
Cultural Observation Quotes

There are 348 quotes

"What I love about this technique is that it shows you just how weak our minds are in Western cultures."
"I've spent an awful lot of my time traveling, particularly on the continent of Europe, and I've noticed that they live a lot better than we do."
"Among all the countries I've been to, Japan is the only one where I felt this profound sense of loneliness, despite its sophistication and perfection."
"I want to give every Jewish person a big hug. Also, I'm envious of the Jewish people. I'm envious of how they don't abort their children, how they don't shoot each other in the streets and then rap about it, how their families stay together."
"Like Chris Rock said in his pretty awesome stand-up special, if someone wanted your job like 10 to 15 years ago, they would just outwork you. Now, if they want your job, it seems like they're gonna wait for you to say something messed up and then try to expose you."
"Our people, ethnic people, are overly in love with entertainment."
"What I discovered in China was, the people were happy. We were proud to come if they were energized. The government officials I met genuinely wanted to do the right thing for the people."
"Jesus saves and Dollar Generals are every 7 miles. It's just the facts."
"I think there is a god-sized hole in a lot of people's hearts in the United States."
"You go from wear this mask to Joe Biden is a hologram in [__] nine months."
"Wow, this is the world, hey this is the free world I was hearing about."
"Literally every single person in this building is an old Japanese person and they all smile and look at me but they all think the same thing."
"There were many instances of them being dressed in their best clothes."
"We may be witnessing the birth of the first real-life super villain."
"So today I wanted to sit down and talk about the glorification of the scam artist, kind of some different examples and different cases, why I think it's happening, and sort of the bigger picture. So if you're interested in that, keep watching."
"When you see them setting up the Christmas decoration in October, you know Thanksgiving is getting close."
"The truth is chloroformed in this culture, wherever you go it's a truthless society."
"America has 5% of the world's population but 67 percent of the world's serial killers."
"Instant gratification is the society we live in man, yeah you're true that's exactly it geez."
"If we're not allowed to observe the differences between cultures, what are we left with? It's not a multicultural society, it's a monocultural society."
"Hip-hop is aging, so we're able to see things we've never seen before. 100 percent, you know what I mean? It's a new genre of music, relatively new, so we've never got to see the lineage."
"It seems the West has essentially lost the tragic sense of life."
"Sometimes truth really is Stranger Than Fiction."
"America doesn't relate to Perfect People. America relates to Broken People."
"Having watched Canada was such a beautiful country a wonderful country descend into this Darkness um and to see someone like you standing up cheerfully uh is really affirming so thank you Sheldon Andreas."
"America has limited us. That's what America do."
"As a society, we're so freaked out over ridiculous stuff."
"It's like they've been on TV for so long. I'm like, 'What are we gonna watch? Them grow into old hoes?'"
"We are in a better place especially in countries like the US dealing with these issues that we have in the past."
"There are no moderators left in our culture."
"It's a month that people neglect, between Rajab and Ramadan."
"American politics is strange even being being here is is strange it's very theatrical in a way that I haven't seen."
"We've never actually heard the Monster Mash, just a song about the Monster Mash."
"I think we need to label perpetual offendedness as a legitimate disorder."
"The demons and the devils and the witches ain't even hiding anymore."
"London is great because people actually are much better about making food and eating it at home."
"I mean like a three-dimensional explanation, no. In Los Angeles, that's right, that's Los Angeles and we're all very worried about how everybody else looks, that's right, yeah." - Woody Harrelson
"British culture is very focused around believing the evidence of one's own eyes, painting things warts and all, perfection isn't even a consideration."
"It should be very alarming to us all just how far this tolerance of Satan has grown. This situation with little Nas X is just a huge wake-up call of how evil the times are."
"It's common in all cultures that fights can break out."
"They want the world to be completely joyless, humorless, and frankly sexless."
"We are living in the age of cultural absurdity."
"Let's go back to the 7th century when the world looked like this."
"Vietnamese people are hardworking... hardworking is the number one quality of Vietnamese students." - Mr. Witten Chi Hill
"They always bypassed Generation X... Generation X lived wild though."
"There's been a bifurcation between the idea of something being popular and something being good."
"When you say that I love that Chinese people are not PC, and all you're basically saying is I love that I can be racist and shitty. That's what it is."
"This really is a good reminder of how toxic the media and the tabloid me and sort of the media has been, especially in the UK in relationship to the royal family."
"It's like such a weird way to enjoy football. People going and getting smashed off their head."
"Everybody smokes weed, whether you're conservative or liberal, everybody smokes weed."
"When you're perpetually offended, a sense of humor is the first thing to go. A drink for their loss."
"Our age has been called many things but an age of cowards may best describe it, given the immense fear, anxiety, and helplessness."
"It's interesting to see on this side of the world how the Asians live."
"That's why nobody says 'goodbye' before hanging up the phone in movies."
"Rap is one of the last places on earth... based around motherfuckers trying to outdo each other."
"The English always say sorry so beautifully."
"Americans are obsessed with individual rights and freedom."
"I don't think anyone in this room can honestly say that America is better now than it was when most people were going to church."
"When you first drink coffee, it's so bitter. Oh my God, no wonder. My whole mouth is like tangling from the sweetness of the condensed milk, but like, it tastes like a milkshake, like a coffee milkshake maybe."
"A snapshot at a changing world, a shift in cultural dynamics that is on display in these final moments."
"I noticed that when I speak to a lot of Americans."
"Cultures were so, those lines were [ __ ] so true."
"Nowadays people will just look at the stars to find answers because everybody's lost, baby."
"Every woman in America thinks she's Taylor Swift."
"Kids today care more about their smartphones than actual history."
"History is often cruel. Most nations don't make it. Their names litter the pages of history and the ruins roadsides around the world."
"Everyone and I mean everybody loves to glamorize puppies."
"If you tell Americans not to do something, that's the one thing they'll definitely do."
"America's got it good now that I've been traveling."
"Why is it that the majority of foreigners you find in China all seem to have a little bit of a screw loose myself included?"
"In America, it's a different culture, it's completely different."
"We're seeing a global acceleration of departure from truth."
"We've made an idol out of ideology and can't see the disconnect."
"America is the home of fast food... so many options."
"I feel like Nagisa she's probably the most common. Yeah, even like those, like here, I feel like you find out, it's not gonna be like that... Oh, there it is."
"You couldn't make a movie that white now. Those movies are really, really very white." - Molly Ringwald
"These people, these Chachapoya, are the whitest people I have seen. They are very agreeable, graceful, the women were beautiful."
"The fan base is no longer children. Everyone's in their 20s and 30s. It feels like another demographic." - "The fan base is no longer children."
"Cancel culture was leading this way this whole time and you laughed, you laughed."
"I feel like we need religion, otherwise, we would have still been throwing rocks at each other."
"Christmas is the most prevalent holiday of the year, creeping earlier and earlier every season like a zombie apocalypse."
"Are we witnessing literally the exact same thing just coming from two different cultural backgrounds?"
"Every Disney Channel love song kinda sounds like a worship song."
"It's just funny to me that it's not a problem we saw 20 years ago like we do now."
"The Koreans have the metabolic health to prove it."
"We live in a culture where there's a bunch of Saved people and that's as far as they've gone."
"America loves a convert, even if the person doesn't actually get born again."
"A popular choice is a donut but people often wonder about the hole in the center."
"Cancel culture is exactly the opposite of grace and forgiveness."
"There's something special about convenience stores in Asia."
"If you go to a cat cafe in Japan I don't think the cats are like in the kitchen sitting on the work surface as you're kneading the dough."
"Every time in the UK... it's a British version of that."
"The American attention span is either like 3 hours or 6 seconds, that's it."
"The way that the western culture has set up dating makes you damn stupid."
"This shit's getting crazy and you know what's even better about it? It's not a bad thing."
"They're everywhere now. I mean, they've always been around but this is next level we are dealing with folks."
"Rare opportunity right now to see villagers up close."
"The irony... like I can't really go too far next I don't [ __ ] know it but you can kind of see the irony they're trying to spin."
"The New York Times observes a cultural trend."
"It's madness, absolute madness because it goes against the grain of reality."
"This is actually a good moment because now everybody gets to see what the logical progression of these kind of policies and this kind of culture is."
"We're really seeing it more solidified as a cult now... I think that's dangerous on any side of politics."
"Our culture has become so obsessed with just skipping straight to the finish line that we don't realize how self-defeating that actually is. And it's got to stop. It just has to."
"Isn't it crazy how the media has made a day that's supposed to be so special into about bunny rabbits?"
"Every joke is a tiny revolution." - George Orwell
"July 4th is nothing more anymore than a commercial day."
"Anybody that has watched a cartoon in the past 50 years knows that annoying animals always equals hilarity."
"Masculinity has been eroding by the decade... we're losing."
"People are just so emboldened nowadays that they can feel whatever they want to say whenever they want to say it."
"Love is the key. These good Europeans and bad Europeans, they know each other because that's the same species."
"We have become much more divisive, we've lost a certain percentage of patriotism."
"The Church's culture is predominantly white and middle class."
"Black consumers, more importantly, are too forgiving too fast."
"Wokeness is funny, a lot of the woke ideas are so outrageous."
"Outraged culture that exists on Twitter has a half-life of like three fucking days, it's gone."
"The moment you make reality exciting, people will prefer it over their phones."
"Something about white dudes fighting is just always gonna be the best."
"This takes somebody who knows their body and knows the machine so well that they can go, 'I'm going to use every moment available to me and make something that you won't believe I made in a day.'"
"Did anybody see what we saw or were we just gay and hoping everything can be gayer?"
"Most evangelicals idea of Protestantism is these non-denominational churches with a rock band worship and you show up to church and your skinny jeans and a t-shirt."
"That's why I've always thought that the term npc was the perfect term to come up with these types."
"For him to say that it really... tells how Filipinos treat others and treated each other."
"I'm at the McDonald's of Japan this is mossberger and it is everywhere here."
"Every part of America is an Adam Curtis documentary."
"Every person is going to be famous for 15 minutes."
"I think in this country we are too obsessed with this idea or notion of feeling safe."
"Rosie, the ie ending is literally all over the chart."
"People become famous for being famous and they continue to grow, pulling things into their collective like the expanding gravitational well of a dying star."
"LA is not for me. LA is superficial, LA is bougie as hell, but it's stinking Hollywood. Like, you don't make sense."
"But right right it was just an old I mean there were Mustangs on every street corner for sale yeah please give me a thumbs up foreign."
"I think they're largely anti-ideological, I think they're very open-minded, I think they're perceiving some of what we've lost as a culture."
"What happens when someone's dream is not particularly great for society?"
"Truthfulness is so underrated in our culture."
"I always feel like award shows are very self-masturbatory a lot of the time."
"Gas stations do be having like little different snacks than like your normal convenience store."
"I'm in it for the Long Haul. I look at what's happening in the public space, I look at what's happening with war conflict the culture War, and for me I'm like I think it's a good bet."
"Whoever controls the media kind of controls society, that's a fact."
"India is a place where everyone is in a hurry but no one is ever on time."
"Guys, we live in the Golden Age of firearms, and this has just made it even more golden."
"People love comics but they left comics." - Zack
"Imagine falling in love with someone and then finding out they clap when the plane lands."
"Americans talk far too loud all the time and it's amazing."
"Y'all be 30, even involved in young folks' business. Don't know what that's about, love to see it, people born in the 80s talking [__] about Normani and Chloe and Halle."
"American Christianity is almost totally wrong."
"Artists tend to be on the left, this is true throughout history."
"Halloween is good. It's like a little time to be spooked, to be scared, but also to feel a bit of comfort, because everyone's a bit sad that summer's gone."
"It's not that big a deal, like Valentine's Day comes and goes."
"The majority of the Democratic Party... replace God with CNN, MSNBC, Hollywood, Twitter."
"Giving everybody cameras has been a blessing and a curse on one hand we have to look at a heck of a lot more selfies than any of us needed to see, but it's also allowed us to see the beauty of the world around us even when it's weird."
"People are reading more now than they did ten years ago."
"Back in the day, the closest person we had to rap music was James Brown because we don't know what he was saying either."
"We're saying Merry Christmas again, do you notice or no?"
"And sailed on to the land of infinite hot water, and naked elderly women who silently judge my belly button piercing."
"Sometimes I feel like we don't get excited about things in the way that we should anymore."
"The world we're living in today is getting darker and darker and darker."
"Do you think there's something about the idea that whenever you see something of high art and Christian there's usually non-Christians involved?"
"It's kind of a happy time, you know, even if you don't observe it, it's the lights and Santa all around."
"Black people, we got to be the most question-asking people out there."
"I was shocked at how well-behaved children are in America."
"Ireland was a matriarchy disguised as a patriarchy."
"St. Patrick's Day is just an excuse to go out on a day that's not a weekend and just get sloshed."
"It's just creepy because this is things people have talked about for decades."
"America's symptom, because we have everything, our brain has to invent problems."
"We're living at a time when Satan seemingly has liberty and freedom."
"Comedy goes where the funny is, and there is funny on the left now as well as the right."
"Fans will be fans, they're always going to be like this."
"We as black people got to drop that whole if they saying something quote unquote negative then they must be hating." - Crimson Q
"When common sense is refreshing, society is failing."
"We're all seeing the same things and building a culture around it."
"Drake is the pop music what LeBron is to ESPN. I mean, I respect his greatness, but come on guys, there are other interesting topics you could focus on."
"Happy Sunday! Happy Christmas! It's a Sunday, it's like a big event. Absolutely nothing happens on a Sunday, true, unless you're Christian."
"It feels like somehow slightly overdue, but also at exactly the right time."
"Japan is very slow to do things in many ways but when they do things they do it right."
"I don't understand most American Thanksgiving food. I think most of it looks like it's already been eaten."
"We're Americans born without the ability to feel shame."
"British people are so bloody friendly."
"Us black people, we don't have no leaders; we just chill and watch everybody else be crazy."
"I didn't even know people were friendly until I moved to California."
"Manners are really a thing here in London even in a big city like this."
"We have so diluted Christmas that a Muslim country has the Guinness world record for the most expensive Christmas tree ever in the world. Amen."
"Americans get pissy if Starbucks has the wrong colour Cup at Christmas."
"Confidence is something French women on the whole do not seem to lack."
"Black dudes are the funniest people in the world."
"I really do feel that before a time of iPhones and iPads and eye this and ie that we were a culture and a society that were better able to look up at the stars and understand exactly what the universe wanted from us."
"Asians really are the best drivers. You have to go over there to get it. You cross the street in Vietnam, the cars don't stop."
"Does everybody eat like this on a daily basis there?"
"If there was any question whether or not the Saudi Arabian people are absolutely batshit insane, it was answered here."
"White people don't want Starbucks, white people don't want free McDonald's."
"Americans are pretty good at the dad jokes."
"watching things ironically has become like a national...International Pastime now"
"My mom actually went to Trader Joe's with me and said, 'This place must be owned by a Korean person because it's Trader Joe's.'"
"I went walking around and it's fun to watch the tourists who are from States who've never seen snow before. They don't know what to do. They make snowballs and then they eat them."
"It's the right amount of racism and the right amount of friendliness. It's that mixture that Walmart always gives you."
"It's a peculiarly English disease that we go, 'Oh, something [ __ ]ty just happened, I better try and pretend it didn't.'"
"Americans always so sure of yourselves, but it's a quality I admire."
"I kind of uh that's so crazy you're so you're like it's almost like you're so unused to be in the white person in the room you don't even notice that my racial humor"
"You want to know when 2021 became a problem? When they came out with the party size chips ahoy."
"It's just an interesting time that we're living in."
"Koreans also have this plump hydrated bouncy skin."
"The Japanese people are so cute and happy all the time."