characters."
"We notice the silence of men; we depend upon the silence of women."
"My view of morality is such that I think we already have a pretty good understanding or pretty good explanation for what we actually observe."