
Environmental Progress Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"There are some ecological news that's of surprising positivity."
"Greenhouse gases generated by the US will slide 9.2% this year, tumbling to the lowest level in at least three decades."
"In the time from 2010 to 2018, the price of wind has gone down by 66%, Solar has gone down 80%."
"Pollution is now at an end. We've also got a technological advantage."
"This is two-thirds part of PET bottles recycled, so that's a step forward."
"It is an exciting time and I do hope that this collaboration keeps on improving and increasing as years pass."
"The Roman papal power claims the authority to change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday."
"The United States has reduced CO2 more than the countries that are still in the Paris climate accord, but we've done it through innovation."
"CO2 emissions from the power sector in particular are at the lowest level since 1978."
"China has installed more solar power capacity than the US and several other countries combined."
"I have seen a lot of change since this YouTube channel began. We have dropped from 7 billion tons to 5 billion tons emitted per year in the U.S."
"We have made tremendous strides in cutting carbon emissions, and that has been in large part because of government investment."
"China's renewable energy production throughout its provinces is a testament to progress."
"No single legislation was going to get the US all the way to the 50 number, but this gets us really close."
"For all the positive change that has come about because of these advances, we call this the green revolution."
"The transition off of fossil fuels has finally started and isn’t going to stop this time."
"More than 260 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity was added globally in 2020, beating the previous record by almost 50 percent."
"In 2063, celebrations erupted around the world as CO2 concentrations began to slowly fall."
"The world had done it, the path to Net Zero was now inevitable."
"We will get to a fully renewable grid... it's happening very quickly."
"It's a story of environmental progress... particularly over the last 50 years."
"We are taking Mother Earth and all life forward with us."
"This journey has shown me... solutions do exist."
"Low-cost scalable modular renewable technologies."
"This may be the rare piece of good news that we get on the climate change front."
"Renewable energies are taking off, there is, I think, the greatest miracle of my lifetime."
"The future looks bright. It's almost like the perfect storm."
"America did a great job in terms of cleaning up its act in a short amount of time."
"The drop in coal consumption globally is a good thing for the environment."
"The US added a record of 32.4 gaw of new solar in 2023. It's the first time in 80 years that a renewable electricity source has accounted for over half of the annual capacity additions to the grid."
"To take this country forward with fantastic environmental policies and education."
"Green's win first ever Council outright."
"Electricity's got a lot cleaner in that time."
"I'm really happy with this lake and the progress that this project has made."
"We are on track over the next 10 to 50 years to really clean up the amount of pollution that we are doing."
"I find this absolutely extraordinary and a great source of hope."
"Wind and solar power contributed 40% to the electricity mix."
"We have come a long way since the 1970s, and the progress that we have made in restoring these great lakes to their original glory has been immense."
"The grid keeps getting cleaner and cleaner and cleaner."
"COP26 made progress; it will reduce the total amount of CO2 we emit into the atmosphere."
"Figures released in July revealed that plastic bag sales have fallen by 86% since the introduction of the 5p in 2015."
"The first step was making sure that we're rolling out much more green energy than we had been, and on that mark, it's a success."
"Emissions are down since 2015... the policies that we put in place have turned the tide."
"We need to make progress on air quality."
"In recent decades, however, redevelopment and restoration efforts have shown that there is hope for its recovery and that significant progress is being made to clean up and restore this important historical and environmental site."
"Under President Trump, the federal government is going to acknowledge that progress and adjust its priorities accordingly."
"We should see... the chart that shows our emissions... on a straight line to net zero by 2050."
"We've made progress in confronting climate change."
"The Detroit incinerator was demolished in 2023, signaling the end of a toxic era within the city of Detroit."
"We've reduced our carbon output in this country by a billion tons of carbon a year, every year for the last 10 years."