
Sentimentality Quotes

There are 4161 quotes

"Sometimes, you just know you're gonna be sad to see a journey end, even when you haven't started it yet."
"Living your life day to day based on a core sentimentality that never changes, that's true to who you are as a person, you're immortal."
"Nostalgia is a collection very dear to my heart, it's basically a reminiscence of my growing up, my history, and my childhood."
"Those socks I was laughing at had a huge value to him because his late wife made them before her passing, and he's been wearing them for years."
"It's pretty nostalgic to be honest, in a weird way, and that's kind of embarrassing to say, honestly."
"It's been a wonderful rocket to work on over these years, and I'm going to miss it."
"It was actually the very first car I ever bid on... it's very near and dear to my heart, and I'm going to end up keeping it forever."
"I never had a big brother... He was the closest thing I had to like a big brother."
"All this type of cookie cutter art could be replaced with something a little bit more meaningful, something more sentimental, something a little bit more curated."
"Pull out the tissues because oh boy it's a rollercoaster of emotions."
"You have no idea how much this statement means to me, you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."
"My only problem is while the mood of the song is very light, Rakesh and sentimental, their obvious affections ring a little hollow..."
"It was really sad, the last day on set was very sad."
"Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies, rivers and seas boiling, 40 years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave..."
"That's my childhood that you have in your hands. Tread softly for you tread on my dreams."
"I have items that you've given me over the years that I cherish because you specifically went, 'I thought you would like this.'"
"If you’re like me, kanto feels like home. It’s almost as if i was born there myself."
"A puny sentimentalism has caused us to forget that a human life is sacred only when it may be of some use to itself and the world."
"Naturally, it holds a lot of sentimental value for them."
"It was nice to see the walls come down for a moment, right? It was like... it was sweet, it was serious, it was bittersweet."
"Our first time was honestly really special and I do really love it."
"Sometimes those setbacks renew me, and that's the real deal."
"Avatar remains a very sentimental movie in many ways."
"It's in our nature to want to preserve and protect things that we care about, most people are subjectively sentimental over things that they like from their time almost territorial at times."
"My prom dress... it really is an icon... look at the sparkly ham I love you."
"It's just a collection of ones and zeroes really...video games is love, video games is life."
"Each one of them was a little piece of Cody."
"Once it held her image, he always wore it close to his heart."
"Ben was just a warm, loving character... The world is not the same place without him."
"I think it is exactly where it belongs on Lindsay's finger. She now carries around a piece of Egypt wherever she goes, and it is such an honor and a reminder of a beautiful woman that was lost too soon."
"No matter how special everything tends to be, his love for her is the only special gift that he would need."
"Legacy Box is what Better Homes and Gardens calls the most sentimental gift for making this holiday season special."
"She wants concrete things to remember me by... a wedding ring which she said she'd wear even after my secession."
"If I could press pause in this moment right now, I would do it."
"This beautiful maple tree is the largest tree we have to take down now I'm a little bit sad because it's a beautiful tree but I can tell you if the homeowner lets me take it it'll make Beautiful Boards and it'll make a beautiful table someday."
"This jacket I really haven't worn that much but I really really love it."
"He hated sentimentality and he didn't want anybody to treat him anything differently."
"That's a cost of $2 a clamp...way better than retail."
"I just like sitting and holding it...reassuring feeling."
"We've all become infected by this sentimentality, and I don't want to see it again."
"The sentimentality of Solskjaer the player was absorbed into Solskjaer the manager."
"This movie is meant to pull on your heartstrings."
"A marriage so Grand it can soften the hearts of online cynics."
"It actually holds a special place in my heart."
"It feels kind of like a meme is dying today so I am a little bit sad about it even if we have been asking for this for like, nine years."
"If a hug was a book I think this would be giving you a hug. It is just so perfect, I'm obsessed with it."
"Nobody takes a picture of a moment they want to forget."
"I feel like there's something strangely nostalgic about this place."
"Guys, scrap personalized and sentimental because it doesn't mean anything. Yes, it do."
"Every finite moment with our loved ones... is infinitely more precious."
"Knowing that these happy times won't and can't last forever only makes the moments we do get to enjoy with them feel more precious."
"It will be a year full of feels and nostalgia that hasn't been experienced since Derek Jeter's ego stroke heard round the world."
"I might keep that Cheerio with pride, dude. I kiss that Cheerio, my unicorn."
"Let her know. Or forgotten. If only we all lived like that. If only."
"Things can be old and dumb but still cherished in a weird way."
"I think the first film is just forever gonna be nostalgic."
"Honestly, that's just weird. So basically, you had the perfect dog and you want another perfect dog."
"You know you're having a fun time when you get sad when you're done recording."
"I think they're just a priceless pair of shoes to me."
"There's no romance or poetry or sentimentality that will prevent the [expletive] COVID from entering your lungs."
"I never went home, man. Ah, I love that. That's special."
"We built Kikoa to sell her, but there was definitely something about it that never seemed like we were going to let go of this boat."
"I'm not crying, you're crying." - The emotional revelation of Mabel's scrapbook.
"Any day you receive it...is one to stash in the heart."
"It's sad what our city has turned into, but it's still home."
"It's my little sister's gift, a Winnie the Pooh mug. It's very cute."
"Even in the future fascist world, humans are way more sentimental towards animals than they are to people."
"Sentimentality is at the very heart of why we all love football."
"As soon as it's dark, hippos will leave the river to feed. Despite their murderous reputation, they are herbivores and need 50 kilograms of vegetation every night."
"If you were going to save any Royal Navy battleship... she would have been the one to keep."
"This is our longest running unfinished project in the world and i kind of don't ever want to finish it just because of that."
"But that’s okay. I always say this at the beginning of my retrospective’s and it’s true, nostalgia is a hell of a thing especially when it involves something from your childhood."
"Memories are in our hearts, not in our storage units."
"It's old but gold... No, it's not gold, it's old and it's just old."
"Keep everything, keep it because you'll look back and think Wow."
"This top isn't, I'm not a very emotional person but not gonna lie the fact that she made something for me is just like so touching to me."
"I kind of like keeping things too, like my hair."
"Thank you so much for the amazing gifts. It's not the amount of gifts, it's the thought that counts."
"I always thought this song was so sweet to be honest because the lyrics literally say like, 'Will you love me? Will you love me forever? Do you need me? Will you never leave me?'"
"This is so cute, I cherish it and your tack pieces are adorable."
"It was romantic, it was lovely, there's always lead back to romance."
"British soldiers were notoriously sentimental."
"It'll be nice to have kind of a little spot where we're always reminded of her in her home."
"These gifts are super last minute, they're often the most meaningful ones too."
"We're all just a little bit too stuck on nostalgia to be honest."
"They're just really great gifts for dads or for grandfathers."
"It's great to see it all come together in one piece and it's also a nice walk down memory lane."
"I'm always a sucker for the heartfelt ending."
"So at least some part of Carl was always with her."
"This one still looks really pretty I'm gonna keep it."
"There's just a romanticism to it, it just feels like you're harkening back to a yesteryear."
"It’s not the gift that matters, it’s the love behind it."
"This is a 2011 Kia Sedona, the most important car in the world to its owner."
"It's kind of weird, I mean listen, I'll always have a special place in my heart, you know, but uh, and it's always so nice to be there."
"It was a really heartwarming thing to watch."
"We are over halfway done with this show, but it's kind of low-key sad, but it's kind of RAD."
"He might have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy."
"Half of the emotional moments in the series focus on the realization of sentimentality."
"It's kind of sentimental, you know. This is where it all kind of came to be initially."
"It just stinks that this is one of the final times we get to use this great offensive group of guys."
"I think it's so pretty and I might actually keep this."
"It's actually so sad...seeing like the life and that was went on in this house versus like what it is now..."
"Despite being a story about warring gods and the end of the world, the soul of the game is something far more sentimental."
"Someone caught like their grandmother's last words on re-clip or their babies like first steps and words and [ __ ] oh my God how cute like there is really cute."
"No worries man, I like heavy played stuff, they're loved. It's not heavy played, it's heavy loved."
"The value of a gift is the thought behind the gift."
"You can't put a value on that. That is just priceless."
"I've really just had such an amazing time here; it's gonna be really hard to leave."
"Even if it's not the best gift... I still cherish those gifts."
"Even after all the new changes, even after how god-awful the community's become and even after mine coins, there's still a soft spot for it in my heart."
"I wanted to create a video that had sentimental value; the nostalgic vibes had to be strong with this one."
"I am a sucker when it comes to these types of movies."
"Your sweet heart is what you're taking with you."
"Originally it was my father's, and he's no longer with us, so needless to say, I'm never getting rid of it."
"One of those moments with Charlie where he said something so sweet that you thought it might break your heart."
"One of the biggest sentiments I took was to be thankful for the loved ones that you have in your life."
"I miss Barack. I miss my president, okay? 'Cause I don't know whose man's is in my house up the street, but I miss Barack Obama, okay? I miss my siblings Sasha and Malia. Like, I miss them."
"If you have something that is really special to you and you're not ready to let it go, then don't."
"I have a sweater in my collection that I don't wear because it's far too precious to me."
"Because it can be a beautiful thing that you can look at fondly for years to come."
"Karen's sister Linda Schmeltzer said she still wears one of her sister's rings to keep a part of her spirit close every day."
"Organizing your memories, your special sentimental things, doesn't have to be overwhelming and it's super fast."
"If you get her a card and write her a note, I guarantee you, you will make her cry and feel wonderful at the same time."
"I'm just such a sentimental person, happiness to me is just being surrounded by my family and my bestest friends."
"I can't ever see myself selling this car... it's just too special for me."
"The real value in these cars is the stories they hold and the histories they share, and that is worth more than any amount of money."
"I've waited a long time to do this, guys, this is sentimental."
"Life is precious, as precious as money or those little kissing zebra knickknacks that we love to display on top of our cabinets."
"That's the difference when a car becomes part of the family."
"I always keep things that give me good great memories, you know, like clothing pieces you just can't get rid of them."
"It's very sentimental, and it's very sweet."
"It meant to him because it was the gift that was left for him by his wife."
"It's not just jewelry, it's memories."
"I still hold it very near and dear to my heart."
"It's all about nostalgia in a good way, good memories."
"My Ho-Bohemia is the place I want to be."
"I'll never forget you, no matter where I am."
"Once you come in here, it's like a Time Capsule."
"The most important part, this is my Starley long-haul trucker... it's been on four or five major bike tours."
"He can do whatever he wants, right? And I think I'm gonna miss boxing when I'm retired a lot."
"These could've been in someone's family for, you know, 100 plus years."
"Some people are worth melting for."
"It's an Auld Lang Syne, it's like a New Year's pipe."
"You may think it's old-fashioned, but it's nice you appreciate this."
"The land alone would have cost Millions, but I knew I would not be selling it due to the sentimentality of it all."
"...how do we declutter this stuff in a way where we still preserve the memories of the ones we care about but don't feel guilty or resentful?"
"...we felt like we really did right by these items... now they're being used by someone who can really enjoy them."
"It's the car I've had the longest... I love this car, really."
"She drove this thing everywhere, loved the truck."
"Well, guy reached out and said, 'Derek, I got her old truck. I got it right here on the paperwork says you were the last owner. Do you want it back?' And I did not hesitate."
"A watch is like a photo, it's a memory."
"This is a watch that I will never get rid of."
"Take this honey, so that a part of me will always be with you."
"This is a special piece that I'm gonna keep forever."
"It's a little collection of love letters. It makes the cutest keyring."
"It's literally so tiny, I will cherish it forever."
"It is our favorite thing in the whole wide world."
"I continue to accumulate things that I enjoy and are special to me."
"I hope that they love our house as much as we did."
"It's okay to hold those memories in your heart instead of tangible property."
"You're not only a sentimentalist but you've become a patriot."
"This is a normal human feeling to have to mourn the loss of the place that you grew up in."
"The Corvette was the first car he owned when he was a young man."
"I'm moving and it's really hard but I'm gonna miss you guys a lot."
"I feel like this is my dream home because I brought home four babies to it."
"I'm gonna miss this one day, I know I am."
"I kept them at the time even after I knew I was pregnant because they almost felt like proof to me, tangible proof that I was pregnant and that he existed."
"I'm going to keep this, it hasn't had its moment, like who knows honestly."
"Keep the things that are really meaningful to you or that you think you have a good spot for."
"I am keeping this; the absolute cutest Christmas cat crew neck, keeping it forever."
"This is my favorite favorite jacket; I feel like I'm breaking up with someone, but it's a jacket."
"I finally got a vase so I'm able to like put my sister's flowers in here."
"It's okay to hang on to some things that you just aren't sure about."
"The idea of a toy who didn't sell well and is essentially trapped inside his box because no one ever opened him to ever play with him is simply perfect."
"It's good for the environment, but I still miss it."
"It does look nostalgic and kind of cute, almost like a Nickelodeon moment."
"We love it for the history, the memories, the documentation of our lives."
"I missed Vine so much, that was the iconic moments."
"The last thing on his mind, did he reach into his pouch to get a picture of his son."
"This is my favorite place on Earth."
"He's a sentimental man, interesting so much mystery behind this dude."
"I am feeling nostalgic, I love it."
"It's hitting me right in the nostalgia bone."
"It just made me feel all young and warm inside."
"This set means the absolute world to me."
"I just thought this was the neatest little room that he fixed."
"I'll never forget those memories, they're literally ingrained into my brain."
"Sometimes it's hard to say goodbye to the things we love, things that hold a special place in your heart after knowing them for so long."
"This was my first ever Harry Potter set and like a lot of other first sets this set is incredibly sentimental to me."
"A baby blanket can be a family heirloom, created by an older generation, given to a baby, and then passed down to a whole other generation."
"My whole intention was for this project to become that timeless family heirloom."
"Many people have nostalgia for it, including me."
"I've never felt so close and special to a Chili's."
"I didn't want to give it to someone who was gonna ball it up and throw it for the dogs or somewhere that it shouldn't be. I wanted somebody who would really cherish it."
"You have a lot of sentimental feelings for this person."
"I won't lie that my heart melted a little when an interaction goes like this."
"Nostalgia and beer are a hell of a mix."
"How did you not get nostalgic watching that?"
"How cool is this vintage Mickey Mouse thing from 1984? It's really cute."