
Labels Quotes

There are 248 quotes

"I think it's an unfair label and I think the first sort of thing we do as great leaders is supposed to demonstrate empathy."
"Labels should work for you, you should not work for labels."
"You are the one who gets to define what that label means to you and to your relationships."
"We need the labels. This world runs on labels, didn't you know?"
"I really don't understand this idea that having more labels makes you cringe. Why can't we all just mind our own business and let people use whatever labels they want to use?"
"We recommend avoiding general and often dehumanizing labels."
"What makes up what you consider to be yourself is merely a collection of labels none of which actually define your true self."
"The discussion is important no matter what your label."
"He's a racist, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic germophobe."
"Alienating people with baseless labels serves no purpose."
"Stop with the labels and stop with the division and stop with who's in who which camp."
"There are certain labels that hurt. It's career-ending labels."
"Symbolic labels give us power over concepts."
"Revelations still feels like it deserves that label."
"They're gonna hook you on a label that has nothing to do with reality."
"You're not just the labels that people have thrown at you."
"Don't let a label push you away from something that interests you."
"Labels help a lot of people, because it gives them a sense of self."
"Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're either a Nazi or a groomer..."
"The labels are always the evil characters of the story... sometimes they're actually the heroes."
"I got labeled as difficult. My husband and I... We got labeled as difficult because I said one word, and that was no."
"Your depression, anxiety, grief, PTSD—whatever label you've been given—doesn't need to be validated with a disease label."
"Labels are a way of emotionally priming people to like or dislike certain arguments or perspectives... without actually having to understand them."
"If you can't see beyond labels and words, you're missing the deeper truth."
"What a way to end it all, isn't it? The Berlin bloodier blockade and yeah, the airlift."
"The labels you give yourself, whether you call yourself broken, stupid, bad, or even if you give yourself positive labels - these are just like painted-on cattle guards: they are self-imposed limits."
"Most of the labels that we give ourselves take away either our power to act or our power to grow."
"Labels hinder meaningful dialogue and understanding."
"Don't get hung up on labels...fall in love with who you fall in love with."
"Say anything that points to chauvinistic, homophobic, I mean these labels just get thrown at you."
"I was put onto a drug called Ritalin as a medication and right through grade one through grade 12 of public school I was actually put into special education classes so I was labeled at a slow learner special needs kid."
"Labels are for helping you to understand your feelings."
"Enhance sounds like a compliment, mutant is like yeah."
"Focus on the quality of the connection rather than just the label of marriage."
"Our billionaires that run this society they are not f***ing philanthropists. Can we stop calling them philanthropists? They are sociopaths."
"The utility of just calling Marjorie Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert a fascist would be that it would get people thinking about it a little bit more."
"It's not about a label as much as it is about understanding the dynamic."
"I accept and embrace all labels even labels that are negative."
"Labels aren't prescriptive, they're descriptive."
"Labels just make me feel like I have my life together."
"People who are normally on the side of trans people are now getting labeled something that they're not."
"Labels in general don't really reflect what a person is about."
"Under the veil of a label... we are all in this together."
"Labels don't really matter when we're talking about queer coding."
"Labels are huge for me when it comes to organization."
"You are worth so much more than the label that they put on you."
"Starting with those labels hurts everybody in the situation."
"You don't have to stick to one label. You don't have to label yourself at all."
"The power of the word is so strong, like 'cheater' and 'criminal.'"
"Stop allowing people to put labels on your life."
"These labels... are meant to be descriptive, not prescriptive."
"Using labels with inputs makes it more accessible and easier for users to interact with forms."
"I absolutely love all of these labels."
"You're not defined by any labels until you accept it yourself."
"Ultimately, you got to live your life, you are what you are, just labels don't matter."
"Labels are really magic because it's subconsciously telling you how and where to put things away."
"It's not called being a hoe. It's called being experienced."
"Labels don't have to elicit a conscious change."
"The real way to fix an insecurity is to accept yourself as you are and not attach a label."
"Labels these days have all kind of like chilled out and it's crazy because I've seen everybody who's reporting what Ebro said like it was such a big thing."
"You're not the bachelor. You're not labeled as just being the girl from The Bachelor."
"You don't have to have an argument with somebody if you assume they're a nazi. So I guess if you call everybody a nazi you don't have to have an argument. It is goofy."
"He is a nerd. I'm not a computer nerd. I prefer to be called a hacker."
"I refuse to let labels confine my life."
"You may be healing your relationship to sex or you may just really enjoy sex. I think you're learning how to embrace and honor whatever it is that you're feeling and recognizing that you don't have to be under a label in order to be valid."
"It's the human condition is messy and mixed up and you can't put an easy label on any of this."
"That's like the alt-right, all these people were talking about the alt-right and then they just stopped using that name."
"I've been called lots of things, but being called Christian schizophrenic is the highest level of them all."
"Any man that's telling you labels don't matter, repeat that to him. The label gives it identity, the identity gives it structure, the structure gives you security."
"I had been turning down label offers since 10th grade."
"I know there's products out there that take off labels but this is typically something you have around your house so if you're in a pinch try it."
"We attach ourselves to labels and to who we think we are or the way in which we have to show up to be our best self."
"We're carrying around all of these labels, and yet we're asking ourselves, like, who am I? I don't even know who I am anymore."
"'I think they're Freedom Fighters myself.' - Challenging conventional labels and reframing perspectives on controversial topics."
"The Edibles I eat, I look at the labels with the Edibles..."
"On the bottom, all the labels survive completely undamaged."
"I don't like labels, I don't label myself."
"Labels do not necessarily connect with any particular gender."
"Do not attach yourself to labels about this connection."
"When somebody throws a label, just ask yourself, what is the definition of that label to them? And it may put a whole another color on things for you."
"And labels, labels are weak, labels are false. I mean, labels are necessary, but they don't have the power and the weight that, in this day and age, we tend to give to them."
"Labels are weak, labels are false, I mean, labels are necessary, but they don't have the power and the weight that, in this day and age, we tend to give to them."
"Labels just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean you can throw a broad label on them and actually make it stick."
"But it always makes me kind of mad when people say that. I never really liked the kind of label that people always try to put on you."
"Labels are limiting. You are an answer, not a problem."
"It's incredibly ironic that our current culture is obsessed with labels."
"People who had walked away from the left and who are like I don't know what I am, I don't know if I'm a liberal conservative, it doesn't matter."
"I see you breaking free from this idea of what they told you you couldn't be. They didn't make you. If they didn't make you and they don't own you, they don't get to label you."
"They hide behind one, if you disagree with them, you are insert bad adjective."
"That's the original key man Clause, if I sign you and you, you institute a key man cause means the label fires me or I go to another company, you get to leave, I get the one right."
"I'm more than my environment, I'm more than the labels that have been put on me."
"Better to be labeled as a Chad than a loser Cherry boy."
"the only label you should wear is your name let your actions define you"
"Labels are supposed to take you to where you need to go obviously, but if you have something that's so big already, then it's already what it is."
"I've been labeled things like she devil in a blue bikini, the wicked witch of the west, man-eater Manti."
"Joe is a monster, just maybe not what Society thinks of when we think of someone unhinged or someone unsafe."
"Don't let that label you. Don't let that be the determination of what you can and cannot do."
"Labels make it too easy for you to be prejudiced and it makes it too easy to be tricked."
"Pigeonholes are for pigeons. I'm not a pigeon, so I'm not going to put myself in there."
"Labels are very important, which I get, yeah, because it's nice to relate to things."
"To say that someone is traditional or progressive is neither good nor bad but I think liberal and conservative have certain overtones that I agree with you are unhelpful to help us kind of relate to one another."
"Just because I shoot does, shouldn't put a label on me that I either did a bad thing or a good thing."
"Either way when you try to identify with a label it kind of puts you in a box."
"Nobody's perfect but damn dude if you ask me whatever you want to use it is a label."
"Every time that we sit here and talk about how bad TikTok is for the music industry, we are low-key giving the labels what they want."
"When you're already tagged to be a loser, like people who quit high school were losers."
"When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent."
"If a label liberates you and helps you understand who you are, then it's not a label, it's a description."
"Labels box people in, it limits people, and it suppresses who they really are."
"You don't need to create a decoder input IDs, these are created for you automatically based on the labels that you provide."
"The labels help us identify by what's wrong."
"Honestly, the more we label and try and Define, I think the more limited we are."
"It's good but I am seeing a girl right now. I don't really like labels because it would ruin this joke."
"Don't be fooled by labels, terminology, or rhetoric."
"Even though despite our labels, we can come together and realize that we're not so different from one another."
"You're automatically labeled: racist, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, you know, just down the line right."
"You can't call somebody a groupie because they're married. That's like when you were young and anytime you showed affection to your girl in front of your boys, they'd be like, 'Are you mad gay?'"
"Speaking truth though labeled as deceivers."
"Left and right are no longer meaningful categories in America."
"Labels can be misconstrued and oftentimes offensive."
"Nowadays, you're given a title of snowflake or millennial, and that is exactly what's dividing this country today."
"As an actor, words like that are anathema, because you can't put a label on yourself otherwise you can't play it."
"So if the question is how can artists get paid more from Spotify and really all the other streaming services, the answer to that is pretty clear: it's the labels."
"He is forever going to be labeled as a murderer, as a white supremacist."
"The main issue here really is that these labels flatten out any nuance in favour of two absolutist claims about the entirety of the world."
"If I could make one singular recommendation to start the process of diminishing some of this toxicity, it would be that people abandon these labels."
"Include text labels that are going to make graphic what's happening there."
"Just because I talk to one other guy on the internet you think that you've like labeled me? It's like, you like, I'm still going to interact with these people."
"It's not okay. These words hurt and even words that we often take words that have hurt us and carry them as our own labels and try to make them more empowering because of that."
"Context is everything...it's really nice to have some rules and labels to begin with but they can impede your growth."
"I hate when people use the term 'girl mom' or 'boy mom'. You're not a 'girl mom' or a 'boy mom', you're just a parent."
"Because at the end of the day, a letter next to a subject doesn't define who you are."
"A child should not be labeled by the opinions of their parents."
"Screw labels and screw systems where we other ourselves."
"Labels can label something that we have no idea what they're supposed to be labeling, and that adds an element of intrigue, of mystery, of just pausing and wondering a little bit."
"Gay liberal satanic atheist agenda."
"Reading your product ingredient labels will save your hair. It will help you with product selection. It's actually like the foundation of your hair journey."
"Hey look names are just labels man."
"That's the whole point of the video that there are different types of what you think a specific label is and you're kind of missing the point you dumb Dums you [ __ ]."
"We must not give up. Our pride, left-wing, right-wing, a bird with only one wing can't fly or flies in circles. Forget the labels."
"Labels can obscure far more than they can reveal."
"Girl, that's what they be calling us, like the 19-year-olds."
"You live one life, why do we have to label some breakfast foods and some lunch foods and some dinner foods?"
"You got to do amazing work no matter what you're doing. Don't worry about the labels on things, they really don't matter in the long run."
"If you label your child negatively, you will have a child who behaves negatively."
"Nature transcends our tendencies to label and classify."
"If a label is really helpful and feels comforting and true, use a label. But if that does not feel comfortable or true for you right now, then don't worry about it."
"The labels really don't matter on fragrances."
"So, after we've defined our training labels and features, then what I'm going to do is initialize a model."
"Designations are pretty easy. It's the labels given to various topographic features on the map."
"I found that if you buy anywhere between like 128 and up, you can usually get your labels for about 30 cents and under."
"Call me homophobic because I don't want to date guys."
"Do not put labels on your child. Labels can hinder their growth and development."
"I don't make any labels for anybody. There's no such thing as a homosexual person. No such thing as a heterosexual person. These are adjectives, not nouns."
"Lose the labels and keep the Bible. What determines whether I am progressive or conservative is what does say of the Lord."
"However with God's help we can overcome these labels"
"You only see me as a hot blonde model or girl next door or all these labels."
"I think these labels, the ones who are stressed out about what's happening, is kind of like, 'Y'all saw all of this was going to happen.'"
"So if a service is keeping track of your pods using labels instead of IP addresses, and the label is always the same, the problem is solved."
"There's always a risk with labels... with labels come an implicit set of instructions about who you are and how you should behave."
"I don't like labels and then number two the more you labor yourself the more you become that thing I'm not an introvert I'm just I can be introverted."
"The manufacturers now all produce a synthetic and they have them with their label on them."
"When you're inside the jar, you don't see the label."
"For labels, I use Online Labels for printing at home and Sticker Mule and Lightning Labels for professional printing."
"I have been labeled and named as creepy in a time period prior to right now"
"Njǫrðr is often called the god of the sea, but we have to be careful about those labels in Norse mythology."
"There is no perfect label, there's just the label you like best at the time on the day, isn't there?"
"What is a refugee and why are you calling me that?"
"If you hear or read a brother say something that you think is unchristian or unbiblical with regard to race, don't call it critical race theory; call it unchristian, call it unbiblical."
"Christians should be so hesitant to slander a brother with pejorative labels that we go the extra mile to make sure we know whether his actions or statements are really owing to his infection with the lethal aspects of critical race theory or not."
"This is a time to be thinking outside the box, be thinking outside the labels you're put in."
"One person's Freedom Fighter is another person's terrorist, just depends on which side you're on."
"We have to look beyond the labels."
"Labels really truly don't matter."
"Labels or instructions are critical when content requires user input."
"Please don't hate people, even terrorists... there is no such thing as a terrorist. If you think there's a terrorist, then you have a problem without a solution."
"Once you actually turn it around and read the label for yourself, you'll be mind blown."
"We are more than the label that defines us."
"This is one of the best sites for labels that I can find."
"Make sure we read the labels first."
"I will not take offense for that label 'elite'."
"If a label's helpful, you should use it."
"Labels are very important. They help us identify whether it's a thing, an abstract thing, a belief, a perspective, or whatever it is."
"Don't let these sizes, labels, numbers, letters define you because they really don't."
"Each of the collage strips has a few little labels on them for that curious factor."
"If you have a certain label and you're doing something wrong, it's wrong regardless of your label."
"One of the core fundamentals of good form design is always having a label."
"We can stop talking about women artists the moment people don't use that word to describe what you do."
"Stop putting labels on kids; let kids be kids."
"People aren't just black and white, you can't just categorize people with such simplistic types like crazy ex-girlfriend."
"They're called refugees, right? But when Haitians are under a bridge trying to get into America, they're called aliens, they're called immigrants, they're not called refugees."
"The genome doesn't come ready-made with those little cute labels that we had on it—enhancer, gene body, and so forth."
"Labels are for shirts and jackets, not for people."
"We put labels on everything. It's better people getting up in the morning and be like, 'I'm just gonna be good. I'm gonna try to help somebody.'"
"You're good just being you; you don't need to have an actual label."
"I don't have to be whatever label you guys want me to be; my label is for me, their label is for them, your label is for you."
"Question your labels... ask yourself, do I actually like this or am I doing this because someone else put me into it?"
"As we gradually set aside the labels we have for one another and work to see each other as people, we can reach an understanding."
"Names are labels and the function of these labels is simply to enable communication."
"The labels we were given as children weren't who we were then, and they're not who we are now."