
Job Security Quotes

There are 502 quotes

"Any moment, it could disappear, and I could easily be working at McDonald's again."
"There is no reason why I could easily not be working at McDonald's again."
"It is so cool that we get to do this for a living. Studying whatever I find interesting to me is something that I can have a secure job for... it's amazing."
"Everybody's scared to say something. Everybody's scared to lose their job, their little position, or whatever, and it's like it's money over people, it's profits over people."
"What we need to protect is not the jobs, it's the humans."
"If something were to happen to you, and you were to pass away, your job posting would be listed before your obituary was out."
"Creating multiple sources of income, maintaining a side gig, or keeping a part-time job on the side as a fallback is crucial."
"There should not be guaranteed lifetime employment ever. It has to be contingent on how well you do your job."
"Dress however you please, call yourself whatever you like, sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you... But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real? #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill."
"There is no loyalty, there is no guarantee, there is no security if you don't own the company."
"It's not a trend to have a backup plan. People have been doing this since the beginning of jobs."
"The last thing they should be wondering about when they get up in the morning is, do we have a budget? Do I have a paycheck?"
"The fear of losing your job encouraging some people to spit out lies, I don't think that works in the end."
"A salary can actually be slavery because you only have one source of income."
"If there's a lot of dependency on you... there's a very high probability you won't get laid off."
"Technology isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so you also have a lot of job security."
"The traumatized worker syndrome: they're powerless; they're afraid to complain against the job; they're completely dependent on the employer for everything they have."
"We have to become faster, smarter, and more creative, while enjoying fewer protections and feeling increasingly disposable."
"You have to support universal health care, Medicare for All, because you can't have a system... that's going to result in so many people losing jobs and insurance and not have something to fill in the gaps."
"It saddened me the way things were done, it definitely was a shock considering that we were kind of told that we had job security."
"Being the miner was a proper job. It's all right, you got a house with a job. It's all right."
"Jobs that can't and won't be replaced by robots will be those that involve a high degree of creativity."
"It's easy to say you should protest your corporation... except then you lose your job."
"It's okay, Zach, it's really okay. You're not gonna get replaced."
"Remodeling old homes is kind of job security."
"Start putting yourself in a position where your job wouldn't be at risk."
"I wasn't gonna lose my job, I wasn't gonna lose anything from it, and at the end of the day, I'm keeping my integrity."
"The developers don't deserve to lose their jobs. Even the worst developers out there."
"So many clean energy jobs have no ability to be outsourced."
"Schools are making more and more contingent positions to save themselves money."
"Anyone can lose their job at any time... no career is a guarantee."
"The human cost of economic crises: jobs lost, futures uncertain."
"Facts matter, rather be a defensive offensive nut job than woke without nuts and no job."
"Nobody deserves to lose their job, but come on, really? They break up such a great team like the Iconics just to get lost in the shuffle and now fire them off, Vince, will you, mate?"
"It's not a sustainable career as a creative type to know that overnight I could have all my work vanished without any recourse."
"If you want to be honest, go right ahead and enjoy being jobless."
"It's terrible that people have lost their jobs, and it is just an absolute travesty that WWE held so many people to their contracts for this long when they didn't have any use for them. It's greed."
"I'm convinced that in the future, the only jobs that are really secure will be stand-up comedians and construction workers."
"These jobs allow you to have a job in the coming years as well without any concern when it comes to automation."
"Everything else is all good, yep, and then we'll just go and start plating."
"Wherever there's someone in danger of losing their job for making an observation... maybe there's a little piece of IDW there."
"There's never a level of comfort, even if you are good."
"It's such a performance-based business, you're constantly being evaluated every day."
"Everybody knows these moves that these people have been doing for years... So why is it now this year that they're trying to get rid of everybody?"
"Even if it's your job at stake, still do what's right."
"It's going to have a serious negative consequence on the working class and people's jobs."
"We're just trying to ensure our job and guarantee the flight safety."
"People's livelihoods are at stake, people's jobs are at stake, people won't be able to eat."
"You can't tell people that they're not valued, abolish their jobs, then ask them to help you."
"We will continue to raise the consequences against those who are holding millions of jobs and people hostage."
"I'm on YouTube and it's independent. It's fine. Good. I mean, I don't have anyone gonna fire me, right?"
"If they don't at least get to the NFC title game, maybe that's not enough to save his job."
"At what point do you just get sick of working somewhere where your friends may not even be there next week?"
"I was laid off... they came and my boss said, 'Oh look, we ran out of work, we just don't have any time for you.'"
"No one will fire me, Alex. You failed the most important exam."
"There's nobody in this football club that's safe."
"If you want to get into a field where you're going to be guaranteed work for the rest of your existence, go into cybersecurity."
"If you want to make money doing what you love, first get a job and build up your dream on the side."
"I still think that he's the man for the job."
"If I invest in more years into option one, a job that pays the bills, I don't like, eventually... it won't bring me any more joy."
"Who knows us better than we know ourselves sometimes? It's also harder to get better job security."
"Capitalism has such an emphasis on employment, but does it guarantee everyone a job? Not at all."
"It's not the answer... to legislate away people's jobs. We need new technology, that's the only path forward."
"You will never win an election by campaigning on destroying the livelihoods of people, even if you think it's the right thing to do."
"I have considered quit my job to go full-time but it's just a crazy crazy risk."
"Thank you for putting this together. Goodness, we have $1,200 from gadget girl that says I'm lucky enough to still have my job at this time so here's my check from the government. Let's protect those who are working to protect all of us."
"It's either going to stop or people are going to be removed, fired, or publicly shamed."
"Beauty will always have some sort of stake in the market. So, you will always have a job in society that's in demand."
"Have several sources of income... socialist are very good at destroying job opportunities... if you have one source of income... find other ways."
"Whenever someone loses their job, it's sad, you know what I mean? And I wouldn't wish that on anyone."
"The safest job in america in 1995 was blockbuster manager."
"He'll be sacked by Christmas unless we have a really good summer transfer window."
"If this run of form continues, he's going to get sacked."
"You literally have job security, you're cashed up, and while that is the case, you have a stock market that is volatile as all hell, which translates into opportunity."
"You know, it's most of us live paycheck to paycheck because that's just the nature of this business..."
"I knew if I could learn this skill and then I knew that there's like intricacies and tactics, I'm never going to be able to, I'm never going to be jobless essentially."
"If there's a world in which the show can tackle these larger issues and can tackle these conversations, I'd rather see that than see people be inflicted with pain or lose our jobs."
"Don't be ever interdependent on a job in order to survive at all ever ever."
"Layoffs in the games industry just seem to be happening like every other week now."
"If you don't have what it takes to become an entrepreneur, then go back to having a nine to five."
"Forced to move to LA or get laid off on Sally that happens a lot of people."
"Do work that you love with no limitations, no fear of being fired, no fear of being unemployed."
"It isn't even about saying something tone deaf or insensitive, a mere difference in opinion might get you fired from your job if enough people raise a stink about it."
"Selling is the greatest career you could have, because no one will ever take it away from you."
"Do you work for someone who makes you have a lot of essential oils and you're afraid of getting fired every day? It's the nightmare at work. Bring some non-essential oils. Low risk, low reward baby."
"I just hope there's something left for us humans to do."
"If you lose your job you would have more of a safety net and a savings buffer."
"I still think personally he should have done it publicly, but at least the way he handled it, potentially cost himself his job, I have respect for that."
"I think Kevin Tsujihara could be fired tomorrow and I don't think it's gonna affect the DCEU much moving forward either."
"Despite the shocking revelation, they would all be out of jobs in a few months."
"If you learn PHP, you're always going to have a job."
"What to do if your job is going to be one of those that are going to be impacted."
"If we simply pull up the drawbridge, we would destroy jobs for everybody in this country." - Nick Clegg
"How do we make sure our job doesn't get replaced?"
"American workers may be most concerned about their job security."
"We've never laid off a soul, we've got over a thousand team members."
"Protect your marriage against anything and anyone that exploits your vulnerability."
"You put the work in being hvac tech these jobs aren't going away with automation."
"If you went to school, you were guaranteed a job."
"You're never going to get anywhere if you keep hiring and firing every 12 to 18 months."
"This sounds like an easy reason for them to get her out."
"It's not going to take your job, so ignore the clickbaity videos and tweets that are talking about that."
"Being released tells you everything that you need to know about how they see you as they perform it in the company."
"It's going to create more jobs... that can't be outsourced."
"It's just something that's very sobering and tells us all that we're not safe any of us for having a job to retirement."
"Corporate culture is the reason why James Gunn got fired. It is corporate culture."
"Most people recognize that at will has benefits and also costs."
"You are expendable... there is no job security."
"Biden will surrender your jobs to China, your future to the virus, and your country to the radical socialist left."
"If he gets in the top four, he keeps his job."
"You can have a winning record but if you're not making the impact that they want, they will fire you."
"Most people want to keep their job and they put their own career above doing the right thing."
"Don't let a single job in a single company control your outcome build your skills make sure you're marketable throughout the marketplace."
"Respectfully sir, I don't think that you determine when I'm done with my job or not."
"It just sucked maybe if I didn't warn him ahead of time I wouldn't have had to spend the last three months of my job constantly looking over my shoulder."
"The only reason they're doing any of the stuff they're doing now is because their jobs are on the line."
"This potentially could be really damaging to the global economy because if we see companies having to stop production putting people out of work, they're not getting paid, that will accelerate the slowdown and will accelerate the recession."
"A mistake that people make is that they feel like if they have an idea for a business they have to then quit their jobs to work on the idea which is absolute BS."
"The illusion that you are secure working for somebody has been revealed for what it is, it was just an illusion."
"David Moyes's position as West Ham manager is under serious threat with tensions rising over lack of transfers."
"Moving up is showing it's a slight evidence that your time might be up."
"You are an at-will employee... layoffs happen all the time."
"Hyundai offered customers a guarantee: anyone who bought a car and then lost their job could sell it back to the company."
"The stability and future planning of United is around Solksjaer. The contract gives him some security but you could sack him in November if he loses the first 10 games of the season."
"The suffering is the point, not only are they saying they're going to remove you from your job unless you comply but you're not going to get any of the benefits that you paid into with your taxes."
"I need to figure out a way to fix this and I have five minutes... I cannot get fired."
"I gotta say it's probably one of the most recession-proof careers and jobs you can ever have in your entire life."
"The disappearance of this old guard also comes the disappearance of middle-class wages and security."
"Unless your head is completely stuck in the sand, I think it's time to start considering that AI may be coming for your job."
"Handle every objection, handle every interaction, and find solutions for every sales challenge, and you will never be without work and never without money."
"Copywriting is such a recession-proof, high value skill."
"If they refuse to raise the debt ceiling the White House Council of economic advisors has just released a report saying the consequences of that will be that millions of Americans will lose their jobs."
"Start taking the steps you're able to now to reduce your vulnerability to the job losses a recession can bring."
"The most troublesome thing about the research is that nearly a third of the people say they are personally worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions become known."
"If you're not necessary, ultimately they will get rid of you."
"Biden's mandate isn't a government regulation, it's a government assassination of your jobs."
"To be told a week ago that you are safe here we are giving you a contract because we see that you have a future in this company and then a week later you're told oh by the way everything we told you last week was bull s***."
"Your job is secure, your business is growing, your finances are growing."
"It's important to not let this die when the other side is viciously attacking this woman trying to get her fired from her job."
"We hope that Camry won't lose her job, we hope that the race hustling sister who's trying to Parlay this into some cheap Fame gets what's coming to her in terms of life."
"We're going to save hundreds of thousands of jobs."
"Twitch reportedly set to lay off 35% of their staff as soon as tomorrow."
"We have a choice... there is a path where we see increasing inequality... or we can go down a path where we make sure that people have decent secure well-paid work."
"Nobody wants to work for a company that lays off a lot of people on a whim."
"Having an annual contract is obviously a little bit more... there's more stability there." - Discussion
"It's impossible for this specific program to take over your job."
"If you want to have job security in my opinion you need to be thinking about supplementary careers to your normal career as broadcast talent."
"Please let me know what you think, what your opinions are because I genuinely want to hear them."
"I'm still just doing my little job... Can't get fired, you know?"
"If you can't figure out how to stop people from being hacked, how can we trust our jobs are secure?"
"Job security really ain't a thing... you gotta have multiple streams of income."
"We Trust upon us the threatening or thereby ending their employment."
"Threatening workers with job loss and firing them won't stop the momentum of unionization."
"Jobs that can't be outsourced. Good union jobs. Prevailing wage. A wage you can raise your family on."
"I liked 2 to 2 because it provided a lot of kind of job security to the current professionals."
"A back-end developer usually makes enough to not go bankrupt easily."
"The only League where you could be one of the top performers and still get canned."
"The idea here is that if you're a good programmer, you're going to have a stable job."
"Your favorite black coach, I do no wrong, get them wins up or I won't be here for long."
"Inflation soars and they want to save over 2,000 jobs at risk of redundancy."
"Wow anybody can be replaced, that was a very valuable lesson."
"It's the very second they're trying to replace you by younger and cheaper."
"I completely agree that ten hog could get the sack. I don't agree with him being the sack, but I completely agree he could be on the pathway to being sacked."
"I believe in trading while you have a job and that's how you learn and that's how you earn at the same time."
"Sometimes the best job security is your own ability to go out there and make money."
"We will always need people who can do any type of programming any type of development."
"Network administrators will always need you guys."
"Part of the appeal of becoming a doctor is job security... There will always be more patients that need doctors than there are doctors."
"There can be no theory of everything in science... there is infinite job security for scientists."
"If you want job security, tell them to become a compliance officer. This is going to be the safest job in the Western world for many, many years."
"Every decision you make and how you perform affects all of this. If you're playing bad, you could get put on the hot seat and have to turn it around quickly or risk losing your job."
"We stand up for the rights of our Americans. People have fought for our rights, and we want to continue to take that into our jobs. We shouldn't be forced to take an experimental drug and lose our freedom to provide for our families."
"No law enforcement officer should feel like they're going to lose their job as a result of doing their job."
"Take comfort, AI is not gonna take your job overnight, all right?"
"It's not clear which jobs will be on the chopping block first."
"He's like, son, I'm a cardiologist. You can't cancel me from work. I'll always have fat people to operate on."
"As long as you do your job and better yourself, you can always have a job."
"You could lose your job and destroy your career. That's now journalists as well."
"They're always going to be totally dependent on your job."
"If Ollie can survive these two fixtures that he survived in the Premier League, he will never be sacked."
"It's just interesting, you know, when I see people say things like, 'Oh, this is why you gotta have ownership so you can't get fired.' Their firings are a little different than our firings, guys."
"I could lose my job here like what am I going to do for my family I've got these two little girls who are now relying on me it's no longer just like being selfish and worrying about me I'm worrying about those around me."
"We're going to need to make sure that jobs are there, we're going to need to make sure that services are there."
"Your job could be going at any time so you best work hard bucko."
"Deciding to leave instead of someone losing a job."
"If your job can be replaced by a robot or AI, it will be at some point... you have to prepare for that eventuality."
"We are writing this anonymously because if we spoke out under our names, we could lose our jobs."
"Our job is on the line, we have a low manager rating if we don't win."
"Every single time we draw and lose, the conversation comes about Ollie's job. I'm sick of it."
"Applications change and the whole worry around AI taking your jobs, the thing is only this structure needs to be defined by a human."
"What do you do if your job could be put in jeopardy?"
"Once it exists, everyone will work to try to ensure that their job stays relevant enough for them to keep a job."
"The best way to make sure you don't get laid off... is to make sure you're the employee providing the most possible value."
"If you can bring that kind of dynamic you can keep your job but if you're lying then that's different."
"We're more afraid of losing our jobs than we are of dying. Well, that's because dying is the end of my problems. Losing my job is the start of so many more. How fun, yay."
"If you are good at what you do, I don't think everyone's just going to disappear."
"I've helped save thousands upon thousands of jobs and lives by educating people about their rights."
"Having a secure job with predictable wages, health care, and the ability to retire comfortably should be standard."
"I am so lucky I've still got a job. I couldn't function."