
Universal Truth Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"Underlying all the varied approaches in religion, in philosophy, and spirituality there's one grand underlying truth, a perennial truth."
"The more profound the intuition, the more it works as a universal truth across contexts."
"It's not a good idea to cut off the clitorises of little girls. That's a universal truth."
"There is a universal truth, and that universal truth is God."
"However, nothing can remain a secret forever."
"Wisdom is the love of all loves, the water of all fountains, and the memory of all people."
"I think every discipline has some degree of truth because I don't think any disciplines capable just being 100% wrong."
"Tesla understood the universal truth... that we as living creatures are all inherently connected."
"Everybody's screwed up, everybody's insecure."
"Male and female coming together having babies... that is the basic building block of the entire universe."
"No matter how good you are now you're not gonna be for everybody."
"There is one truth known by many different names."
"Love makes the world go round, that's for sure."
"You can do that to anyone in the world and they'll feel like, yeah, that's true."
"Any two plus two is still four when you get to the Moon or Mars or in your bed."
"Life and death, man, like that's what happens to all of us."
"Everybody's got their skeletons, everybody's got their issues."
"Truth is the truth regardless, no matter 365 days a year. Truth is a truth Monday through Monday."
"Rape is bad on its own regardless of what your other political positions are."
"I know for sure that love saves me, and that it is here to save us all."
"If it's true, then everyone should agree on it."
"This is a time to go beyond man-made laws, man-made institutions, man-made opinions, man-made religions, and surrender to a universal truth, to a universal law."
"It's the one thing that comes for everybody, doesn't matter how much money you have."
"Truth as Buddha has always said, the Sun, the moon, and the truth will always rise."
"So it's now this universal stillness which is the spiritual land from which the world grows."
"All the mystics of every nation come to the same realizations."
"Remember, no one is perfect. Everyone has their problems."
"Advice is advice, good advice is good advice regardless of where it comes from."
"Mathematics is one set of laws that you can't subvert."
"Remember, the only thing that heals in this world is love."
"There's only one truth, despite different perspectives."
"Anything under the Sun could be used the wrong way."
"Consciousness heals... Consciousness heals and that is universal."
"The truth will be something held in common by every sect of all the way back to the very beginning."
"Every human matters and we only have a limited amount of time."
"Your perception of time doesn't matter to the universe."
"Just love. Love is the highest truth, the deepest truth, the most powerful infinite presence on Earth."
"All these people over the last 5000 years on every continent around the world have all been talking about the same damn thing."
"Love is not a mere sentiment, it is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation."
"Every happy family is the same and every unhappy family is unhappy in their own way."
"Almost everyone in the world has friends and family and wants to stay in touch with those people."
"That love is truly the most powerful force in the world."
"Wins matter. Wins matter. I don't give a fuck who you are, I don't give a shit what line of work you're in. You're a competitor, wins matter."
"That's the key you know it's a very easy thing for everyone to understand."
"All will come to the light, reach for the stars."
"That which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below."
"Fundamental truths are what they are regardless of who acknowledges them or not."
"Health is the most important thing. Without health, no amount of money, love, or privilege matters."
"Mathematics is a concept... it is the greatest logic; it is, I think, the only truth in the world."
"Everybody has an expiration date whether you talking about Nipsey Hussle, Boyce Watkins, John Doe, Jane Doe, Bren—everybody's got an expiration date."
"No country is without sin, especially in times of war."
"Love is the whole reason why the world is here, why we're all here."
"Gratitude is the abracadabra of the universe."
"It's not what she thought it was, which isn't that the story for everybody really?"
"Life is precious, regardless of one's station."
"Truth is found in the Mormon religion and in AA and in psychedelics, it's found everywhere."
"There's nothing wrong with stating that everybody in this world, we like money."
"Every single person on the planet right now, every single person that has ever lived throughout human history, has a biological mom and dad."
"There is one thing which is certain regardless of whether you're a believer in God or not: death."
"Calories in, calories out will, bear with me, always work, always, every freaking single time, always."
"Truth is truth, no matter where it comes from."
"All is vibration and all vibrations arise in sympathy."
"Everyone really deserves true love and I think there's someone out there for everybody."
"The truth is the truth no matter who says it."
"Love is always going to be the answer, no matter who you're faced with."
"Religions are all kind of groping at the same ultimate reality."
"A center of the mind, a center of the universe, something that said, 'Here is the greater truth.'"
"It's important to realize that the little moments in life matter the most and in the end we are all the same."
"Anybody in a position of power has the potential for it to be abused. The power to be abused and doesn't matter what race, sex, color, creed you are from, once that power trip happens, anybody can be the villain."
"Truth no matter who it comes from is still true."
"Everything is connected in some way, shape, or form."
"Sometimes it's the simple things you know what I mean it's just it's just the simple things that make the world go round."
"Everything is eternal, everything is internal, everything, all of it."
"The truth is the truth, it transcends everything."
"Everything here is connected to everything else."
"It's tough but it's fucking worth it 100% across the board."
"Seeing the truth in all religions, that integration of all religions is pointing to that Source even expressing itself in every religious model."
"That's why I said there's balance with everything."
"Divine love always has met and will always meet every human need."
"We all have insecurities, none of us are perfect."
"If you allow open your mind to all possibility, then you will draw in all possibility as simple as that."
"Everything is just an experience. There is only God and you are that."
"A rose under any name still smells as sweet."
"The truth is the only thing that unites us all. It ends every argument."
"The truth will always be whether we like it or not, that's right."
"Everybody out there that has a job that has a 9 to-5 knows the truth, the absolute truth, and there's no denying this truth: that it sucks going to work."
"The darkness exists everywhere. Don't be afraid of it."
"Love is the key. Love is what makes up the universe."
"Thou shalt not kill is pretty universal because that'll carry with you forever, that karma."
"You can embody the highest Love and Truth anywhere you are, and it doesn't have to look any type of way. All you need is your knowing."
"Power corrupts, I think this is true not just for churches but for anyone that gets a massive amount of power."
"This is knowledge that should be shared by all humans."
"The mirror of reality always reflects that purified content, whether it's love or hate."
"The most important thing in life chat is happiness all right doesn't matter how smart or how dumb you are if you're happy you're better off than most people on this Earth because most people on this Earth aren't happy."
"I don't paint from emotion or feeling which I think are both very ephemeral for me painting is much more about kind of trying to bring forth what is I think the universal truth."
"Mathematics different. That exists whether the universe exists or not."
"Good things must come to an end. As we all know."
"Love is the highest, most powerful vibration in the universe."
"The truth is the truth no matter who believes it."
"It's always about moving towards a greater transcendent acceptance of what is ultimately fundamentally beautifully true about all of us."
"The truth was love, pure unconditional universal love."
"Love is the answer no matter what the question is."
"it's a universally acknowledged truth"
"Wherever you are, whatever the crisis may be, there is an important principle at work here."
"There's some universal truth on how to live a well-lived life."
"All the religion top men are saying the same thing, you were taking in another manner, he is taking another manner, and all the gurus are saying universality of universal truth."
"Paul ignored all that. Absolutely ignored it completely. There's one immutable truth: all hearts are the same, and there's a second immutable truth: all need the same message, the same gospel."
"Louise Hay's message resonates with the universal truth that every individual deserves to be loved, including oneself."
"If you don't have anything universal truth to tell, don't say anything at all."
"All things good and bad eventually come to an end. This is a universal truth."
"Love is everywhere, you know. All you need is love."
"The people are the same everywhere."
"Everybody poops... everybody poops."
"Different cultures have different stories that are all reflective of one truth."
"He becomes old, there's only one story."
"Business is business everywhere in the world. You never get it easy."
"Maybe there's a reason this universal truth is found at the bottom line of every storyline."
"If you could take all of universal truth and reduce it to a single sentence, would there be one?"
"That's true for anyone creating anything or doing anything."
"There is a spiritual solution to everything."
"Everyone is of equal value and every function and form has equal value."
"Poems are actually telling you something ontologically true about everything else."
"you walk away understanding can that love is the universal truth and whoever made that up is absolutely right."
"There's a freedom in what comes through is more infinite universal truth of love, and presence, and kindness, and joy, and compassion."
"Truth is that truth which encompasses the whole universe, which is beneficial universally, which is universal truth, not individual truth."
"Reality knowing which you know the reality of the entire universe."
"The same fundamental truth of non-duality has been expressed in the recorded words of sages from diverse cultures throughout the ages."
"The distance to happiness is the same for everyone."
"Until such time as you understand that there is a divine presence in the universe that demands justice and demands intelligence, and that's what I'm here to do, to help people to understand, to get back in tune with the divine nature of the universe."
"Gravity does not stop for anyone."
"Everything is Spirit, and so this is really the truth that I want us all to remember: yes, there's one God because it's everything, it's Oneness."
"Everything is light; there is only one reality, spiritual light which is universal."
"It's something that everyone can rely on at any time of their life, whatever the situation is."
"The truth is the truth whether it's one person saying it or a thousand."
"It's always about bringing out a sense of universal truth."
"I realized that this was essential truth that pulled together all the truths of all the great religions and philosophers."
"The monomyth idea... is that there was something, there was clearly something."
"The love of God is one of the great realities of the universe, a pillar upon which the hope of the world rests."
"The rich are the same in every universe: chronically ignorant to the plights of others."
"Everybody has a jot inside them; every single person here and every single person out there, they've all got the light of God inside them."
"The sense 'I am' is the supreme truth of the universe, the godly principle within all things."
"Some claim all religions reflect the same truth."
"Real truth is true for everybody, whether they believe it or not."
"There is one element that touches all our lives: the element of the unexpected."
"If these things are true, they have to be universally true."
"Knowledge management approaches are almost universally true across the board."
"It is only possible for one to recognize truth by the process of allowing truth to communicate the absolute base for truth which is ever present throughout the Universe."
"All truth is God's truth; it belongs to everybody."
"What is always and everywhere true must be noticed, accepted, and celebrated somewhere, sometime."
"There's only one truth that will prevail in your life without failure, without exception, and that is love."
"We all have this intuitive knowing."
"In the vast and captivating realm of metaphysics and ancient wisdom, we are introduced to a profound principle that unveils a timeless truth."
"The deepest substance of the universe is bliss."
"All the earth calleth upon the truth, and the heaven blesseth it."
"The awareness of consciousness is common to all of us."
"There is only love, and only love is real."
"It's time for us to understand that the devil exists within side of self of every man of culture, color, creed; it doesn't matter."
"That little absolute perfect loving creature is in each one of us."
"There is one truth that cuts across all ages."
"That was the True Light That lighted every man."
"Seeing dukkha as a universal, ever-recurring characteristic of the universe makes it possible to understand what it means to be a human being."
"Love is the answer, no matter the question."
"The truth of nature and the truth of justice has to be universal, not only from one corner of the Earth to the next but from one side of the universe to the next."
"Sir, what is that by knowing which everything can be known?"
"Everyone likes turtles, and you don't need a trailer to tell me that. That's just a known fact."
"I believe that this is at least a part of the answer of everything for every person."
"Above self-interest must come finally obedience to that which is naturally right, naturally true, inevitably so in the universe."
"This is universally true, you can use it everywhere."
"Time and space are universal concepts that form a big part of the fabric of our existence."
"Through the science of Kriya Yoga sent by Mahavatar Babaji in communion with Jesus Christ, Self-Realization Fellowship in the modern age is teaching the common universal truth underlying the original Christianity of Christ and the original Yoga of Krishna."
"You're not going to find anyone that disagrees with the notion that torturing people for fun is not evil."
"Every single truth that you've ever heard is true."
"Love saves all, love conquers all."
"The Atman is the light of all the suns of the universe, and it's your real nature, it's always available."
"There's a little truth to everything."
"We are all connected. It's getting really hard not to accept the fact that we're all connected."
"Everything in the universe exists as known and as unknown, but all of that exists in consciousness."
"When a writer is going to be so great that they can write about something that resonates with everybody, a universal truth, you've got to go to a deep place in your psyche, and that's a dangerous journey that takes its toll."
"Food always makes everyone happier."
"We're hardwired to recognize that feedback makes us better at just about everything."
"Truth spreads a truth that is universal and absolutely equal and equally accessible to everybody."
"It's really an amazing result no matter what a is no matter which prime n we choose."
"All things have an end, that is one simple truth in a universe which offers no true explanations."
"Some things are universally wrong."
"From a young age, I always knew that there had to have been God and a universal message for everybody to live by."
"A person of truth contains the whole universe."
"A silent death, a striking call, a warning voice that speaks to all."
"Music predates spoken language... that responds to a gathering of a tribe and the chanting of a lyric or a beat or whatever, that feels like the truth in the way very little else does."
"Kindness will always be the answer to everything."
"It's like the universe saying, 'You want to check this one more time? Do you still believe in this? Is this your truth?'"
"The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself."
"Love conquers all at the end of the day, love conquers all."