
Gaming Ethics Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"No amount of role-playing, storytelling, or immersion is worth harming the goodwill, respect, and trust between your players at the table."
"Once you add gambling to your game and give potential in-game advantages for real money, you're firmly within pay to win territory."
"You cheated not only the game but yourself. You didn't grow, you didn't improve, you took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained."
"We plan to charge you for the game upfront, and that'll be that... It's a real game, not a thinly veiled cash extraction system."
"I think that any game where you buy something in the game and you don't know what you're getting, that shouldn't happen; you should always know what you're buying whenever you spend money on a game."
"Banning somebody from single-player for their actions on a multiplayer server is outright disgraceful."
"You can't form an opinion on a game you've barely played. It's unethical."
"The bottom line, objectively speaking, loot boxes are a form of gambling."
"I don't want to see somebody getting banned from a video game because they call somebody a [derogatory term] or just they say somebody's garbage at the game, but if somebody is calling you garbage at the game and you put them on ignore and then they make another account and then they keep calling you garbage at the game, I think they should get banned for that."
"In 12 years, we went from nothing to skirting gambling laws in order to get children to buy loot boxes."
"This exotic doesn't make you literally invincible, but it is just so freaking annoying."
"Defeating the Ender Dragon without killing it is about challenging yourself and sticking to your ideals."
"I really need to stop bullying the AI not every overtake needs to be a violent one."
"As long as the game doesn't go pay to win, I think I'm okay with that."
"If you need to use cheats to supposedly beat someone then that's pretty cringe."
"Dream cheated at Minecraft, a game designed for five year olds."
"Should these cheats be allowed in single level speedrunning?"
"The worst thing that you can do to a game like The Sims is take content out of the game that used to be there or should logically be there for free and then put it behind a paywall."
"Speedrunning at its core is a test of virtue built on a system of honor and trust."
"No hidden catch. You get what you pay for. No BS. Just honest gaming."
"Being respectful means treating all the other players with trust and open-mindedness."
"This is how it's done. No microtransactions, no loot boxes, just pure raw experience."
"If people want to pay to win instead of play to win, then that is a game failing. And thankfully, I've got great news for you: solutions here are plentiful."
"People didn't mind so much as long as it wasn't pay to win and that became the norm."
"Games should be a force for good, not a force for ill."
"I think we as a community need to come together to ban this very fraudulent and game-breaking tactic known as star camping."
"I do not like people who steal farm from those who are carrying you so hard."
"It does devalue accomplishments in the game when people can just buy them for USD."
"A game that doesn't have loot boxes is automatically more ethical than a game that does. It's that simple."
"The vast majority of video games assume, often falsely, that you are a good person that is interested in more than self-preservation and gratification, but this game often makes it clear that the right thing to do isn't always the most interesting."
"It's fair. They don't abuse you with loot crates. They don't hide all the best cosmetics in the cash shop. And they don't even put the cash shop in the game."
"There shouldn't be a thing in a game mode like FIFA Ultimate Team."
"Anything that's used to gain an unfair advantage in-game will be picked up."
"We hate BOTS, scum of the earth, and we won't be tolerating any kind of BOTS use at all."
"Microtransactions are a cancer to the gaming industry. Hopefully they'll be illegal within like the next five to ten years because it's legitimately preying on children to like get their parents' credit cards and to spend ungodly amounts of money."
"I really don't think the game should be played with money. I think the game should be played and not paid."
"I don't support the level boost... because I don't think it's good for the game."
"I do take some degree of umbrage with Blizzard for making this possible and I think it's bad for the game."
"No more pay-to-win stuff in games, get all the pay-to-win stuff out of there."
"The idea that someone is such a loser is so pathetic a worm of the entity that they need to cheat at Magic the Gathering is, you know, in a game that's for like a tick one ticks or whatever."
"It really feels unfair to punish those players for things that are beyond their control."
"Patenting gameplay mechanics is utterly [ __ ], and it has absolutely no place in any art form, including video games."
"The corruption of paying to bypass gameplay can be reversed but it'll take a decision for companies to willingly earn less money than they usually do so it's highly unlikely that it will happen."
"I found out the player whose character was affected was also extremely uncomfortable but also really didn't want to have to deal with talking to the person running the server at large with DM's garbage."
"There should never be a fight that is purely for experience points."
"Russ fully shuts down and wants to pull the plug on the entire walkthr and that's because there is no Mami Manor I am positive of this."
"You sign a social contract when you play any game."
"In-game power should only be achievable through in-game means and time dedicated to actually playing the game."
"Nobody has any business telling other people what games to play."
"A game should have to stand on its own two feet without cheating."
"But being a pro player, he really should have known better than to try and exploit it."
"So, like, nothing enrages me more than when you know you're playing a game and you feel like it's not fair, like basically somebody's doing something to break the rules the system or they're not playing your game right."
"It's what my character would do isn't an excuse to be an asshole."
"I never once accused him of cheating on his most recent Mario record... I honestly don't know if there was any foul play involved and until hard evidence is revealed no one does."
"Should stream sniping be a bannable offense? By virtue of choosing to publicly broadcast your location in a game, I would say it's a bannable offense."
"The sooner you realize the ends don't actually justify the means the better your outlook on the game mode will be."
"I'd much rather live in a world where aimbotters get the occasional free pass then allow these kinds of people to freely roam around unchecked."
"The reason people respond so negatively to Cash Shop games is because devs almost always say that the cash shop is not going to offer these crazy advantages or even mediocre ones, it's just going to be cosmetic."
"Horizon Forbidden West wasn't designed around microtransactions and around grindy content. It was paced just right. It's a game with integrity."
"There's nothing wrong with the decision to play an evil character."
"We don't want to see that the game we play is becoming exploitative in its microtransaction practices."
"We do absolutely zero pay to win whatsoever and we'll never have pay to win in Ashes of Creation."
"Hopeless matches should never take place in my opinion. A match where one team stood zero chance of winning, that's a match that should never have happened to begin with."
"This game does not have pay to win stuff which for the video is not good but in general it's good to protect children's wallets."
"Loot boxes aren't loot boxes legit just gambling they can claim it as not gambling but it literally it quite literally is gambling."
"The main conflict was over corruption in gaming journalism and how trustful they really are."
"I hate loot boxes. I absolutely hate loot boxes."
"Fudging dice during an encounter is the lazy Dungeon Master's way of adjusting."
"It undeniably uses the mechanics and the psychology of gambling to manipulate people."
"Blizzard is very vocal about this being cosmetic only so there's no pay to win here."
"I've played a lot with the card in goat format and while it is strong and obviously you play it, the reason it was banned is because it creates unfun game states."
"It's based on honor, which is why banning crappy players could help prevent cheating."
"Feels a little dirty killing an AFK guy, but you know, Doc said anything goes."
"Buying something in a video game that has an uncertain outcome like a loot box is gambling."
"Just fight like a human being, don't play like a scumbag."
"Star cards and progression in loot crates that people can buy with real money will always be frowned upon."
"Locking iconic playable heroes behind ridiculous credit numbers is bad."
"It is so selfish, it is so disrespectful of the other people at the table."
"It is, in every sense of the word, pay-to-win."
"Anything that sells a function in the game should not be supported by a player."
"I feel bad playing this deck. I feel bad promoting this deck. I really... I'm really putting this out there hoping that we can all just commiserate on how utterly fantastically stupid it is."
"There's really nothing satisfying about a pay to win MMO."
"Star Wars Squadrons: no microtransactions, no loot boxes... worth commending."
"I can't just take your cards. I gotta win them fair and square."
"I don't understand how cheaters get mad when they get caught for breaking the rules."
"The one difference between this game being pay to win and the metaverse being pay to win is that metaverse being pay to win is gonna be seen as a sense of pride."
"Loot boxes are a plague and pay-to-win microtransactions have no place in gaming."
"The number one rule of cheating in a game, of course, is that if nobody sees you do it, nobody has to know."
"It's not cheating if it's in the game exactly."
"The game rewards you not by abusing busted bs but by playing the real game what a beautiful place to be."
"I think it is very important not only to focus on the relationships of others but also like what's the relationship that you have with yourself."
"Surprise mechanics, fun presents, whatever. It's still a virtual slot machine."
"I'm glad they're getting banned quite frankly. I don't like cheating in our game."
"I think anybody that uses a bots or third party software doesn't deserve to be in-game."
"I hope that Wargaming takes a harsh stance on players that use these kind of modifications and develop their detection systems to track down cheaters."
"It's all about being reasonable, you know? It's not fun for anybody if I'm sitting somewhere just air striking them into the ground and they have to spawn back at base. That sucks, it's... it's fucking irritating, you know? That's bad for everyone."
"I'd like to condemn the practice of putting new content inside loot boxes."
"Gamers have exploited the gaming industry in the most fair and meritocratic way possible."
"No, it's not cheating or cheap, it's brilliant, Jordan, it's 500 IQ."
"We've kind of put our foot down and said there's going to be no way for a player to spend money to gain an advantage."
"That's not disruptive, dude, that's playing his character, that's up."
"Our goal is to provide fun content for players without making them feel pressured to pay to keep up."
"You're taking away people's hard work, ruining the game, man, come on."
"The auction house was simply bad for the game. It compromised the integrity of the game."
"The answer from what we got from this conference is no it will not be pay to win and that's a pretty awesome thing."
"Manhunt proved you could do all that without scolding your audience for playing the game that you sold them." - Reviewer
"We're constantly discussing how to keep the game fair, especially in the competitive scene."
"Play the game, get better at the game, and for the love of god, don't stream snipe."
"Never compromise your privacy and your security for any video game company."
"Cheating in online matchmaking is a societal issue."
"It's interesting, but it also makes me feel really uncomfortable because if we're just going to like open the door to companies being able to just straight up lie to you about game features and story elements I'm not comfortable with that."
"I'd rather people cheat the game than the game cheat them."
"The game really isn't super pay to win... it really won't be pay to win unless money is not an object to you."
"Those who are using third-party tools to circumvent the way the game is supposed to be played have a very very noticeable Advantage."
"No loot boxes, no randomness or items that influence the sandbox and gameplay."
"I don't fake dice rolls because that ruins the experience and the risk of the game and my actions which ruins the game for me and everybody else."
"I just want people to be able to play normally without resorting to cheating or hacking."
"Just because, don't be that, be an inclusive player."
"I feel no guilt. Oh no, no way. Some people are like, 'Oh, you know, all you cheesed it, you didn't really play the game.' I'm like, 'Uh, did you see me? I played the game and then I won. [Expletive] like [expletive] don't matter."
"Players don't spend money on games to support a predatory system."
"No one wants pay2win loot boxes." - EA developers
"Targeting loot boxes and gold farming to me that seems like a positive thing."
"Avoiding glitches isn't just about fairness; it's about preserving the essence of the game."
"I feel like there should also be a rule where you can't look at your teammate's monitors when they're mortals in because this can be pretty demoralizing."
"A Call of Duty code of conduct is about a decade overdue. Having a simple code of conduct that weeds out the super toxic people is good."
"The game is rigged. The only way to win is by cheating."
"Loot boxes suck. I hope they make loot boxes illegal. If you buy something, you should be able to buy stuff on a store for a game, but you should never buy something and not know what you're getting."
"I hope they stay as good as they have been... seeking quality of life improvements in the game rather than scummy practices."
"The story I have for you today starts an arrogant man-child who thinks that he can abuse his godlike powers as a DM to create a level 80 DMPC."
"I respect the poison build so much that I'm I'm just not gonna heal or I'm not gonna cure my poison cause he deserves it honestly GG."
"Just do the job right; no microtransactions, no loot boxes."
"Microtransactions to relive The Saga? It's a bit predatory, don't you think?"
"There will be no microtransactions whatsoever in outer worlds."
"Microtransactions in a full-price release? I cannot trust you."
"The fact that there's no premium is great; there are no pay2win elements in this game whatsoever."
"Why is the anti-cheating team a thing if pretty much the number one source of real world trade in the game is coming from this area and nothing is being done about it?"
"This game was never just designed to encourage in-game purchases. No, NetherRealm does not make games that way, and we never have." - It doesn't encourage in-game purchases, it just encouraged all of your time.
"If you lie about a record in speedrunning, you should be absolutely ostracized from the community."
"Halo Infinite will not include real money loot boxes."
"Pete probably hacks his gamma anyway, what a cheater."
"If a gotcha game has any sort of mechanic where you can use real money to gain an advantage, it's pay to win."
"Any time a gacha game again gives you an advantage for spending money, it's pay to win, simple as that, it's powerful, I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand that."
"Monetization is where online gaming starts to look like play and more like gambling."
"You shouldn't sue a kid for just cheating in a game. It's gonna be interesting to see if they win the case."
"It's completely cosmetic, we don't sell any advantages."
"I've found that after a hundred days of playing with cheats, no matter what I create, I will never feel as satisfied as playing the game with honor."
"Some publisher practices have become customer adversarial, like loot boxes."
"Twitch's shady practices: artificial inflation and endless cycles of hosted raids."
"It's a betrayal of trust, something that invalidates the experience both retroactively and going forwards. Simple ethics says the game should always be upfront with their players."
"I would never Jen you can't prove anything oh I would never Jen all right I would I would never Jen I don't know what you're talking about me generate my Pokemon that's crazy."
"I realized that no matter what the game is or how seriously you may take the game personally cheating ruins other player's experiences and deceives the community."
"Cheating would break down the fibers of the game and make the whole thing feel kind of worthless, but that's just me. You can cheat all you want, who cares? Do you."
"If you hacked this game, delete your account and start again, your account will be deleted once they introduce their new architecture."
"Hacking in any other game is almost universally seen as a bad thing, but in Pokemon everyone's okay with it."
"I don't cheat the game; you're only cheating yourself."
"Loot box mechanics inside video games are deplorable."
"Remember, never ninja loot from your friends or from your guild, that's a really shitty thing to do."
"A game is only pay to win when if you pay you can have access to something that non-paying players don't have."
"This isn't just a good game, but rather it's a game about trying to be good."
"Don't be a scumbag, don't be a no-lifer insult and threaten people over a freaking video game."
"Just make them free, not purchasable with real-life money... that makes a lot more sense." - Gareth Evans
"It only takes one of us to ruin the whole game for everyone."
"Minecraft's shadow economy is dark and predatory."
"Cheating in games, especially games like Rust that require people to invest a holy amount of hours, is on the rise."
"I don't really think that the Box microtransaction model has any place in single-player games."
"I actually don't know if the ghosts of Gary Gygax would have a problem with metagaming."
"Gamers against the soulless co-opting of the world's best and most noble pastime by blind capitalistic greed that's what."
"Stop focusing on tactics and gaming the system."
"I like to prove that the game is indeed possible without purchasing things."
"I don't think camping and tunneling is like the right play in a lot of situations you know I mean."
"The microtransaction disease of prioritizing revenue over gameplay."
"You make sure everyone's cool with it before you do it. I think that's what the biggest thing that's the worst thing if you're playing a game and the dm cruising you know what I'm gonna throw in sex."
"Giving him the penta? That's finable. It should be investigated."
"Let's bring a step down from full-on hacking to some light collusion."
"It ruins other people's tournaments and it's just... I just hate it so much because it's happening so much now."
"Players aren't there for us to use as a source of Revenue. They're not tools to create money. They are individuals with their own objectives of buying your product like escapism or having fun."
"The AI should not do things the player cannot do, or know things the player cannot know."
"You all have right to be mad. Anyone who is truly loving games and that's what they do daily to get better, and then someone like me comes and ruins it for them, it's not fair."
"Cheating is a cardinal sin for gamers."
"You don't win D&D by killing all the players as fast as possible; that's called being a dick."
"Every game has the potential for cheating; the question really though is whether or not you allow the potential for someone to be getting an unfair advantage stop you from enjoying the experience to begin with."