
Gandhi Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"We think the enemy is hate, but the enemy is not hate. The enemy is fear." - Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. - Gandhi"
"I do not condone manipulation and I did not agree with the eye-for-an-eye mentality, as Gandhi once said, 'An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.'"
"As Mahatma Gandhi is attributed as putting it: 'an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.'"
"Gandhi's path: Find yourself when you lose yourself in the service of others."
"Playing off of the cast system because gandhi who was a pacifist who used non-violent protesting hunger strikes, all kinds of different ways to essentially change the system of his country."
"Gandhi is a very moral fighter... a brilliant strategist who used the strategy of passive resistance."
"That's why Gandhi said you must be the change that you want to see in the world."
"Mahatma Gandhi put it explicitly. He said, 'Those who say that spirituality has nothing to do with politics do not understand what spirituality really means. They come together.'"
"The preservation of our vitality is impossible without pure air, pure water, pure and wholesome food, as well as pure thought." - Mahatma Gandhi
"When Gandhi was on a train that was leaving a station, a reporter rushed up to him and said, Mahatma, would you give me a message to take back to my people? And Gandhi said he scribbled on a piece of paper, 'My life is my message.'"
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Gandhi
"Gandhi believed in varnashram DH. He said, 'To destroy caste and adopt the Western European social system means Hindus must give up the principle of hereditary occupation which is the soul of caste.'"
"Hi, I'm Gandhi, and Britain doesn't get the hell out of India, I'm going to starve myself in public."
"Gandhi, that we all know and love, seeing their favorite promoter of peace as a wild brash party animal didn't really sit well with them."
"Gandhi inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world, but most of us don't know about his sexual hypocrisy and terrible racism."
"The ideas that killed Mahatma Gandhi also continue to provide inspiration."
"Mahatma Gandhi became a global symbol of peace and nonviolence, yet his violent murder has remained only a footnote in history."
"Death for me would be a glorious Deliverance rather than that I should be a helpless Witness of the destruction of India Hinduism Sikhism and Islam."
"On Gandhi's morning walks anyone could accompany him you could come from any part of India and ask him a question and he would entertain it he would answer it."
"Gandhi matters because he was that rare politician indeed rare human being who had a sense of humor."
"Whether it be his principled advocacy of nonviolent resistance whether it be his lifelong pursuit of interfaith Harmony whether it be his precocious environmentalism whether it be the transparency and openness of his life Gandhi matters Gandhi speaks to us today."
"Gandhiji was more gracious about Ambedkar than Ambedkar was about him."
"Gandhi's foremost value was not non-violence, it was courage."
"Courage was the supreme value for Gandhi."
"It is impossible not to be profoundly moved by Gandhi's last year."
"I couldn't imagine Mahatma Gandhi in hell."
"I respect Gandhi for the way he traveled with the untouchables."
"My life is my message." - Mahatma Gandhi
"We are all followers of Mahatma Gandhi, whether we are communists or socialists or whatever."
"If Gandhi and Jinnah had set up a legal partnership in Durban in 1897, what would the world have looked like?"
"Rajagopalachari took on Gandhi twice... He said Muslims would benefit and Partition would happen."
"Margaret Bourke-White photographed this world leader on the day of his assassination at Birla House in New Delhi: Gandhi."
"I'm very happy that this man became the father of the nation, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi."
"Nelson Mandela and Gandhi are probably going to be the two great men of this century."
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be measured by the way its animals are treated." - Gandhi
"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind." - Mahandas Karamchand Gandhi
"Gandhi's time in South Africa is so interesting and often little understood."
"Gandhi had become a pan Indian leader, the first really pan Indian leader."
"The genius of Gandhi... was that if you deploy violence against your opponents, they know how to retaliate."
"I like Gandhi, I don't know what it is about him."
"It's going to be again carried forward much later on in the 20th century when Gandhi is going to create a whole political ideology out of the idea of non-violence."
"India played a critical and signally different role than any other nation, partly because the Indian nationalist movement was under the leadership of Mohandas Gandhi."
"Gandhi's main thing is non-violent resistance."
"Gandhi launches the Quit India movement because he sees the momentum behind him."
"Visiting Gandhi, well done, fantastic performance."
"While other parts of the world still experience exploitation of resources, it has been reduced in India as a result of the work of Mohandas Gandhi."
"This is Gandhi's house, the freedom fighter, the father of India."
"One of Gandhi's principal contributions is his whole practice and theory of mass nonviolent resistance."
"Gandhi is really the only nationalist who takes the view that it is not enough to get political emancipation; we have to demand social, cultural, economic rights and struggle for them."
"Gandhi had endeavored to place people who have been at the periphery of life in India into the center."
"For many years, one day each week, Gandhi did not speak at all. Gandhi believed this was a way to bring order to his mind."
"Dave was amazed by Gandhi. This one skinny little man practically pushed the whole British army out of India all by himself."
"Gandhi insists on the importance of abstaining from things, various forms of addiction."
"Gandhi took a vow of celibacy at the age of 37 and observed that vow until the last day of his life, which was 40 years later."
"All of Gandhi's writings are on the internet to be downloaded free in PDF format."
"Gandhi had a systematic critique of modern industrial civilization."
"Gandhi was a world historical figure."
"This is quite extraordinary to be here because Gandhi is one of those names that everyone knows."
"Mahatma is not his name; it's a title conferred on him much later on."
"The political and intellectual history of India in the 19th century is a backdrop to the emergence of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi."
"Gandhi becomes globalized so that whenever you have a march, a demonstration, a protest somewhere in the world... who's name do they have on the banners? Mohandas Gandhi."
"Mahatma Gandhi is known for his commitment for nonviolence."