
Institutions Quotes

There are 596 quotes

"If we manage to channel those with the right institutions, we can mobilize the better angels of our nature."
"I'm a patriot first and a partisan second. We have to preserve the institutions of this democracy."
"Moral fabric requires institutions because morality undergirds those institutions. When you obliterate the institutions that preserve morality, it is not a short road to the obliteration of the underlying morality itself."
"You cannot institutionalize joy or peace... The institutions are functional instruments in a given society."
"There's a really really really good speech... about rights and how they are ultimately protected by strong institutions, not just what's written on paper."
"It built better institutions, created stable property rights, and invested in people and education."
"We don't need individuals; some individuals are very impressive and they have courage and they protest and they criticize and they organize. We need institutions."
"The younger generation lacks a lot of trust in the government, in banks, and in the way they run things."
"Don't lose faith in those institutions. Don't lose faith in vaccines."
"How do we repair the loss of confidence in our institutions like the CDC and the FDA?"
"Some institutions are inherently evil. Slavery seems to me inherently evil."
"The only people who can actually speak freely are those outside the institutions."
"Trust in institutions has totally broken down."
"We have paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology."
"Why should I be forced to live under a kingdom that is undemocratic? Why then should people be forced to work at institutions which are undemocratic?"
"We live in an era where trust has completely collapsed between the American people and very nearly every single institution that you can think to name."
"There has been a steady growth in people's cynicism about institutions generally and government in particular."
"Our democratic, social, and cultural institutions are deeply decayed."
"During an awakening, all those institutions start out being as strong as ever but suddenly the public no longer demands order anymore."
"These conversations are about power, about companies, institutions, and political systems that deploy, check and balance this power."
"I spend my time attacking most of the things I'm trying to save. I want to save the New York Times from itself; I want to save the University."
"At the end of the day, children belong in families, not in institutions."
"When major institutions are falling apart, that is never a good thing."
"Most market movement is dominated by institutions, insiders, banks, and hedge funds."
"The hurricane that we're in is a demonstration of how important the institutions of the government are."
"Don't mess with established institutions that work; do mess with established institutions that don't work."
"Institutional trust is down...because they have been lying to you."
"There's like the sort of mirage that we can empower individuals to navigate this, and I'm convinced that you cannot. What you need is functioning institutions."
"These platforms, schools, all of these institutions that are supposed to protect your children, are often doing the opposite."
"The more authentic you are, the more institutions you blow up because they're all impositions."
"Pretty much every major party's fallen apart, every institution undergone upheaval."
"At the end of the day, I want the power in this country and in the world to be solidified around institutions which preserve things like democracy and free speech."
"Perhaps more than ever, it is our job to stop giving ear to political arsonists who would burn down our institutions and intensify our divisions."
"I have huge suspicions of any institution that is deeming what is truth and what is not."
"Be ruthless with institutions and kind to each other."
"Be kind to people and be ruthless to the institutions."
"The issue is not the American people; the question is how do we build institutions and connections that allow goodness, decency, common sense of ordinary folks to express itself in the decisions that are made."
"We have created a very dangerous revolving door between our most critical institutions and the largest industrial companies in the United States."
"Parliament is not the only democratic institution in this country."
"The lack of trust in our institutions has led to the situation we're experiencing today."
"The banks are the worst, most predatory institutions on the planet."
"Our trust in government, the press, universities, or scientific journals is at an all-time low... it probably should be at an all-time low."
"2020: the post-institutional year where the major power centers...have been tossed aside or crumbled in front of you."
"2020 will go down as the post-institutional year."
"Institutional memory, we don't have institutional memory."
"He knows without the social distancing, instead of 30,000 people dead, it'd probably be 300,000 people dead right now."
"You know, if your so-called institution is able to be taken out by a couple of gay people getting married, then maybe it wasn't that great to begin with."
"Trust is such an important commodity. It's the glue that holds us together. If we don't have faith and trust in the institutions, we really don't have anything."
"Being alert but not hopeless is the right mindset; have faith in the robustness of institutions."
"It's very funny how a liberal institution can be so illiberal."
"The basic institutions of the country are being called into question; the legitimacy of those institutions is being called into serious question."
"We have to bring respect and honor and integrity back to our institutions."
"I love punishing institutions in a way that they could not foresee by literally rewarding people for doing the wrong thing."
"It gives you an idea for how corrupt some of our key institutions are."
"The only way to restore the credibility of the institution is even-handed application of justice."
"You do not build institutions by breaking your word, by refusing to build on truth."
"You do not build institutions in the absence of citizenship because citizenship cannot be found in the absence of the rule of law."
"The working class has the votes but the professional class runs all the institutions. This is the source I think of all of our political strife in America."
"The show tackles numerous heady themes regarding city institutions including politics, police departments, the press, schools, docs, and the criminal element."
"Institutions and regimes, all across the world."
"Why don't you trust your institutions? That's what's scary."
"Institutions and the media are crystallizing the idea, this ideology at a broader level."
"It is a you know an institution that can serve goodness and can serve good things but unfortunately they have seemed to become Ultra political in a way that might be Beyond repair."
"A real sense of cynicism about institutions."
"The British public would also agree, when you look at institutions in this country with the least trust, you're looking at politicians, used car salesmen, and journalists are at the bottom."
"Bitcoin would become a part of the balance sheets of institutions."
"For the most part, this next rally is actually finally going to be led by institutions and heavily regulated entities."
"Well, the 2020s was this weird time where it felt like we were all living in our own different worlds all while our institutions crumble."
"No individual beats institutions. Individuals don't beat institutions."
"Only one in every five hundred applicants gets admitted to the institution."
"All big institutions of any kind are going to be and should be examined scrutinized inspected."
"Even the most powerful institutions and brilliant constitutions we can come up with aren't worth much if the power keeps flowing away from these institutions and concentrates elsewhere."
"People aren't trusting traditional institutions anymore."
"They're using our institutions and our norms and our values against us."
"Conservatism is all about protecting institutions."
"The software is eating the institutions we have used to organize ourselves."
"One institution that hasn't stood up for themselves at all are Congress and the Republican Party."
"The success or failure of bitcoin is not predicated on the institutions."
"The whole idea of the institution of lifelong marriage was pretty much in the bin."
"Every institution is so thoroughly infused with insanity."
"True institutional change is not only possible it's shockingly doable."
"We need to respect the democratic institutions of this country... bolstering the institutions of our democracy."
"The reality is that conformist woke ideology is taking over institutions."
"Every institution in this country started off as somebody's idea."
"Truth is universal, but it needs institutions and nations to defend it."
"In the future it could actually end up becoming one of the biggest financial institutions in the world."
"Individuals don't beat institutions if every generation starts from scratch."
"The only thing that endures are people who think generationally and plan institutions over generations."
"Bitcoin is coming off exchanges, institutions are buying it, and they're just storing it."
"The loss of trust in our institutions worried me."
"Keep the faith and keep defending the institutions." - Timothy Snyder
"I've never seen anything like what I've witnessed in the past 18 months that has eroded my trust in institutions in politics in science in media."
"We're losing like the integrity of our institutions."
"The most enduring institution in human history. It actually predates written history."
"The revolution doesn't start and end at the institution; we need to revolutionize the conditions that produce them."
"What we're trying to do is build institutions within community that are controlled by community."
"We're like trying to transform the world right now institution by institution."
"Every major institution is against you and will let you die."
"Ethereum will be the next big focus for large institutions and corporations."
"There's nothing more serious than undermining the people's faith in our institutions themselves."
"This really is a new chapter, and we don't have the institutions or the precedent to deal with the loss of land."
"You really can't fight a battle like this from inside the institution, whatever you have to say it's usually better set away from the institution."
"I think the overall frustration that a lot of us are feeling...a lack of trust in institutions."
"The real root of his popularity is the kind of snowballing mistrust that the public has in once-popular institutions like the media, law enforcement, Congress, and the presidency."
"The roots of many problems stem from the end result of a psychopathic entity having power over institutions."
"The Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator, and property owner in existence."
"In an open Society, people do not demand infallibility from their institutions, but it is difficult for them to accept what they are prohibited from observing."
"One of the most distinctive features of our time now is the way in which our elite institutions, one by one, have been corrupted."
"Power is not just about winning elections; it's about controlling institutions."
"Those systems don't matter if the men or women don't respect the institutions."
"It would be a stunning rebuke of the rules, norms, laws, and institutions."
"Banks and governments not to be trusted at all based on what happened."
"To rebuild institutions, it must be from scratch. It is the first time in human history that we are alone."
"Presidents come and go, what makes America are our institutions."
"We have to speak power over one another, we have to speak life over these institutions, we are a family."
"What could be more indicative of a failure of American's institutions than its citizenry having less and less time on this earth?"
"The herd has arrived, the institutions are here, the dumb money in this case, I'm not saying all institutions are dumb, I'm saying about 98% of them are."
"Nobody has built more institutions that are self-sufficient than foundational Black Americans."
"Just a capitalist institution maybe if they do the numbers."
"He directed an attack on our own institutions."
"People are starting to be aware... these institutions are not to be trusted."
"There's a total lack of faith in institutions."
"The 'prison-industrial complex' is not only a set of interest groups and institutions; it is also a state of mind."
"The government is the one that believes you're an idiot, the institutions are the ones that want you to lose. We don't win if you don't win."
"It resulted from humans making good decisions, building good institutions, and we can maintain this." - Yuval Noah Harari
"We have to bring back those psychiatric institutions in this country."
"These worlds these institutions these places stay away from them they're just crazier worlds inside of this crazy world we already live in."
"What's happening in our country is incredibly dangerous. Our institutions are being basically undermined by the lust for power."
"Why do you mistrust your institutions? Well, let's just start with those - our elected representatives and our media and entertainment industry."
"Freedom to travel, to get good education, to get good health care, all of that is gate-kept behind economic institutions."
"Our academic institutions are being bought by foreign interests."
"I would still trust governmental institutions more than a company that's just interested in making itself money."
"The people who are a true threat to your way of life right now are the people at the head of every major institution."
"This is a virus that is infecting every major institution in our country."
"The church is never corrupt, it's individuals in the church who are corrupt."
"Corruption finds a way to seep into every profession in the world, and even highly regarded institutions such as the government or police are not immune to it."
"Why? Because our world is characterized by institutions and systems of injustice and violence."
"You shouldn't have blind faith in any institution."
"Decentralized finance has the banks scared as hell, it's also got governments scared."
"Our democratic institutions here are critical."
"You will value our institutions if you know the long hard struggle that it got to get us these things."
"Shift is that uh there's a lot more uh powerful institutions which focus on the community rather than the individual."
"Our institutions are more fragile than we thought."
"Capital investment can totally be squandered if the nation does not have the kind of institutions that can turn that capital investment into productivity."
"American institutions let the average American down."
"It's hard to argue about justice without first arguing about the purpose of social institutions and about what qualities are worthy of honor and recognition."
"History and common sense tell us that we can change things by adhering to our Constitution and our institutions."
"Humans have built institutions... and if we stop maintaining these institutions, then war and plague and famine will come back in an even worse form than ever before."
"I don't want people at the Bank of England to have such clouded brains."
"We might have to restructure the Federal Reserve and cancel a lot of the institutions that we've been using."
"Capitalism and social institutions of all kinds are mortal enemies."
"fundamentally our institutions and our Constitution are built around some very sound foundations with which just about all Americans agree"
"Defending the valid lawful institutions of the oldest democracy in the world is not hateful, it is responsible."
"There are powerful institutions within the Church who are free to self-police."
"I think that's really important that we not pile on and tear down our institutions when they don't favor our desired outcome."
"Trust also has some mistrust, rather, is sometimes earned. Institutions of authority sometimes don't hold up their bargain, and therefore, trust is lost because of that sort of classic example."
"Businesses are built upon faith, schools are built upon faith, churches are built upon faith, homes are built upon faith."
"Civil culture might actually start to break down, because people no longer trust big institutions."
"Peace didn't come from changing the laws of nature or divine intervention. It came because people, countries, built good institutions."
"If we get to the point of having no faith in any institution, which I think we're kind of already there, right? Then, like, you just, you don't have a society at that point because a society without institutions is not, it can't function."
"The institutions held because of people."
"We have to have some foundational trust in outside institutions because we just don't have the ability to verify every single thing in society."
"If you get states into institutions where they become rule-abiding actors... you'll have a more peaceful world."
"That's the one institution that Americans still have a tremendous amount of faith in."
"It's the cautionary tale of the danger of the deprioritization of institutions that preserve and share knowledge."
"...right so I think again the clan was not a fringe organization, they were something that was actually at the heart of American culture and at the heart of the creation of many American institutions."
"And it's because the institutions around us that used to give us connection and identity are crumbling."
"We believe in democracy and representative institutions."
"There's a massive loss of trust in institutions of various kinds and various groups of people."
"They built churches and schools and even colleges."
"They built the first infirmaries, lying-in hospitals for women, normally something they wouldn't consider, insane asylums, museums, art galleries, places of cultural entertainment."
"Trust in the police and the church plummeted to an all-time low as the odd occurrences refused to relent."
"The importance of institutions and the fact that these initial transitions to democracy actually don't yield stable democracy unless you have institutions."
"Subsidiarity... institutions closest... have the resources... to meet the needs... the government doesn't know anybody by name."
"The truth only arises if we take truth as a value if we believe in it but also if we take care to create the institutions which produce the facts."
"The overall lesson of Iraq and that therefore sustains The View that International institutions are terribly important."
"Our democracy, our Democratic institutions are no stronger today than they were on January 6, 2021."
"America is great because we preserve our democratic institutions at all costs."
"Institutions want to buy cheap and sell expensive...this is the basic logic behind the V-WAP because this is how an institute's algorithms actually work."
"He showed us just how fragile our institutions are."
"Is it more important to have good institutions or good people? Is it more important to have technical expertise or high moral values, ethically led principles?"
"...lying creates distrust and distrust in the institutions is ultimately destructive that's your sense that lying is not okay..."
"The whole effort to bring the psychedelic experience back into prominence is an effort to empower individuals and to get them to see that we are bled of our authenticity by vampirish institutions that will never of their own accord leave us alone."
"The seeds of the ability to be able to confront and even disagree with an existing institution... it's alright."
"It's hard not to see the bigger picture as sort of a volcanic pressure building up in the institutions of the world."
"It ain't going to last forever, and these institutions are wearing out."
"Our Democratic institutions are far more fragile than anybody thought."
"The fate of our democracy is very much on the brink and yet, so many of our institutions, from political parties to media organizations, are far too willing to rehabilitate the key perpetrators of a slow-moving coup, all for entertainment or profit or political gain."
"There's more information in books than in any institution."
"The next conservative president must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors."
"Inclusive economic institutions are underpinned by inclusive political institutions."
"Institutions are what hold the community up, systems, infrastructure, institutions. We're missing that in the black community."
"The economic fate of nations is determined by their institutions."
"Napoleon left durable institutions."
"Institutions cannot dismiss a new asset class."
"Bitcoin offers a practical way of ending the Fed, shifting power away from centralized institutions."
"'You can get a really long way with the argument that every single institution that governs American life is run by absolute [__] numbskulls who have no idea what they're doing.'"
"Americans have lost complete faith in their institutions."
"The president cannot simply will things into existence with the powers of the office. Populists don't want to hear that. They don't care about the stability of institutions. They only care about achieving their desired end result."