
COVID-19 Impact Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"After strict COVID-19 controls, China's economic recovery has been more difficult than expected."
"Everything we're doing is to bend that very famous chart from going up like this and overwhelming the healthcare system, to staying flat."
"One of the things about COVID is my sense of time has completely gone."
"We were too lucky, I suppose, although I don't want to say that. This virus doesn't seem to affect children at all."
"Every American continues to be with our fellow citizens who lost a cherished friend or family member to the virus."
"COVID-19 has exposed some uncomfortable truths about our society, including how we care for seniors in Canada."
"This nation is in crisis; our community is catching hell economically, catching hell from COVID."
"A lot of people did die of COVID. I don't think any of us would want to misrepresent that."
"Happy holidays, everybody. Hope all of you and your families are safe and sound during these rather difficult times with COVID-19."
"As I've told you before, I carry a card in my pocket with the number of Americans who have died from COVID to date...That's more deaths than in World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, and 9/11 combined."
"Last year, COVID-19 kept us apart. This year, we're finally together again."
"New York as a state has lost about 500,000 people since COVID."
"Money supply combined with the perfect storm, which is the supply chain shortages that got created because of COVID..."
"Deaths would still go up. What these posters are trying to get you to think is that those COVID deaths which would not happen otherwise are a worthy sacrifice to save the economy."
"The market will take care of itself... the market will be very strong as soon as we get rid of the virus."
"Unexpected treasures. My perception of what Sea of Thieves was shifted when COVID arrived."
"Microsoft is giving away 15 certifications for people who were affected by COVID."
"So, I flew to Washington and I started at Microsoft the first week that COVID shutdowns happened."
"I think a lot of things came out of the COVID season that caused the NFL to kind of question norms that have been held for a long time."
"Before COVID, doing Zoom calls and treating people remotely was like taboo."
"It's weird it's weird and the one of the good things that came out of this covert thing I keep saying is the fact that now everyone is okay with doing work from home meetings right and having this virtual sort of meeting face to face."
"One of the greatest victims of COVID-19 has been common sense."
"18% of people hospitalized with Covid-19 ended up dying." - A stark statistic highlighting the severity of the disease.
"I do think that some of the excess deaths were due to COVID. However, I don't think that the majority of the excess deaths were due to COVID."
"It's just demonstrably true that systemic Health and Social inequities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from covid-19."
"We saw during COVID it's not the CEOs and business, it's people on the ground doing the work."
"2020 was obviously with COVID and everything else but that summer I think probably red pilled a lot of people."
"For many young homebuyers, COVID-19 is making the green space of the suburbs more attractive."
"Where's the light at the end of this tunnel? It's my prediction is the delta variant is going to cause a much more rapid herd immunity response."
"When more people wear masks, 34,000 fewer cumulative deaths by the first of June."
"It's a process, so we started before COVID. We hoped the building would already be finished today."
"A week ago there was talk of Premier League lockdowns."
"Prayers to anybody out there who has a family member or relative that has a pre-existing illness or ailment that COVID is expediting the process of."
"This is not about politics. This is how a life can change because COVID. It can dominate you."
"He got COVID-19. He got COVID-19, and his followers are getting COVID-19. It's a real simple equation."
"Do you know who couldn't thank Ron DeSantis? The estimated 78,000 Floridians killed by COVID."
"Unlike a lot of other industries where COVID brought nothing but misery and lackluster sales, with gaming it's actually been a lot more of a mixed bag."
"Many people who had only been lightly exposed to games in the past suddenly became gamers overnight."
"COVID has been terrible for countless numbers of reasons but it might just be the most positive thing to helping your next game idea get its big break."
"It is nice to see America's president actually take a moment just a moment to recognize the toll that coronavirus has taken."
"Couples videos started in 2020 during COVID."
"We're seeing hospital admissions declining very substantially."
"We are bringing agencies together to make sure Americans with long COVID who had a disability, have access to the rights and resources that are due under the disability law."
"There's real people out there in New York dying. My heart goes out to you guys. Y'all are dealing with the most coronavirus cases, the most deaths."
"Every 43 seconds, an American dies from COVID."
"The only good thing that's come out of this virus is my wife is cooking."
"250,000 minimum Americans are dead of COVID, and Trump is nowhere near any sort of accountability for that."
"An overwhelming majority of people who have been hospitalized needed a ventilator or died from COVID-19 have been overweight or obese."
"Learning how a fruit trading crisis fueled by COVID-19 became an opportunity for food innovation."
"It's only gonna get worse unless we stop it, and that is what is happening to prisoners all across this country in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic."
"Coronavirus 19 and the legislation around it is being used to further entrench and centralize power."
"Vitamin D levels the lowest... exhibited the largest decrease in covid-19 infection and mortality."
"The vaccine is helpful, it does reduce hospitalizations."
"The UK has got the world's worst coronavirus death rate per million people."
"Regardless of whether or not people are literally dropping dead from COVID-19, it is still just ravaging everyone's life."
"If you had to spend time alone during Covid, you're an incredibly powerful human being."
"We're sitting in here with 715,000 people in our country who have died of COVID."
"All of the big trends that I was thinking about prior to COVID-19, all of a sudden accelerating, they're speeding up."
"There were almost 300 percent more hospitalized COVID-19 patients over Labor Day weekend in the US compared to a year ago."
"Those 270,000 mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, husbands and wives, they ain't coming back."
"Florida has experienced about 1/15th - 1/20th of the deaths of New York State."
"Covid-19 vaccine saved hundreds of thousands of lives and prevented more than a million hospitalizations in the US."
"I don't see what those five days have gained Britain. People got to buy a few more beers in a social setting, but presumably there's a lot more coronavirus around."
"Despite many manufacturers being forced to shut down for at least part of 2020, sales of campers, RVs, and trailers surged."
"There are so many unsung victims of this COVID-19 pandemic."
"It's particularly important this year because if someone has COVID-19 and influenza at the same time, their chances of dying are 2.7 times higher."
"Isn't it amazing how this country was real quick, real quick Congress was able to find the money for major corporations, airlines, and others who were impacted by COVID?" - Dr. William J. Barber
"The South Bronx historically has been known to be the poorest congressional district in America, but COVID-19 has shown the South Bronx to be the essential congressional district."
"People don't want to interact with strangers due to COVID-19 concerns."
"These pastors are fighting back, they're saying get out of our churches, we are essential, we're tired of you coming down on us with all these crazy Covid restrictions."
"But if we don't get on with it, there might be no football if we wait for the vaccine."
"COVID-19 has been used to clear out racism, industries, and leaders who are not leading us into the future."
"More Americans have died this year than last year under COVID."
"People went out, surely got Co vid 19 because they weren't wearing masks."
"We're in this time where we talk about essential workers in this world in the middle of COVID, you know, the essential workers putting our food on our table, those same essential workers deli deserve to have a living wage and be paid fairly."
"President Biden today marked what he called a tragic milestone. 1 million American lives lost to COVID-19."
"Skateboarding is having a moment right. It's like I was just looking at the supporting good manufacturers associations numbers and like skateboarding biking and surfing were like the top three in covid because low barrier to entry accessibility."
"If your birthday was in lockdown, you gained a year of life because it doesn't count."
"There are people dying in the community, there are people dying in residential homes from COVID-19, and they are not being made part of the statistics."
"They're basically saying that COVID's permanent... and these lockdowns are going to be permanent."
"We're getting on with coming out of covid with the fastest economic recovery in the g7."
"In our old age and now it'll basically be let's just rotate among the rooms in our house because covet's never going away."
"Two people that I've interviewed died from COVID... I am going to make sure that I am alive to do this."
"This is live data... three and a half times more likely to die from COVID."
"The first U.S. death from the omicron variant... believed to have died from omicron."
"A hundred thousand times more Americans died of fentanyl than of the omicron variant."
"In states where restrictions were generally relaxed much earlier, they are now experiencing wild increases in case numbers and deaths."
"Living in Australia, I fortunately avoided a lot of the carnage and the craziness due to COVID."
"I do get very concerned about all the postponed healthcare that has taken place under COVID."
"This cycle, post-COVID, is really an over-easing and over-tightening cycle that's on steroids."
"Consider the fact that the airlines and the airports are virtually empty right now."
"40% of the deaths from COVID-19 could have been averted if the country's death rates corresponded with other high-income G7 countries."
"A year ago, none of us understood the scope of what the COVID pandemic would entail."
"I think Trump will win, I mean, I definitely think he was on course to win in a landslide before the whole COVID thing."
"I was doing well with the computer business, but when COVID hit and the GPU shortage happened, it really affected me."
"Those in power can't do what they are trying to do if our citizens refuse to carry out immoral orders."
"Donald Trump went from being the favorite to win the election pre-covered to losing drastically."
"Manchester United reluctantly want their Prem League match with Brentford on Tuesday to be called off after a COVID outbreak forced the club to trace their training ground and threw preparations into disarray."
"Women with extra estrogen... had significantly lower prevalence of Covid-19 diagnosis... and reduced hospitalizations."
"Iran has the highest number of deaths from the coronavirus outside China."
"Let us take a moment to extend our deepest sympathy to the families of those who have lost their loved ones to COVID-19."
"400,000 people dead from COVID-19 in the U.S. They were mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, friends, co-workers, even some children. And now they're gone."
"Mortal Kombat 9 is the best of the Mortal Kombat series and one of my favorite fighting games of all time."
"New figures show that deaths of pregnant women increased by 40 percent from 2019 to the year 2021 due to covid."
"Covid: many of the problems related to the global supply chain stem from kovit factory closures and lockdowns through the first part of 2020 ground to a halt."
"I've had a big opportunity, COVID ruined it with the network three letters and now I have the biggest opportunity ever."
"60 percent of new hospitalizations were in fully vaxed and 71 of breakthrough cases were in fully vaxed."
"The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the global embrace of remote by at least 10 years."
"I feel sad that we're going to be gone from you guys for two weeks because I have to say that over this year with COVID and everything happening I feel that we've formed a stronger bond than ever."
"COVID-19 was a leading cause of death in young people aged 0-19, causing substantially more deaths annually than any vaccine-preventable disease historically before vaccines became available." - Daniel Griffin
"I believe that we've found a workaround solution to get the cabinetry happening on this in the next week or two despite Melbourne's COVID-19 lockdown restrictions."
"We may actually do far more for climate change politics, and so and in this sense, we can say the COVID-19 is a good anti-capitalist antidote to the way in which the environment and climate change is being provoked via the new forms of consumerism."
"For the future, I would suggest that you look into the possible changes in consumer behaviors in a COVID situation."
"Child Care here is very expensive; the cost of child care has gone up 50-55 percent during covid."
"The mental health crisis that came out of COVID... what did people have more of than they've ever had before? Time."
"Obesity here is correlated with increasing severity and the requirement for intensive care in COVID-19 infection."
"During a COVID here, or after COVID, with this resurgence in pilot training and the shortage of pilots, his ferry business has been taking off, so to speak."
"A couple of years ago, coming out of the shutdown from COVID, I kind of had a chance to really overhaul and rethink my live gigging kit."
"Being able to have these songs to use to romanticize being a teenager really makes up for things that COVID took away from you."
"I would like to think that rather than going back to normal, we kind of hold on to some of the stuff that we've all been confronted with during COVID."
"We already live in an age of digital money, and the corona crisis will accelerate that."
"I think through COVID, it really made me realize actually how many beautiful places there are actually in the UK."
"The experience of the COVID has demonstrated that a number of economies were feeling that they were badly in need of the components they were used to."
"Because of COVID and lots of things that have happened in terms of people deferring, now the class of 2025 is really big."
"Man, well you know this is what COVID has done, and when you can't get your designs where you want them, you play with what you can."
"The ability then to recognize what's happening with our black and brown brothers and sisters with COVID all over the country who have the stigma of race or the stigma of poverty or the stigma of this illness is an opportunity for all of us to get better and smarter."
"I've been streaming since 2017, but when COVID hit in 2020, that's when everything just started like a snowball, like crazy picking up."