
Gun Safety Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"It's simply about saying we need reasonable gun safety laws."
"Gun safety measures and putting in place background checks is something the president has been personally committed to for many years of his career."
"I think it's a way to keep the gun weight down... that's an important quality of a home defense gun: reliability."
"The whole idea of our framework for gun safety is to make sure people who are a clear and present threat can't get access to these weapons."
"Training is a big part of firearms ownership because you want to know how to use your gun."
"Common sense gun safety laws work. We know this; they save lives."
"Strengthen regulations on gun transfers... would make it a crime to sell guns without conducting a mandatory background check."
"Every responsible gun owner, every single person, no American wants their kid to be in danger."
"You never aim any sort of gun... at something you're not ready to kill."
"Based on the current information we have available, I think there's gun safety issues here."
"It's insane to think that that's an excuse for being handed a loaded weapon."
"Imagine if we've been able to pass meaningful gun safety legislation back then to prevent more deaths."
"Never point the gun at anybody unless you need to shoot them."
"Carry safe, train, have something fun that works for you, it's a peace of mind to have the correct gun on your person, it's even a better feeling to know if you're trained with it, it's comfortable and you're ready to use it mentally."
"Gun safety's just not something taken very seriously by a lot of people."
"Every individual who touches a firearm has a responsibility for gun safety."
"The idea that the person holding the gun causing it to discharge is not responsible is absurd to me."
"One of the primary four rules of gun safety: Keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire."
"The purpose of a gun is not to shoot an innocent person."
"It's about gun safety and it shouldn't be easier to get a rental car."
"No matter how well you are trained with a gun, you never know what can feel wrong. So safety is very important."
"You should always be able to say like what are the four rules of gun ownership."
"There's like four cardinal rules for how to handle the gun safely."
"Exaggerate the safety aspects. Treat every gun like there's a laser beam coming out of the muzzle."
"If it seems overwhelming, it gets much easier. Safety becomes second nature."
"Common sense gun safety reforms are very, very popular even among gun owners."
"There's no such thing as an unloaded gun when you point it at another human being."
"It's all of our responsibility to promote safe and responsible firearms ownership."
"The president is somebody throughout his career who has advocated for smart gun safety measures."
"Safe gun storage saves lives." - Gun Safety PSA
"Got the safety on, short-term memory loss." - Humorously acknowledging forgetfulness.
"I mean, they don't let anybody walk around with guns because it's super dangerous, guns kill people."
"Why not fix the problem at the source, and remove the need to pull the trigger before you disassemble the gun."
"This simple L-shaped component is sprung to block the trigger."
"Understand what a gun is, its value, and how it can be used safely."
"Most gun deaths are from suicide which is obviously mental health."
"Teens are drama. Do they need guns mixed in with that drama?"
"There's a problem obviously with the type of ammunition that rifles use."
"We live in a country with over 400 million guns and we don't teach Baseline gun safety in schools."
"Guns aren't cats. I have a gun and I have a cat. Don't let that picture fool you, he's actually an asshole."
"If you're suicidal, don't have a gun. You should not have a gun, okay? Because I don't want you to [__] kill yourself."
"Gun safety policy will not be written by the NRA, but by the American people."
"You don't point a firearm at anything you don't intend to destroy."
"I support Secure Storage. I support red flag laws. I support background checks."
"Gun safety saves lives I don't think it I know it and the data bears that out in the state of California."
"The most dangerous person with the gun is a scary ass fool."
"If something terrible were to happen, you know that 17 round mags, 10 round mags, 15 round mags will work in this gun."
"Far more lives are saved with guns. That doesn't mean there's not room for change."
"President Joe Biden is going to be addressing the nation momentarily, calling for action from Congress on gun safety regulations."
"If you can make a gun literally idiot-proof, well then you've made a good gun."
"Handguns do not enhance our safety, they exacerbate our flaws, tempt us to escalate arguments, and bait us into embracing confrontation rather than avoiding it."
"One in the Chamber when it comes to irresponsible Behavior anything relating to guns lands at the top of the idiot list."
"A movement of love catapulted the cause for gun safety."
"We need at least common sense gun safety legislation."
"Common sense gun control, which I think is perfectly reasonable."
"We're going to continue to fight for reasonable gun safety laws."
"Appendix carry... is not only better but safer than strong side options for a new concealed carrier."
"Guns need to be treated like a safety implementation tool that needs to be held seriously."
"If you're a gun person and you want to be more well-rounded as a gun owner, you're in the right place."
"One of the reasons I was really interested in it is although I have my gun on me typically at all times, I kind of want to get to where I start mounting guns and hiding them in various places."
"The number one rule of even a prop gun is that you don't point it at somebody unless you're willing to pull the trigger."
"I hope it's useful I hope it's helpful and whatever you do wherever you fly I hope that you continue you and your guns continue to stay safe out there."
"One of the first things a person should be strongly impressed with when they pick up a gun is personal responsibility."
"Be a responsible gun owner and make sure to keep your firearms secured."
"If more guns made people safer, then America would be one of the safest countries in the world."
"Unloaded gun always cause most trouble."
"Never draw a gun unless you mean to shoot."
"This is why it's just super important to have a culture of gun safety."
"Guns keep people safe. Firearms keep absolutely people safe."
"It's totally unacceptable that a gun might choke on you when you need it, and to roll the dice? No, that's a bunch of crap."
"You should always treat guns as if they're loaded until you check otherwise."
"There are roughly 44 cases of guns going off or of accidents with weapons for everyone that is used against a housebreaker."
"Education is the key in my opinion. I think gun safety, gun education is the key."
"So sit the [ __ ] down and come up with a gun safety plan. That's how you save lives, which is all we should be concerned about."
"Hand on the trigger at all times too, no safety."
"Don't do anything with a gun that you wouldn't do without a gun."
"She was at the forefront of that movement, gun safety legislation. She was credited by President Biden as being one of the driving forces."
"The ATF plays a critical role in protecting communities from gun violence and ensuring the safe dealing of and access to Firearms by law-abiding Americans."
"You never have your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire."
"We passed the most sweeping gun safety law in three decades."
"Before you start to clean a gun, you want to be certain that that gun is unloaded."
"Part of gun safety is always treat a gun as loaded, even when it's confirmed it's not. Never risk it."
"Thank God we did, passing the most sweeping gun safety law in three decades."
"I always treat guns as though they're loaded for safety anyways."
"The monster is real. 1.5 million US children are living with unlocked, loaded guns."
"I think we need gun safety legislation in this country."
"The best thing you can do is educate your kids about guns and satisfy their natural curiosity in a safe manner under adult supervision."
"Even if it's unloaded, don't point it at anything ever unless you're willing to destroy it."
"The only safety is keeping your finger off the trigger."
"If you are taking a gun, you are also taking responsibility. Full stop."
"The two loudest sounds on the gun range is a click when you expected a bang and a bang when you expected a click."
"That's one of the most important rules of gun safety, isn't it?"
"You never put your finger in that trigger guard until you were ready to pull that trigger."
"We don't pass laws on gun safety in this United States Congress, we don't, and it's unfortunate."
"Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction."