
Tax Policy Quotes

There are 330 quotes

"There's hope for a better future, and in rural America, they feel like their best days are yet to come now that we've taken off the shackles of high taxes and regulations."
"The very wealthy began to pay their fair share."
"There is no possible tax rise that could do much about the deficit at all; the deficit's so huge."
"I think the Earned Income Tax Credit is the best way to put money in the pockets of people."
"The GOP tax scam where 83% of the benefits went to the wealthiest one percent and saddled our children and grandchildren with 2 trillion dollars worth of debt unnecessarily."
"Looking at step-up basis is a perfectly appropriate and smart policy."
"Why not have a tax code that basically treats income as income?"
"12% flat tax across the board... it'd be a revival, economic revival in this country."
"When I'm prime minister, you will be shocked at the speed with which I will ax the tax, and the Canadian people will be able to look up at the gas stations and see the prices coming down."
"We will ax the carbon tax to lower your food, gas, and heating bills. We will lower income tax so hard work pays off again."
"Netflix and dozens of major corporations, as a result of Trump's tax bill, pay nothing in federal taxes."
"For the past 40 years, we were told the tax break for those at the top and benefits would trickle down and everyone would benefit. But that trickle-down theory led to a weaker economic growth, lower wages, bigger deficits, and a widened gap between the top and everyone else in nearly a century."
"Our tax system should reward people who do the right thing, who look after their families, who go out to work, or start a business."
"We shouldn't be penalizing families and working people with unnecessary tax increases."
"Even taxing all billionaires at 100% would make only a small dent in that number."
"He spoke at great length about tax breaks and financial supports for families...to help them come out of poverty, to make the idea of having larger families attractive, and altogether to reduce poverty and increase the general well-being."
"The average household is supposed to receive, according to the Tax Policy Center, a tax cut of about 1,600 bucks in 2018."
"The President strongly believes that the ultra-wealthy and corporations need to finally start paying their fair share, and that our economy and tax system need to reward work, not wealth."
"Joe Biden's state of Delaware is a corporate tax haven... Joe Biden has done nothing to curtail Delaware's illegal tax evasion policies."
"I will not impose any tax increase on people making less than four hundred thousand dollars."
"It has absolutely gotten out of control we need to nullify property tax we need to let people get out of the system we need to allow the private sector to work"
"Furthermore, we want Social Security beneficiaries to know that if they are typically not required to file a tax return, they don't have to file one in order to receive the direct cash payments that will soon be distributed to American citizens."
"Reverse the tax cuts that were passed in December of 2017."
"I will reverse the national insurance increase and keep corporation tax low."
"Junk food tax... It's very unpopular but it does improve health by a pretty good amount, obesity is going to drop a lot."
"This historic legislation doubles the standard deduction."
"They just wrote a two trillion dollar cheque for that GOP tax cut."
"Mississippi's plan to get rid of the individual income tax is heading to the Senate."
"Top one percent, they're going to have to pay their fair share."
"Nobody making under four hundred thousand dollars will see their federal taxes go up. Period."
"I signed a law to reduce the deficit by 114 billion dollars by cracking down on wealthy tax cheats."
"Let's finish the job. Pass my proposal for the billionaire minimum tax."
"The largest tax increase ever proposed is what you're going to have if Biden is elected, does anybody mind paying more taxes?"
"The very richest...pay fewer taxes...because they have most of their income from capital gains."
"Every dollar you put in, the government's essentially funding a third of that contribution."
"That's like a big tax cut. That's more than five times the gains in all eight years under the Obama administration."
"If we don't do that and the Democrats win, it's possible we get big taxes on wealthy people, free college for all." - Warren Buffett
"In New Jersey, we lived in one of the highest tax counties in the U.S and we only got recycling twice a month so we would have to drive it in ourselves if we wanted to be recycled."
"Raising taxes on the wealthy could deliver something meaningful that millions of Americans would rather feel quickly: happiness."
"The wealth tax is one of the worst ideas ever created by the human mind. It's basically the equivalent of an estate tax."
"If you file your 2019 tax return, then you really will probably have to do absolutely nothing else to get your second stimulus check."
"The child tax credit lifted 3.7 million children out of poverty."
"If you think this is far-fetched, remember what we just talked about: the Democrats just passed monthly stimulus checks in the form of 250 to 300 per month per child."
"The top one percent paid 27 of the taxes but that's still lower than their overall wealth."
"Why would you keep paying taxes into that system? It's not financially rational."
"I'm going to eliminate the Trump tax cuts and we're going to eliminate those taxes and make sure that we invest in the people who, in fact, need the help."
"Kansans will pay their fair share of taxes, but they do not expect, do not want the federal government to have more information, intrude upon their privacy."
"He's been saying all week that he wants revenge on those that have wronged him. Here's an idea, Prime Minister. If he really wants to hit them where it hurts, he should tighten the rules on tax avoidance."
"Taking away the tax exemption will be the true beginning of the end for Scientology."
"No one earning less than $400,000 year was a lot of money where I come from will pay an additional penny in federal tax not one single penny not one penny."
"Under my plan, I made this commitment in the beginning. Nothing's changed. No one making less than four hundred thousand dollars, you will pay a single solitary penny more in federal taxes. Nobody."
"Those tax cuts actually brought more money in to the federal treasury."
"Under a Biden tax plan, who wins? Who loses? I actually think everybody loses."
"It's not a loan, there's no payback, it is a refund on taxes you probably shouldn't have paid in the first place."
"Every single, unbiased, economic study says the best thing you can do if you're going to take a tax-cut path to grow the economy is to give payroll tax relief."
"Obviously, there's a big debate going on about taxes, and about the need to grow the economy and to create jobs."
"We passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history."
"It was back in the age of ASL, you know, where it was like if you typed in Jesse it would be like what about s EJ?"
"Flat taxes is going to take a very... I'm with Adam on this."
"Florida, we have a 2.5 percent unemployment, second lowest on record, and we just did the biggest tax cut in Florida. Thank you, Governor. That's time."
"He raised your taxes and he's done nothing about your car insurance."
"California would completely boom if you got out from under the burden of the federal income tax."
"The best argument against my argument assumes that if you raise tax rates you increase revenues."
"I want to abolish the income tax entirely and institute user fees."
"Big idea number one: Your wealth tax... He retired with over 70 million dollars."
"We passed a massive tax cut for working families and doubled the child tax credit."
"South Carolina is going to be sending out tax rebate payments this year to people who file a 2021 South Carolina income tax return."
"The Trump tax cut mainly benefited the middle class and entrepreneurs."
"We lowered income tax rates across the board, right across the board."
"We passed massive tax cuts for working families."
"We've passed the largest tax cuts and reform in American history."
"Look, elections are a choice. You either get cheaper health care or you get tax cuts for rich people. What do you want? That's an easy one."
"I think my taxes are a little too low and I don't think we needed the last round of tax cuts."
"We're not going to give a 20% tax cut to millionaires and billionaires."
"Suddenly everyone is very eager to raise taxes on the 26-year-old doctor who earns $150,000 a year."
"Biden's plan calls for raising taxes by over $6 trillion. Congratulations everybody, I gave you the largest tax cut in the history of our country."
"If you love your children, you don't pay inheritance tax or estate tax."
"We should be looking at how to reform some of the property taxes but at the same time reducing the income tax."
"We cannot allow a moral society to give tax breaks to billionaires and then cut back on the needs of struggling seniors or people with disabilities." - Bernie Sanders
"The vast majority of the American people understand that a moral society does not give tax breaks to billionaires." - Bernie Sanders
"Estonia has shown that with good policies, having a welfare state is compatible with low taxes and economic growth."
"I think we encourage those who have done very well, especially those who care about climate change, to support a fair tax code."
"In one of his more, let’s say unconventional moments, Peter even enacted a beard tax to encourage Russians to cut their beards because the clean shaven look was in vogue in Western Europe."
"President Naib is making it so that there are no capital gains tax on Bitcoin because it's a currency."
"We will for the first time have a corporate minimum tax that makes sure that companies have to pay 15 of their income and the income that they report to wall street investors in tax."
"We're doing all of that without raising taxes at all on anybody making less than four hundred thousand dollars a year."
"No American making less than $400,000 will see their taxes go up."
"The idea that a billionaire pays at a rate lower than a police officer is bizarre."
"Tax cuts aren't necessarily going to lead to growth and make all of us richer."
"At least the Republicans passed a tax cut which they fooled some people, was good for them. At least they did something. The Democrats have nothing, the Democrats are doing nothing."
"We need to say to the wealthy and to the large corporations, 'Yes, you will start paying your fair share of taxes.'"
"The president believes billionaires should pay their fair share."
"They are still arguing that trickle-down economics, especially big tax cuts for the rich or for corporations, it unleashes America's dynamism and it fosters growth."
"If you want the benefit of the US rule of law... you're gonna pay the same taxes that US people do."
"The tax system can help you incentivize that." - Mariana Mazzucato
"All we are trying to do is address the crises facing working families and demand that the wealthiest people in this country start paying their fair share of taxes."
"Our economy was booming when the highest marginal tax rate was between seventy and ninety one percent."
"Then every once in a while they do a tax holiday that well that must be nice you remember when you got a tax holiday I don't remember getting a tax holiday no that's only for corporations who bribe politicians."
"No one making under four hundred thousand dollars will see their federal taxes go up period."
"Americans know as a matter of common sense that it makes no sense for some corporation that makes billions of dollars in profits to be paying exactly zero in taxes."
"Billionaires paying a lower percentage of their income than school teachers or firefighters, and it's just a common-sense fact that that's wrong."
"It really is the child tax credit alone is like, you know, a universal benefit for parents."
"The purpose of the tax is just as important as the percentage of it."
"Under my plan, nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in federal taxes."
"Politicians allow tax avoidance because they themselves benefit."
"Time is running out for these taxpayers; just only a three-year window to claim these refunds."
"We've given you the greatest tax cut in the history of our country."
"El Salvador's bitcoin city will be powered entirely by geothermal energy from a volcano and operate as essentially a tax shelter where the only taxation is through value-added taxes on goods and services."
"At the end of the day, if there's a Republican president and a Republican Senate, House majority and the Republicans want to like cut taxes or something, is Vance gonna go against him on that?"
"The government believes the only way to get the heartbeat of the economy going again is to reduce taxation, to liberalize, and to spark investment."
"We're moving in the right direction because the tax and regulatory environment are perfect."
"More than 6 million workers have already received a bonus, pay raise, or new job thanks to these tax cuts."
"We're going to have the payroll tax go till the end of the year."
"We've just enacted the most significant tax cuts and reform in American history."
"I'd make a plea to the government that VAT on visors and face masks should be scrapped."
"IRS planning to delay tax filing deadline until mid-May."
"Tax rich people to help build their country."
"It's crazy... it's also the reason why it's so important to get Scientology's tax-exempt status revoked."
"We believe in making sure the wealthiest among us pay their fair share."
"It's our job to make it impossible for big companies to pay zero in taxes."
"Trump emerged from his cocoon from time to time to advertise himself, cut taxes for the rich, and placate his supporters."
"Higher taxes on high earners lead directly to greater investment in the real economy and higher wages for everyone else."
"A wealth tax and an inheritance tax actually stimulates growth."
"Literally, by changing the corporate tax rate and taxing the wealthy by a few percent, they come up with 3.5 trillion dollars."
"We gave you the greatest tax decrease in the history of our country."
"The system is rigged over and over again to give tax breaks for kids and tax breaks for people to buy homes."
"Effective April 1st of 2024, the annual personal income tax threshold will move from 1.5 million to 1.7 million for persons subject to pay or self-employed."
"Using the tax system to reverse the flow... during this crisis is absolutely the right thing to do."
"We'll cut your taxes and taxes for middle-class families at a level never seen before."
"That's what I believe in: fight inflation, cut taxes for working families, make stuff here."
"There's gonna come a day when we're not even gonna have to file for taxes anymore."
"The goal is not to increase taxes, it's to decrease taxes."
"So that's 68% of the public think there should be a windfall tax so it's not necessarily the left it's a large proportion of voters that like a policy that you're not backing just to point that out to you Dahlia."
"I'm not sitting here complaining about taxes you know the Trump tax cut that he put in place in 2017 added one and a half trillion dollars to the federal deficit so tax cuts in general are not great when you're spending a lot."
"Joe Jorgensen wants this stuff to be opt-out so that if you don't have kids in school, you can opt out of that portion of your taxes."
"Tax capital at the same rate that you tax ordinary income. Take that corporate tax rate up to 28% and you would generate the revenues you need to pay for the programs we're talking about."
"What's the impact of a tax deduction in our simple tax system?"
"With us, you're going to have incredible prosperity. We're cutting taxes and we're growing fast."
"It's incredibly important to make the wealthy pay their fair share."
"Joe Biden implemented a 15% corporate minimum tax rate, which means that a lot of these companies that were getting subsidies or were paying nothing in taxes they now have to pay."
"Ideas like that in the tax code are elegant because it raises wages."
"High taxes are not just the result of low growth."
"It's the middle income, it's the middle class, it's the lower income Americans that are going to be hit by this massive change."
"Let's just focus on where does this actually increase taxes for people making less than four hundred thousand dollars because that's pretty important right?"
"Panama's crypto law exempts digital assets from capital gains tax."
"No one making under four hundred thousand dollars a year will see one single penny in tax go up. Not one."
"We allowed people to keep more of their hard-earned dollars in their pockets, and that's what it should be about."
"People shouldn't have to live in fear of the IRS and some agent knocking on their door."
"If you're making $40,000 a year and you get a thousand dollar tax break, that's not no money."
"The average Texas homeowner who lives in their home could see a 42% cut in their annual property taxes."
"We're going to cut taxes...the largest tax cut in the history of the state."
"We eliminated the unfair estate tax or death tax."
"Medical expense deduction will drop to 7.5 percent of your income instead of 10."
"The last thing the federal government should be doing is discouraging that through this kind of tax system."
"My plan benefits ordinary Americans, not the top."
"We're not going to raise taxes on anyone making under 400,000."
"Taxing income and wealth creation is stupid."
"The IRS needs to review and revoke Scientology's tax-exempt status."
"Bush senior is the guy who's driving a lot of the stuff for these big tax giveaways to the wealthy."
"Unrealized gains tax? No, no, no, no, no, not a fan."
"We're going to lower taxes every single year."
"Lowering taxes for the wealthy is not a nationally popular agenda item, taking away healthcare from Americans is not, uh, you know, another obviously, you know, it's a popular agenda for lowering taxes on the wealthy."
"I just enjoy the collaborative effort that it takes really like, you know, seeing songwriting."
"Singapore is going tax-free on crypto transactions!"
"The tax code is going to dictate economic behavior."
"Increasing taxes, namely income taxes, has not proven to reliably increase Revenue."
"In politics, sometimes people distort things like that. I've had 30-second ads run against me years Bernie is gonna raise your taxes but they forget to say we're gonna do way with your private health insurance premiums."
"Audits on low-income Americans have fallen by 40 percent, however, audits on Americans making over 10 million dollars have fallen by 65 percent."
"Yes, taxes will go up just like Bernie Sanders has said."
"The strongest possible driver for national adoption of a cryptocurrency is for a national government to mandate that taxes be paid in the cryptocurrency."
"It's a tax on property and it's not apportioned."
"This bill would repeal the cap on state and local tax deductions that would help almost exclusively help high-income neighborhoods in overtaxed blue states."
"The money is going to come from billionaires who quote 'don't pay their taxes'."
"Every chance I get to lower taxes, I do. Every chance to lower regulation, I do. And every chance to bring more talent to Miami, I do. That's my priority." - Mayor Suarez
"If you want to increase government receipts lower the tax rate."
"You don't get government for nothing. If you cut taxes but you don't cut government, how do you pay for that government?"
"Five billion dollars, completely tax-free, go. I don't know what to say, Crystal, I mean it's totally nuts."
"Raising taxes on the most powerful corporation in Florida."
"In the bullpen today we have Mr. Travis Nix, associate contributor, Young Voices, also a current JD candidate at Georgetown Law with a concentration in tax law. Welcome to the show."
"We have a very progressive tax code in the United States. For example, forty percent of all income taxes are paid by the top one percent of income earners."
"We are going to be cutting taxes further, especially middle-income taxes."
"The Estate Tax says that when you die, you can't take all of it with you."
"For me as somebody on the left, I've never seen a working-class tax cut that I don't support."
"No direct taxation, no income tax, no capital gains" - the allure of tax havens like the Cayman Islands.
"There's an inherent appeal about the idea of tax cuts."
"We're proposing to ask the ultra wealthy to pay more in taxes to support lower income Canadians and middle class Canadians."
"If the super rich can spend 250,000 pounds with dollars on vanity jaunts two and a half miles beneath the ocean they are not being taxed enough."
"People are fleeing from New York to Florida because of high taxes and out of control crime."
"You can't talk about taxing the rich if you go to a party where literally everyone is rich."
"The tax system has been redesigned so that the taxes paid by the very wealthy are reduced."
"I gave working families record-setting tax cuts, and in my second term, I will cut middle-class taxes very substantially more."
"I don't care. You wanna raise Jeff Bezos's taxes, doesn't bother me. I'm not gonna lose any sleep at night if you raise taxes on the CEO of Amazon."
"Everybody needs a big tax cut and health care for all." - Barack Obama
"President Biden's tax plan includes closing a loophole in capital gains tax that many billionaires have been enjoying for a long time."
"Wealth concentration is at a more intense distribution now than it was in the French Revolution. The super rich pay the lowest share of their wealth in taxes."
"People are leaving places with high taxes, especially California, for Texas."
"On Day One, if I’m president of the United States, you’re going to see the end of Trump’s tax cut for the top 10th of 1%."
"If the Democrats actually really wanted to help out the middle class, the hard-working people in this country, they just say look, we're just going to slash the middle classes tax cuts, we're going to cut them in half."
"Germany has a lower corporate income tax rate which benefits investors and companies."
"Practically everyone got a tax cut, they did before, that's 100% untrue."