
Market Strategy Quotes

There are 1271 quotes

"Now is the time to get deep in the market and accumulate undervalued altcoins."
"Honda has priced the Clarity very aggressively for 2018."
"You make more money in a market crash than when the market goes up."
"Financial planning is the idea of building your finances around a plan so that market declines are an advantage to you and not a disadvantage."
"You cannot beat the market, so let's just invest in the market directly."
"When the market goes down 30%, we get excited. Buffett says, 'I like hamburgers, and when hamburgers go on sale, I eat more hamburgers.'"
"Bare market billions are made in the bear, but don't worry, we're still finding Alpha."
"Understanding that the market is more nuanced and the real people who have been in this market for a while understand that you can sell a coin, take profits, and still be really bullish."
"Investors need to prepare themselves for this shift by seeking value stocks rather than chasing new fads."
"The best advice anyone is ever going to get is 'Buy Low and Sell High'. The thing that people are least able to do is buy low and sell high."
"That's how business transpires: you super serve your market."
"There's really no such thing as a bad market, there's just bad strategy."
"If you believe in scenario one, buy the dip. If you think the Fed is too late and we're screwed, then you should probably sell stocks and wait on real estate."
"The right thing to have done during the late nineties was to move away from the new highs into the new lows, and I think the same is true today."
"What's more frightening is when a platform triggers price wars across all industries, pushing them towards recession."
"This isn't just a reflection on market strategy, but a lesson in respect, understanding, and cooperation."
"What I encourage you to do is to think about whatever it is you're bringing to market in those kinds of ways. Don't let somebody else write the rules; you write them."
"Red days are when you want to have as much education and support as possible because that's usually when you can make the biggest mistakes."
"You can afford to be very selective... the market will be there tomorrow."
"This is a picture-perfect example of how supply and demand zone works."
"Panic selling is never a good idea, and patience is the best idea."
"You want to buy quality companies when they go on sale."
"Your ability to use technical analysis in order to make good trading decisions and inevitably make money in any market is imperative."
"You play the market you have, not the market the way you think it should be."
"I'm not saying liquidate all your stock when the market's down. I'm saying that you should at least be diversified."
"You're doing the opposite of what you're supposed to be doing, and that is not a good way to make money; in fact, it's a great way to lose money in the markets."
"Be patient. It's going to be bloody for a while, but patience always pays in the marketplace."
"Warren Buffett believes that there are systematic mispricings out there that can be found and taken advantage of."
"It's been proven through history, no matter what market you look at, whether it be a new emerging market like cryptocurrencies or something like the stock market, that you will benefit as an average individual much more in the long term investing rather than trying to time the market through swing trading or even day trading."
"This course is going to show you with absolutely no fluff exactly how I trade the markets every day."
"Technical analysis is an art, not an exact science."
"It's effectively an IGP on a PCB with its own memory but no CPU attached."
"The intent of this card by Intel was to help fill the small business market for OEMs and pre-built systems."
"The investment strategy remains straightforward: when the market dips, buy the dip. It isn't just a tactic; it's a proven approach to create wealth. Don't overthink it."
"Strategically I think it makes sense for us to go up Market."
"We knew we could become the Bourbon that people instantly recognized."
"We're gonna keep making as many videos as we make. We're actually making more videos because you guys need to have this information. This is the information that turns you into somebody rich during a bear market."
"Retracements after strength: a constant focus and the basis of a lot of our trading tactics."
"If everybody knows that Samsung is actively working to try to destroy the independent repair market, that's not a good look."
"If you're betting on an altcoin, the only reason is because you believe it will outperform bitcoin."
"It gives us a context to look at the market modularly so we can take the price action and really look inside of it and look for setups."
"Buy on the sound of cannons and sell on the sound of trumpets."
"Follow the money and understand where you are in the market."
"Tesla solar is gonna be everywhere with these cheap freaking leases and then people are gonna get addicted to it."
"Hopefully this guy is going to show you how to flip NFTs, how to invest long-term in NFTs, and also the things you should never do."
"You always hear the expression, 'time to buy is when there's blood in the streets.'" - Jim Rickards
"Even if you hit a winning product, you're gonna find success very, very quickly."
"Time in the market is more important than timing the market."
"Having no exchange listings is an opportunity, having no good ranks on large coin market cap sites is an opportunity, being called a scam by everyone is an opportunity."
"In the final analysis, the way you remain competitive is to stay."
"Fortunes are made in the down market; they're collected in the up market."
"It's just been a matter of 'buy the dip' when we get some serious dips."
"Labeling the majority of a customer base as racist is exactly why you'll go out of business."
"If you're buying something that's going up, your probabilities of success are higher."
"Are you a long-term investor? Then these dips are your friend."
"Who are we to decide? Like, does the consumer want this? Does the consumer want that? We're not here to tell them."
"Being very specific will really set you apart from other potential buyers."
"Day trading is simply the act of capitalizing on intraday volatility."
"Investing in narratives is actually investing in narratives. Narratives drive markets."
"What you want to do is you want to identify narrative pretty early that's the kind of what you're trying to do trying to find the narrative before everybody else and then you want to invest in the narrative."
"I think Tesla's able to compete with all the luxury cars in Israel, a really smart market entrance."
"Prediction's all good and well but at the end of the day if you trade what the market gives you, you'll have a better idea."
"Your investment strategy should remain solid and consistent."
"Keep it simple in this market, complexity only makes things difficult."
"Access-based remedies are better than the vegetable remedies because they prevent the achieving on the benefits of the vertical integration."
"You have to know the goblin and what they're going to think. You find the coin that matches the narrative that the goblins like, and then they all jump into it."
"Let the thing go down to 700 or whatever. I'm going to keep buying this because it's going to skyrocket again."
"Every level...is meant to be broken and they're meant to be probed above and below...levels are meant to be broken."
"I care about the move to free to play which makes it easier than ever before to jump in and see what Blizzard's latest IP is all about."
"Price is back in the range, would need a minor support to break, a creative resistance if we get a closing 30 minute above this."
"Ninety percent of traders fail because they're buying when they should be selling and selling when they should be buying."
"Kia won't tell us how many k-9 hundreds they would like to sell."
"The k900 was going to happen anyway for the domestic market."
"When whales start buying, you know that's generally at the beginning of when you want to really start buying heavily."
"When people are greedy, be fearful, and when people are fearful, be greedy."
"Jim Ryan emphasizes value over price in relation to the PS5."
"Bull markets will make you money, bear markets will make you rich."
"Bloomberg on Tesla's pricing strategy: 'Tesla has been starting their offerings at the average vehicle selling price in the US.'"
"We have a better growth model, better markets, better USPs."
"My target ultimately for a Bitcoin is a four hundred thousand dollar price." - Max Keiser
"Setup number one: Market structure broken, we take the trade. Setup number two: The break sets the bias, then we go fishing for the other half."
"It's just business... They are selling these drones very likely."
"NFT price is plummeting? Well, just buy the dip. All my apes gone? There's always more apes. We're all gonna make it."
"So if you're wrong right here the market comes up and then creates a double top right here and you say okay I want to enter the position there you actually make more on the second position because you have a better risk to reward ratio."
"If we close above 32.68, that just makes it a stupid play for them."
"I will cover, I will get out of my position for the squeeze when the shorts cover, it's that simple."
"People don't know what they want until you show them what they want."
"Within hours of the flea market being added to the game... flea market manipulation had been demonstrated."
"Don't try to build something for the luxury markets, try to build something for the middle-class, the common person, and not just in one country but everywhere."
"What is the point of me being bearish? You think that's cool? You think that's going to make you money? Of course not."
"They made WoW specifically to compete and take the casual audience away from EverQuest, and obviously it worked."
"Tesla believes the long-term demand environment is strong... Tesla uses China as an export hub..."
"Sideways creates results, it's actually preparing for a move."
"When these prices hit it's like a gentleman's agreement between all of us that everyone buys at these areas."
"The real key to succeeding in this bull run actually lies in these dips."
"Every dip is an opportunity in a bull market."
"Remember that time in the market always beats timing the market in the long term."
"When you look at the big picture... any sell-off to me is a buying opportunity."
"The best business to start is when it's high leverage and in a big market."
"Much of the winnings in the market come from a few companies... they're well-run companies with special business models."
"Retail traders are obsessed with timing and entries, but banks focus on accumulation and distribution."
"The key is to be greedy when others are fearful and to be fearful when others are greedy." - Warren Buffett
"Buy low, sell high." - General investing wisdom
"Why would you want to push the same product everybody pushing?"
"Find where the trap is. Find where the retail trap is."
"I'm really very keen to see how people feel about what's been shown so far, and now that we have the price, the release date, and the pre-order info, there's six months to go and a lot of stuff we still don't know or haven't seen."
"The belief in the bubble, the mania, they short it and they give all their money to the long."
"Business ideas are like buses, if you miss one you just gotta wait for the next one."
"We're treating everything as a tradable opportunity. We're at the bottom of a trading range right now."
"Both of these companies are killing it. They sell the same product but to a very different and specific audience."
"Try to create a statistical advantage over the market."
"I'm a big believer in trading the market... until the market proves to you that it does want to fall into correction territory."
"At a certain point, it becomes more risky to hold the trade to target than to stop out."
"You can make money whether the market's going up or down."
"In bearish conditions, we expect the smart guys to sell above old highs, and the not-so-smart guys to buy above old highs—and we want to be on the selling side, obviously."
"Ideally, no one buys it. That would be the best."
"If you are in a dark place or you feel like you're hopeless or lost in the market, there is a way out once you switch up your approach and figure out what works for you the best."
"Price action is the only truth there is, your opinion does not mean [__]."
"I would create a 1/16 scale horse so that all of my action figures could ride."
"You need to develop robotic indifference. Prepare for all market conditions and have a stop loss."
"Breakouts need a correction through time. Wait for the consolidation to rest long enough."
"Schwab and Fidelity are really in a position where they need to be more competitive to take market share away from Vanguard."
"I feel like just out of spite for the market, we should be buying Apple shares if it goes negative today."
"It's amazing what it will do when you actually price your product somewhat competitively."
"I want to see them drive eventually to that $500 full-frame RF camera to get those entry-level buyers."
"The Tesla price cuts have had the desired effect in China as well."
"Finding these little wrinkles in the market can provide you with great opportunities to get high returns."
"Now you have the ability to scale a business idea assuming that you have a product and know how to find the customer."
"Sell already popular copyrighted, trademarked niche products on Amazon."
"The idea score... helps you determine whether this is a bad product, a good product, or a homerun product."
"Buy when there's fear and sell when there's euphoria."
"Whenever you see extreme fear in the market, that's when you want to be a little extra greedy."
"BlackBerry's looking to make a comeback by doing what I've been saying they should do for years: make an Android phone."
"Opportunity comes about when there is more volatility in the market... This is the buying opportunity, this is how you get in early."
"It's about how many times over and whether or not you actually sell it when it's at that price point."
"Which brings us to our final key territory: the European launch of the Sony PlayStation."
"You have this opportunity to lead your audience, lead your market, do things that are creative, do things that are unpredictable."
"Unsuccessful brands commit suicide by assuming they have everything right from pricing to audience."
"When there is blood in the streets...that's the time to be shopping and buying."
"So you can actually go anywhere you want in the greater solar system."
"But I think overall the trajectory is you know the people are investing much more sensibly today and it's a combination of the availability of the right instruments and the right programs right."
"We trade, it's a really good trade because we catch that like button."
"I think Sweetwater wants more money to grow because I think they're looking around and I think, if I was them, I'd be laughing at how no one's even trying."
"Don't be afraid to buy when things are getting cheaper."
"Microsoft holds a strong position in cloud gaming and subscription."
"Frankly, the steam deck is what a successful steam console looks like they did it it's just a handheld and they're using that as a trojan horse to develop an OS for a bunch of other products in the future."
"It's about spending it wisely, being shrewd in the market."
"Be sure to check out Patreon as well where I update the guys, the members there with our trade ideas and how I am seeing the market on a day-by-day basis."
"Blur declared the start of a war by moving their fee to zero percent for a limited time."
"There's a reason why I think that they might have to expedite their token and airdrop plans in order to compete here."
"Sony is not abandoning OLED...they made the A95L OLED so good that trying to cram another OLED TV into the pipeline in 2024 just doesn't make sense."
"You want to learn how to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful."
"Every single time in market history that the S&P 500 has pulled back more than 20 in a single year, it has proven to be a buying opportunity."
"As traders, it's our job to create a direction that we are given... but the market decides it and then we play off the market."
"My market was an aspiration to go to the next level."
"Investors call us nowadays more heavily when there is a dip in the market so they can buy." - Michael Sunshine, Grayscale CEO
"When you go to a market with a product, the only thing that matters is the consumer's perception of that product's value."
"When you know what you hold and you have the cash to spend, red days become your favorite days."
"This isn't the squeeze, it's as simple as that. They're continuing to double down. This is just not it, this is not it."
"Institutions are buying this dip. The institutions are taking it off exchanges, and those tokens will never be seen again."
"Exactly what I would do with Tesla... I bought heavier and heavier."
"I think the investors that bought during this time got a really good deal."
"Or you could just ship the game on PC and then sell that one game to five out of five of those PC gamers."
"The best attitude to have with earnings season is if things do go south and lots of companies sell off, look at that as an opportunity not as a problem."
"I think there is a market and I think bringing in a mini might tap into that market more so than the more expensive HomePod."
"It feels more like there are other lineups, like the iPad or even laptops, where you just see this big span of products."
"When the markets are down, this is when you come in."
"Back winners everybody, there's a reason good companies are expensive."
"Mr. Market offers a second bite of value stocks: investing in opportunism as much as it is about hard work."
"The golden rule is if you feel any type of emotion, fear or greed, do not buy, do not sell. Today, I'm not selling anything, I'm not buying anything, switching off my laptop and I'm going for a walk."
"What we found out is that SAC knew the hand before everybody else did and acted accordingly."
"Consolidation or trend continuation, either one is a win."
"The federal reserve is actually fighting the markets now."
"Setting the market is where all antitrust decisions are made."
"Luck is if you understand exactly what you're doing and you see a weakness in the market or an opportunity and you have really weighed out risk management. I absolutely think retail investors should participate in this part of the market."
"You make more money in a crash than you do in a boom."
"Apple are ripping us all off basically on the app store now. Apple or, uh, I'm not philippine, I've done a lot of things for the world, have changed a lot of stuff."
"At some point they're going to let it run and maybe we're almost there."
"If we're not going to get good news, then we need to have a dip now to make bitcoin so cheap that people sitting on the sidelines go, 'This is it, I'm selling my car.'"
"Aen really wants to penetrate the affordable market with high-end products."
"I love a bit of a correction to buy more lower."
"Don't fall prey to fear in the market; consider buying during dips for long-term gains."
"Embrace the fear and change the term to an extreme buying opportunity."
"Don't be second in a category, invent a new category when you're first."
"Every real professional looks at the market and says you can't escape advantage of it."
"Why take extra risk when the market's already giving beautiful returns?"
"Honor these lost souls. Don't lose that market because you can't be ours to summarize a movie but make it very concise."
"Most stuff is only engineered to last seven to nine years, did you know that? Seven to nine years because they have to keep the market open."
"If you can't offer the fastest HEDT parts, you have to offer the most value."
"Trying to miss a bear market can be more damaging than actually going through the bear market itself."
"If they fail, they just need to make one perfect innovative product with proper price and they can easily regain all the customers back."
"Amazon has declared full wholesale war on brands."
"Just in case you are [panicking], one river bought 600 million and they're looking to buy another 400 million."
"With the v8's promise of lively performance, unique sound, and a lower price, it may be just the thing to attract new buyers to the Continental."
"I'm betting that things go dramatically different, and here's how I'm going to handle this."
"Winning over gamers and to do that it's all about pricing really about price and performance."
"They absolutely have to price it lower and hopefully we see a situation where the pricing is substantially lower than their competition."
"The Genesis brand is not trying to compete with the Germans with front-wheel drive vehicles."
"If Microsoft wants to play ball in this particular marketplace they have to pay attention to the people they're trying to sell to."
"You cannot be a dabbler. Hype plays are great opportunities but they are the most aggressive moves in the market."