
Surrender Quotes

There are 7264 quotes

"Surrender, let go of the control. Surrender to it. Just allow it to be what it is. Don't try to find it; it will find you in the perfect timing, in the perfect way."
"Orgasm really is an increase in sensation accompanied with an expansion of some sort and accompanied with a surrender of some sort."
"Too much control is resistance; we need to truly surrender and allow things to unfold in the way that the universe knows best."
"You can recreate yourself at any moment, whenever you choose to. You just have to let go and surrender."
"Let go of control issues. Allow this situation to unfold naturally."
"The baptism with the Holy Spirit isn't about you getting more of the Holy Spirit; it's about the Holy Spirit getting more of you."
"There is no limit to what God can do with a life surrendered to the Holy Spirit."
"The key to walking in the fullness of what God promised is connection with and surrender to the person of the Holy Spirit."
"Self-acceptance looks like deep surrender and deep trust."
"As you surrender the need to control, your relaxed energy rapidly attracts your desires."
"I give my problems to the great mind of God, I let go of them, confident that the correct answers will return to me when they are needed."
"Give it to God. Take a deep breath and on the exhale, release the situation to God for healing and answers, period."
"You need to sort of let go and let God. You need to surrender to your higher self because your higher self always knows."
"The only way you can screw it up is by fighting it. It's really about surrendering."
"Surrender the need, the desire, the want to make it happen right now and align yourself to the understanding, the guidance, the solution that evade you."
"I surrender the way that I think my life should look, I surrender the way that I think my career should go, I surrender it all at your feet."
"Surrender is not about giving up; it's about acknowledging your power and asking, 'What do you want me to do with this power?'"
"The only way God can establish our plans is if we first surrender."
"Faith is letting go. There is no other need for faith."
"The fourth step is ultimately this kind of feeling of letting it all go. This feeling of surrendering to the experience itself."
"I think just everything takes time, and so you just have to surrender yourself to the process."
"Surrender, I release my need to control and this can be hard for the Virgo. Surrender to the rhythm of the universe. What does the universe want for you because it's probably a million times better than what you want for yourself."
"May the Holy Spirit convict us until we surrender to your sweet, redemptive power."
"You're gonna release, you're gonna surrender, and you're gonna choose to be happy."
"Come into my life, change me, renew me, transform me. I'm yours."
"Sometimes it's okay to just give up, to say to yourself, 'You know what, I can't do this.'"
"Lord, I give you all of my hurt, all of my pain, my weakness, and my sorrow."
"Relax, inhale, exhale, surrender to your greatest purpose."
"Surrender the things that you cannot control."
"Personal transformation does not happen without worship, and worship does not happen without surrender."
"The art of surrender is one of the cornerstones of spiritual practice."
"Fasting is not manipulation; it's about surrendering to God's wisdom over ours."
"We arise by kneeling; we conquer by surrendering; we gain by giving up."
"When you surrender, let go, this is when things actually start happening to you."
"The ultimate unlock is the power of surrender."
"You must surrender. I can't tell you how important this is."
"The first tip is surrender. You must surrender."
"Victory after victory because you have surrendered to that divine flow and you are ultimately trusting in it so much."
"Relax, man, relax. Stop fighting, stop chasing. Consider the impossible."
"Releasing the need to control allows the universe to do its job."
"Do all that you can and leave the rest to God."
"Perfect surrender and resignation to the will of God."
"Life at its best is a life fully surrendered. Life at its best is a life that discovers just how much God truly loves you."
"The safest place to be is surrendered to Him."
"General MacArthur will accept Japan's formal surrender on the 2nd of September 1945 on board USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay."
"I lost control but in the most wonderful way. I just put my arms out and danced. My body just moved...spontaneous joyful movements. No arguing, no resisting, no holding back. I just let go. This is the ecstasy of surrender."
"Surrender is 'samprada,' the ability to give yourself wholly to something, to flow like water, to not force things."
"Surrendering to tears, just letting it flow, or any emotions, such as grief when you experience loss, that is when you really are flowing with life."
"Start to surrender to that, start to shower yourself with unconditional love."
"Surrender, forgiveness, thinking of those who are suffering, remembering to take into account other people's suffering and pain, not just ours."
"Most people talk about surrendering, but not many people surrender to it."
"Let me lead you in your first prayer of surrender and forgiveness."
"The moment I embrace my peace within and surrender the outcome is the moment that the universe can truly get to work."
"Nothing is so sweet as to lie passive in God's hand and know no will but his."
"David knew to Let It Go. I don't understand it, it wasn't fair, but God, you're still on the throne."
"Surrender to the divine because therein lies your power."
"Power is not found in systems; it's found in surrender, and surrender is obedience."
"I put Monday in Your hands, I put Tuesday in Your hands, I put Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday all in Your hands."
"Surrender to the divine will, surrender to divine timing and release what you don't have control over."
"Life is so much better if you just surrender. Why are you fighting a fight that's already fixed?"
"When the Holy Spirit speaks, when God lays a clear path before you, step out in faith, lay hold of the promise of God, and you will live in surrender."
"God strengthens the weak, God blesses what is surrendered, God uses what is yielded."
"Surrender, release, and surrender all control and let nature take its course."
"You don't get better at deliverance, you become more surrendered to the Holy Spirit."
"Surrender, release fear, have faith in love, believe in love."
"We need to die daily... every little day, we could do major mortifications, but the greatest are surrendering our will."
"So when you surrender to this greater part of yourself, or the connection to the All-that-Is, what happens is that you allow this universal energy to flow through you and the life that it creates is something far greater than what you could create, if you were in this state of controlling."
"People who have faith in a higher power... that giving up control is actually quite healthy for them."
"Yield yourselves unto God... and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God."
"For your tenacity, I'm going to tap out, bro. You win."
"The hardest part is letting go and trusting Him."
"Lord, help me to know you more so that I can love you more, so that I can trust you more, so that I can surrender more, so that I can do your will more."
"You don't need to be afraid. You can respond, turn to the Lord, and surrender your will to the Lord."
"Jesus, I trust in You. I give You my will. Please give me Yours in return."
"I prayed... I said, 'God, this will be the shortest prayer of my life because I ask you for nothing. I want nothing. I love you. You're in control.'"
"When I truly surrender my desires to the universe, a mighty force of faith can set in."
"It's all about that intent going in; you want to have a curious, open-minded intent going in, and you want to be ready to just surrender control and allow it to show you what it has to show you without being too combative."
"Have faith in your dreams and surrender to the divine; it's a time of really surrendering and realizing it's time to let go."
"Only after you give up everything can you begin to find a way to be happy."
"In life, we're taught that we have to control everything... But there's this other power that you don't even know you have that's completely amazing, which is about letting go and letting things come to you."
"Part of surrender is the willingness to allow life to lead you, to allow life to guide you."
"Surrender is returning back to the flow, returning back to ourselves, and beginning to allow life to lead us."
"Surrender to what is happening right now and just allow it to be what it is."
"If we surrender to the process and just kind of wave the white flag and say, 'I'm not here to control; I'm here to learn,' that process is going to be really amazing."
"He gives the peace that passes understanding, which means I have to give up my right to understand to enjoy the peace that He has purposed to give me."
"Great faith comes from great surrender, not from striving."
"We need to come to the end of ourselves and just cry out to the Lord and receive that forgiveness from Him."
"You can, by asking Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins, surrendering your life to Him."
"The least we can do is fully surrender and live our life in a godly way."
"My life is not my own today. I give it to you."
"You cannot advance, evolve, or step into your true power without first learning how to surrender."
"Faith is allowing God to take the steering wheel."
"Every parent, wave at me. This is why at some point we have to give our kids to God."
"Some of you, you're at that tension point where you got to give it up."
"Even after you made great decisions, surrender them to the Lord."
"Surrendering to God isn't about giving up, it's about giving over."
"Give it all over to the Holy Spirit and say, 'Now you direct it, now you orchestrate time and space for my mind to wake up.'"
"The Holy Spirit wants to preach to us that we simply have to listen to him, surrender control to him, and believe that he is going to lead us into all truth."
"Everything goes, everything, Lord, everything goes, it's all yours."
"I truly understand what 'let go and let God' really means."
"What's the natural thing that comes after expansion? Oh, we surrender."
"The russians are saying it's very simple now, the time for negotiation essentially has passed, the thing Ukraine must do is surrender."
"Emotions want to be felt. You really can't surrender to something to truly deeply feel it."
"It's about you saying God, I surrender to you, I'm tired of playing games."
"You'll never understand or be able to enjoy life at its best until you surrender your life to Christ."
"There's a softness, a lightness, and steadiness in somebody who has surrendered to a higher purpose."
"Surrender does not mean not doing your best... it means are you willing to let go of your resistance."
"Surrender is the most powerful prayer." - George Richie
"Placing whatever you have in the hands of God to reveal his power."
"The key to experiencing the baptism with the Holy Spirit is surrender."
"Choice based out of fear... I surrendered into it."
"Biden's plan is not a solution, it's a virtual surrender."
"You do not have to keep fighting, you shouldn't have to. It's okay for you to give up."
"Faith is when you just lay your life down in his hands."
"In Your Surrender, the Lord says, 'I will carry you to it.'"
"Surrender is the way that letting go that releasing control is the way that trusting specifically trusting in the inner wisdom of your higher self of your soul is the way."
"The moment that happens, the body's no longer the mind. When it finally surrenders, there's a liberation of energy."
"Surrendering to heavenly guidance is a profound journey of relinquishing control and opening ourselves to the wisdom of the universe."
"Surrender fear, release control, accept things as they are."
"I want to be fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit."
"Surrender to the will of the universe and start manifesting the impossible."
"Choose love, surrender to the waves; your good destiny of love is sure."
"Surrender is not a giving up; surrender is a giving over."
"Surrender is not about just letting go of all of our options and just giving up our dreams, but instead it's giving over our agenda, our timeline, our control to the presence of the universe."
"I surrender all of my life to you. Jesus, save me. Forgive my sins. Make me new."
"Christianity isn't about trying harder it's about surrender."
"This is where we give it up to God, this is where we give it up to source."
"Now we are at the point where the soul now realizes anata where the soul surrenders its sense of separateness in order to be with the beloved."
"My life is not my own, I give it to you. Thank you for new life."
"If you surrender, if you let go of control, if you have faith, if you stop waiting for me, then really positive shifts are going to happen in your life as well."
"It was me truly surrendering, I know it appeared that it was a negative thing and that I was rejecting you but really I was surrendering."
"When God commands us to be still and know He is God, He's commanding us to release control of the situation to His sovereignty."
"We don't save ourselves. We yield to Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and master."
"I realized I was at a point where no matter how I tried to control my circumstances, it just wasn't enough. I finally literally got to my knees and I said, 'God, if you want this to work, if I'm doing the right thing... you gotta help me.'"
"Just surrender to really be accepting of all of these energies and miracles or um blessings that Divine is giving you or that the universe is giving you."
"Learning to ask for and receive Divine assistance helps us learn the art of surrender. You have within you the power, love, and sustenance of the source of life itself."
"You gotta let them happen, you gotta surrender to them."
"You're giving up already? I give up. I fell for you, so this challenge can't continue."
"The art of surrendering to the way that life goes."
"I completely surrender myself to you as my Savior and Lord, lead me."
"Obey God, leave all the consequences to Him."
"Powerful intuitions and insights may require surrender to a higher power."
"The more I surrender, the more rewarding it is."
"With that I hereby surrender the battle since we would lose everything anyway so goodbye."
"With inevitable defeat looming on the horizon, many of the defenders began to lay down their arms."
"Surrendering deeply leads to the end of a tough cycle."
"Being a Christian means to surrender to God's standard."
"Cast my burdens upon you...and I will give you rest."
"What's the last thing you would ever think was the path to victory? Surrender."
"Baptism is responding in a surrendered way just like Jesus did to save the world."
"May they surrender their will to use, as they trust you to guide their lives."
"You're no longer fighting, you're surrendering."
"My faith today, I give my life to him. I surrender, Jesus, take my life."
"Why not fall in love with yourself, fall in love with a path opening up to you, and just surrender to what is?"
"Surrender to mystery and not having to figure out all the details."
"Commit ourselves without any reservations whatsoever into your hands."
"The fruit of the flesh is not what the world needs, it needs to produce the Spirit in your life."
"It's time that we surrender so that God can use us and we become vessels that God can release power through."
"Lord Jesus Christ, you take care of everything... trust that he knows what's best for you."
"It's the wind, yield to the enticings of the Holy Spirit. That's what a kite does. It just finally gives up, it just yields and allows the wind to catch it and bring it up and take it wherever the wind listeth, wherever it chooses."
"Eventually, all you can simply do is surrender and let the song sing you."
"You're resisting something you need, stop resisting, surrender."
"Growth for Gawain comes from moments when he surrenders his ego to nature's vast cosmic power."
"You must lose control as an act of worship, as an act of submission, as an act of the will."
"When life unveils a path different from our plans, God's whispers resonate the loudest, urging us to surrender our fears and trust his divine blueprint." - Unknown
"Surrender is really big but this energy of adventure is huge right now."
"Let go of control and relax into the flow. House."
"Surrender to what you are feeling in this moment."
"Let God take over your situation. In your weakness, let God's strength be magnified."
"I yield myself, I surrender myself to the headship of Christ."
"We're surrendering any need we have to control out of fear."
"Believe you will fly. Your prayers have been answered. Surrender the how things are happening; this manifestation is coming in strong for you guys."
"Surrender to the process; everything happens in divine order."
"Surrender to spirit, let the universe work its magic."
"You do not have it. There is no control. It controls you."
"Surrender your fears and doubts, lay down your weapons of self-reliance, and trust in the Lord with all your heart."
"The universe wants you to surrender to divine timing."
"Peace is found in surrendering to God's sovereignty."
"No need to force anything, surrender into it as long as you feel the sensation or a strong sensation, it's all good."
"I just entered there and the next thing I had myself saying was okay God eat this your will then that's fine."
"Mature mindset of Law of Attraction: surrendering and tuning into what wants to live through us."
"Jesus Christ is Lord, surrender on His terms now."
"Adjust to life rather than fight it, surrender to the process."
"Surrender, healing, and releasing need to take place."
"Surrender completely to Jesus; let him perform his work."
"Surrender worry and have faith that spirit is guiding you always."
"The moment you surrender it and let it go, the faster things are going to make sense."
"God has shown me... I just have to surrender and just trust."
"I want to surrender ownership of my life over to the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Surrendering and turning to the divine, they realized they needed help beyond themselves."
"Am I willing to trust God with my love life? Am I willing to pray and surrender this area to Him, make myself available, but not manipulate the situation to get what I want?"
"Cultivating contentment through trust involves daily surrender to God."
"Let go and let the universe align things for you."
"Whatever the battle was, they decided to throw in the white towel and not fight."
"The first tip is surrender, surrender, surrender to release."
"Surrendering is the way to bring forth your vision from a place of peace."
"I hate Satan, but Lord, I yield that to you. You are the judge, Lord."
"You can't unlock your true purpose or identity until you surrender your life and plans to Him."
"Surrender. That's the message. You have to surrender."
"Surprise surrender: Russian soldiers lay down arms on Ukrainian soil."